N ATIQ N A L MAKE AND KEEP YOU WELL Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives "Listen to me on Thousands of people have been comâ€" pletely and permanently relieved not oaoly f}r'om constipation, but also from serious illness of long standing by the proper use of Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives, which stimulates FIVE vital organs to work naturally, The great discovery of a brilliant doctor. Try it! You are sure to benefit. 25c. and 50c. a box. *"*I recomâ€" mend Fruitâ€"aâ€" tives Personally, 1 iÂ¥ered from Remember that not even the costliest cosâ€" metics can hide the evil effects of a clogged, poorly functioning system. ENO assures the inner cleanliness and pure blood which are the only real foundations of a good comâ€" plexion. Millions of women have proved this, So can you. But be sure you get ENO. Retain your youthful beautyâ€"prevent unâ€" sightly skin blemishes, sallowness, dull eyes and sagging facial musclesâ€"by following this simple rule: first thing every morning, drink a glass of sparkling ENO‘S "Fruit Salt‘. 1O ever before . . . with rates this year at econâ€" omy levels. That long dreamed of trip to Alaska, for inâ€" stance, costs surprisingly little. Reduced fares for your rail trip through Rocky Mountain scenic wonders to Vancouver, Victoria, Prince Rupert or Seattle and by boat through the mountainâ€" yuarded Inside Passage to Skagway where the Trail of ‘98 reâ€"lives its romance. glaAZING Sales Representatives for North America: Haroid F. Ritchie Co. Ltd., 1018 McCaul St., Toronto Cs 18 The words * Fruit Salt" and ENO are registered trade marks They have done me a Aylmer, On more punishment In JY I champ rounds ind Boxing mins T Wadsworth to win Canada Title ytech _ batt : Hamilton paper in referring to t ch between Adams and Wadswor :â€"â€"‘"‘The only extra round bat GCound ciass. Th Grafton trophy as. The champ raVvis, cham; vorth, hi Experts Look for Former Tim Lad to Win Out at Dominion Boxing Tournament This Week. V ty uncovered surpt 1 Adams repsatedly * Hamilton paper s h, of ths Polytech ; a victim of a ba And f real ral fans when Adan _ Hami »llent e five stanzas of the battle. nd, Gravis was sent to his gy, but came ‘back to take hment in the third chapter i malnliy fighting eauently t h O N atel d won hn On connection wi on papers said ma.kliâ€" was t helo n In T h 1931, against Hamilton, in is match was an Adam intage r the P fiv * says:â€"Le chnic, Han bad decisio Il ‘count 1 from he WwA ised in Wads1 Roy Adan ven,. bi tha mInltl! DALLT Adam Or A1n 147 11 h view of destruction was in 1923, when 1,343 fires destroyed 2,120,148 acres of land, including 593 569 acres of timber land. In 1928, the number of fires was comparatively few, 536 in all. In 1931 there were 1,851 fires with 138 287 acres burned. Blairmore, Alberta, Enterprise:â€"At Penticton, a man drawing forty cents a gday relief pay was able to make a morn:th‘s purchase of $97 worth of liquor. Departm Q@ueen‘s ° of 463,135 In view of the following facts and figures, this year (or any year) seems a bad one to attempt to economize in the matter of protecting the forests of Ontario. In recent years Ontario has escaped fairly lightly in the matter of bush fires. This is not so much a case of luck, though no one will find fault with fortune in this particular. All the luck possible is needed in this line. There has been more than luck, howâ€" tnhe cha@Ampion, but wher kid is right, I feel sure he can ou any lad of his weight in Ca Hamilton boxing fans haven‘t yei him when he is fit. He possesses « the greatest left hands I have seen, and he has a fighting heart YEAKLY AVERAGE OF 1,2098 BUSH FIRES SINCE 1917 »ver. As in the cease of th Timmins, freedom from fire purchased by fire prevegtion fighting methods. The idea to stop fires before they st: this is not possible, at least to letic Club, Emera Len â€" Wadsworth weight, will maks the Dominion ar and evened Wadsworth OT W a h f the Canadian Vadsworth helc me f1 the ranks of ‘addy‘"‘ will have Howard William Ontario cham nships in h. Pitcher h the write )by on alm Want A€ Column Brings Result weight C the ran yeak TTISH DUKE TO VISI CANADA His Grace The Di ident of the Scott month in the An speak at various clubs in t in port in Montreal, when products and will be open t certain hours. Many of the pany their exhibits. IL h nol NAS ‘Orth won the mn@AtC as presented with ‘ Frank Lennard . Dundas Lions Club. ‘omment in "Stra in the Hamilton F worthy cofo reprod _ decision. can get the Dominion back in h e Polytect ns, Donat ures th ) #1 ungster‘s cCc o into action Tl sick boy fo he Ontario ti ed The Duke ul hn veale will Richard and Len [ the 1 jominal bo chought se However, I 1€ a gI s, of Kirklan ion, but wh "I believe," boy in figh championst THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO n on the first nig igainst Roy Adar ._ For three rour > veteran even, | strong snowlil eur boxing c to, May 12th led in convers night that "W Duke of Mont ottish Trade M Anchorâ€"Donald is clubs in Can ind l cay Â¥du Bartor oung Ti in it showing in in CaAnt hen the »rotecâ€" Irt OI 11 ham M 221 31 11 18 on dyv I1 e e On denced by the millions which taxpayer:s are pouring out in relief measures. Last Sunday‘s parade organized and advertisâ€" ed as protest of the "unemployed," provâ€" ed in reality to be a public attempt by foreign agitators to show their strength. To confuse the events of May Day or the demands of the agitators with thase of the legitimately needy is an insult to the latter. "Communists in Sudbury have at last appeared before the public in their true colours. Public support, which migcht the paraders knew full well what expected of them. When they rei to comply with the demands of police commission, thsy placed tt selves in the position of cpenly flot public opinion and literally threw a challenge that red blooded citi ship could scarcely ignore. "The question of free speech is tirely apart from the issue of last day. No flag in the world has /‘ more tolerant of free speech than flag which the May Day marc sought to insult. To say that symn» Canada Too Small for the ; Reds and Their Parades red filag, symbol of Soviet aims : icmination, is a foreign imp ind is entitled to be treated ; When the red flag or any other lag is raised in Canada, comn rency and international ethics hat the Union Jack be raise with it. When the parade was he paraders knew full well wl xpected of them. When they 0 comply with the demands PC GOlCD@anNt Ol ITEE SpeRCch ThAtr ag which the May Day mar ught to insult. To say that sym; r the unemployed is lacking in untry is blatant untruth, as ‘nced by the millions which taxp ‘e pouring out in relief measures. inday‘s parade organized and adve as protest of the "unemploved. " 1 11 Inder the heading, "May It be t t Parade," The Sudbury Star says:â€" Sudbury Communists committed al error on May Day when they dé ‘rately flaunted British sentimer this community by raising the re ; at the head of a parade, instead _ Union Jack, as required by loc: laws. In their summary and e> itious action to quell the parade an ce the read flag where it belonss, s as this country is concetned. th ice won the support of true Britis jects and rightâ€"thinking citizens. id to t} 11 la is proud of her British c and to the average TCanac m Jack is the symbol of individual and political f1 ting in the world today. symbol of Soviet aims at w AY FACIORY I A XE€ 4E XTEBR A PONTIAC SIX PRiCED FR OM resrrareveve rewr e e en e e ce en n es e a n en e en e ue e a e un e i n uP m 4 e o e o oi A+ New Low Pr/ces Pontiac glves you this year‘s important improvements ... 1M ne NEW BODIES BY FISHER ‘al public di men will ac to Honor well whaÂ¥t wi n they refuse mands of t placed then common thics dic n oin=â€" L scheme for salvation some additional age a cure for souls. Yet really needs, we almo tle more of w lauchter. and that it is be serious. Everybody bodv, seems to be Ottawa â€" Jo think that C from a surfeit Barnt Redd Cla teacher vens, _ Barbara Haystead Magnus J¢ohnson, â€" Smith, Eric Bull, i B. Classâ€"Marion â€" Lily Snyder, Basil SYNCROâ€" MESH TRANSMISSION |April Honour Roll _ Mattagami School Jr .II A. and B â€"Miss Thorburn teacherâ€"A.â€"Jean Loader, Marion Mcâ€" Leod, Edia McDonald, Harvey Mcâ€" Coleman; Herbert Evans and Charlotte McLeod, equal. B.â€"Helen Robertson, Edna Emyth, Goldy Martin, Eric Geddes, Lilly Jonson. Jr. I and Sr. Iâ€"Miss Dodd, teacherâ€" Sr. I Fred Milne, Lillian Waterhouse, Herman Sanford, Muriel Stuart, Hazel Bound, Wilma Hawse, Bertha Sheridan. Jr. Iâ€"Anne Middleton, Alma Cripps, Irene Ruotsola, Galdys Roy, Vera Snpence n Lois Knight Dawson, Geoo Standing of the Pupils in the Yarious Classes at the Mattagami Public school for the Month of April. 1aApman rvylor, A is, JOn mmy Wil Jt C A K 4A 0 4A h mM e U _ IV â€"Miss n Milne 85 Ssoni, â€" Mu n, Viviian C s (B)â€"Mar erâ€"Sr Smith IIIâ€"â€" mald T Hursle n, George Leach IIâ€"Jr. IIâ€"Miss rmara IIIâ€"Mrs. | IIL | g1 PIOr SAIVATION 0or 100KIng to tw lditional agency or thing in or souls. Yet, what the ecods, we almost believe, is a l A1] uUn ssâ€"Murray â€"Ka ‘nid MacDonald â€"Billy Downs, vy Boyd ter tie Loughton *. IIIâ€"Miss F anklin , MacN:i ace Adams, I Iris Prim NC s Bramwell, teacherâ€" B. Montgomery 84, Stewart 82, M. Gedd E. Stevens 79, N. B arey Rob Miss Taylor, teacherâ€"A Scott, Hazel Stevens, ead, Garneth MacLeod, m, Harvey Jacklin, Jean ll, Scott McColeman, on Bahm, James Welsh, asil Trevathan, Douglas rrence PFuller, Ronald iobertson, Harold Hursâ€" 1 V 91 _C. Horwitz. Tackaberry, te: Riva Hawse 80 Price 75. te: in _ IIIâ€"Miss Demps â€"Phyliss McConn Linder, Tom Nelso U wholesom Miss Rogers, te: MacNamara, A ams, Ethel Hut h â€"Raynsford, 0, Betty McN lgar Peorce 7 SsCimetim Ro Stevens FREE WHEELING inne ulb¢ AC S Betty i riatman ite Wil MARSHALL â€" ECCLESTONE LIMITED ‘ Ste Sha w A1r eridatr Ire unt W m V1€ Tl 1An B1 n delicious cora fHakes This Ssuaranteoe assures RIDE CcONTROL ORANGE PEKOE BLEN "You must be more than satisfied with the flavor and freshness of Kellogg‘s Corn Flakes. If you do not consider them the best you ever tasted, return the empty No other corn fiakes are made like Kellogg‘s. No others reach you so fresh and crisp. For Kellogg‘s have a WAXTITE inside bag that is sealed top and bottom. It wvuarantees ovenâ€"freshness‘! the personal Look for the Made by Kellogg sidered the standard of quality sible to put package and we will gladly refund your money. FoRn TIMMINS , ONTARIO » vears ke into corn flakes guarantee of W "Fresh from the Gardens" HORSEPOWER mOTOR redâ€"andâ€"green package at in London. Ontario. lloge oEFHn Flakes have been conâ€" â€"â€" the highest value posâ€" Behind every package is . Kelloge ; Thursday,. May 12th, 19 HIGH COMPRESSIOMH CYLINDER HEAD FULL PRESSURE LUBRICATIONM CROSSâ€"FLOW RADIATOR 47.POINT RUBBER CUSHIONING VYoOur grocer‘s P14â€"40 254