It is a well known fact that some foods have a strong tendency to pro- duce excessive stomach acidity and con- sequent indigestion. By omitting from daily meals those foods that experience proves do not agree and limiting the diet to certain tasteless unappetizing foods, stomach troubles may in many instances, be slowly overcome. Nine times in ten. however, indigestion, gas, etc., are due to excessive acidity and the premature scuring of food in the stomach. Keep the stomach clean and sweet by freeing it of this extra acid and then sufferers can eat the foods they like best and as much as they want in reason and have no stomach trouble at all. Thousands of people do this daily by merely taking after every meal a little Bisurated Magnesia. which can be had at any good drug store in either powder or tablet form. Bisurated Magnesia instantly neutral- izes stomach acids, stops food fermen- tation and meals digest as naturally and painlessly as in the stomach of a healthy child. Stomach comfort means a lot and most folks like good things to eat. Enjoy them both by making Bis- ‘ urated Magnesia your daily after-eat- ing protection. 1 Tells Dyspeptics Strict Diets Often Unneces- sary afterward. The Ladies' Gu'flld of the United Church served a. very dainty Valentine tea at the church on Saturday after- noon. The tables were d-aintily decor- the Maker of all things, was shown most clearly. The vastness of the uni- verse and 'the almost unimaginable minutness. of its atoms were striking- ly partway-ed. The uswal games. sing- sangs and refreshments were enjoyed On Wednesday evening of last week the topic for the Young People's So- ciety was handled in a. most able and F2 interesting manner by Mr. F. Purdy. w: mam of the Continuation School. I he It was on “What has the Study 0:11): Science done for us." Mentioning ti: briefly the other sciences, Mr. Purdy 5;: (Melt at more length on electricity and 11g physical phenomena. The absolute de- 3; pendenoe of man on a Supreme Being. p3 3? w: 'PROSPECTORS’ CLASSES The Lectures will be held in the Public School CLASSES AND LECTURES FREE OF CHARGE HON. CHARLES MCCREA T. F. SUTHERLAND The Class will be under the direction of Dr. E. M. Bun-wash, who will also give a number of evening lectures illustrated by lantern slides. Tuition will be in elementary chemistry and geology. and particular at~ tuition will be paid to mineral spotting. Chgses for the training of prospectors will be held under the auspices of the Ontario Department of Mines in the South Porcupine. Ont" Feb. 17th 1932. Special to The Advance. Dome Wins Game h} ‘ From Noranda Kings ' ELIE | Pres on Hamilton South Porcupine Alo Enjoys Some Trail Range: lub Classy Glrls' Hockey. Other [11- Monday evening aft wrestling Items from Corres- meeting. pondent for South Porcu- In one of their be pine and Dome. mason on Friday 1a OddfellowS’ Hall, Timmins Beginning Thursday, February 25th 6 Good Prue's. Admission :-â€"-50c. Hoyigger Hall,_T_uesday, February 23 Building Lots. EVERY LAD Y Minister of Mines Ample†of the Prices and location can be secured from the Town Clerk. ‘VIIIST ])RIVE ‘un on baLurCIay aILer~ E1313}, h’IClen. 93 were daintily decorâ€" . {1;- L to break {rs-2n him. I truck). Fender Speptics l but Clarke WA gresaure in N: 9 ‘11: is? for r01 What to Eat! the (03;) f;:' _â€".- AND CONTINUING FOR EIGHT DAYS a. 2 Special Prizes. '1 boor Prize. Good Refreshments will be served after Cards ATTENDING “1L1. RECEIVE A SOUVENIR TORONTO. CANADA NOTICE U’ ‘ THE LARGEST GOLD CAMP IN CANADA Daughters of England Benevolent Society . E. MONTGOMERY, 3f the best plays of the evening was featured by Walsh at centre when he stole from Do ran with a clever sweep check, seemingly having to kneel and extend himself almost parallel with the ice to reach it. McManus’ determined rushes also featured this session. The third stanza was sprinkled with thrills. The Kings played four men up prac- tically the whole time. In three min- utes their bombardment of Clark was rewarded when Walsh got a shot quick between Clarke’s feet. The play switched to Hemn’s abode but soon they were back in Dome area like so many Hc Wit .eam defc ck 'Okin m defeated the 'Noz‘and‘a Copper 1gs at the arena in a 3-2 score. A]- rugh out of the play-offs the Porkies 'e a splendid exhibition of Canada's Lter sport. J. Chircoski, cf Iroquais is. acted as referee and the game ; cleaner than some we have ,seen e lately. Of the thirteen penalties ne got eight, all for minor infrac- Lst. One of the best skaters am: khandlers on the ice was Dube. a face in the Noranda ently young yet for seni ’, his promise of real hock conï¬nented upon by save teams lined upzâ€"Norane Cards at 8.30 prompt. T. F. SUTHERLAND Acting Deputy Minister in honour of and th alt at the safe. and-a. f . M Clerk he patron min? )21‘ was deï¬cit ale of heme-m Ice as N oranda entertained h games of the Dame hockey their regu Escorts. Al- the Porkies of Canada's cf Iroquois 'as Dube, a 121 line-up. :enior 03m- 9 In All was the 5h stale derson‘s on goal wort} Among the other cases at police court this week was a charge against Wilbert Brewer of conducting a gaming house or being the keeper thereof. The case was remanded to next week. Similar remand was made in the case of alman charged with the theft of a timer from an automobile on Wilson avenue. A. C. Chenier. undertaker, again faced a charge of conducting busi- ness without a transient trader's license, contrary to town by-law. This case was remanded to next week. There was also a week's adjournment in the case of a Deloro township man who was charged with retaining stolen property. A man accused of reckless driving also had his case laid over to next week. As a. result of a raid conducted on Tuesday evening or Wednesday morn- ing by Chief Jones and some of his men, Nap. Mantha was ï¬ned $500.00 or three months. When the police got into Mantha‘s premises on Third aven- ue where he has recently been conduct- ing a cleaning and pressing pzrlour the police found a bottle in his hands and six bottles in a grip in the place. Liquor cases featured the police court here this week. J. Goyski was ï¬ned $100.00 and costs for liquor not on his permit. Laurence Lauzon was ï¬ned $100.00 and costs for having liquor other than in his private dwelling. A lfquor charge against Mrs. Mary Wal- ker resulted in a ï¬ne of $50.00 and lcosts. In connection with two different 'raids in regard to suspected breaches of the liquor laws two women paid ï¬nes for obstructing the police in their duty. On this charge Mrs. Vincenzo Frattori was ï¬ned $100.00 and costs. and.on a similar charge a similar ï¬ne and costs was imposed on Mrs. Mary Viccanio. Two common drunks paid $10.00 and costs each. B. Studor, on a fourth oï¬'ence for drunkenness was given a three months term. Isaac Brisbois on a charge of permitting drunkenness in his house was remanded to next week. Raid Tuesday Night Results in Fine of $500.00 and Costs or Three Months. Several Other Liquor Cases at This Week's Court. Liquor Cases Here at Court This Week brown; centre, B. Gallagher; wings. A. Eyre. M. Lloyd; spares, McPhail. Lucas, Mahon. F. St. Paul, L. Niemi. Townâ€"goal. M. Cameron; defence, Mrs. Cook-B. Rayner; centre. Mrs. Turner; wings. J. Alexander, I. Forster; spares, R. Miller, I. Freeman, G. Forster, G. Herman. The S.P.C.S. showed the re- suits of the praofice they have been having. Their net guardian had lit- tie to d3. the puck seldom getting past the defence but Miss. Cameron was the busiest girl on that ice, eight got past her but by the time she get the knack of stopping them a good many more were shunted oï¬. Ivy Forster starred for the town team. Beulah Rayner did some husky defence work and “Cookie†just shoved them to the right iand left of that goal, not saying any- thing about the . one she shoved in. There was so much real hockey in the school team a star would be hard work to pick. Hazel Mahon was wonderful in her ability to rick up pisses and also shooting on net. Margaret Lloyd and Mary Gallagher showed real skill in puck carrying in their rushes. Bet- ty Gallagher proved a sure little sniper when the puck was sent to her. Mar- gare: carried the puck up and Betty scored within ten seconds of the start; next Margaret got one on her own. Hazel M'ahon also persistently ï¬gured on the score sheet. Mary Gallagher made sure to get there too in the se- cond stanza. The third stanza they were held down to one tally. ' uation School girls played a team oom~ posed of young ladies from town and Dome. The ability showed' by the | school girls under the coaching of Miss lMcPhail was a. revelation to the fans. There were nearly as many present as Ifor the Senior hockey tilts, excited E swains urging along their favourite lady ,fadr, the exuberant school-boy lustily [yelling at that girl or this what she ‘,do, interested parents watching with an amused quizzical smile and the dyed-in-the-wcol fan picking out the Kaufman; defence, Brown; centre, B. A. Eyre. M. Lloyd Lucas, Mahon. F'. i high-lights, all 1 Purdy acted as S.P.C.S.â€"(all sw mm.wmmm0hrkeume . . 9' 8 my antiomeetRicewhopickeditupJutmmHOGom“Be Cd pend†N “m o, the buck m m: by Death of Her Brother the meleeandhadit shelved before‘ . be tndedtoMrs arke l Pan- 8 - will ex e . gemoniu:m:m::dgusihle1h?$' showed ’ H. gmgzrthmin in the recent death of Nomads- had plenty of sympathize-rs, . her brother in Chicago. In referring After four minutes of end-to-end 3 t0 the'death a Chicago newspaper 0f rushes. great saves by both net custod- : recent date has the following-â€" isms} and flashy pang-m, Johns can-fed l Death of Leo Murphy. Grain Editor. the puck in and tecteci Hersh with 8 Shock to His Friends. :straight-on shot. He was sat: for flu? I Friends of 'Leo Murphy, Board of one but not when Murray ï¬lmed back , Trade editar of The Chicago American. the rebound to a. comer he couldn‘nwepe stunned {041357 by news of his cover, flitting Dome again in the lead. sudden death. “1:19 {inmfup showed fm“ Rd:eteIr-‘ Funeral arrangments were awaiting ["1 3 on 0" the next ew “1mm"? :1 ; the arrival of a sister from Canada. fact in their excitement, three minutes [Mrs Alice O'Gorman 1 before the final gcng, it was seen that] . they were playing "ï¬ve men up†cn} Mr. Murphy. who was 32. died at the . . p ‘ ; t . ‘1 the ice and ma one in the homegow. huniehof his momer. Mis. ferries I: With his eye on the fast moving puck Mm Ln y. 5309 W. Munroe suree . _ the referee‘s attention cwid not be caught so the gong was sounded. Noranda thought that. was the end, but it was only the poll-call. the and came after three minutes more of thrilling play and the final gong was the crack of doom for Novanda‘s hopes of get- hornets. Walsh shot and Clarke we: refer Mary Gall new 'bl McPhail X'y Galla L11 agher ; THE POR_QUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO Th l'in‘ ue fhe ncir -UI.\ and 01‘ Trade p Thousands o.’ botf‘oo said annual. ly-sales are incroaflng dallf'. Try It yourseu this week A do! ngu . cooling. refreshing drmk Us" cola tho blood. relieve. ollbmnnoss. ndl- geotlon and slucgluh Uvu. The prlco lo extra $960!“. Blended by ex- port. from choice Empire - grOWn beanoâ€"froch trom roaster to youâ€"at a lower â€at. Try it today. â€crass?- 35c You are ham-l1 9: mu "1!: delightful assortment of qqality Biscuitsâ€"- chocolate. ‘onnlla marqhmallow and plain toppedâ€"With cookces and sandwich uyme 'h‘uly wonderful value this week. Try a pound or two «the sa/lr-c u .~:l' vow-1h while. COFFEE 4 Cakes 25C THE COLD UREA!“ . . . yes EMPIRE BLEND Economical BIHV‘E‘LI’H L!) U). Pkg MANYFLOWERS ECIALva E S T O N ’ S SOAP Relreshlng FRY 7 3 Breakfast SPECIAL.A Treat for All VIRGINIA SALTED PEANUTS 2Mcdium 3 S'"2g;â€25c 23° SIZECIALM HEINZ OVEN BAKED In the morning~at no ishing cup of Fry's 0901 the price is extra specual EXTRA SPECIAL-m g EATON’S Eï¬ervescing twity mm summezr. Without a pmper dock at Connaught it will be impos- sible to provide the best trampoï¬ation service fer the summer wark. Con-- naught. is on one mute to the Matache- wan area†which is a matter of more importance than may appear to many at ï¬rst sight. till more important pmpevr docking facilities at Oannaught are essential to the service of mining. me Connatxght 'this week ‘there comes a request that something should be done. and done at once. in regard to the dock at Conmught. The dock is in very bad shape and unless action Great. Need for New Dock at Connaught g FRUIT /SAL|NE IZ'oz. “ Bottle he of Dock Imperative in View of Activities in the District This Sum- mer. Now the Right Time to Act. E 23° SUPREME ASSORTED Just taste Beansâ€"oven bakedâ€"the Helnz way. Golden brown, dellclous and flavorful. Special this week. SUN-GLO Big Shipment --- Choice 0! choice Cream- ery Butter was ordered for the Ontarlo section of our chaln at one of the lowest rice: in ears. uy your utter nowâ€"take advantage of this tremendous purchaseâ€"- price our allotment will not last long. 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 2 OARLOADS FEBRUHAEMX‘PBICES INHPRE OUR OWN BRAND Specials ON SALE Feb. 19-25. Floor Wax Â¥$ 43c Eats Dirt tra Special JARY PRICES IN PRE- ........................................... __2 35° VIOUS YEARS Per lb ........................................ 48c LYE GILLETT’S HAWE'S 1n the Night. Hawk area. stood that the Night Hawk. Not often are we able to offer a special so out- standingâ€"Canada's favorite brand of Flourâ€"co famous for its excellent baking qualities. And the priceâ€"well. it’s so low you just can’t afford to miss this opportunity to save. Come early! lb. Pr me Rib Roast of Boneless Mea'cd Cottage RollsԠRound Steak Roast of Beef Boneless and Mealcd Back Bacon 18c Specials for Friday and Saturday 'â€" A v'--l 48c 44c 40c 34c 17bc x3 7 20 D ,. pound salt! a_ pound of satisfaction is wrapped thh It. And that’s what counts. For, after a". It is the meat that mARca 9h. moan! Bag lbs. Beef 1b- 1 6c Bo; ling 0t Pot Roast A nourish- ing. delicious breakfast dish -â€"evcr popular. 5 lbs. 0 A nourish- ing, delicious breakfast dish â€"ever popular. SPECIALm Bulk the promsed activity in the district may not be held back or prevented. W1: 11 go: (1 dock facilities at Cmmaught the coming season in the Cannaught I district will be a good one to the gen- Cobalt public school board has de- cided not to cut teachers‘ salaries this year. Those entitled to increases will also receive them. Cobalt public school trustees, after full consideration, have apparently arrived at the conclusion that school teachers are worth every cent they receive and more. dently is both needed and desir'able from every vieWpoint. It is to be hop- ed that. the department will take up the matter immediately and see that dock facilities are available so that the promised activity in the district RGLLED :ut come oirly. At this Tigpday, Feb. 18th, 1932 :t will ' dvanta Porridge 1b. 160 lb