Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 25 Feb 1932, 2, p. 2

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Utterly Worn-Out In. fluntrlct Tells How Dr. W’ PM Pills Made Ha Well. “I became run- down and unable to c- m do my work for a R. family of seven," writes Mrs. W. P. W Fitzpatrick,Marquis, Sask. “I was told I had anaemia, and I took treatment, but with very little improvement. Finally my sister, who had had the same disease, advised me to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, as they had done her so much good. I have taken seven boxes. Today I‘m well: able to do my own work; no more tired feeling or weak spells. I can run upstairs without puffing. I sleep and eat well. My friends are astonished at my changed appearance and never fail to ask what I’m taking. My reply is: ‘Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills’." - â€"__-A_ Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills actually create an abundance of new red blood, which is the reason why they have given new vitality and strength to thousands of such nervously exhausted and overtired women. Equally helpful for growing girls. Try them. At your druggist’s in the new glass container. 50c a package. 272 Thursday, Feb, 25th, 1932 “-12 SOUP STEWS GRAVI ES Mercury Hosiery looks fhe par’r on all formal occa- sions because of ifs "qualify". l’r wears remarkably well. Ask ‘lo see ’rhe la’res’r'shades in Mercury Hosiery when buying and don'+ be pmL off by lhe ofier of "some’rhing ius’r as good”. . . . l’r isn'l. E '5 2 = Egg $33.0 < ' Now that the nommations are com- pleted and the ballots being prepared ! for mailing to the members. considera- tion should be given to ways and means of maintaining the relief fund. We have had very successful response by l the public to every activity we have put on in connection with this purpose. We have had prize draws. chicken istags and socials. sports days and for Dbuso unou WU5wâ€"u’ -rvv -__ - the past two years, the Week of Won- ders, all these including Poppy Day have helped the Legion relief fund. The past year has been a heavy one and as noted in previous letters the committee have done wonderful work. Now in all probability a new commit- tee will take-over the work and your correspondent makes the suggestion WWX‘WW\WN$W\\‘ Aluminum Spoon _ (Barman MADE) Every kitchen should keep a supply of Oxo Cubes constantly on hand to add flavour and nourishment to soups, stews and “left-overs”. They put in that extra nourishment which your family needs. Save the Oxo Cube Red Wrappers and send them, with your name and address to Oxo Limited, 1 9 1 0 St. Antoine St., Montreal, Que. The Canadian Legion in the Porcupine [ This ofler applies to residents of Canada only and expires .on April 30, 1932. Things to Think About that the nominations are com- and the ballots being prepared that their first consideration should be to seek out a scheme whereby the fund can be boosted up again. Another thing also to be remembered is that the Legion has never yet asked for a direct subscription to this worthy cause, but the time is coming when it will have to be done. To some of the members it may seem that the fund has been depleted purposely. with no effort on the part of your present offi- cers to boost it up, but such is not the Icase. It has been administered as carefully as possible and a study has been made to find some means of rats- ing money. This was not practicable at the present time, with other organ- izations seeking the same ends as our- for better conditions before doing any- thing in the matter. Times have not - got any better, the election of officers t is now on and it seems a case of “Pass- ing the Buck." In any event it seeins certain that those who will constitute 1 your relief committee will set to work 1 in true soldieriy manner and have the 7 fund back to a strong position before 1 very long. 1 Another consideration for the officers ' elected will be the securing of suitable i club rooms. It is felt that a better i spirit of comradeship can be maintainâ€" ed if the members could meet more often. As the situation is at present, we meet twice a month and although we have full attendances only about 50 per cent. of the members know one another. How can comradeship exist lunder such a state of affairs? With ! l our own club rooms the members would necessarily become better acquainted and the branch hold much closer to- gether in friendship and eomradeship. This is one item of business that the newly elected officers will no doubt solve and have ready for the members before our next fall season. To the members in general, you have also something to think about. You may have something on your mind which you consider would be for the betterment of the branch, such as our socials, smokers, etc. Don't be back- ward; come forward with your ideas and it will be found that the branch will continue to flourish. After the 3lst of March it will be like starting anew and it should be the aim of one and all to continue to keep the prestige of the Timmins Branch of the Cana- dian Legion up to its present high I standing. Preparations for Vimy Night Only five weeks more and our Big Night will be upon us. Vimy Night has always been our one outstanding event in the entertainment line. Our pre- sent entertaining committee are stay- ing on for this. event and planning something new and novel. It would be a good plan for all members to make ar- rangements now to attend. More de- tails will be published as the weeks go 4 large potatoes 2 0x0 Cubes 2 Onions Pepper and Salt to taste Slice tbe potatoes and onions and put tbem in the pie dish in layers. Mix the 0x0 in a cupful of bat water, and pour over, putting small piece of dripping on top. Babe m a bot oven until nicely browned, and serve. By Tlmmlns Brandi r.‘orrcspondcm. OX0 PIE THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTAIflg COMPLEXION You'd hardly believe it was sallow and blotched a shorttimeago. “Fruit - a - tivcs has made a new pvrsnn out vi mo. Pimplm‘ disap- poured and my complcxinn drum! up lmuutifullj.’ My headaches stnppml at once and I havvn't been troubled with constipation since." MAKE AND KEEP YOU WELL “Bakshish’ is correct in the sense used and means “To Give." So there you are! The Legions is going to give a Fruit-a~tives social evening to the members and their wives and sweethearts next Mon- day, in the Oddfellows' hallg‘. All should make an effort to attend this ‘Bakshish,’ Backsheesh,’ ‘Buckshee.’ or what-have-you Social Evening There's going to be singing. musical items and dancing. Refreshments will be served. The entertainment com- mittee are requesting a big turnout. It’s going to be free. so one who will be â€"M:':: I. S., Guelph, Ont. Fruit-a-tiva really will benefit you. Its discovery was the achievement of a. distinguished Physician, graduate of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh. It is a marvel- lous blood purifier because it stimu- lates FIVE vital organs to work natur- ally. At all druggists’, 25c and 5°C. Lluulux 8“ iii v-nv "'I"‘"'O . ________ ‘ careful guarding of particulars, then .- emerge gaunt and hungry from their . the prospector feels that there is really . . _ . , l I somethine doing and he is soon all set. long mnter hibernation, which is more u c to an The area 935.1, of Ramore has reasonable than to suppose that they beenvin that position for the last few turn to the easiest source of supply of ‘ flesh they can obtain, the whelps ofl weeks. Few prospectors are ready to . talk about it even those who have been timber wolves and coyotes in their dens. in. One prospector back last week from Wolf cubs are easier for human beings a trip out of town did. not deny that. he to capture than young deer and moose. had been to the Ramore section. As and presumably are easier for bears to‘ or what-have-vou Social Evenin he get on the train at Ramore to re: capture 3150. The .den‘a 0f \vslVe There's going to be singing. musicagl mm home m “WW mire d‘d .an gagidngsee 2110;695:513?tiiufiarzyrrfgii items and dancing. Refreshments will. seem much 591,159 m ms saying tha” h; e 1d the run dee and moosenwhich be served. The entertainment com-I had not been m the Rama??? area. 3: wou constgntl g on rthe move ' The mittee are requesting a big turnout. was not overly GllthUSla‘i‘ 10- however, am y ' ' u - ,. though that may have been no more scent of established dens. and the Itb gomg to be free. so one who will be then camouflage. No highâ€"grade de- vhines and yelps 0f the DUDS at play there Will be - . posits of any size wgum be found, he i would be noted by the bear a half mile W- A- Devme‘ Thatisthe‘laway. If the she wolf is away the suggested when questioned. . 'idea that has gained ground about thetbear could dig the whelps out of the section. While the high-grade area I den at leisure orcatch them while out- OldBSt PenSiOIlel' iS imay not be there, the opinion is thatiside at play. Even if the old wolf there is an immense area of low-grade I should return, the bear would be more 0 Nlnety-foul‘ YearS l gold ore. It is said that samples «takentthan a match for her. While bear un- on wide strum have shown a consistent} doubtedly occasionally kill a deer or Other Intel-citing Facts in Report of amount of gold, assays running two and 'moose calf, it is the sickly one whose Cochranc District Old Age Pension three dollars to the ton. Some of the ' chances of life are slim any way. They Board to Feby. 16th. 1932. prospectors are understood .to maintain also occasionally kill a full grown that the lowâ€"grade will prove to be: animal that has been wounded by There is much 01‘ public interest in high-grade as depth is made. Thelhunters, CT is too 01d 01‘ sickly to BS- the report submitted by F. K. Ebbitt, strike is thought to be a continuation cape." secretary of the Old Age Pensions of the Porcupine gold belt. “There are â€"â€"â€"-â€" Board for the District of Cochrane. more Domes to be found," said- one Fort William Timesâ€"J.3urna,l;__The " This board, which is composed of G. prospector, while another adds, “Yes, methods of the Chinese in carrying out. - A. Macdon-ald, Timmins, chairman; F. and more Hollingers as well.” Pros- the boycott, of Japanese goods, by hau- ! K. Ebbitt. Iroquois Falls, secretary, and tractors have been through the Ramore ling them out of the stores and destroyâ€" R. J. Carter, Kirkland Lake, handles section for years now, and many pro- ing them, may be violent but will no 111 the old age pensions dealt with in perties have been staked there. Up to doubt meet with the approval of he the District of Cochrane, except those date, however, a success has not been United States. It was in just the same rm the. town of Timmins. the council I struck, but that may mean no moreI way that their highly respectable an- __ _!-_‘.A. -41.}. .. A-..L.n.€n Rhineâ€"navy. .hey say is the correct way. Others want to know what it meant, anyway. ‘Bakshish’ is correct in the sense used ind means “To Give." So there you MC! The Legions is going to give a social evening to the members and their wives and sweethearts next Mon- day, in the Oddi‘ellows’ hall. All| should make an effort to attend this ‘Bakshish,’ Backsheesh,’ ‘BuckShee,’ )U'l'fi MyUIE ADD an WLULL’5. uu\-Mawv ‘ fl...“ .â€" There is much 01' public interest in the report submitted by F. K. Ebbitt, secretary of the Old Age Pensions Board for the District of Gschrane. This board, which is composed of G. A. Mswdon-ald, Timmins, chairman; F. K. Ebbitt, Iroquois Falls, secretary, and R. J. Oairter, Kirkland Lake, handles ill the old age pensions dealt with in the District of Cochrane. except those “or the town of Timmins, the council in Timmins acting as the board fer this town and dealing with all applica- "ions. I. E. Dunn is the secretary of the Timmins beard. The last report for the District of Cochran-e Old Age Pensions Board is dated Feb. 16th. and is prepared by the secretary, F. K. Ebbimt, who has given very generously of his time and effort to the work. The report in brief is as follows:â€" chort Cochrane District 01d Age Pen- sions Board Iroquois Falls, Feb. 16th, 1932. Last. report submitted to members of boar-d. September 15th. 1931. coking at her lovely Total number of applications t 286. yet. 8. Applications pending, 11:. Total number of deaths reported, 26. (These pensionem were receiving $5,- 300 09 per annum). Total number of applications refused. 18 (Most of these were insufficient residence, either in Canada. or in On- mm). {oval number of pensions cancelled by inspector, 13. Tot-3.1 number of pensioonexs trans- ferred to other districts, 29. Total number of pensioners trans- ferred to Cochrane district from when districts, 1‘7. Number of past offices applications received from, 60. The age. of the oldest pensioner is 94 vears. This lady is living at South Por- cupine. She was born in P'wton. On- tario. in 1838. We hope she will be spmedtommecenturymarkand that her pension is of some comfort to her. the Deparh’nent of National Defence in case of trouble. Now there must come .‘mpmvemcat in Canadian radio opera- tion, for smaservienoe to the big chain W15 of the United States is dim- culttoumlerstand. .tiications mailed but not returned e Odd- One of the latest rushes is in to the :11 7th, section east of Ramore. A couple of Wilson weeks ago there were reports of notable ; such finds being made east of Ramore, [1, Mrs. thsugh no particulars were available. as Cur- Last week several parties are reported ny and to have gone in, though their dost-inc- >od ag- tion was not made known. Indeed. sts will there is more or less mystery about it ” scene all. and anyone who knows the ord'in- pntinual ary prospectlr knows thatitisjust that 3 date Rush Reported Now in Ramore District Reports Made of Large Depo its of Low-Grade Gold Ore In Territory East 0! Ramon-e. Staking Be- Ing Done. such a. determination to find something big. The special difiiculties seem to make him but the keener. The pros- pector after all is about, the hardest man on earth to discsurage, and as far quitting, he simply won‘t do it. He realizes that gold is badly needed at the present. moment. and he is out. after gold. At. the present time the prospec- tor is busy in a number of sections and there are several areas where there are enough prcspectors busy to call it a regular rush. touch of mystery that sets him on ht mettle. When everybody is talkin; about a particular area and everybod: seems to know all about it, then th chances are that all the parts wort] while is staked up. But when ther is no more than an odd word or tw dropped. a hint here and there, wit? careful guarding of particulars, the the prospector feels that there is real] something doing and he is soon all St a trip cum of town did. not (1 had been to the Rmore , he g-c-t on the train at Ra] turn home to Timmins th‘ than that the lucky man has not yet hit the spot. It may be noted here that while there is more or less of a rush to the Ra- more area the pmspeotors are also busy in the immediate area of the Per- cupine. There is especial interest in the country south of Timmins on the line that would be followed by the pro- posed road connecting Timmins and Sudbury. In McArthur township for instance, there is more than the usual amount of work being carried cn and more is likely «to be taken up in the near future. Hon. 8. F. Tolmie, Premier of British Columbia, is among those who believe that definite constructive measures would do much towards improving pre- vailing conditions. By public co-cpera- tion in developing a. greater domestic market, indust ', he believes. will cfisr more employment and greater activity. It is not a. one-sided preposition by any means which the honourable gentle- man puts forward. It is simply a mat- ter of helping others to help one's self. “In the Dark Ages." Mr. Tolmie said recently. “no matter what his ailments. the patient was bled. We are revert- ing to the Dark Ages if we try to re- vive business by bleeding it. Depress- ed conditions do not right themselves; they have to be corrected by our begin- ning again to spend on a normal basis. , “Until we do, our factories will stand idle and our workers will remain unem- ; ployed. The sooner we resume our nor- . mal gait, the better for everybody. Spending creates employment. and each additional worker bedames in turn a wealth in circulation. SPEND ON NORMAL BASIS” SAYS PREMIER TOLIVUE “An insistent. demand for good; by stimulating pmdtwtion in our factories will enable them to mrket their pm- ducts at lower cost to the consumer besides managing the retailer to cart) with Claims Bears Really Aid Moose by Killing Wolves There are all sorts of sidelights in the matter of the dispute about whe- ther bears are harmful to moose or not. The latest new way of looking at the question comes from Kaministiquia. in Northwestern Ontario. A despatch published in the newspapers last week from Kaministiquia says:â€" “Score another for Jack Miner, de- fender of bears and one against M. U. Bates. cf Metagami, who claims that bruin destroys the moose. Far from proving a menace to deer, bear actu- ally act as their natural protectors by. destroying wolf whelps in the spring. in ' the opinion of hunters and trappers here. This theory is based on the fact: that bear and deer have been gradu-‘ ally increasing in this area. while tim- ber wolves have been decreasing. Ad- mitting that bears are fond of some {meat in their greatly varied diet, par-t ticularly in the spring. when they‘ emerge gaunt and hungry from their long vdnter hibernation, which is more‘ reasonable than to suppose that they turn to the easiest source of supply of flesh they can obtain, the whelps of‘ timber wolves and coyotes in their dens. Wolf cubs are easier for human beings‘ to capture than young deer and moose, and presumably are easier for bears to capture also. The dens of wslves would be more easily found by the keen nose and ears of the bears, than would the young deer and moose, which are constantly on the move. The scent of established dens. and the whines and yelps of the pups at piay would be noted by the bear a half mile away. If the she wolf is away the bear could dig the whelps out of the den at leisure oroatch them while out- side at play. Even if the old wolf should return, the bear would be more than a. match for her. While bear un- doubtedly occasionally kill a deer or moose calf, it is the sickly one whose Fort, William Thnes-Joumal:-â€"â€"The methods of the Chinese in carrying out the boycott of Japanese goods, by hau- ling them out of the stores and destroyâ€" ing them, may be violent but will no doubt meet with the approval of he United States. It was in just the same way that their highly respectable an- cestors dealt with a certain shipment of tea in Boston Harbour and they got away with it. Imitation is the sin- cerest flattery. Here are some of the many things you can do with ST. CHARLES! i Acidity Overcome VDistributors: ROLLS DARLINGTON. LTD. 119 Pearl Street Toronto 70;le Instead of having an acid stomach and being constipated, Mr. Frank C. is well. “1 can eat anything since trying Carter's Little Liver Pills," he says. Because they are PURELY VEGE- TABLE. :1 gent le. effective tonic to both liver and bowels, Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pills are without equal for cor- rectingConstipation, Biliousness. Headaches. Poor Complexion and In- digestion. ;Z-Sc. 75c. red plaza, every. WhCi'. Ask for Carter's bv NAME. W'onderful Results [7er Famous E have recently pre- pared a beautifully illustrated 80-page Recipe Book. It gives a wealth of new practical and economiâ€" cal recipes for soups, cakes, salads, puddings, ice creams, pastries, candies, etc. It ex- plains how you can quickly improve the flavor of your cooking and incidentally offer your family many entirely new recipes that they will enjoy. Borden’s St. Charles Evap~ orated Milk is rich country milk with nothing but 60% of the moisture removed. Every drop of cream and goodness is saved , giving you a wonderful cooking ally in a handy, hygienic and coon- omical form. ing.ctc..rcgularl§ . . don't pay unnecessary "moth tax.‘ Every bottle guaranteed. The Batden Co.. Limited. 115 George 81.. Toronto. Gentlemen: Mandate acopy ofthe ‘Good Pto- WHICOOKM' Nam. Adda-u 9A¢Domazw COUPON m Ve g1; Fill in the at- tached coupon and we shall be glad to aendyou a copy of the “Good Pit-évider'a Cook Book" by return mail. Thcy spread dc- struction. Spray directly on clot!!- ramble Pills ‘ 7mqmnl and S rain/(5 s. [wry Bot/II Gun/mm Blade in Ca nadr

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