Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 19 May 1932, 1, p. 4

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AAINING HOTEL PROPERTY FOR HBALE,. No. 9 Pine Street, South, ‘Timmins. Will be sold at big barâ€" gain. Apply on the premises,. 17â€"23p PROPERTIES FOR SALF| ARTICLES FOR SALE y Gâ€"Dresses, Coats and eWikiren‘s clothing, Apply Mrs. Laâ€" saxireauux, 108 Birch street, north, "Lenmins. ~48p FOR SALEâ€"Dry Slabs by mRWESSMAKINCâ€"DOresses, â€" chuiildren‘s Bzesses, masquerade costumes, etc. PROPERTY POR SALEâ€"Fourâ€"roon bhouse with water in and 14 acres land, at 80 Cameron Street, Notr Apply to Pete Lavarne, 80 Came North, Timmins. â€"~19â€"! WANTED TO BUY wressonable. Apply J =mmins. FANTED TO BUYâ€"Good secondâ€"hand Typewriter. Must be in firstâ€"class smondition. Apply to Hyâ€"Way Service Etation, Timmins, P.O. Box 659, phone KA4NTEDâ€"Used tents and smotors, in good condition. Â¥CO. Box 974, Timmins. TO RENTâ€"Small conf ironery store, in good locality. W #(C(». Box 395, Cochrane, Ont. â€"20 RWANTED TO BUYâ€"For cash fiveâ€"rcoomed house in good Etate lowest cash price to I 3%MH7. Timmins. FOR SALFâ€"16â€"inch Jackpine ®©# $3.00 a cord. 16â€"inch Tamarack, $3.50 a cord; also dry slabs at $5.00 z load. Phone 441, J. A. Daly, 110 Wilson Ave., Timmins. All wood eash on delivery. â€"9tf Pool Table MJR SALEâ€"Eightâ€"roomed hou: modern conveniences, ha "40oors ‘throughout, full size ba with furnace; central locaticr wly to 83 Elm Street, South, evyening, no agents. Timmins OR SALEâ€"Two lots, well fenced; and shack, 24 feet by 17 feet; price reaâ€" sanable. Apply to 75 Bannerman Avenue, Timmins. â€"19â€"20p TLaARJITL 4 ce FOR SALIEâ€"Near Matheson,| STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE, cleayp for cash. Write to P.O. Box| Call at 60 Lake Shore Road. ~20p 37 Matheson. | : e e n t ie o n i n yPrionmne riverside, not far moderate. Apply soth,. or write T swz furt PRNER STOREâ€"Onâ€" Kirby Avenue es#mer of Rea. â€"Five living rooms, #wod opening for shelf groceries, ice xzeam, candy, and school supplies. Come and talk it over with owner. HBackcock the Lot Man, 130 Kirby Awe.,. Timmins. â€"19 Apply to rear 0o Korth, Timmins. Wende AVvC Thursd Â¥TS FOR SALEâ€"Two lots on Kirby Ave., two corner lots on Rea and tBree lots on Wende Ave. ixpsilctings / BM FOR SALEF "hornlce and P GD FOR SALEâ€"Dry slabs by ad, ($4.50; also round wood ches: Jackpine by lots, $2.50 a « wa@ dary birch, $3.50 a cord. . $4.50; also round wood, 1 ekpine by lots, $2.50 a cord xi dry birch, $3.50 a cord. Chaput Mainville, 118 Firs Ird4 house from corner of PI sone 377, Timmins. Orders Ahumacher; prices right FOR SALE slabs ille, 1 trmm LEâ€"Fiveâ€"rsomed house, good cement block foundation; hot nace and town water. Locatâ€" 8 Wend FOR SALEâ€"Barbe ad town de Ave Timmin Brewery 5 5â€"room h A good location . from town. Pri o 61 Balsam Stre O. Box 1796, Tir roads; will subâ€" wWw. Edwards, Mary ols ~»201 Piant} must o P.O. Box 1 med hou wood, 1{f Ware 320 a loam cuse with harawood our or location. BOX â€"20D outboard Apply to ~19â€"200 10â€"36m0 tiful for taken â€"â€"14t1f Appl . AVE 1ns. and the O0p 21 »{ Mr. Henry Griffiths and family wish to express their very sincegre thanks for the kindly sympathy shown by friends in the recent accident and death of his wife: also to thank many {or the beauâ€" POSITION WANTED penter wants work b FPOR SALEâ€"O FOR SALEâ€"Milk cow cheap for cash.! _â€"â€" Apply after 5 pm. to 68 Fifth Ave., FOR RENTâ€"Three and fourâ€"roomed Timmins. ~20p | houses. Water and lights. Apply to 203 Cedar street south, Timmins 18p FPOR SALEâ€"Nineâ€" FURNITURE FOR SALE household effec‘is,. Appl: POR SALEâ€"Pigs POULTRY PROCTOR wood an FOR SALEâ€"Studebaker car in good| FOR RENTâ€"Room in private home running condition, for $50.00 cash.| without children. Apply to 85 Birch Apply to 26 Sixth Ave., before 1 pm.| Street, South, Timmins. â€"20p, Timmins. â€"20p| * F5 FOR SALEâ€"Twentyâ€"five th one year cld white, Plym ard one Cockerel; Pullets All laying. Apply to W. RAT FUR COAT FOR SALEâ€"Worn seven months only,.$40.00 â€"cash; also a few woollen articles, owner going abroad. Phone 348â€"J or apply to 165 Maple Street, South, Timmins. 20â€"22p FOR SALEâ€"Hcusehold Fu goxi condi‘tion, Dining R Rugs,° Bed, Dresser, Kitcl Chairs, Stove, Ice Box, K SECONDâ€"HAND BABY CARRIAGES! FOR SALE; in the best of condition ; | $5.00 and up. Apply at Ideal Hardâ€"| ware and Furniture Co., Limited, 56 FOR SALEâ€"Car in good runnin dition, cheap for cash; must b Acoly to‘ll18 Ceodar Street, FOR SALEâ€"Dahlia bulbs, reasonably priced. Apply Chas. Haystead, 35 Way Ayv mins. FOR SALEâ€"Kitchen cook tables and onz> dGdressing FOR SALEâ€"Onz lady‘s bicycl twoâ€"burner electric stoves, tw en sinks, and one baby carrig key, Nearly new. Everyt gocd cohdition. â€" Apply to ° Hotel., Timmins. FOR SALEâ€"Child‘s bed. Apply in the mornings to 12.30 to 103 Pine Street, South, or to Rex Tea Room, Timmins. â€"20â€"31p FPOR SALEâ€"Findlay kitchen range with warming closet and reservoir. Apply to 17 Bannerman Aveo., 3 FOR SALEâ€"Sedan Studebaker ET skine, in go>cd condition; will se cheap. Apply to 75 Fourth Ave Timmins. 20 FURNITURE FOR SALEâ€"Stove, reâ€" ror RENTâ€"Fiveâ€"roomed filat and sun frigerator, congoleum rugs, beds, and porch, all conveni¢ences. Preference other articles. Almost new. Applyl to adult family. . Rent per month, to 38 Fifth avenue. â€"20H1 Apriy to 202 Maple St. South, Timmins. â€"20 s t e\ y a tÂ¥ Pu‘s c Loo o Ks M W# s condiCtl Timmi $5.00 and ware and Third Ayv grOW Broev 9¢c e Pulle Hamilton South Street and one CCcker? All laying. App South Poercupine App‘.y M Ave., »hone 876 AITl CARD OF THANK SAT SALEâ€"Baby chicks, R ach; SC.W. Legh>orus, ] ts and started chicks at prices. Apply to R ilton, Cobden, R. 4., Ont ALEâ€"Bush honeysucklse and hardy shrubs and perennials. Mrs. F. J. Hamilton, 68 Bruce South Porcupine. â€"20â€"21h Â¥ orksnire : $5.00 each P.O. Box 74 tributes sen Rocks $11.00 s, Long Bran urniture Timmin ANGE FOR SALE, for water front. Apply ‘ Street, Ssuth. â€"~20p Bannerman immins. > 70 FPirst hreeâ€"burnt .: ~Apply. .1 Timmins. > Apply ‘to do computing scoop two pounds; in good plece dining Old Purniture 1 iing Rcom Suite ‘, Kitchen Table Box, Kitchen ar Spruce â€" Street Ba P.O. Box 9174, â€"19â€"20p ea€ roughbred, uth Rocks $1.25 each. 10 od stock to Mrs ve.. Timâ€" Windsor| ROOM AND BOARDâ€"For ~â€"20tf g all conveniences. Apply Street, South, Timmins. eR esns rdy d oth! 170 Ba 11 Mapl thr kitct Red: each Timâ€"| SHOP FOR RENTâ€"At 13 Cedar Street -18pi North, $35.00. Apply to O. Sauve *‘ Hamilton Block, Timmins. .20p.FOR RENTâ€"Will rent reasonable, a red, Ocks ach. ; nice bedrscom in a comfortable home with all conveniences; breakfast, if desired. Apply ‘to 60 Wilson Ave., Timmins. â€"20p TW ?1p| ROOM FOR RENTâ€"Furnished, all â€"â€"| conveniences. Apply to Mrs. W. Mcâ€" W2 +\ â€"Cracken, 10 Eim Street, South, Timâ€" 56 ot Oll e 11‘ FOR RENTâ€"Small confectionery store on 1 ge } ir. ! and living apartment. Rent $40.00 a month. Will sell fixtures and stock at reasonable prices, Apply Corner of Ninth Avenue, Cochrane, Onâ€" farien ~20â€"21 20 The family of Mrs. Roxburgh wish to thank the many friends who showed such kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of Mrs. Roxburgh, especially thanking the nurses and docâ€" tors, and the many who sent beautiful FOR RENTâ€"Heated flat. Apply beâ€" tween 1 and 4 pm. to 15 Mountjoy Street, Timmins. â€"~18p ROOM FOR RENTâ€"Student, store office clerk pizeferred. Apply to Eim Street, North, Timmins. ROOM AND BOARDâ€"In Schumacher for two yvoung men, in well furnished POR RENTâ€"Fou summer kitchen Ave., Timmins. FOR RENTâ€"Threeâ€"room apartment; water and toilet. Apply 155 Pine Street, South, J. E. Leblanc, Box 793, =~19tf HOUSES FOR RENTâ€"At 13 Way Ave., new house, $25.00, front tenement at 71 Hemlock Street, $22.00. Apply to O Sauve, Hamilton Block, Timâ€" min«. â€"~19 FOR RENTâ€"Basement of St. Charles Hotel, corner of Cedar Street and Second Ave. Size about 30 feet by 50 feet. Suitable for any kind of club or poolroom. For more particuâ€" lars apply to City Service Station, comer of Cedar and Second Ave., Timmins. â€"~18â€"21p ROOM FOR RENTâ€"Furnished rcom and two apartments furnished for housekeeping. We have the telephone. Apply to 77 Balsam Street, South, Timmins. â€"20p RUSSELL HOTELâ€"Board and Roomâ€" By day, week or month. Rates $8.00 to $9.50 a week. Hot and cold water, year round. Phone 275â€"W., or call at 2 Wilson Ave., Timmins. ~3tf BOARDERS â€" WANTEDâ€"Room . and board in private home, all conveniâ€" ences. Apply to 75 Bloor Ave., South Porcupine. 18â€"19p OFFICES FOR RENTâ€"Also furnished rooms. Apply to Building offices, No. 18 Reed Block, from 9 a.m. to 11 am. and 3 pm. to 6 p.m., Timâ€" mins. ~18â€"20 FOR RENTâ€"Large front room in quiet home, with housekeeping privileges; very suitable for couple. _ Apply to 212 Elm Street, South, Timmins. â€"~18p FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENTâ€" Clean and comfortable. Suitable for light housekeeping. Use of phone and kitchen. Apply to 5i Fifth avenue. or mrhone 64W. 304 BOARDERS WANTEDâ€"Clean rooms and good meals Apply 205 Balsam Street, North. â€"~20p Ma nd rcupine TEDâ€"Expe okens HELP WAN Hemloc ced jlaundress eferences required Ave., Timmins. ~23( comed h Apply to [rs, L. Halp h. Timmins 95 assist with 5$ Lake Shore «20 convenience: Call â€" 764â€"M â€"20¢ 20â€"21p men, Birch â€"~20p or 20 FUR COATS CLEANED GLAZED REâ€" LINED AND ALTERED:; firstâ€"class workmanship. Sinclair the Valet 21 Fourth Ave., Phone 625. ~3t{f the revard only LEACHâ€"In loving memory of my dear daughter, Florence Archer Leach who entered into rest on May 2lst 1928. Two dear bright eyes, a tender smile, A loving heart that knew no guile, Deep trust in God that all was right, Her joy to make some other bright. If sick or suffering one she knew Some gentle act of love she‘d do, No thought of self, but of the other I knew He said "Well done dear Florâ€" â€"Ever rememberéed by Mother, Broâ€" thers and Sisters. 2?0p PASTURING FPOR HORSESâ€"Or also Ists for sale, half a rmile Timmins. Apply to E. Hamelin ernment Rcoad, Timmins. â€" shall then have had ncotice, the said Duncan A. Campbel be liable for the said assets thereof to any person whose shall not then have received Dated at Timmins this F day of May, A.D. 1932. WILLIAM O. LANC Solicitor for the said Duncan . bell, Administrator. TWO SALESMEN WANTEDâ€"For outâ€" ofâ€"town territory, gord earning and chance for ‘advancement. Apply to Room B., in basement cof Gordon Block, Timmins. â€"20â€"22 CUSTOM LADIES‘ TAILOR, re and remodelling, cleaning and j ing. Sloma Tailors, Phone 59 Third Ave., Timmins. Notice is hereby given that all p sons having any claims or dema against the late Angus Camjpibell, w gdied on or about the Third day of Ap 1932, at Timmins, Ontario, intesta are required to send, post prepaid, to deliver to the undersigned, solici herein for Duncan A. Campbell, A ministrator for the Estate of the s Angus Campbell, their names, ® dresses and full particulars in writi of their claims and statemen‘s of th accounts and the nature of the secu ties held by them, if any. And take notlce that after the 2( day of June, A.D. 1932, the said Du can A. Campbell will proceed to d tribute the assets of the estate amo Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Villeneuve of Schumacher wish to thank Dr. Robinâ€" son and assistant also the sisters and nurses of St. Mary‘s hospital, and friends for care and kindness shown during Mr. Villeneuve‘s recent illness. WANTED AT ONCEâ€"Two neat an biticus men; good pay, steady emplo; ment the year round to right partlie Apply to F. Henderson, 66 Elm Stree North, upstairs, Timmins. â€"% Nc:tice is hereby given that a Court of Revision will be held in the School House at Hoyle on the 1st day of June, 1932, at 7 p.m., for the purpose of hesarâ€" ing disputes in the assessment of Unâ€" ion Schcol Section No. 1, Hoyle and Matheson. DANCING SCHOOL â€" For children, tuition included, tap and ballet dancâ€" ing, etc., very moderate fees. Write Mrs. Harold Burt, Box 948, or cali at 17 Borden Ave., Timmins. 43â€"45ptf FUR COATS, CLEANED, GLAZED, KELINED AND ALTERED. All work guaranteed by Sloma Tailors, phone 592,; 69 Third Ave., Timâ€" mins. ~10t1f NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Angus Campbell, late of the Town of Timâ€" mins, in the District of Cochrane, Shiftboss, deceased. CHILDREN FOR ADOPTIONâ€"Goo( homes desired for children, boys an girls, Catholic and Protestant, age 4 to 14 years. Any home desiring to adopt a youngster should hav« their clergyman write A. G. Carson Supt. Children‘s Aid, Timmins, Ont 44t J MORIA M i by them, i1 any. ake nctice that af June, A.D. 1932, th Campbell will pro the assets of the e ns entitled v to the c Mrs. A. C. White l parsiecwars ] and statemen he nature of t that after the 20 1932, the said Dun will proceed to dis of the estate amon led therets, havin: claims of which h anr onntire and tha Secretar nCt paid, or solicitor ell, Adâ€" the said es adâ€" earniny? rapidly., o $6.000 ablished y giving Rawâ€" 92, 69 ~10tf their curiâ€" 1p TOO LATE FOR (‘LASQI-'NO Se FICATION 1 Opening of Trial of Thirtyâ€"four at Rouyn Princeée Inmnay be a grealer meni stability than the former Kak Toronto Mail and Empire:â€"T German Repubtic would be on a saf fcoundation if it had insisted upon t. permanent exile cof all the Hohenz lerns. In fact, the former Crov Prince mwmay be a greater menace to : Sherbrooke Magistrate Opened Trial Men and Women Foilowing the Disorders at Rouyn on May lst. A despatch on Tuesday from Rou Quebec says:â€" "As aftermath of an alleged Co munist demonstration which was br en up by police at Rouyn on May trial opened today of 34 persons, cluding three women, accused Oof : lawful assembly. Porcupine and Inlerest even keener than usua that several parties wil here to take in the evem be from 10 to 2. chestra will furn music. Invitatio souvenir programmt for the event. Eac Timmins and Schum Throughout the heat C smoke from a nearby st swirling over the courth and argument was heard siding magistrate, E. J served judgment in fo served judgment in four Cases. other accused will be tried as rapic possible but proceedings are exp to last for some days. Steve Pavletich Croatian lab Alec Matti, Russian, Byll Simer; Jugoâ€"Slavia and Emil Sulsa, Hur were the accused whose cases heard on Monday. Leonard Roy, KC., Montre: Crewn upheld the right of t and the police of Rouyn to 1 meeting which might ‘be re: disturbing to the peace or j jeopardy the property of cit denounced tactics of "such st1 coming to Canada, accept its ty and seek to undermine its destroy its domestic institutic flammatory and seditious sp Under the byâ€"laws of the Rouyn such an assembly a May 1 was ncot illegal, declare Garber, of Montreal, acting May 1 was not QECIATCOU IMLICILIALCi Garber, of Montreal, acting for the Until ‘the arrival of qpolice, who ordered the demonstrators to disâ€" perse and aroused their resentment the meeting was peaceable. he said. "It is unfortunate that matters turned out as they did. Without police interference there might have been no untoward ocâ€" currences," Mr. Garber said. Chief Lapointe of the town police and Constable Gaudet of the Royal Canadian Mounted iPolice stationed at Amos, Que., described the May Day ssene. Each had been injured by flyâ€" ing rocks or other missiles while disâ€" persing the crowd. Four rows of male and female prisâ€" oners sat in court, three stylishly dressed girls among them. Pavletich, whose case came first, was accused of throwing stones at Consvable Gaudet, who subsequently chased him down lane and placed him under arrest. Matti took the stand in his own defence to state he knew nothing of the ocbject of the meeting. He was attracted by curiosity, and ‘was caught in a police charge, being hit on the head. He was arrested and given first aid by Conâ€" stable CGaudet. Simergo was accused by Chief Perrault of the Noranda 1 ylice of having thrown rocks at Chief Laâ€" pointe. Sulsa was also declared to have hurled rocks at police. May 18tt and pipes no damage Sunday afternoon May 15th, at 5.50 p.m., the fire brigade had a call to the Mattagami River bridge, there being a fire in the planking and the blaze was going merrily when the firemen were called. It did not take them long to put the fire out, but some damage to the bridge was done. The cause of the fire was likely the careless drop>ing of a lighted cigarette. The planking on the bridge should be replaced, much of it being rotten and, unless repaired, more or less dangerous. It is a proâ€" more or less dangerous. It is prC vincial structure. Other fire calls responded to durin the past week included the following May 13th, 3.50 pm., grass fire at th corner of Vimy and Fourth; no dam EASTERN STAR DANCE EVENT AT SOUTH PORCUPINE, MAY May 1l4th, 10.30 am., from street near Seventh avenue, bushes and grass; no damage. May 16th, 1245 pm., chimn at 77 Balsam street; no damag May 1l7th, 8.25 chimney 118 Maple street, south; no dar Bridge Needs Reâ€"planking. Fire Likely Caused by Cigarette, Other Fire Calls During the Past Week. attagami Bridge Damaged by Blaze held in hnool hall ‘egk. Ma police OI IvCUYMN UCO i which might ‘be re: 7z to the peace or the property of cit 9.50 tics of "such strang2rs as, ada, accept its hospitaliâ€" undermine its laws, and nestic institutions by inâ€" id seditious speeches. byâ€"laws of the town of an assembly as that of , illegial, d@eclared Michael actinge for the mm nouse, ird, an Da the day, ous bush the co » forbid HHCTLUITEC rapidly lacing zens. Hungary 1O0T imon Th nV th iC of were many ol these advantages for the settler, but times have changed. It is ‘earnestly hoped that governments, federal, provincial and municipal, will unite in opposition to any scheme fwhich would result in men being in the North Country without ‘means of subsistence. It may almost be taken for granted that no movement of this nature, on any extensive scale at least, will be allowed. The federal govâ€" ernment‘s scheme of placing people on |the land, being carried out under the direction of Hon. W. A. Gordon, is one that commends itself to all thinking people, but any suddenly organized movement, without proper precautions being taken against future disaster ‘must not be allowed." There has not been single North Land newspaper that has not protested against the foolish scheme suggested in the daily papers of some eight or nine hundred men marching from the Windâ€" sor area to the North Land to take up land. One of the best comments on the question was the editorial last week in The Haileyburian. In this connecâ€" tion The Haileyburian saAySs:â€" "Recent â€"_newspaper stories from Windsor and the Border Cities, to the effect that a large number of unemâ€" ployed men are preparing for trek into Northern Ontario, appear to be something of a puzzle to many people throughout the country. The propoâ€" sition is outlined as a movement to take these men from their city homes into the woods of the clay belt, there to become selfâ€"supporting and thus reâ€" lieve the cities of the burden of caring for people who are out of employment. The whole idea does not make sense and it is very doubtful if it will be alâ€" good news to hear that the Department of Highways of this province is deter. mined to stamp out the menace of the "oneâ€"eved" car, and the car that has §¥ : there i labouret ieve the cities of â€" ‘or people who are The whole idea d Trees Planted on Road to Haileybury Cemetery or iess negiécled, due TO The newness of the country, the more or less transient na‘ure of the population in the larger contres, @and general conditions. Durâ€" ing the past few months The Advance has received several engquiries as to the Ontario Cemeteries Act and its proâ€" visions for a cemetery commission to oversee all the cemeteries in the disâ€" tric‘. These enquiries show the interâ€" e:t in the minds of the people in general. Toâ€"day ‘the people of the North are not as trans‘ent as was the case some years ago. The country is becoming "settled" in the full meaning of the word, and it is conly natural that there be increased attention given to the last resting places of those who have passed away in this country. At the present time everything in reâ€" gard to the betterment of cemeteries in the North seems to be of interest genâ€" erally. That is why The Advance had reference recently to charges in regard to the cometery board at Haileybury. would appear that the interest shown by the people warrants town and townâ€" ship councils taking a greater interest than has been done in the past in cemetery matters, There will be genâ€" eral interest in the following paragraph from last week‘s Haileyburian:â€" "Fiftyâ€"two white birch trees have teen panted along each side ¢of the new road leading from the Ferguson highâ€" without being 1 successfully. T provement is bo: eybury cemeter; isters Mount P His Lordship Bi new Roman Cat or less neglectec the country, the nature of the p way to T this sprir within th this spring, the work being c within the past week by Geo. J This makes a great improveme rsadway, which was graded an ed last summer. The trees a white birches and are of a g without being too large to t ush in these re no timber n, the mining wamped with There is a general feeling throughou he North that more care and atten icn should be given ito the cemeterie n this country. There is a belief tha p to the present they have been mor r less neglected, due to the newness 0 nt ma is no great demand for farm rers and no market for any proâ€" that can be readily taken from sh farm. In earlier days there many of these advantages for the r, but times have changed. It is stly hoped that governments, al, provincial and municipal, will in opposition to any scheme i would result in men being many of these ady r, but times have stly hoped that s plenty made use ense in Provosed March of Men to North s‘ AUXILIARY TO HOLD ANNUAL PICNIC ON JUL could mak ea does not m doubtful if it w back to the Lan all right in one way. y of land that is not : of, but to imagine that mnothing in the way of [ make a living in the times is absurd. There operations being carried towns of the North are men looking for work, expense of this im jointly by the Hail oard, which admin a k nd Tenders will be received dersigned up to May 27th, supplyâ€"of eight Police unif KWhaki fourâ€"piece sults. Mr. E. Lasalle, of the Browe house staff, is spending hi vacation near Amos, Que. Mrs. R Havelock ing her mil her M1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGuire, an baby child, of Detroit, Mich., are spend ing a short holiday at the home of M McGuire‘s parents, Mr. J. S. McGuir« Mr. and Mrs. McGuire motored all ti way from the American city, and re ported gocd going, the only trouble ex perienced being near Porcupine, a ba hole in the road holding them up fo Word over the radio on Tuesday was said to suggest that a member of the Lindbergh household had committed suicide, and that $10,000 in bills had been found in herâ€" possession. ‘The slanderous and cruel suggestion was proven to be false as soon as the dally newspapers were consulted. There was startling disclosures, however, in the case, J. H. Curtis, who has been EXPECT NEW PARKK TO BE READY FOR OPENING, MAY 24 work on the buildings and on the other improvements at the new park being established at the river by Mr Babcock is progressing in good shape and it is expected the work will be oOffiâ€" clally opened on Tuesday next. May 24th. The main building, 80 by 100, is now being rocofed and a good gang of men are rushing this and other work to completion. Riverside Park, as it is called, will have many amusement feaâ€" tures. It is close to the bridge and is expected to be a popular site and STARTLING DEVELOPMENTS AGAIN IN LINDBERGH CASE to the mines of the district are given as nearly half a millicn, buildings and plant on the Powell, Wa‘te and Montâ€" gomery and Acherman properties sutâ€" fering this heavy loss from the bush fires, A published in The Globe yesterdGay says that the blame for starting the bush fires in the Rouyn area is laid at the doors of disaffected aliens of red type. One man who conâ€" fesses to setting ten separate fires in the bush is under arrest, and search is said ‘to be carried out now for anâ€" cther man, an @lleged communist. EIGHT AT ROUYN GIVEN JAIL TERMS FOR MAY 1ST ACTIONS Fires Said to Threaten Again in the Rouyn Area 31 dge of a chicker Mrs. E. M. hildren‘s Aid 7 the sick list ith a severe ( Widc id d Ine RC TOWN OF TIMMINS NOTICE nit D Mrs. Isnorâ€"And ent progress n Isnorâ€"Andrews "riday evening a< for appendicitis bus Lo the f M outt n{d expecis [0O Deé eSL@ADiISIM rmanently, conducting an i veterinary practice, Mr. Du topping for the present at U f Mr. Leslie Walker, 58 Map it in pretended efforts to seâ€" return of the baby, now adâ€" o police that all his tall yarm . This morning the bulletin t he has since suggested that cock, former Canadian pastor, for the way Curtis deâ€" ie Lindberghs and the police 1, it is possibly the most unâ€" ind revolting affair in history he world may say,. "Poor Lindâ€" homa Anderson, who has bee r couple of monthis : ather,. returned lhrome TC day are that with the rau ‘es are azain a danger shelter a this week Timesâ€"Jour United Statd ndi a thi be plef Andrew by 1 States limitin $1 000,000 maks 5St. Ma and is t at vÂ¥ Ware hn > kn maki mAKl!IL S lhirox Th 1I

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