WS“$$§SXSXSSSXS$SXS$SSS‘$\ \\\$‘S§$§S‘“\‘\S§S\S‘V Relief Problems of Council of 'l‘isdale Scum Porcupine, April 13th. 1932 Special to The Advance. Many Cues Before Council of mm Township This Week. After May 151 “:dfle VII not be Able to Carry Belief Cases. R. M. WYNNE 110 p.c. date of sale 40 p.c. within 15 days Balance in One Year, secured by ï¬rst mortgage. 3 SPRUCE STREET SOUTH, TLMMINS This 'hotel has all modern conveniences, full~size concrete basement, large dining room, front room and kitchen and 12 large airy bedrooms. Acting upon instructions from the owner I will offer for sale by public auction, subject to a reserve bid, on from 3 pm. to 6 pm. 56 BALSAM STREET NORTH, First Apartment AFTERNOON TEA AND SALE OF HOME-COOKING TODAY you can buy Rab LABEL 25c 2 ORANGE PEKOE 38c: Wednesday, April 20th, at 2.00 pm. mmmmxxmxssxxsxsxxssxxxxsxsxsxxsma Auction Sale Ladies Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion On Saturday, April 16th, 1932 STAR TRANSFER THE CENTRAL HOTEL ‘ FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS APPLY NOTICE TO GROCERS: This is your authority to sell RED ROSE TEA at the above REDUCED PRICES starting to-day. We refund to you the dim) in price and stand the loss. To be Held Under the Anspices .of smash mg reductlon the property known as TERMS 0!" E. C. BREWER, after that date Tisdale will not have the means where-with to continue this selves to provide for and it. was thought these men ought to have been able to make provision for themselves. How- ever. though there has been an exten- sion made to the ï¬rst 0! May for help. A man with two children whose wife was in the hospital felt that the Can- adian legion had done all that could beexpectedofmemmhelphimand askedthecoundltohelphimgetsome groceries until he could obtain work. The work of the lesion was commend- ed by the council. Some of the chari- ty lists that came in had been aug- mented by men who had only them- cases. etc AUCTIONEER C2 lb. 36?: The Schumacher Ratepayers’ Asso- ciation also asked that efforts be made to have the tax on the non-operating capital of mines in the township pay- able to the municipality where mines exist and at: the same rate of taxation paid by other residents of that district. It was stated that Tisdale township had for the past ï¬ve years been work- ing on this thing that so far they had The Schumacher Ratepayers‘ Asso- ciation asked what could be done to make the crossing at Schumacher sta- ticn more safe. The reeve stated that he had discussed this with Mr. Grifï¬n of the T. N. 0. last fallâ€"that it was Mr. Griflin's idea to have the large .red building, used as a warehouse by a local merchant, entirely removed so as not to block the view, and also to 'have the building of the John Fogg Com- pany set back ten feet to give a clearer view. The consent of the proprietors would *be necessary in each case and 'this had not yet been obtained. The clerk was instructed to write the pro- prietcr of this building which serious- ly obstructs a good view of the track. The owner suggested cutting it in half : last fall but Mr. Griflin would prefer having it fully removed. A train leaves Timmins each afternoon just around the time men are coming off shift. When the council discussed it with Mr. Lee last fall he suggested the road cross at a different place but this was not practical. The township would have to see what they could do now for it is allegedly a serious danger zone. There was a petition presented re theforcingofalllicensedtaxidrivers to carry liability insurance both as to patrons and property. Legal advice had been obtained by the clerk on this diat- ter which said that such could be done ‘so long as the powers of the council ; were exercised in a reasonable manner. ‘It was decided that the council pass a by-law making it compulsory for a taxi driver to protect the public by carrying liability insurance up to $10.- 000 per accident and $5,000 per person as well as $1.000 for property damage before a license may be granted him Transient taxi drivers were discussed. Some of the taxi drivers present felt that only taxpayers and bona-fide rc- sidents should be granted a license but to do this would be going beyond the1 powers of the council. They had no‘ right to say to a man that might pos- sibly become a bona-flde resident that‘ he must not start up in business if he met all the proper requirements to protect the public. One taxi driver suggested that there were enough taxis now without any more licenses being given but the council said they could not discriminate in that .way: that all must be given an equal chance. dhu-ity without too much of a. hard- ship on the taxpayers some of whom are nomore able coprovdde fox-mem- selvea than several of those seeking aid. OLD PRICE OLD PRICE THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO Try The Advance Wan: Advertisements The event w-night is one of a. series .- promoted by Jack Corcoran, of Toron- to. Extended reference was made last week in The Advance to the careers of Ray Steele, Katan. Kirllenko, Joe Gotch, Kasaboski and Kashey, and the many contests in which they have ï¬gured. Those who are interedted in wrestling will ï¬nd the mamme at the rink this (Thursday) evening one that they will not care to miss under any conditions. As the opening event ofaregtnarseriestobeheldhmun- dor the direction of Jack Oomomn, the promoter. this evening's programme will have a double interest. 1 An unusual programme of high-class wrestling is to be given at the skating rink, Timmins, this (Thursday) even- ing commencing at 8 pm. The con- testants are all noted wrestlers. The main bout will be Ray Steele. of Cali-- fornia. vs. John Katan, Ukrainian. Metros Kirilenko and Joe Gotch, ne- phew of Frank Gotch, will give an- other of the bom. The third of the features will be Alex Kasaboskd, “the Pitileas Pole“ vs Kashey, Armenian champion. Three High-class Bouts at Skating mm: This (Thursday) Evening. Main Bout, Ray Steele vs. John Katan. Famous Wrestlers Here This Evening I In the police court on Wednesday of last week there was one drunk. one for drinking liquor in a public place and one case of having liquor not on his permit, all of whom paid the usual ï¬ne for such offences. John Belisky, who was sent on to Cochrane for trial after having been found with high-grade ore in his possmion was pronounced guilty at the Spring Assizes and sentenced to one year at hard labour in prison. The ore is believed to have been taken fmm the Dome Mines. Miss Marjorie Woodall, youngest daughter of Archdeacon Woodall. was operated on for appendicitis at the hospital in 'I‘immins on Monday and their many friends are glad to know that she is progressing very favour- ably. Her sister, Miss Grace, a nurse- in-training from Toronto. came up to assist in taking care of her. The tickets on the hopecchwt pro- vided by the Rink Company in connec- tion with their dance on May 11th are going very well. Have you got yours? There was good skatting at the arena. tonight, April 12th. On Friday, April 22nd, at the High School hall the Young CPeOpIe's Society are putting on another play, this time one with a real Western setting and sceneiy. Remembering the sum of last year’s event all will ‘be anxious to see this play which promises to have still more thrills. Good musical num- bers will the provided/between the acts. The pupils of the High School are planning another basketball game this week bemveen students and eat-students with dancing aftenwards. I The case of a man who had received ï¬nancial help in time of trouble and who had not paid this back though obtaining a regular pay-check the last two years or so, sufï¬cient to do so, was discussed and the clerk instructed to take JCthn to collect sameâ€"to garn- '.«_‘.1: i if necessary Money given in this '.'.".v is a loan not a gift, and if the lb: rrcwer does nct show the proper attitude towards re'turn of same it is up to the council as cuStodian of the taxpayers' funds to take stern meas- ! ures to collect same. A fear was expressed here that some of the names on the charity list might have come from Whitney where a num- ber were cut off. It was rumoured that some of them had appealed to Tisdale. Same means of ascenta'ming just whati reserve some of those applying for food \ have, either here or in their homeland should be instituted as all over the country cases are being cited of men :being *fed who are able to care for themselves and it is going to react seriously on the case of the really needy. The routine bills and wages were passed 1‘ or payment. It was resolved to help. make a. con. carted effort to oppose the bill to mam all fines payable to the province, in~ stead of the municipality. It we; thought the provincial governmenl‘ was trying to grab at! too much re- venue that should go to the township The reeve remarked they would be after the dog tax next. (At the same time they are seeming to shift expendi- tures they havegbeen shomdering, as in the case of making the parents of the child this year pay examination fees in the high school work for each sub- ject taken). A letter {mm a doctor re a child the ls suffering from tubercular troubl' and isolated at its home and the state ment of one of the council that an other such case was isolated at one o" theyboard’mghouses led to the fact tha‘ the Medical omcer of Health will b' asked to look into these cases. Thr doctor‘s bill, which was Very reasonable was ordered paid in the one case. The 1931 ï¬nancial statement â€or the auditors is to be forwarded th.‘ week. secured leglsletlon making the tax on this cepltal payable to the wwnahlp butal‘moughtheacthndbeenpmedit was not yet proclaimed law by the legislature. The reeve had seen both the Hon. Charm MoOrea. and Mr. Bateman. secretary of the Mining In- stitute. It. was suggested at Schumach- er that the McIntyre ofï¬cials might. be able to bring pressure to bear towerdr having the act proclaimed mor' prcmptly as at present there has beer no deï¬nite decision as to when the will take place. W. R. Donald, omgamzer for the Sons cf Scotland, is in town in the interests of the local branch of the Order, Cas- Mr. and Mrs. E. Kaiser moved nto Timmins last week to reside.‘ Mrs. Halliwell received the sad news last Wednesday by cable, of the death of her father, Mr. David Bratzby, of Bolton, Lancashire, England. 'Iihere resides in town besides Mrs. Halliwell, another daughter, Mrs. Entwistle, and one son. Mr. J. Bratby. and put in a. call. Upon the arrival or .the brigade the ‘blaze was soon ex- anguished. The ï¬remen had a call on Monday evening to the corner of Cedar and Fourth avenue, where a chimney ï¬re was blazing away and with such a. gale blowing the residents became alarmed Mrs. E. Robinson. of the Coniaurum Mines. is able to be out again after several weeks’ illness. 1 A large crowd attended the Fireman’s annual dance on Friday evening. Ow- ing to the very bad condition of the roads, not so many from out of town were able to be present as in previous years. Nevertheless, all report a splen- did time socially and ï¬nancially. The many friends of Miss Annie Wilson will be pleased to hear she is making excellent progress toward re~ ooveyy at St. Mary's hospital. Mr. Roy Hamlï¬ton is home again at Mrs. O‘Ham's aflter seven! months spent on a. (boxing tour. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McKay, 94 Second avenue, in the loss of their infant daughter at St. Mary's hospital, Timmins, on Sat- urday. April 2nd. Mr. Alex Robertson returned lasit week from a few months' holiday with 11s pnents at Waterdovm, where he, rad gone to recuperate after a severe; tltack of pneumonia. The Northern Lights Girls Club are ntencling putting on a play the latter )3 very interesting and mose wishing to see it should wwtch the exact dwte, $11 which will be advertised shortly. I D Schumacher Fireme' Had Pleasant Dane I] e “ma r Event. at Schumacher on Friday Even- ing Largely Attended. Other Items of Interest from Advance Cor- respondent at Sehnmacher. Schumacha'. April 13th, 1932. Spe- :ia1 to me Advance. Mrs. Charlie Jucksch left. on Friday 0 vi: it relatives and friends in Pem- The Outta Percha Roadcraft Tires have the exclusive Gum Cushion feature and the tough Resisto Tread, and are excepo tional value at a lower price. In addition to Gum Cushions the Gutta Percha Tire shown above has the Resisto Tread, rubber impregnated cord fabric, reinforced side walls, extra tread widthâ€"ml] extra values. THE GUTTA PERCHA TIRE GUITA PIERCHA “RES ISNOR 8: BAXTEB 118 Elm St. 8., Tlnunlns Mercantile Dept. 81:00“: Rock Fab, Ont. Made by the Lugest All-Canadian Rubbet Companyâ€" Founded in 1883 - of ‘ SUM RUBBER EVEREADY snnvxcs STATION THE ROADCRAFI 3%“? SOUTH END GARAGE a. m allvévf¢¥ffféV/f/ftï¬r/fgftï¬fgggffém _ I! 'il' I'lpllyli tle Douglas Camp, Timmins. Mr.~ -â€"A Tea. and Sale of home-made Donald. previous to taking his mat cooking will be held in the store for- positlon with the Sons of Scotland, had merly occupied by Rinn Brothers. un- 9. long and successful career in news. 63? the auspices of the ladies of me paper work both in Canada and m I United Church choir on Saturday. April Scotland. isoth. from 3 w 6 pm: 15 g 22 Third Avenue ‘ Timmins 49 k\\\\\\m~m‘l\\\\‘\\\\\\\\\\\\\‘X\\\\\\\\\\‘“\\\ A$$S LUXTON’S Cigar Store and Lunch Counter 00K at the picture above. It is a view of a Gutta Percha Tire cut away to show you the Gum Cushions -â€" broad pads of pure gum rubber built in between the layers of cord fabric. See the three of them under the tread where the tire gets the most bumps. See them in the sidewalls where they absorb the flexing strain and reinforce the bead. These Gum Cushions run the entire cir- cumference of the tireâ€"there are seven of them in each Gutta Percha and Roadcraft Tire, three at the tread and four in the walls. Only Gutta Percha Tires have this amazing feature _. Gum Cushions ._ yet Gutta Percha Tires cost no more than you have been paying for ordinary tires. Extra value from the ï¬rst day onâ€"buy Gutta Percha Tires. Gum: Perch: Rubber, Limited - Toronto South Porcupine An Interesting Accessory {or Youâ€"FREE Your Gotta Perchs Dealer Will give you FREE a handsome. polished metal service record to remm you_ when to chance oil. when to lubricate the chassis. when tocheck tires. battery etc. Conveniently smallâ€"can be fastened in your car in a jiffy. Ask him for it. SATURDAY ONLY of A BRICK, PINT 0R QUART OF OUR ICE CREAM One Cone Will be Given With Every Purchase mAGE LAUZON‘S GARAGE: line Iroquois Falls A3111!!! POWER PAPER. 00.. LTD Mew-attic Dept. Iroquoi- ans. Ont. DALTON’S LmY t BUS LINE “TASTE THE DIFFERENCE" I .‘ R]? E i2 Branches from Coast L to Coast Ihursday, April “£11,193: '0'...