Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 21 Apr 1932, 2, p. 6

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Thursday, April 21st, 19:? ADDS SPRING TO YOUR STEP SHREIIIE HEAT Mineral salts, vitamins, proteins and bran â€" all the benefit of the whole wheat grain is yours for in- ,2 BIG BISCUITS creased vigor and power, Made in Canada with Canadian Wheat "I! CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY. LID. \ EDDY: mmuzro QM TISSUE Even the water used in its making is purified and sterilized in the Eddy $400,000 Filtration Plant. Regular “White Swan" is wrapped in dust-proof rolls of 7'50 creped white sheets.‘ Look for the Swan on the wrapper â€"â€"and be safe. Also made in “Recess" size to fit built-in fixtures. 2 ”AN eoov PRODUCT” ~â€" itEEP YOUNG WITH ENC Do not allow constipationwoften unsuspected to add years to your looks. Take a glass of sparkling ENO'S "Fruit Salt" each day. It will rid your system of the poisons that sap vitality and spoil your life. But be sure you get ENC. w THRIFT from the start with an ELECTRIC TU REFRIGERATOR Substantial savings; reduced food bills; free- dom from the danger and cost of spoilage and Protect your purse and your family's / / waste. health with an Electric Refrigerator. Keep all foods fresh Enjoy the great convenience it brings. and wholesome in steady, correct refrigeration temperature. And dishes to add to the family menu: ice cubes, clean and fresh, tinkling in the glasses -â€"- left-over meats. vegetables and sweets safely cared for there are innumerable new until wanted again -â€" milk, butter and cream -â€"- the way you long for them to be. Nothing need be thrown out. It’s wise to be thrifty . . . with an Electric Refrigerator. Canada Northern Power Corporation Limited NNTROLLING AND OPERATING NORTHERN ONTARIO POWER COMPANY. LIMITED NORTHERN QUEBEC POWER COMPANY. LIMITED - .19 had been ill and spent some time -_._ ___.- -._._...._-..._,.__. . .ooo0ooaooaoo 0.050 0000 00.000000 0 a.u. u.u.u.00:«.n.00.00.0o.00” 00.” 00 .00 .0 0 .00 .00 .00.“.00. .00“.....‘: .5. m 0.-....” TEN YEARS AGO l IN TIMMINS } 0C .4. e I O 0 0|. 0. O. 00 0. e O O o O. .0 .0 O. o O O 0 O. O O o a ”r... a O O .0 C... .0 .0 0 O O O O. O O O. "3" e, 0 o O O .0 I O From data in the Porcupine \dvance Fyles. : D O 0 .0 0.”... omnlâ€"nâ€"mwuâ€"Oâ€"uâ€"Ql-â€"nâ€"Oeâ€".onâ€"-leâ€"ouâ€"auâ€"-e...â€" " ._. .._. .oâ€"q.-- 00.000000000000000 0.00.0000 “.“.O0.00.“‘N.N.N.“.”.”.”.N.”.~.O0.0‘.O0.00.0 9.“.H.”.O0.00.”.M.00. O O O O O O O O O I ”.00.“.00. O 0.. 0.00.”. 00.“. .“.”. The years age.) (ll:~Cll'~‘S‘;‘(l a numbcr of (run;- 'lf'llx cf :rrt'*rr-.~‘. time. Pro alurt ll. .lralr. Onc nf {no 11:2: ‘ 1 me. win: was the rnat'r‘r of 1 ll‘ won-k- ;y half-holiday ill [I zvn On account cf V'Vr-dnissday Ir-iollin'u‘r pay day drcidcd ask the council I. the half-holiday 1") broth re and rvfcrs sui'vivc. l‘ii" brothcrs I‘l'swrs Albert. S'.’lllll and Sam 1309111" and Inc .~i<'.cr<, Mr, S‘. John and Mrs. Mallmtc. T? rhcs'z- the sympathy (:i' all u" 1 ho t:7x’1i‘llfl'.‘fl in their l<.><s. l funcra toitk ilu‘c “‘ 'I‘rmmins brard of trade ten \’i‘_lt‘~1l£’.fl,l)lll fir." wo and impozuincc at In' \Vc’ob was in ii):- (lucxtons l).‘f$ll':' kill. Iv lit-int; to I llll .‘l‘ll‘l‘e‘lll 1'. W134 ‘orxnz; llldili.‘ in ti..~ "..L‘ w Thur tr cl‘range .iy ' Ct rut-rcry " Another resolution was cnthu.iasfically i l l l l l l is~uc of run years I r asscd urging: the government to spend l l i l l ! saicl:~-â€"“Thc funeral of the late The Advance in it: more money 0“ “Ml-5 in this (““11” John Selinsky. of Cedar strcct. took and “1‘30 1) complete thr- highway l" 5 place on Friday afternoon last and was .Il'irflllO.'~‘. Falls from Timmins. ’l‘lrclvm... laraclv attended. Thcrc win- a dangerous condition ”f the bl'lfltl'f‘ 3"” i brass band'in attendance, and a lrrn” the Frederickh:ar.~.c rivcr “1 Corinaucl'i: l line of (Till‘l‘lLlQCs. 215 Will as manv Willi; was br'cu'rh: to the attention of the.» Thy furncral took 1)12‘?.,’1:) thr- lsoard by Dr. McInnis. H. Laidlaw and _ phumh' interment others. It was decided pkc. ccmctcr'v. Government at Ottawa in the malt-er. ‘ L; Ostrosvcr and Chas. Prcrcc called blood-poisoning. ‘ cntion to “‘9 need for a WW)” CIOCK Timmins for many ycars and was well a, Mattaaami Landinu‘. Th“ hm“ or known. especially among. his Ru-«ian ”*1ch 33““! L9 Wk" the (“w-‘30“ “ll 1‘7 g fellow~countrymcn. He had conducrcd . once with the authorities. Chas. Picrcv l a boarding; and rosrninahousc and a iprcscntcd 3 1'330111ll‘m bursting my 3- poolrcom on Cedar street for mini. greater Timmins. The rcsolurion rs- v.‘-ar.~'. lie is. survival lll' a '-.v'(i.)w r.- |fcrred to the probability of incrsa-ul ' sidcn: in 'l‘iznrnins.“ lmining activity and the need for con- 1 to wire the Th 0 lat.) John 'l'cn years ago CdllClllliHlx on the T. 8; N. O. wcrc hit as good as they arc toâ€" day, has th.“ chairman rrf thn commis- '<ion. Geo. W. Lcc. always was ready to . do two thirtrâ€"mlisrcn kindly . c .rnplainrs. and the-n rem rciy the sequent expansion of the town. Mr.‘ Pierce said the town had outgrown its present boundaries and he urged the b3. rd rf trade to pass a resolution asking thn town council to annex parts '1” Tisdale township and N101111.i'j“)y ' trouble, if practical to do so. Thi»; at.- ‘townshrp. -CEI.)OH‘}.‘1?‘ .Mon”_uj. 130211.: : fitutlc accoun in lard:- rncasurc lLC ' I‘lmmlns'Height.» townsrtt. ‘ at the present est-cm in which the T. townsrte and the Bartlernan. Li to au‘ ltd-23ml. ,. 7. . .N. O. is held and tho good service civ- Pcrcuplnc Crown and 'vrpond Clflllns.‘ . . ’ . .'-n. Accordingly this tf-n-ycar-c. "in-i- ~ 953,39 acr- . ...- _. ..... .1 hm” was much drscuu n. l 1 m J paragrapn should is: of interest-â€" Llli‘w 1W 3 ”1350 W959!“ being m favour 0f 9' wnck V'Ir Vincent Waylbury wrote the resolution. but a few pointing out Chairman Lee of tho T. N. 0. call- that it looked too much lLkC the town l ll)" attention to the uridgdrzrblc con- ‘taking in too much territory.‘ as the ‘lill‘nv. in corrrr"1:io:1 with tin- noon Irishman said when he picked a fight train from here. and enclosing, thc 2r- ‘Vm‘ anybody from anywhere. The title in The Advance last week in con- resolution was eventually passed by a n'wtion with thp matter. This week ”3” large maJorrty. er Woodbury received riply from Mr. Reference was made ten FEMS 3940 to l Lee, whose concluding; word»: were to the death of Loranzo DEDRUC. well I the effec that immediate attention known as a valued “$1de 01 T1m‘l was being given to the matter and if mins diStI‘iCt for many years. I“ “3‘ l conditions wer as stated. they would fer-inf: to the death The Advance of be remedied at once.‘ A ril 19th, 1922. saidzâ€"“At 45:. Second _ . p . . , , . . l An rte. lll Till? Advance ten years _...venue, Trmmms. on Monday of this Q” n t g that the Porcu 'n Prnin ‘ ' ( .,i. C if}. H g. r .r‘ (j 1 .. ‘ week. April 17th. the death occur“! or la Mines in ‘he wont XHaw}; I 'lkt‘ . FL I 3 L i 4 Mr. Loranzo Deputie, a well-known and 'q I . L _ *1 ‘ ‘ . ct'e-a were installing wireless to keep rehly-estocmcd the d15- . , . r l g . . . liliem in cicser touch wrrh trio world rrc. for some years past. The dc-__ ‘ Whil th wirel s was ‘0 . ., .. .1 “man. 9 ' ' css ' .‘ cared had been in the Porcupne for n 9* ‘ 0 alsocd ‘ . cs- ' ‘ » . are business nevi", it was me nine or ten years past. Recently _9 l c. a c 'LE’Illttd to secure for men employed at. The property news features. entertain- rncnt. church services. me. A fire-alarm box at the corner Pine street and Fifth avenue was de- liberately smashed one evening ten years ago by some idiotic thug. The Advance ten years ago referred to the perpetrator of this senseless and dan- gerous piece of destruction as a “silly criminal". After ten years, and with Section 98 still in force. The Advance .would change that expression “silly lcriminal“ to "imbecile blackg'uard“ or r worse. The fellow that destroys public l p'operty is the worst type of criminal. He is worse than a thief. because he endangers the safety and welfare of the people as well as stealing from the hub-- i limits was necessary. F. M. Walling- ford said it was inspiring to hear an IOptimistic address like that of Mr. lKing's. He believed all would benefit, lic purse. by uniting and working toqafher. Councillor L. S. New on emphasized the mutual advantages from unitintr, mak- ling special reference to schoo‘s. sani- ttation. 1":licirrr. fire protection. etc. I n" \I‘ van irIn l‘ ALSAucllo rt Hailcybury and Ottawa hospitals for ; rctztmcnz. Death was due to tubercu-i o-Ls. The was :r‘ocut 32 years of age and was born in St. (Wakefield ). Quebec. His both died some late Loranzo Depatie Pierre, .‘.r:l‘re:' and mother I A public meeting; cf ratepayers of the . town held on April 18th. 1922, passed ‘ quite a bit." . 3, resolution by almogt, unanimous vol/9‘ ; WEC-k from 311‘. W. J. Fraser. who is now favourine,‘ the expansion of the town‘enedged in farming near Barrie. Bill the annexation Cf,‘;ay5 he is doing well and everythina and particularly Marteqamr to ’I‘immins. Dr. McInnislls going well. Farming. he thinks. is nleetingimllCh ahead of pulling whiskers. occupied the chair at the which was held in the theatre. The mayor outlined the de- triment to the town from having out- ' 3‘ “5011 3‘3 looking after 0W9? bl'tIHChl‘l lying sections really a part of the town but without the municipality having any control of them. For the protecâ€" tion of the town he felt it necessary to 1,.xJ etc. very pointed out. The school question was also a important one. as Dr. McInnis Mr. White of Mattagami much benefit to Mattae'ami. be water and he wouldn't swap his fine well water for any town supply. He also made the remark that he did not think Timmlns had much room to talk about sanitation. Councillor T. F. King spoke in favour of the annexaâ€" tion of lV-Iartagarni and though: even a wider expansion of the present town A Purchase Plan to suit YOU For as little as $10.00 down: balance spread over 24 months. D. O<trc=<cr was also in favour of the annexation plan. Councillor E. Longmore said that while he was as Ianxious as any man to see the town prosper and advance. still in view of lthe town's financial situation he felt lhc could not take the light and optim- {'15th view that some were taking in the matter. He could not see hzw Mattagami could get what it asked and wanted. Water service was the chief need and the town was not able for the 'present to intstall the necessary serâ€" vices for Mattagami. If Martagami fully understood this and was agreea- ble to wait zwo or more years for th: services desired that would be all right. It was only fair however. that the s.t- ation should be fully understord now lE‘f‘ :peakers gave their views, the Th , ‘ WVr‘Jnrwilayr Q :n.;.;‘:iin:2 a' 9 am from th" ltC‘. Church ; brine made in. Selinsky died in Sudbury l‘.os;."tal from . Hc w: a resident (,fi . “Misws Fthr-l Brown and Grace lilac- f 31‘ l r of 3 vine-r He New Empire l has a fine field of wheat in and expects l also to put in 5 or 6 acres of potatoes l . ! raising, have a systemized regulation of fimlasaln. "MF- ‘ .. - '. r.~' n q ix 1 I “““tection, health. business. building‘S. l Thursday from 9“ “in t“ T0r~"‘t‘-' Judi ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' < ”L . l “ \ ' dzd not think annexation would be of l “-5 L“ llJLlIlg 1“ 0903‘? _R‘â€"‘- J- 13-} Hg. said I Parks, pastor of the Timmins Press». the chief thing they would get would 1 terian Church, was 51111109le FCCOV- l l l L.,I I THE PORCUPIl’E ADVANCE. TIMMINS.ONT.~\RTO A \i\\\\ Li‘."l ' ‘ \x \‘ ‘ \ \ ~ L l lmajcritv being: anxicu: for the anncxa- .‘IlSl'ClIailOOllS ShO‘WCI‘ to i rion, lsavrng thc prc-‘oicrns of flip future \IlSS l’auuctfc Iiilfit “look I l l l l l in be dealt. with as they arrsw. Fiu'h'. hundred claims were worded A (“nympxla shower “a. 43“”. leL‘ ‘ ‘ I\ at 11.9 Swas‘ika mininu' rccordcr's afriic “rod lint work by Mrs. I". Carpnntcr an. Mrs. (‘xwx l.i‘ft‘l)\'l'f‘ .ii Mrs. Albi‘r: A.P'.rquctfc.103 Birch sires. south 'I‘immrnx'. in harrur of the com- . in v r A lar‘ac numbnr of beautiful and useful " wcr'r rcc-ivr‘d and the auc~t 1: our was shtn'rrcd with road wishw by her many friends. Afar a pleasant social tune. a dainty lunch was served at 1:2 o‘clock. Afrc-r songs. music. dan- cing; and a general good time the and: retired at an early lrnrr in the rnr'n'ninfz. Amone flic'c prevent wars: ““3155 Li- Hallo. Mr». Aldsplr» Dcsrrnrclrcs. Mrs. a 15m. 193;). coal and pcrmnal norm lsl. :110 l from Jan to April Am (in: l in The Advancc lr-n ycars ac.) were flu- following::â€"-“l..1~1 wcck whilr- choyun” some kindling: wacd. Miss Aancs Roxâ€" lbor'ouah mot with an unfortunate ac- lcidcnr. The axe llli'llf‘il cr slippczl. the blade striking-a the front of her foot, and practically scvcrinc. rlr~ his tau. l\l"di- . cal aid was ll;l‘.'ll§' runrrnoz'rd. but incl youns.‘ lady Will 13c laid rm f tr iv." orl thru- wcflka fruin I'm unfortunat‘ ac-l cidcnt.“ "Mrs. R . P. Terr.“ and child- rs‘n r-“turncd last week frcin a. visa to s’l'h'irnhill and ;:;h?:‘ southern points." A 5" Mr: Oscrr Jancas. Mrs. Mi“:- . Carp 'nter. Mrs. ~13.“ng h Bicnvcnuc. lil'h. Henry Biss‘nâ€" nettc. Mrs. Willic Briang‘cr. Mrs. Moiva Hurtibrsc. Mrs. Gcot‘qcs chcbvrc. M‘s; Marjorie Thompson, Miss Jenny ! l I l . -. l 'vn McErvcc. Ms". L. l l li'l‘hcmpscn. Miss. Bertha. Thompon. l l l I l l r l t. Picrri- with friends at Iroqusis Fall~=." "Mr. lid. Carricrc. of Amos. Que” wa< the curâ€"t of his bro- thmer. A. F. ‘Carricrc. Tirnmina lasf wcrk.“ "Ail calf rnthudasb shfiuld rad c1111 and all of the >ct'ics of arti- ~dcnald cpcnr. Eflflr‘l‘ Miss Aurora l.f::‘;i'~'$t‘ Miss Hit 133*- l :L ‘Lillll‘fillt‘, Mi»: Alma Poland. Mien L. cl“; now run ring; in The Advance from - ‘ Jonca '. lLo pen of the Amafcur Golf Champ- ICll “l‘vIr. l l of Canada. Mr. Frank Thotrrp-Cn.“ ' jco. M. Black for several \’?:l"\‘ : rcsidcnt of this cum... but. for I pat: year or so on the head Ollle‘ staff _ _....._.__. u-..__.._...â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" the Examiner:â€"â€"Thcrc will be a ecsd deal of ~ar.isf‘:rcfion among, local businrs; men over the crr:c:rne of tho trial ._f the two Toronto clothiri'z sale".- - . . .. .. - -. c '. "r“ "l ' ? ll." . frrcncs in town. Miss Iris Budd. who m n “1‘0 “L L b9 11 fund 3 30 and , co<ts rccently. IL is not fair that. ‘hosc has been stenographer at the town of- . . . . lice for some time pagt. left on Thurs- ! cngagrd in leartzmatc busine:s and pay day for her home in chfrew. Miss l inc.“ taxes should be subjected to com- petition of this kind which employ* Budd made many friends here durin': , . methods described by Magistrate Jeff her stay in Timmins and her ‘epaz'turc .. . _ i5 viewed with ”mm. The regular as. a cunnrngly dcvrsed scheme to evade the statute.“ meeting of the ASD. Club lav. week was in the nature of a farewell to Miss 'Budd who is very pcpular with the other members. all of whom regretted. her leaving and wished her the vcryi r l Barrie of Homer L. Gibson k’ C:.. Tsronfo spent the week-end the Quint of his brother. Mr. Arthur Black. and o‘hcr l l l l l be“, in 1131‘ new sphere." “Mr. Phil Beaudin, for Bank of Commerce staff at Scumacher. ‘llll‘; been transferred t.‘ Toronto ' hero on Thriz‘iday law." gF. Burke is visiting in New York City." "Bornâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. J. H. . s Porcupine rcwn. on Saturday. :1) ‘il 15th. a daughter.“ “Mr. F. Wolno. lea- :lcr of the Tirnmins‘ Citizen Band. is visiting,r his old home in Ontario." some time put. on 'h" F l a l t Hamilton. 1 I l l day for Toronto. called home by illnc ‘C' at his home in the city." “tuM-ir F. C. H. Simms and W. Rinn leave to- day (Wednesday) for Toronto, where Mr. Simms will take specialists treat- I l r l l l l t t f 0 "- 133‘ 'l ' i, ‘ '\_ neat, .01 one of his ft... warch has it ' Every man can find a Gently been causing him discomfort. fortune in his pay enve~ Mr. Simms says that he is afraid it will be quite a feat for the doctors to . fix his feet, which shows he is suffering “In a. letter received this and invest ‘t m period of years. plus accumulated profits. tection in the meantime. to: market gardening. farming, .9 :ck- etc." "Mr. .102. Jac:.bs. Wh'? has been on the sick list for the past wrek or so. is. able to be cut and around -Ol E. Leslie returned onI t l l “Mr. A. Saint. left on Sun-f other points south." "Dr. R. H. Brown i left last week for a holiday trip to New I York and char points south." “T. Da- l cred from his recent attack of the {2, 'ip- pe. to be able to take the church scr- viccs as usual on Sunday." we . HEAD, OFFICE lDS' ' G PAPERS ( '_..â€"-~ .. the r'cxidcrrcc :1 . ? urrriagc of Miss (ll-rrnain.‘ P;1(lll“li, ‘ 0 ll ' Smith. Mra Jos. chcbvrc. Mrs. Pierre ’ \ _\: ‘\\\\ ‘ \ SUFFERED FllR FDRTY YEARS 'I‘l'rcrr One Lucky Day She L'scil Kellogg's ALL-BRAN â€"_â€"- llcrc is grcal news for sufferers from constipation. {cad Mrs. hen (litr's voluntary letter: "l”or about forty years I had lu'l‘ll praying for a lasting remedy for constipation and its attending cvils. To make it short. I ate noth mt: hut ALLâ€"BRAN and a little broth. Since that timc (about ten years ago) I have not taken any illi‘llli'lllt'. Ilavo lll't‘ll well and on; tircly free from constipation" Mrs. I. ll. licnrlia (address upon I‘cqlli's‘t) . Constipation is caused by lack of two things in the dict: “Bulk" to exorcise the intestines. Vitamin It to tone the intcstinal tract. Labora- tory tests show ALL- BRAN furnishcs both. ALL-liltax also furnishes iron for the blood. The “bulk" in ALL- lRAN is much like that in lettuce. W'ithin the body. it forms a soft mass. which gently clears out the wastes. isn’t it much plcasanter to enjoy ALLâ€"llrmN than to risk taking pills and drugsâ€"~so often harmful? 'l‘wo tablespoonfuls daily will ()Vvl‘colllt‘ most types of constipw tion. if you have intestinal trouble not relieved this way, sec. your doctor. Serve as a cereal. or use in cook- ing. It is not habitforming. Recipes on the rcd-and-green package. At, all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. lope. It is only necessary to set asrde a small portion of each pay The Greac'West Prosperity Policy This plan guarantees your financial objective in a definite For example. if you. beginning 35. deposit $365.50 each year. it will purchase you an income of $l00 a month at age 65 for the rest of your life. Your family receives full pro- For further particulars apply DR. C. W. HAENTSCHEL Haileybury, Ont. REAT-WEST Ll FE Ass URANCE- COMPANY at age --WINNIPEC p “.'v I I _...' . ATTACHED ’ Cool, sweet, mellow Virginia for, Isl arm/Z or

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