FOR SAWâ€"Freeman grocery counter. also twenty-foot grocery counter. meat. block, coflee grinder. meat chopper and slicer. Cash Register and good delivery horse. with wagon. sleigh and harness. Apply 55 Klrby avenue. Timmins ~45p POTATOES FOR SALEâ€"One car 55¢ per 91 lb. bag on car. 5c less it bags are fumlshed. Can be shipped vegeâ€" table rite or will mix car of turnips. 60c; carrots. 75c; beets. 75¢ per bag. Also for sue 25 large grey geese $3.00 each. Apply to C. A. Hewitt. RR. N2. 1. Thomloe. Ont. 45p FOR SALEâ€"Fur Robes for Cutters or Cars. $12.00 Large size and brand new; guaranteed as advertised. Shipped on receipt of money order. Modern Radio Shop. 817 Second ave. Owen Sound, Ont. 45-46p 47-48 FOR RENTâ€"Five-roomed house with all conveniences. Apply 21.} Way ave. 'I‘immlns. ~45p CANARIES FOR SALEâ€"$6.00 each. 0811 evenings of next week Birds good for singing in warm or cold rooms. Apply 119 Fourth ave, or ‘phone 788-w, Schumacher -45p HOUSE FOR RENT -- Four-momed house to rent; new house with lights and water. Apply 34 Montgomery Ave, Timmlns -43tf FOR RENTâ€"House (four rooms) and garage. All conveniences. Amiy 117 Elm Street, South. -45p FOR RENTâ€"Seven-roomed house up- stairs. with all conveniences. Will not rent to family with children younger than 13 years of age. Ap- ply corner of Spruce and Kirby ave. Timmins. -45p HOUSE FOR. RENTâ€"Apply 11 Cedar Street. South. Timmins. 441) FOR. RENTâ€"Three-roomed furnished and heated apartment. Apply 104 Cedar Street. South. Timmins. 45p FOR RENTâ€"flange space. Apply J. M. Belanger. Ofï¬ce 15, Reed Block, or 56 Mountjoy Street, South, Tim- mms. -45p FOR SALEâ€"Oak Library Table in good condition. cheap for quick sale. Apply 104 Elm street north. 45-46p FOR SALEâ€"Star Coupe, in good run- ning condition. Apply 153 Commer- cial avenue, Timmins ~45p FOR SALEâ€"Cooking range. in good condition; reasonably priced. Call 43 Messines ave.. or phone 654-F. Timmins. -45 FOR SAIEâ€"Massey-Harris C.H.P. gas- cline engine, almost new. ï¬fty pairs of blankets and a lot of camp outfit consisting of a blacksmith forge, an- vil and dies. Apply 159 Pine Street. North, Tlmmins. -45p FOR RENT -- Large three-roamed apartment with all conveniences. Suitable for young couple. Apply 55 Hemlock Street. Tlmmlns. -45p FOR RENTâ€"Small well-heated apart- ment. central, suit gentleman. Ap- ply Box C.J. Advance Ofï¬ce, Tim- mins. -45p FOR SALEâ€"English pram. in ï¬rst- class condition. Also wicker rockâ€" ing chair. Apply 5 Borden Ave., Timmins. 44-45;) FOR SALEâ€"Forest Crossley Radio. 1930 model, 9 tubes. perfect condi- tion. Big bargain. M. Steinberg. comer Wilson and Moumjoy Street. 44-451) FOR SAIEâ€"J‘urnlture and used car. in good condition. Also three-room- ed house with all conveniences for rent. Apply Friday morning between 11 and 12 o'clock to 106 Balsam Street South. at rear. Tlmmlns. -45p FOR RENTâ€"Nine-roomed house, six ems downstairs and three upstairs. All conveniences, at 257 Balsam Street. North. Apply 207 Balsam Street; North, Timmins. 45-471) WANTED â€"-â€" Furnished apartment or rooms for light housekeeping in Schumacher or Timmins. Possession November 15th or December lst. Write Box 587, Schumacher. -45 FOR SALEâ€"Mason and Risch Piano. and oblong stool. almost new, $150. Apply 37 Cambrai Ave.. Timmlns. 44-46 FOR SALEâ€"Runners for baby carriage, new. Apply 4 Elm Street. North. 'I‘immins. ~45 FOR SALEâ€"One Brown Muskrat Coat. Apply 53 Main Street. Sou'h Por- cupine. after six pm. ~45-47 FOR SALEâ€"Singer reasonable. Apply son Ave., Timm'ms. CEDAR FENCE POSTS FOR SALEâ€" Can supply any quantity. any sizes. Apply David Mozher, Shillington, Ontario. 44-45;) FOR SALEâ€"One set of sleighs, and half a. carload of good hay. Apply 68’Fi1th Ave, Timmins. 45-46p ARTICLES FOR SALE Thursday, Nov. 5th, 1931 FOR RENT Sewing Machine, at rear of 10 W11- .45;. FOR SALEâ€"New house just completed. Six rooms and bath. full size base- ment and modern conveniences. WANTEDâ€"Girl for housework. Apply 11 Cedar st. south, Timmins 45p WANTEDâ€"Exclusive franchise avail- able for popular priced Electric Re- frigerator made in Canada. by 8 responsible company. Also automa- tic Coal Blower. These are two spe- cialties that are selling in quantities. Applicant must be responsible and a worker. lee references. Write Box CM" Advance Ofï¬ce. Timmins 45-47 FOR SALEâ€"Twoâ€"storey house "with all conveniences; two-storey stable for eight teams of horses; also horses. Two corner lots on corners of Wilson and Main. Will accept small cash payment. Apply 94 Main Ave., Tim- mlns. -44-46p WANTEDâ€"Good girl for housework Apply 13 Wilson avenue, Timmins LOTS FOR SALEâ€"Four-roomed new bungalow on Way ave, it’s a real classy small home, built by a real carpenter. Cement foundation; all ready to move right into. It’s yours HELP WANTEDâ€"Two experienced waitresses. Apply to Golden Hub. Pine Street, North, Timmlns. -45p WANTEDâ€"Girl to d6 light housewoi'k ' and keep lady company. Apply 47 Wilson Ave., Timmins. -45p WANTEDâ€"Exparienced Finnish wants housework. Apply 75 Street. North. Timmins. POSITION WANTEDâ€"English woman wants work by the day or hour; good csok. Write Box 1424, Tim- minc. -45p WIDOW DESIRES POSITION as housekeeper or helper in home or hztel. Experienced and able. Would COLLECTOR WANTED one day fol- lowing each pay-day of Hollinger. Mine. Commission basis. Must fur- nish satisfactory guarantee in case of sh artage in remittances. Apply 8 pm. to Mr. Gelber. 11 Cedar Street. South. Room 8. 45p LOTS FOR SALEâ€"Two lots on Mont- gomery ave. going at $85.00 each, there is no more when these are sold. One lot on Kirby at $200.00. Corner lot on Rea street facing the High School, it's a bargain at $150.00. One lot on Tamarack street left at $250. See Babcock the Lot Man, 5 Birch street south, Timmlns -45 LOTS FOR SALEâ€"Business corner store and ï¬ve lovely rooms. situated at Kirby ave. and Rea street. facing the High School. Get into a busi- ness. This store is needed for light shelf groceries, candy, school sup- plies, gas and light lunches for the school boys and girls. It's near ï¬nished and I am offering it at an attractive price and terms. Act quickly. See Babcock the Lot Man, 5 Birch street south, Timmins ~45 FOR RENTâ€"Warm rooms, one double and one single, with or without bcard. Apply 4 Elm Street, North, Timm'ms. -45 FOR SALEâ€"Two shacks on separate lots. at 211 and 213 Railroad Street. Appjy 170 Spruce Street. South, Tim- mins. -36p FOR RENTâ€"Two rooms. suitable for light housekeeping. Apply 32 Kirby Ave, Timmins. ~44p ROOMS FOR RENTâ€"All conveniences . g-ocrd location. Apply 83 Birch Stree South. or phone 479. Timmins. 44-45 FOR RENTâ€"Two furnished rooms, uitable fcr light housekeeping; use of p.10ne. Apply 77 Balsam Street South. Timmins. -45p ROOM FOR RENTâ€"Au conveniences. English-speakmg preferred. Apply 158 Mane Street. South. Timmins 45 WANTED AT ONCEâ€"Two neat-ap- pearing men to handle cur business in Timmins. If you are interested in $30.00 per week, write to Mr. L. Jewell. 87 King Street, Sudbury. Ontario. 45-461) PROPERTIES FOR SALE ROOM TO RENTâ€"In home with all conveniences. Apply 58 Tamarack Street. -45 FURNISHED ROOMS TU RENTâ€" Clean and comfortable. Suitable for light housekeeping. Use of phone and kitchen. Apply to 5% Fifth avenue. or phone 64W. 30% et a. quick cash price, $1050.00, or $500.00 caSh, balance $35. 00 a month Hurry if you re wanting a, cosy sweet home Why pay any more rent stop, lack and buy your: elf a home. See Babcock the Lot Man, 5 Birch street south. Timmins ~45 Good drainage. lovely location. Ap- ply 43 Lake Shore road, Tlmmlns 45p family South. especially satisfactory in small HELP WANTED ApplyT to ROOMS 115 Elm Street, ~45p girl Rea -45p -45p LOSTâ€"Pekinese dog. black with white chest and brown paws. Answers to name of “Fluffy." Finder please re- turn to 164 Maple street. south Tim- mins. Reward. _ -45 WANTED TO BUYâ€"A used typewriter portable preferred. Will pay moder- ate price; must be in good condition. Apply to Room 6 Gordon Block or write Box 21, 'I‘inimins. -45p EVEREADY TRANSFER. 162 Mount- joy street, Timmins. Phone 893-w. Roy Tetrault, proprietors. Also Wood for Sale.. -38p tf R. J. HENRYâ€"Piano tuner is in town. Those wishing their pianos tuned leave orders with J. Heffernan, 46 Third avenue, or phone 438, Timmins -45p Dated at Timmins this 23rd day of Octcber. 1931. 44-461). WILLIAM A. BECK. EXPERT RADIO SERVICEâ€"On all makes of machines All work guar- anteed. See Albert Orr. or phone 585-M or leave word at Moisley Ball Drug Store, Timmins 451st BOARDERS WANTEDâ€"In good home. nice locality; prices reasonable. Ap- ply 57 Elm Street. South. Timmins. ~40p WANTEDâ€"Woman wants work of any kind. Write Box M.B.. Advance Oflice, Timmins. -45p Take notice that henceforth I will not be respsnsible for any debts or obligations contracted or incurred by my wife. Marguerite Beck. of Mathe- WINTER STORAGEâ€"For four cars. Furniture upholstermg. Apply 89 Main Ave, Tlmmlns. 45p REMODEILINGâ€"Fur coats, altered, repaired and remodelled. Work guaranteed. Apply 5; Fifth Ave.. Timmlns. 451) DANCING SCHOOL -- For children, tuition included, tap and ballet. danc- ing. etc., very moderate fees. Write Mrs. Harold Burt, Box 948, or call at 17 Borden Ave., Timmins. 43-45ptf FOR RENTâ€"Comfortable rooms with board, in private home. Central 10â€" cality, nus/enable rates. Apply 44 Second Ave., Timmins. -44p WANTEDâ€"White Husky Pup. Apply to V. Weed-bury. Timmins. 44-45 POSITION WANTED -â€" Experienced Chinese chef desires position in Hotel, Tea Room or Hospital. Apply Wong, Box 361, Timmins. -43-46p WANTEDâ€"English wcman wants work. cleaning ofl‘lces or any other kind of work. Apply Mrs. S. Trefr. 14 Laurier Ave., Timmins. â€"45p NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC FOR SALEâ€"Dry slabs by the load $4. 50 and round wood by the c r.d Axanly Chaput, and Mainville 118 First Ave, third house from corner of Preston. Phone 377, Timmins. Also delivered in Schumacher. 44-45tf ROOM AND BOARDâ€"With home cooking; central_location. Apply 41» Cedar Street, South, upstairs. Under new management, Mrs. A. Rowe. -45p LOSTâ€"Spare wheel of car. Finder please phone 609-J-2, Timmins. Re- ward. 45p WILL THE PERSON who has 8. dia- mond set engagement ring, the pro- perty of Mrs. Joliceour take same tc police station or return to Mrs. Joliceour, 42 Messines Ave. Tim- mins. . 4513 WOOD FOR SALEâ€"Dry 16-inch round Jackpine, $3.25; 16-inch dry Spruce. $3.00. Also mixed wood 16-inch, $2.50 a. cord. 4-foot; wood $6.00, and 4- foot round wocd. Dry slabs, $4.50 a load. 16-inch dry Birch, $4.25 a. and. Phone 441, J. A. Daly, 110 Wil- son Ave.. Timmins. -45tf WANTEDâ€"Board and room for stu- dent. Apply P.O. Box 89, Timmins. -45p LOSTâ€"White wire-haired fox terrier. .Finder p‘ease return to 34 Messin-es Ave, Timmins. Reward. -45p LOSTâ€"Pair Glasses between Second Avenue and Spruce Street. Finder please return to 102 Pine Street, South. Reward. . 45p CHILDREN FOR ADOP'I‘IUNâ€"Goo- homes desired for children. boys anr‘ girls. Catholic and Protestant, age 4 to 14 years. Any home desiring to adopt a youngster should haw their clergyman write A. G. Carson Supt. Children’s Aid. Timmins. Ont 44L! POSITION WANTED ROOM AND BOARD MISCELLANEOUS WOOD FOR SALE WANTED LOST THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO Notlce ls hereby given that the meet- ing of the Electors {or the Nomination of Candidates for May-or. Councillors. and Public School Trustees. for the Town of Timmlns for the year 1932. shall be held in the Councll Rooms Timmlns. on Friday. November the 27th. 1931, at the following hours. For Mayor . . .. ‘10 am. to 11 am. For Councillors 12 noon to 1 pm. Public School Trustees 12 noon to 1 pm. And if a Poll ls required it shall be held in the Central Public School. Tlm- mlns, Ont. on Monday, December the 7th, 1931. Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage. which will be produced at the time of the sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction on Wednesday, Novem- ber 18. 1931, at 2.30 p.m.. at 4 Second Avenue, Timmins. Ontario. by E. C. Brewer, Auctioneer, the following pro- perty. namely:â€" Lot Number Seven Hundred and Forty-Six (746) on the North side of Second Avenue, as shown on Plan M- 30, Sudbury, deposited in the Ofï¬ce ‘of Land Titles at Cochrane, and more particularly described as being Muni- cipal Number 4 Second Avenue. Tim- mins, Ohmic. Terms: 10 per cent. of Lurchase money to be paid down at the time of sale and balance to be paid within 10 days. Take notice that henceforth I will not be responsible for any debts or obli- gations contracted or incurred by my wife. Kathleen Votour. Dated at Timrnins this 16th day of October, 1931. Mrs. W. Trollope and family wish to] thank those who were so kind to them i in their recent bereavement. Also the; doctors and stafl of St. Mary's hospital, the L.O.L., Trinity United Church members, Canadian Legion. neighbours and friends. ~45 . I have seized and taken int-oexecution and will offer for sale by public auc- tion at my omcc in the Court. Hsuse in the Town of Oochrane, in the D15- trict of Cochrane. on Wednesday the 9th day of December, 1931, at the hour of 11.00 o'clock in the forenoon; Situate in the Township of Carr in the District of Cochrane and Province of Ontario, namely; the South Half of Lot Number Eight (8) in the Third Concession cf the said Township of Carr; containing by admeasurement 161, 49-100ths Acres more or less and Registered as Parcel 2360. South East Cochrane. Sheriff's omce, Cochrane, August 28th, 1931. Mr. Owen Faman wishes to thank the wide circles of friends who were so kind during the illness and death of his mother, Mrs. A. Wright. Also to thank all for the many beautiful floral tri- butes sent. 45;) For further particulars and condi- tions of sale apply to S. C. PLATUS, Reed Block. Timmins. Ontario, Solici- tor for Mortgagee. Dated the 15th day of October, 1931. 43-45 JOHN D. ‘MACKAY. ~45-48. Sheriff. District of Gachrane All persons having claims against the Estate of John Taskinen, late of the Town of Timmins. in the District 1f C-ochrane, Bushman, deceased. who died on or about the 14th day of April. 1928. are hereby notiï¬ed to send in to the undersigned Solicitors for the Ad- ministratrix, at 363 Queen Street E. Sault Ste. Marie. Ontario, on or before the 24th day of November, 1931. full particulars of their claim, veriï¬ed un- der oath. Immediately after said 24th day of November, 1931. the assets of the Estate of the said John Taskinen will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Administratrix shall then have notice. All the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the said de~ fendant, Andre Riowlle, into and out of the following lands and tenements. -43-45p Per MACINNIS BRIEN, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, her Solici- tors herein. 44-46. TO WIT:â€" Under and by virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias, issued out of the District Court of the District of Cochrane and to me directed, against the lands and tenements of Andre Riopelle, defend- ant a: the suit of Joseph Brien, plain- tiï¬â€˜ In the Estate of John Taskinen, De- ceased. Dated at Sault Ste. Marie. Ontario. this let day of October, 1931. , IIELMA .TASKINEN, Administratrix. 9 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC NOTICE TO CREDITORS SHERIFF’S SALE OF LANDS CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS MORTGAGE SALE H. E. MONTGOMERY NOTICE J. D. VOTOUR Clerk SANGSTERâ€"In ever-loving memory of our dear son and brother. Raymond. who was Killed Octcber 28th. 1924. They miss him most who loved him best Indications are that the Dramatic Nights being presented this week by St. Matthew's A.Y.P.A. in the church hall will prove as popular and as suc- cesslul as the two similar events given earlier in the year. Last night the A. Y.P.A. presented the ï¬rst of the two events being given this week and the cther dramatic night will be offered this evening. Those attending last night's feature are strong in their praise of the talent and attraction of the event and this evening‘s programme should attract a particularly crowded house for the occasion. Further re- ference willbe made to these dramatic nights in the next issue of The Ad- vance. -â€"Ever remembered by Cissie and Billie. 45p DRAMATIC NIGHTS BY A.Y.P.A. AT CHURCH HALL THIS “'EEK SANGSTERâ€"In ever-loving memory of our dear brother. Raymond, who was killed October 28th. 1924. T30 dearly loved to be forgotten. Mayor Drew this morning got in touch with Reeve Gallagher. of Tisdale and learned that the township. of Tis- dale authorities, like those of Timmins, are asking a full observance of Armis- tice Day as a public holiday. . Though the day has been set aside this year by the parliament of Canada as a Dominion holiday, there has been some misunderstanding about its observance. There can be no doubt but that in Tim- mins and Tisdale the municipalities desire its full observance. â€"Ever remembered by Mother. Dad and Rene. 45p Mother of Five Looks for Early Release Fortunately. however. she was sent to the Muskoka Hospital for Consumptives. where the experienc- ed doctors and nurses took her in hand with kindly care. Since then, like a raln-i’reshened ilnwer. Mrs. N. has responded to the carefully piano ned treatment and has made splen- did progress toward! recovery. and is eagerly looking forward to the time when she may return to her little ones. . llttle ones. There are man such cases. but without ï¬nancla assistance the Muskoka Hospital cannot ald them. A gift from you will be gratefully reagelved if sent to Mr. A. E. Amen. 223 College -St.. Toronto: \V’lien one is only 27 the strain of raising five children on limited tin- ancial resources is a burden which would tax any woman's strength and vitality. In the case of slender Mrs. N., none too strong from early years at factory work. the burden pressed her lower and lower to the point where tuberculosis gripped he: in all its power. IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM Pwrcupine: Advance: Insert One Next Week For Sure Results . . .You should try The Public Library Again Open in New Quarters Timmins public library re-opened on Wednesday in the new quarters in the basement of the wst ofï¬ce building. The new premises will be a great im- provement over the former quarters when the alterations are completed. In the meantime the general public is delighted to have the use of the library again. it being greatly missed by many during the few days its service was dis- continued while the transfer was being made from the basement of the Gordon block to the basement cf the post ofï¬ce building. Entry to the library is by the west side door of the post ofï¬ce on Fourth avenue (the door nearest to the town hall). From the hall a door has been cut to the basement. so that there is direct entry from the hall on enter- ing the door. The door into the post omce lobby at that side has been closed. This is not due to anything about the library as some have thought. but to the fact that changes have been made in the interior of the [post ofï¬ce, some of the wickets being moved to make room for more boxes. There is a great- er demand for boxes than can be met at present. The general public Will re- gret the necessity for closing entry to the post ofï¬ce at the west end door on Fourth avenue, but the re-arrange- ments make it necessary. Shopping Days Away High-Grade Samples from Week’s Run of the Press Christian Science Monitorzâ€"Where- ever an incandescent electric light glows. wherever a high-speed telegraph instrument clicks, wherever a phono- graph smgs, a motion picture projec- tor whirs or a radio playsâ€"there Tho- mas Edison lives on in his works. In all these and many more of the de- vices which to-day makes living con- venient he had an inventive hand. and frequently the hand which made the contrivance actually usable for the lay public. .The world has but to im- agine, if it can, what existence would be like with only gas or kerosene lights instead of electricity, with only the written word or a courier for com- munication. and with no means of re- producing speech. song or pictured ac- tion, in order to visualize in one sense what it owes to Edison. One Insertion costing you 50 cents In advance will bring you what you require (Christmas 4’2 Brampton ConservatcrzmA ezmvtcted burglar has applied for a new trial on the ground that the man who iden- tiï¬ed him had his head under a blan- ket while the house was being rcbbed. Rentrew Mercuryzâ€"Mr. Sydney Pot- tinger lately saw a grey squirrel at no great distance from Renirew. When we have so many red squirrels and not a few of the black ones. plus plenty of chipmunks. the annearance of my a few of the black ones. plus plenty of chipmunks. the appearance of grey squirrels causes no considerable aux-- aunt of surprise. And when ground- hogs and porcupines and skunks and rabbits are allowing themselves to be run over by cars, why shouldn‘t a black fox thus sacriï¬ce himself? These be queer times. with no one less likely to think otherwise than Mr. J. E. Beauchamp of Coumbs street. who lately saw a partridge in the exhibi- tion grounds. which same gentleman has been privileged to gaze upon bea- ver. mink and wild ducks in Smiths creek. Farmers Advocate2â€"There are plen- ty of young cattle in the West. and an abundance of feed in Ontario. Stockyard facilities are available. and the railroads are fully equipped to move the Western stockers and feed- ers into Eastern feed-lots. The prob- lem is one of ï¬nance. The amcunt of money on deposit in Canadian banks exceeds the total last year at this time by $50,000,000. Obviously we are not short of anything. except conï¬- dence and a scheme to thaw out the frozen assets and put them to work. The banks hesitate to lend money for cattle- feeding pirpcses; in fact. it Ls dimcult for a farmer to secure funds at the banks at all. unless the funds are his own. Western farmers have the cattle. Ontario farmers have the feed, the banks have the moneyâ€"and there we are! Calgary Albertanzâ€"Some persons be- lieve that this Red propaganda is best ignored, that the only way to treat it is by ridicule or assumption of complete indifference. But is it? A great many workers are being turned again the present system by the agitatms and the situation is sufï¬ciently serious to war- rant attention. One does not regard these outbreaks of violence as basically serious. They result from the activities of a violent minority. But they should be avoided, and with efï¬ciency they could be avoided. Two things are es- sentialâ€"firm repression of lawlessness on all occasions and fair and effective relief measures throughout Canada. (The Pathï¬nder) The dimensions of the average build- lng brick are 8 by 4 by 23 inchesâ€"~72 cubic inches. A brick of solid gold the size of the average building brick would )e worth about $15,000. ' VALUE OF GOLD BRICK