. 0.0.0... C. 0. . .00.... O... .. géoé‘o’ï¬oo’o’o‘o‘o‘. 0900 fo‘o‘uo’ï¬fo‘o’o‘o‘o‘. 0;“:03000000030300003090900090.0090? 0900000000900 000- ESTOKE UP!!! A despatch from NOrth Bay says:â€" “A cheque of large preportions, report- ed unofficially to be in the neighbour- hood of $600,000, will be handed over to Hon. George S. Henry, Ontario Pre- mier, as this year‘s contribution from the Temiskaming and Northern On- tario Railway, to the provincial treas- ury. In common with other railroads, but to a much less degree than most, the T. N. 0. Railway has felt the effects of the recent depression. Motor car and motor truck competition on the Ferguson highway has also eaten heavi- ly into freight and passenger traï¬ic. The fact that the Commission is able to report a profit of more than $500,000 despite prevailing conditions, however, is a reflection of the comparative pros- perity and intense activity prevailing in the gold mining industry. Last year’s earnings amounted to about $800,- 000. The Commission’s ï¬scal year ends on October 31. Chairman Geo. W. Lee recently pointed out that the physical condition of the road is being carefully maintained.†MMMâ€OOOOOOWâ€MWOOOOOOâ€Oâ€OOOWOOO†©300039909.09036300999360009033 9690060066000... Estimate Earnings of the ' T. N. O. Ry. at $600,000 Last week one evening there was a crash at Cobalt that resulted in Ed- ward Green, of New Liskeard, coming before the court on a charge of being drunk in charge of a car and of ille- gal possession of liquor. An Owen Sound man with him was ï¬ned $25.00 and costs for drinking in a public place. No charge was laid against a New Liskeard married woman who was the third occupant of Donald’s coupe, which, with Green at the wheel side- swiped a loaded provision truck from Exeter. Ont., on Lang st. Cobalt, with serious damage to itself. The truck parked at the side of the street; was little damaged, but the youth in its cab at the time got a sharp shock. When Chief G. W. Delves arrived. a jar of wine was found underneath the truck, but enquiry soon determined its owner. Investigation disclosed that Green had lbeen driving, although Do- nald first said he was at the wheel. The woman disappeared but was loca- ted later and sent home. WINE AND WOMAN IN AUTO RESULT IN TROUBLE AGAIN member: Banana Stock a tuning Exchange F. O’HEARN C0. G. F. Black - Dohcl‘ty Roadhouse Co. Phone 701 P.0’. Box 1239 Bank of Coinmerce Bldg. Timmins Specialists in Mining Stocks Cor. Third Ave. and Pine Streets TIMMINS Oddfellows’ Hall, South Porcupine Wednesday, N 0v. 16th ROUND AND SQUARE DANCING GOOD MUSIC 8 RM. TILL 12 RM. ADMISSION 25 CENTS EACH STOCKS BONDS GRAIN L‘ NLISTED STOCKS A COMPLETE INVESTMENT SERVICE Private Wires to all leadlng .markets. Fast and [ancient Service Call or Telephone 14‘ II \I L SOCIAL 8s DANCE ( Iorrespondent Carried on Conservative margin. - - Resident Manager Phone 100 Under Auspices of the Canadiwn Legion A man named Oscar W. Eaton was sentenced to three months imprison- ment at Sudbury last week on the charge of keeping liqour for sale. He admitted that he had used between 25 and 30 spurious permits for beer and wine and that he obtained these at the brewery warehouse. He told the court he had obtained the permits from employees of the brewery ware- house and that he used them to ob- tain liquor illegally. All names on the permits were ï¬ctitious he said. He would not name any of the employees he said were concerned. Five Crown witnesses testiï¬ed in the Sudbury court that they had purchased $2,000 worth of a certain brand of beer for Eaton bet-ween July and October. They explained the method by which the purchase was made and said that though they made more then one pur- chase in the one day they were not checked up at the brewery warehouse. They claimed that they never got any- thing from Eaton for this work, ex- cept an occasional bottle of beer. Eaton claimed he did not sell the beer but simply acted as a go-between. He claimed also that he made no proï¬t on the transactions but carried on to popularize the products of the brewery ï¬rm for which he was salesman. An editorial in The Northern Tribune of Kapuskasing, last week says:-â€"“The building of emergency landing fields in Northern Ontario as part of a future trans-Canada airway route for mail services is one sensible undertaking. This winter, two of them are to be built along the T. N. 0., two more at Pag- wa and NagCgami. and seven others east of the Manitoba border. We are in- , formed that in each case a square mile . of land is to be completely cleaned, and it is contmplated to light them. in the future with powerful beacons as an aid to night flying. A route skirting the north shore of Lake Superior was con- sidered, but definitely abandoned on ac- count cf prevalent dense fogs. The choice of «the straight northern route. paralleling the C.N.R. line, was logical and it is perhaps a signiï¬cant indicaw tion of the early designation of the same route for the companion way to the rails and the plane routeâ€"the trans-Canada highway. A start should be made on it without delay, because work MUST be found for our unem- ployed. Paying them direct relief has created a thoroughly mischievous situa- tion that will not improve unless and! until they are given useful work to do} to earn their bread. What use is it to ï¬nish sections of the trans-Can- ada highway years in advance of other connecting sections?" 1 SUDBURY MAN CLAIMS TO HAVE BOUGHT FALSE PERMITS Illuminating as to Route for Trans-Canada Highway The new home of the Le ie of ï¬ationsâ€"niâ€"llwbeâ€"a third of a mile long when completed and the League expects'to take possession‘gi‘n 1934. The estimated cost exceeds four million dollars. and more than a quar- ter of the expense has to be borne by the British Empire. The ï¬ve architects belong to four different nationsâ€"French, Swiss. Italian and Hungarian. This picture shows part of the new Palace of Nations in the making. ."r$n.§.,....r...usvuxvu..u. 0.. Phone 393 “Oh, yes. she looked him up in Bad- street before she tell an." “So Blanche is going to marry that. young man who saved her from drown- ms?" “So I understand." “But is she sure he is able to support her in good style. " If so, there is a very certain group of Timmins citizens who will do their own defending when next occasion arises. Yours very truly, Another Taxpayer. The Advance very heartily commends what “Another Taxpayer†suggests about the senselessness and evil of wanton destruction of preperty such as occurred in Timmins on Hallowe’en in at least one instance. where a fence was deliberately and senselessly des- troyed. Against such idiotic and un- sportsmanlike deviltries no condemna- tion can be too severe to suit The Ad- vance. But with other parts of the letter, The Advance is not in agreement. The Advance is not so sure that the dirty trick of te'aring up the fence this paper refers to (and it was the only one heard of as occurring here on Hallo- we‘en) was not the work of â€aliens†or communists. It was at any rate in complete line with their destructive and malicious ideas. For some time past certain of these alien agitators have been known to be deliberately damaging property in town to gratify their malice. They have been caught at it almost red-handed. If the writer of the above letter means to imply by “sons of Canada" that it was boys or girls, The Advance begs to differ as the work bore the evidence of the work of adults. There is too much tendency to blame everything on the youngsters. Halloween the youngsters seemed to behave, especially well this year. If “Another Taxpayer" is so sure that it wasn't communists that did the daun- age to the fence, he will perform a public service by telling the authorities just who it was that did this criminal act of wanton destruction. And who are the vandals in this case? Aliens? Communists? No, sir! They simply are the sons of our own good Canada! Perhaps, The Advance could tell us why Timmins is not getting at least some kind of protection from property destruction, even on Hallowe’en nights. Is it really that the blindpigs are keep- ing the defenders of the law extra busy since a very certain letter was publish- ed in a very certain Toronto newspa- per? Or is it that, there is no law to be defended on Hallowe'en night? NEW HOME OF LEAGUE 01:? “NATIONS PROGRESSES Indeed, when it comes to tearing away, literally, whole fences it. is sheer vandalism. Dear Sir: â€"â€"Hallowe'en and its so- called jokes are over once again, and unfortunately as far as the wanton destruction (called jokes by a new type of savages) is concerned. it seems to be getting worse every year. To the Editor of The Advance, Timmins Everyone will agree with the writer of the letter given below in scoring the vandals who did mean and senseless damage to property here on Hallowe'en There may not be as ready concurrence with some of the other points of his letter. Here is the letter:â€" Timmins, On-t., Nov. lst, 1932 Objects to Vicious Vandalism in Town (‘ orrespondent Scores the Wanton Des- truction Caused in 'I‘immins on llallowe’ on. No Joke About Some of the Senseless Damage. NOT OVER-RATED â€"Exchange THE PORC'UPINE ADVANCE. TIMMINB. ONTARIO -The Cochenour-Williams Syndicate is capitalized at 10,000 units, of which ap- proximately 6,700 units are outstanding. A percentage of the units were taken down for work performed on the pron- erty. Successful production at the Howey and thefact adequate power is avail- able are two factors lending back- ground to the present effort. Miss Margaret Regan, R.N., returned to Timmins recently after a two weeks’ holiday spent at her home in Charlton. The Cachenour lies across the arm of the lake from the high grade show owned by .Jack Munroe, well-known prospector, and drilled' last year by Conlagas Mines. Under de‘veIOpment by W. M. Cochenour during the past three years 'three lenses of ore run- ning 10 to 40 feet in width and show- ing a grade of between $5 and $7 in gold have been uncovered.- A large section, about 600 feet wide and 2,000 feet long, is reported to carry low values. ‘ A deal has been arranged by Ven- tures Limited. with the Cochenour- Williams Syndicate under which the former company will carry out an ex- tensive diamond-drilling program on the syndicate's holdings four miles north' of the Howey Gold. A diamond drill is on its way and should reach the claims any day. VENTURES LIMITED TO DO DRILLING UP AT RED LAKE Free gold has been'found.'in a num- ber of places on ï¬ve claims, the gold occurring both in the carbonate and quartz zones. Sulphides are principal- ly pyrite, with some sphalerite and jamesonite. the latter almost always indicating gold values. Indications ap- pear to be that in different places in the shear zones is or having excellent widths and'values. Success of Howey Gold Mines. Ltd.,| as a big low-grade gold enterprise' heariens owners of other properties in Patricia. district to the belief that there are other deposits of promise along the same lines. One such property often mentioned is the Cochenour-Williams. and particular attention has been drawn to this recently through a re- port prepared by R. H. Hutchison,,con- suiting engineer of’ Coniagas Mines, Ltd. 'Coniagas has been active in the: Red Lake area on the Mackenzie Island prospect, and has also acquired con- siderable ground of its own in that sec- tion, on Dorian Island, etc. ‘ PATRICIA DISTRICT SAID TO BE DEVELOPING “'ELL LOOK I! LOOK 3.‘ meC â€U? u. KC? 2. .2 O Etr‘w. g. In mm»; A. ~ * .n. for OVERSEAS Shipment You know. don't you. what a rare treat a luscious. Juicy apple is to overseas folk‘Iâ€"a Christmas present with a true Canadian flavor. Send a box to-day. We will arrange to deliver to any address in Great Britain or Ireland. Simply mall your cheque or postal money order direct to Fruit Dept. IT. EATON (2'... Toronto. or our local store man- ager will gladly look after all deâ€" tolls. Enr- Fancy “McIntosh Rods†Extra Fancy “Dellclous†3 com: QUALITY scuoon. The quantity is limited to the ï¬rst 160 cus- tomers. Come early to be sure you get yours. CHRISTMAS Delivered to Any Address in Great Britaiu or Ireland ALL FOR APPLES PENCELS ERA$ ER CHILDREN DIXON’S GEM Ont. Conservatives Annual Meet. NOVA president of the Liberal-Conservative Association oi" Ontario announces the eleventh annual meeting of the asso- ciation to be held at the Royal York hotel. Toronto. on Wednesday, Nov. 9th. The annual meeting of the pro- vincial Conservative party is an event of unusual interest and this year there are particular points of attraction. On Wednesday, Nov. 9th. from 9.30 to 12 is to be given over to the enrol- ment of delegates. At 11 am. Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett. prime minister of Can- ada, will deposit a wreath at the emo- taph at the city hall. The convention opens at 2 p.m., with addresses of welcome from His Wor- ship Mayor W. J. Stewart of the City of Toronto. and W. J. Wadsworth. Presi- dent, Central Liberal-Conservative As- Eleventh Annual Meetlng of Provincial (‘crservatlves at Torcnto next Wednesday. Premiers Bennett and Henry and Other Pro- minent Leaders to be Present. Assorted Chocolaies 250 SPECIALâ€"«BLUE ROSE WHITE SPECIAL â€"â€" EATON’S ASSORTED JELLY SPECIALâ€"MCCORMICK’S Delicious LLIALâ€"MCLDRMIC K’ Delicious MINCEMEATS ...u,. 19c RICE Sl’I'X bl’tzL‘!.‘\L~-«DREADNOUGHT BRAND c w "55Ԡ25 6'3 ‘5‘ 4 Rolls . BEAN$ bI’ISCIAL -â€" EATGN’S ARTIFICIAL VANILLA For All Your Baking lb. Tin ! EXTRA SPECIAL SPEC H’iLLJAL â€"~ DESSERT â€"- In FEARS 0/1 2mm? /. . . . Wizaf dam/011; line r a n k s w e l c o m e 3 each cup of the delicious full flavour of Empire Blend. Serve it alwaysâ€"not only for its superior full-bodied strength and delightful aromaâ€"but for its extraordinary economy. Just think. W‘TN a full pound. Effigy: ‘ "IIV/ 17/ l FBNGER BISCUITS ECIALH-DREADNOUGHT BRAND 11W (AL â€"~â€" BULK WHITE nts of attraction. . Nov. 9th. from 9.30 'en over to the enrol- . At 11 am. Rt. Hon. 'ime minister of Can- 3. wreath at the emo- .Irt land. MPP. Conservative mmmces the h e r m etlcally salad in an air- tight tin. for onlyâ€" l-lb. Tin my, Nov. the pro- an event POWDERS lb. box I In the evening there will be a ban~ iquet at the Royal York hotel. conven- ltion floor. For this event tickets may 'be secured from Mrs. Mackay, 606' Sterling Tower, Toronto, phone Ade- laide 2563. Doors Open at 6.15 for the banquet with the event beginning at In Light Syrup 0 No. 2 Tins The receiving or reports for the year will be followed by a short address on "Organization.†by Mrs. Howard Fallls. or Peterborough. ’ Then there will be greetings from members of the provincial cabinet:â€" ch. W. H. Price. Hon. Chas. McCrea. Hon. w. A. Finluyson. Hon. E. A. Dun- lop. Hon. T. L. Kennedy. Hon. Dr. J. D. Mcnteitli. H in. Leopold Macmlxy. Hen. W. G Martin. Hon. Dr. J. N. Robb. 11.12 Get. H. Challles, Hon. J. R CoJke. Hon. H. C. Scholfleld, Hon. Dr. Paul Poisson and Hon. T. A. Kidd. At 4.15 pm. there will be greetings from Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett, the pre- mier. soliation of Toronto; Mrs. Geo. Hast- ings. President Women's Liam-Con- servative Auxiiinry Association. of To- main There will tho be addresses by Hon. Geo. 8. Henry. Premier of Ontatio. and Hon. E. N. Rhodes. Minister 0! Finance. Dominion of minds. Pk gs. NOV. 4 . 10 ITEMS MARKED On Sale at These Price; SPECIAL CHOICE SPRING LOINS SPECIAL â€"â€" LYNN VALLEY GOLDEN WAX FRESH LOINS â€"â€"- EXTRA SPECIALâ€"EATON’S HEALTH 2 $2; SALTS 21c BEANS Spare Ribs ““3 3,“! 1(th LUle â€" for Roasting (house \uur lb FORK“MW . lbs. 9c 23c REL-No. 1 Choice Eating Tokay FOR 23c FRONTS lb. White and Mealy POTATOES 8 am.-â€"-10 pm Saturday only Fruits and Vegetables FOR FRIDA Y AND SA TURDA Y GRAPES WHOLE 0t HALF lb. $1.30 29c For Roasting 6c lb 11c â€9.“!!9. lb SUPER SUDS PALMOLIVE 5 CAP 24C SPECIALâ€" ‘ MANUFACTURERS OFFER 1 Regular Size Package Be Desirab/ - 1ocm415° ....FOR â€" *r‘ TAKE ADVANTAGE TOâ€"DAY GIVEN AWAY WITH THE PURCHASE OF 3 CAKES an nine trips. and carried.Two trapper 500 miles north fr. A Hudson Bay facto flown to a point James Bay. District ‘ Society. ' last. week from Elk L: Rouyn and PLANES PARRY 'l‘VVI-IN'I‘Y-T‘VO FROM IHH'YN IN SINGLE DAY 630 pm. From 7 will be onwmmme Ins. em. Pm 8 u Reception :11 1 mun-dimly after Governor-Gene With Size 138 Per (Jase Sweet and Juicy 6 quart Basket. Delicious LEGS lb. 1 9c 9;: 25¢ quar ll SHOUI DERS ORANGES Carson, shperlntendent of the of Cochrane Children's Aid was in Toronto on business FOR YOUR. 5000 â€(Al 7†APPLES MK lid llCIt‘d Good Size A\'(). 2 Size Tins 23c C. Grade the convention lobby rthe bumuet. {er of the operatlnc he General Always Osisko Lake. between nda. aerial transport on a more extensive $2.49 Rouyn staff 1001: of! 22 passengers were rs were transported am the local’base. )I’ and his wife were farther north on 65c ~ BC bodyguard. Band PAGE