Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 14 Apr 1932, 1, p. 6

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For Sure Results "try a Classifiecijfi 4 Cedar Street North As these are the only two cars I have on hand after the disposaJ of the auto business I have conducted in the past, I am prepared to give the best of terms for the sale of these cars. If you wish to trade a property for them, same can be arranged. 155 Maple Street South, Timmins FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED REASONABLE ESTIMATES ON REQUEST Apply Saie COMING ATTRACTIONS: Comedyâ€"“BABBLING BROOK” WITH RICHARD ARLEN. PEGGY SHANNON. JACK OAKIE. REGIS TOOMEY. CHARLES STARRE'I‘T and J. FARRELL MacDONALD The truthful. human-interest side of Football. combining the stars of films and gridimn. WITH EDMUND LOWE. LOIS MORAN and EL BRENDEL flair-raising dramaâ€"spine-tingling romanceâ€"baffling mystery Magic Carpetâ€"“HOMELAND OF THE DANES" Somedyâ€"“Mamma Loves Papa” Cartoonâ€"“College Capers" WITH DENNIS NEILSON-TERRY. BETTY’ STOCKFlELD MALCOLM KEEN and CECIL HUMPHREYS An mining night adventure of a handsome young man-about- town. Paramount Sound News Noveltyâ€"“OLD SONGS FOR NEW" SPECIALTYâ€"“MINNIE THE MOOCHER" Peerless Coupe, with Rumble Seat LYND, ROBERT FRAZER. PHYLLIS BARRINGTON. ROSE- MARY THEBY. JOHN DARROW, LIONEL BELMORE. Mouse Cartoonâ€"“BEACH PARTY” Addedâ€"“CURIOSITY” Travelaughâ€"“MEDBURY IN BORNEO” FOX MOVIE’I‘ONE NE‘VS Midnight Show, Friday. April 15th, at 11.30 p.111. WEDNES. and THURSDAY, APRIL 22â€"23 GOLDFEE’LDS MATINEE DAILY AT 2.30 RM. Eveningâ€"7.00 p.m. (continuous performance) [1 I . n- ‘ â€" v "y‘LVAIIIBOIIDDI Complete C-hange‘ b}â€"â€"l;1â€"';)%1:;1~mme Every MONDAY k WEDNESDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL FRIDAY and SATURDAY, APRIL 22â€"23 MONDAY and TUESDAY, APRIL 18â€"19 “ 77 PARK LANE ” in splendid condition, upholstery in fine shape for FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED RECOVERED APRIL 25â€"26â€"-“CAUGHT PLASTERFD" APR". 27â€"23â€"“RICH-MAN’S FOLLY" APRIL Nâ€"SOâ€"‘MANHATTAN PARA-“F2" MAY 2,- 3â€"“ONE HOUR WITH YOU" MAY 4- 5â€"“YELLOW TICKET” MAY 6- 7â€"“03. JEKYLL and MR. HYDE” Noveltyâ€"“SWEET JENNY LEE" Midnight Show. Friday. April 22ndâ€"at ll 30 pan. “ TO_U_CHDOWN ”-'-(.‘U’) I.-- -â€"_ (‘6U9’) WITH SLIM SUMMERVILLE AND ZASU PITTS : The big laugh team in a comedy scream. Comedyâ€"“SHE SNOOPS TO CONQUER" Vagabondâ€"‘WELL 0F FORTELEZA” f‘IHE SPIDER ”-â€"( ‘U’) S. O’SHAUGHNESSY EASY TERMS ARRANGED Fableâ€"“CINDERELLA' iiiQiii‘i-s': APPLY TO $395.00 $7 5.00 Cheap at Fox Moviewne News Phone 6 0-0 Box 428 .16 14 15p COMING ATTRACTIONS: Cartoonâ€"“TAKEN FOR A RIDE" Midnight Show Snndav April 24th grammh‘IAW AND ORDER" - ~â€" \ v / “1TH SHIRLEY GREY, WILLIAM POST Jr., NANCE O'NEIL GAVIN GORDON, FRED WARREN and VIRGINIA SALE Surging upward to newâ€"free heigthsâ€"A great star brings another grand show to all who love the broad, courageous sweep of WITH CLIVE BROOK. CHARLIE RUGGLES OSBORNE. JULIET COMPTON and. HARRY (‘omedyâ€"‘THE ROOKIE" Snecialtvâ€"“R WITH DOROTHY REVIER, REED HOVVES, HENRY B. WALTHAL AND EDNA MURPHY SER-IAIrâ€"“DANGER ISLAND"-â€"Epl€0de N0. 11 Addedâ€"“SCREEN SNAPSHOT” PATHE SOUND NEWS gramme “ANYBODY’S BLONDE" and “SUICIDE FLEET’ A picture as big wrru BILL BOYD, Mr. Jas. Aspin, of the Northern Can- ada Power staff, T-lmmins was called last week to Montreal through the death of his grandfather In that city. __ â€" v V-vw “'ITH MARY ASTOR. ROBERT AMES, RICARDO CORTEZ, AND CATHERINE DALE OWEN Detective Storyâ€"“SWIFT JUSTICE" Specialtyâ€"“BLONDE PRESSURE” worst mine tragedy in over two years in Kirkland Lake when an explosion thought to have been caused by drill- ing into a “missed" hole. occurred at the Lake Shore mine at 1.15 a.m., Tues- day morning. John Michichuk, 36 was killed instantly and Marco Sepulich. 29. gwas so severly injured that he died in I Kirkland District Hospital about eleven. ' o’clock the same morning. The two .men were employed as machine man and helper and are said to have been working on the 2200 foot level. Both received bad powder burns on their faces. as well as severe lacerations. Michichuk. judging by his injuries, was nearer the blast. one piece of rock breaking his jaw bone and tearing his jugular vein. An inquest is to be held this Wednesday evening for the two men, Coroner Armstrong presiding; John Michichuk was a native of Ru-: mania and came to Canada twenty-i two years ago. In 1930 he came to;i Kirkland Lake from South Porcupine; and made his home with Mr. and Mrs.’ l '! “Two men lost their lives in the Joe Laka, 18 McKelvie avenue. Shortly after beginning work at the Lake Shore he met with an accident in which he lost a couple of fingers. Several, months ago he purchased a farm neari Hamilton, made a substantial down payment and expected to reside on it in another year. He was a member of [the local Moose Lodge. His funeral. =was held on Wednesday afternoon, the service being conducted in St. Peter's! Anglican Church by Rev. Paul Marko- 3 vich, Serbian Orthodox priest of Hamil- ton. Marco Sepulich was a native of " Jugo-Slavia where his parents residel‘ He‘came to Canada six years ago and " for the past year has resided in Kirk- land Lake at 135 Pollock avenue. He ‘ leaves a widow to mourn his loss." !‘ WEDISES. and THURSDAY. APRIL 22â€"23 MATINEE DAILY AT 2.30 P.M. Eveningâ€"7.00 p.m. (continuous performance) Complete Change of Programme Every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY FRIDAYAND SATURDAY, APRIL FRIDAY and SATURDAY, APRIL 22â€"23 RICHARD DIX in 4“â€" A‘“ k7 MON DAY and TUESDAY, APRIL Two men, John Michlcluk and Marco Sepullch, lost their lives on Tuesday of last week in a powder-explosion at the Lake Shore Mine at Kirkland Lake. It! is thought the. men drilled into a: "missed hole.”-â€"the bane of the miner'sz safety and a danger that seems diffi- cult to avoid despite all the care that is continually taken at all the mines! The details of the double fatality at Kirkland Lake were told last week by The Kirkland Lake Northern News as: follows:â€" Two Men Lose Lives at Lake Shore Mines Apparently Drilled Into ‘Mlssed Hole” at Kirkland Lake Mine Last Week and Two lees Lost as Con- sequence. I‘H BILL BOYD, ROBERT ARMSTRONG, JAMES GLEASON, AND GINGER ROGERS icture as big as “The Big Parade”, “What a Price Glory" and “All Quiet On The Western Front." Don’t miss this one. Cartoonâ€"“TOBY THE BULL THROWER” ’ FOX MOVIETONE NEWS -A!,,‘,A I '- “C! APRIL 25â€"26â€"“LA‘V AND ORDER” APRIL 27â€"28-“F’REIGHTERS OF DESTINY” and “SOUTH OF SANTA FE” APRIL 29â€"30â€"“1‘HIS RECKLESS AGE" MAY 2-â€" 3â€""MOUNTED FUR!” MAY 4- 5â€"“WORKING (““8" MAY 7- 8â€"“PARTNEBS” JA‘J" U”; 114 10'â€" “ BEHIND OFFICE DOORS ” _‘_‘__HUSBAND’S HOLIDAY" SECRET, SEBYIICE"”-(‘U’> “I'D D17 1‘0“" :‘ANYBODY’S BLONDE” dynamic drama. Crmedyâ€"“THE WAY OF ALL “SUICIDE FLEET ” Cartoonâ€"“SINK 01% Bull)?" FOX moviETONE NEWS THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO lives in the or two years an explosion {-â€"Showlm.r double feature 1 ' and “SECRET SERVICE" and HARRY BANISTER Specialtvâ€"“SWITZERLAND” )R S‘VIM” RUc If a cazeful survey could be made of lthe successful pensioners. how many of 1 them would be members of the organi- zation which secured the necessary measure for their benefit? Not more ithan 50 p.c.. If you know of a re- |turned man who has not yet joined up, cut this out and give it to him with the words, “We are formed to help the then Collect his application. Behind the Scenes The entertainment committee held its first meeting on April 3rd, and with members of the 1931-1932 committee proceeded to complete plans for the Pensions Act had greatly lightened the work of the administration of this de- partment. The figures as quoted prove without doubt that the Canadian Le- gion has given “Service," and it was only through their activities that these amendments were possible, Sir Arthur Currie being the prime mover in the matter. '0n the other hand. there were those who were of the opinion. that the coun- try could not stand this extra expendi- ture, but who will now be more than surprised to learn that the extra amount is only $4,000,000 more than had been payable during the past six or seven years. Hon. Murray MacLaren. the min- ister of pensions and. national health Stated that the new amendments to the Word has been received from Ottawa that the new pension amendments iplaced by the Canadian Legion before the government in 1930, and carried land put into effect as from October ist. 1930. has resulted in over 7,000 ex- service men receiving pensions. There ,were more than 14,000 applications. All had to be examined and their cases investigated and adjusted where pen- sion was granted. The exact figures ’from August 1st. 1931 to February 29th, 1932 are as followszâ€"New Applications, 14,347; pensions granted. 7.074; appli- ; cations not pensionable, 7,263; of these only 500 had taken advantage of the Pension Appeal Tribunal, and these cases were being a given a definite de- :cision. The new pensions will cost the government $4,000,000, the total cost of payable claims being $48,000,000. It can be seen by these figures that the amendments as put fcrwarcl by the I 7.074 Get Pensions Canadian Legion have done a wonder- ful service all round. The ex--service man has received a fair hearing. If his disability was such that made it pensionable, he received that pension; FISH” The Canadian Legion in the Porcupine II 19 .16 A despatch from Toronto says that in the month of March. bullion produc- tion from Dome Mines, Porcupine. is reported at $319,052. as compared with $319,057 in Febmry and $319,738 in DOME PRODUCTION FOR MARCH WAS $319,052.03 Elbom. with headquarters at, Kirkland Lake. Equalization of the number of teachers in (the two digtrlcts is the rea- son for the change made? the care of the schosls in the Timmlns and Schumacher parts of the Porcu- pine camp. South Porcupine has been grouped in the inspectorate of H. E. Elbom. with headquanters a: Kirkland Lake. Equalization or the number of cared at Gardiner. on the T. N. 0. James Bay branch. there are but five pupils. The teacher there. a young woman from South Porcuu ne, draws a salary of $1,000 for the term. the in- spector said. Recently, a realignment of the boundaries of the inspectorate has been made, with the result that.’ while Mr. MacVittie czntinues to have ll tib’i Canyon, where about 40 pupils, of !difierent grades up to high school students, are being taught by two tea- chers. When the construction work is finished, Mr. Machttie expects that the staff to be left at the power plant will still require the services of one teacher in the school there. At Moose Factory there is a mission school. con~ ducted by the Anglicans cf the diocese of Moosonee, but this comes under =the supervision of- the federal Department of Indian Aflairs. and not. under the jurisdiction of Mr. MacVittie, as the representative of the province. “In Mr. MacVittie's inspectorate there are 36 schools conducted by one teacher apiece. and at one of them. lo- l “The little red schoolhouse will be found in a new “farthest north" loca- tion in Ontario in the not very far distant future-figuratively, if not liter~ ally. as to colourâ€"in the expectation [of W. R. MacVittie, public sch-col in- l'spector for this district. Mr. MacVit- 'tie, in the course of an interview on the subject at Cochrane the other day ilntimated that he probably would be called upon to proceed to Moosonee in the course of the approaching summer to organize a school section at the new terminus of the T. N. O. railway on the shore of James Bay. While there has as yet been no occasion for his official services there in this respect, the Hospective settlement meant the providing of educational facilities be- fore long at Ontario's first seapzrt. “The school holding the distinction of being la»: the north end. geographi- cally, of the provincial system of edu- cation, is that established at the Ab‘- tibii Canyon, where about 40 pupils, of different grades up to high school students. are being taught by two tea- chers. When the construction work is! deszpatch last. week from Cochrane says:â€" A despa‘tch from.Cochra-ne last was says that Moovon-ee will sbon have a public school, the farthest north place to have a public school so far as the province of Ontario is concerned. A Moosonee May Have Public School Soon Will be Ithe Farthest North Public School in the Province. School at Abitibi Canyon Now has that Distinction. Change of Dates Last week the secretary rung me up Iand‘told me I was all wrong with my dates of meetings. Not being informed previously I took it for granted the meetings would run alternately. but such was not the case. The meetings now will be held on Monday. April 18th when the monthly meeting will be held; on Monday. April 25th a smoker has been arranged for our benefit. Af- ter this maybe the secretary will let me have the monthly dates on time and correct. Thanks! Vimy Celebration which was so suc- » cessl'ully carried through last Satur- : day. It will please all the members to " learn that Comrade Charles Keates was elected chairman of this committee and lthereby receives the privilege of taking 1 his place at the round table conferences :of the executive committee. Com1ade EGeorge Starling. 11.. the othei candi- date on the 1ecent ballot was appointed to the recording secretary's position of :the enteitainment committee. This fproves that you can‘t keep a good man down and big things are looked for with the men now constituting this . committee. I will take the members for 'a peep behind the scenes, and they : will then more than appreciate the work I 1 done by this body. Let us take the past week as an example:â€"â€"Thursday, April 7th. they are assembled at the Oddfellows' hall direct from work. hammers and saws are 011 hand and 'the men are putting up the stage for Satiwirday They put in two hours of this and call it a day. rrlday after- noon they are back again and finish up the job. All the patrons see is a fine stage fitted with all lighting fixtures {and no thought of the work is giv.en They are not yet through. On Satur- day there we the chairs to put out. the. eats to be made ready and a hundred and one other details. Then in comes the crowd and the committee are kept. on the run seeing to ever rybody's w.ants You will say “Yes they certainly have. done their bit." but all is not done yet, because after the event is ovei they. have to take down the stage and clean' up the hall. Such is a brief outline of their work. So. hats off 'to the enter- tainment committee and their activi-l ties! being taught b the constructi Mathtie ex; e left at, the p: :ystem of edu- .~d at. the A151- :t 40 pupils, of - high school action work is eXpects that :3 power plant ~1°vices of one â€"-W. A. Devine from work. on hand and the stage for two hours of France Nineteen hundred and thirty-two C. N. R. estimates, $61,500,000; eastern line requirements, $5,217,000. Favourable trade balance increases. Strength of banking and financial institutions manifested. Canada met all external debts on due dates. Optimism for imperial economic con-j ference in Ottawa. Decline in taxation revenues in com- mom with other countries. Net expense on premium. discount and exchange, $881,000. Further credit against exchange pay- ment through $506,000 realized in pur- chase of sterling securities for sinking funds. purcnased from mines, $3,635,100. Exchange payment offset on revenue side by credits of $2,248,000 from sale of New York exchange and discount on sterling purchased to meet London requirements. bution 1931-32 (major portion applying to Saskatchewan druzght areas) esti- mated at $8,957,000. Temporary assistance to provinces to meet maturing obligations in New York, $1L.637,190. Exchange-Mainly premium on gold purchased from mines, $3.635.100. Canada will balance budget and meet all obligations. Ordinary expenditures. $378,743,000. Ordinary revenues, $327,719,000. Unemployment relief and wheat bo- nus cost. $49,282,000. Wheat bonus will cost $11,000,000 as compared with $7,000,000 estimate. For “direct" relief‘Dominion contri- Expectation of new trade treaty with Debt increase (including special ex- penditureS), $119,505.000. The following may be noted as the highlig, hts in the new budget intro- Ottawa last week by Hon. E. N. Rhodes, Minister of Finance in the R. B. Bennett Government.â€" Outstanding items Touched E. I“. Rhodes. Minister 0! a: *VW a .-¢" ‘1 x g .1. ‘ h ‘ a 5/ Spend Your D0 [the company will show earnings from production of approximately $3,850,000. It is amwrent that the Dome man- agement is maintaining the policy in eflect for years. of holding production at a definite level, month in and month out. Efforts are made as occasion arises. to effect process so that mill-feed will not prove misleading during any month. There was some expectation that the extra days in March would have. however, accounted for approxi- mately $70,000 more output as compar- ed with the month. of February. January. making total production fa: the first quarter of $957,845. If tht rate is maintained throughout the year M. Rhodes. Minister of Finance. in his address on the Budget Last Week. IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA 'I'IMMINS . SOUTH PORCUPINE HEAD OFFICE Travelling abroad ? LETTER-OF-CREDIT from the bank will be honoured by our Banking cor- respondents in all parts of the “’orld, and will obtain for you many little oourtesies that a visitor to a strange land so much appreciates. CONNAUGHT STATION, By buying from local mer-‘~ chants you aid in the em- ployment of local peopleL-in the paying of town taxes, in assisting charitable and other institutions depending on the municipality (9r sup- . port. I Spend Your Dollars in Your Home Town on by Hon. PHONE 104 21 Pine St. North Automobile accidents will happen to the most care- ful drivers. See that your car or truck (new or old) is fully insured before putting it in use. We will gladly give you rates and full particulars. INSURANCE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Try The Advance Want Advertisements It is so easy to rid your skin of plmplm. blotches blemishes. Just apply the pure cool- ing liqufd D.D.D. Clear and stainless “a soothing Moments penetratp the akin and qnlckh' drive away the lrrltatlnn. lTCflING STOPS INSTANTLY. A 1350 battle proves lb meglt or your dmmst fives xnur money back. Sullivan Newton The Perfect Antiseptic Treatment Clears Skin of Biemislxesj Sub. to Timmins (Frit SECURITY F. M. BURKE. LiMITED MOISLEY BALL H. C. SCARTH, Mam; F. E. COOPER. Mann; TORONTO SERVICE anager

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