cSPECIAL DRUG PRICES for FRIDAY and SATURC )A Y *‘ We Save You Mone Every Day to f1o hRA HALnUhLF h IALF h LA it h Un UnA LG UA LA UA NOTICEâ€"Notice is my wife, having board, I will not any debts contra: PIANO TUNERâ€"W. H. Hirschleber, 20 LOSTâ€"A small brown and white dog with short pointed ears. Please reâ€" turn to 102 Pine Street, South. Reâ€" ward. â€"l11p WANTEDâ€"Fife players for Legion Bugle Band. Anycne who can play or is willing to learn to play a fife will get all particulars from G. H. Byrom, 24 Wilson Ave., or phone WANTEDâ€"A piarty to be willing to lcan a sum of money to a widow, or to invest in a roomingâ€"house. Anyâ€" one interested please answer at once. Apply to Post Office Box 208, Timâ€" mins. â€"11p POSITION â€" WANTED â€" Exprrienced stenographer desires position; good references. Apply 26 First Ave â€"11p FOR SALEâ€"Gramophone, in good c dition. Apply to Aurile Proulx, Birch Street, North. â€"11â€" FOR SALEâ€"Rogers High Boy electric combination radio. Like new. Cheap for cash. Apply in the evenings to 22 Messines Ave., or Box 1576. 10â€"12p FOR SALEâ€"Pigs at 5 weeks, lively and coming right along. Apply 119 Wilâ€" TWO VIOLINS FOR SALEâ€"Also odd plieces of furniture for sale. Apâ€" ply at 75 Tamarack street. â€"~11rp OTICEâ€"Notice is hereby given that my wife, having left my bed and board, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her in my name. (Signed) Albert Dumais. Timmins, March 9th, 1931. â€"11â€"13p years‘ experience, will be in Timâ€" mins by April lst, Anyone wanting to have piano tuned or leave name and address at the Rex Tea Room, 117 Pine St., S. â€"~11â€"13 Pape‘s Diapepsyn ... Bayer‘s Aspirin ... Chase‘s Nerve Food Syrup of Tar....;.:..... N:K. ‘Tablets .;......:.... OR SALEâ€"Household furniture. Apâ€"| FOR RENTâ€"Furnished room with all ply 63 Wilson Ave. â€"~11p modern conveniences. Phone 587â€"J * | _ (yt Aall ot 100 Gtroot GQG11(}); 1().] 1 uesnt tobacco dress C Ottawa. Fruitatives, large ... Kruschen Salts, double Ovaltine .......:.....: 50c¢., ambuk Baby‘s Own Tablets..... Minard‘s Liniment ... Chase‘s Cough Syrup.. Killer Castoria.:.;.....;... :: hank all friends for their beaut al tributes and spiritual offerin ) for the numberless messages Thursday, March 12th, 1931 and Mrs. E. Pullin on behalf of and Mrs. Wallace S. Lesslie, of 59 le Street, London, England, wish ank all friends for their beautiful . Real hu ird Ave., S aumacher. 3 kind â€" PIANO TUN ING nife Dub 11 1i d le sample package, 10 1 leaf tobacco, mild 20 lbs. for $4.00. for $2.00; all steel tter, $2.00 P.P. Adâ€" No. 18 Henderson. TE MC M is ie is io 3aTe ouble:::..:.;...2 69¢ 30c., 75¢ and $1.25 ............................ 39d¢ 17¢ «ols 2 for 45¢ 29c., 59¢ ad loss of J Box 11 Y 119 Wilâ€" | FOR RENTâ€"Furnished rooms, all conâ€" -gtf‘ veniences. Board if desired, or will ! _ _rent for light housekeeping. Apply 1so some! 3 Elm street, south. â€"10â€"13p ' ' . ‘ S 7 We Save You Money Phoe $ss TE CURTTIS DRUG CO, se " Jms L Allicm phone â€"~10â€"12 span rson. â€"8â€"13 ree %03 â€"FOR RENT 226, | 13p | FOR RENTâ€"Fcurâ€"roomed house; light ~~ | and heating free; $17.00 per month. in | Apply 23 Montgcmery Ave., Timâ€" ‘ms _ mirs, â€"10â€"13 on â€" 203 13p if e Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilson and famâ€" ily, 77 Birch street, south, wish to thank the many friends and acquaintances whao showed such kindness and symâ€" pathy during th> illness and death of WANTED â€" Middleaged woman for general housework. Apply to Mrs. E. M. Condie, C.A.S. Shelter, Timâ€" mins. ~11 EXPERIENCED MAID WANTED for general housework. Apply to Mrs. B. D. Kelly, 72 Hemlock Street, Timâ€" mins. â€"~11 WANTEDâ€"Reliable, experienced wWOâ€" man to look after household and care for during confinement. Apâ€" ply Post Office Box 909, Timmins. l11p WANTEDâ€"Giirl for general housework. Apply to Mrs. Thomas Wilson, Bruce avenue, South Porcupine. â€"l11p EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTED at the Golden Hub, 5 Pine street, north. â€"~11p POSITION WANTED by young man, wellâ€"educated; experienced in grocery business. Desires position where more than one language is required. Apply to J. H., Ansonville, ©Ont. â€"10â€"11p YOUNG GIRL fond of children is willing to take care cf baby after school and on Saturday. Apply 59 Preston street, or phone 854â€"W â€"10â€"12p ROOM AND BOARDâ€"In private home. All conveniences at $8.50 per week. Washing and pressing done if desired. Apply 171 Maple street south. 51p tf FOR RENTâ€"Aft nished recom w FURNISHED ROOMS TO I Clean and comfortable. . j for light housekeeping. 1 phone and kitchen. Appl Fifth avenue. or phone 64W YOU WILL FIND AT THE WINDSOR HOTEL furnished twoâ€"roomed apartâ€" ments and rooms by day, week or month. Hot water year round. Also large dry basement. â€"~374t1 19¢., 39¢ Deé Vvacant Aprl bâ€"athouse if ~des rent with river 1f thur Ger min :. véniet South Ma2 ROOM AND BOARD during liiness al ittle girl, Rita Beverly ENTâ€"Fourâ€"rcomed bungaiow on agami River near bridge. Will acant April lst. Garage and ouse if ~desired. Lots also for with river frontage. Apoly Arâ€" Filmer, Gensral Dolivery, Timâ€" â€"11â€"12p 414C 49c 19¢ 39¢ 1i with LC Apply â€"Busin ied D Scott‘s Emulsion largo size ........... Eno‘s Fruit Sailts large size ............ California Syrup of Figs One large, regular 60c and one small, regular 35¢ the .......... 2 for 49¢ Bromo Seltzer, large size reg. $1.20:::.;..::.::%.......000r... 89c Number Nine Pills for Constipation, reg. 25c 3 boxes for 25¢ Carbolic Ointment in tubes regular 2 for 35¢ Burdock Blood Bitters recular $1.280 i0 98c Milk of Magnesia by R ron ~15th; a furâ€" and all conâ€" 10 Elm Street, prem O RENTâ€" . _ Suitable : Use of Apply to 5% ady On IN MEMORIAMâ€"Rumleyâ€"In voving memory of my dear Mother, Mary Rumley, who passed away March 9th, 1927. In memory, a daily thought. In heart, a silent sorrow. â€"11pâ€"Sadly missed by daughter, Olive, 8. A. CALDBICK, Bank cf Commerce Building, Timmins, Ontaric, Solicitor for the Execuâ€" tor. â€"11â€"13. Dated at Timmins, Ontario, this 6th day of March, 1931. In the Matter of the Estate of Frank _â€" Desarmeau, late of the Town of Timâ€" mins in the District of Cochrans, deceased who died on or about the 26th day of December, 1930. Notice is hereby given that all perâ€" sons having any Claim or demand against the said Frank Desarmeau are required to send by post to Mr. H. E. Montgomery, Timmins, Ontario, or to his Solicitor mentioned hereunder within the space of two months from the date hereof, their Christian names, ard surnames, addresses and full parâ€" ticulars of their claims and the nature cf the securities, if any, held by them, and in default thereof the Executor will proceed to aldminister the said estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. FOR SALE OR RENTâ€"Blacksmith shop, 24 by 36 feet. Fully equipped, and in a good locality. Situated on corner of Fifth Street and Eleventh Ave., Cochrane., Ont. For full pairâ€" ticular‘s, apply W. D. Black, 69 Elm Street, South, Timmins. FOR SALEâ€"Sixâ€"roomed house; «all hardawood filoors, all conveniences. Corner lot, house Number One. Lot 30 feet by 90 feet. Apply Mrs. M. Lawlor, 3 Eim Street, South. â€"10â€"11p FPOR SALEâ€"Eightâ€"roomed house, easy terms. Two trucks in good condition. Also dary wood for sale. Apply Alex Krakana, 219 Balsam Street, North. â€"10â€"12p POR SALEâ€"6â€"roomed house, all conâ€" veniences. Apply 108 Maple Street South. â€"11â€"14p SPIRELLA figure training. Garments for health, comfort, and durability, Corsets, brassieres, girdles, and brasâ€" siere girdles, abdominal belts, linâ€" gerie, hcsiery and so forth. Apply Mrs. C. Murtagh, Corsetiere, 51i Cedar Street, North, Timmins. 11â€"13p PROPERTIES FOR SALE CHILDREN FOR ADOPTIONâ€"Good homes desired for children, boys and girls. Catholic and Protestant, ages DANCING CLASSES for TChildren. Conducted nightly. Tap, Ballet and Classical dancing. Ballroom dancing for adults. Private tuition. Moderâ€" ate fees. Write Mrs., H. Burt, Box 948, or call 17 Borden avenue. i +p FUR COATS Cleaned, Glazed and reâ€" lined. Moderate. See Sinclair the Valet, 21 Fourth avenue. Phone 625. ~49tf NURSINGâ€"By the day or week. Very mcderate prices and goodl sorvice. For further particulars apply to Mrs. Emma Dion, 165 Birch North, phone 351â€"W. ~11tf 4 to 14 years. Any home desiring to adopt a youngster should have their clergyman write A. G. Carson Supt. Children‘s Aid, Timmins, Ont 44t 1. UAAAÂ¥ hAï¬ hhAAAï¬ hi hh hSAAAE SAAA SA h o h 4 Lo LR LA Ln Lo um IN MEMORIAM 25¢ and 39¢ THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, 1IMMINS, ONTARIO Pearlâ€"onâ€"Amber Manicure Piec Shaving Brushes, guaranteed . White Ivory Combs ................ Absorbent Cotton, Ib. ............... Mum, the best of all deodorants....27¢ "Seventeen" the new Colgate Perfume .................:....$1.00 and $2.00 "Seventeen" Face Powder All shades, a very fine powder....$1.00 Hind‘s Honey and Almond Creant. d : kï¬ in oiA ... 39¢ Pepsodent Tooth Paste.................. 37¢ "Ambrosia" the well advertised Kore Cleanser ............ $1.00 and $1.75 Earthenware Animals filled with Bath Salts, a fine bargain..........5 9â€"12p Toronto, 11th February, 1931 Tenders addressed by registered letâ€" ter to the undersigned are recesivable not later than the 16th day of March, 1931, and must. be accompanied by a marked cheque for 10 per cent. of the price offered, remainder to be paid within seven days from acceptance of tender. The highest or any tender not neces sarily accepted. The said parcel is subject to License of Occurlition issued to Hollinger Conâ€" solidated Gold Mines Limited for the purpose of depositing therecn the tailâ€" ing from their gold mill. Such License of Occupation is subject to revocation at any time upon ons month‘s notice. That parcel of land under the water‘ of part of Gillies Lake lying within ,the limits of the East part of broken' lot 10, ‘concession 3, township of Tisâ€" . dale, commencing at the point in which | the East limit of the said broken lot 10 | intersects the water‘s edge on the South i !shore of the said lake, said point beâ€". ing 34 chains and 87 links more or less| from the South East angle of the said | Iot; thence North along thse production | of the East limit of the said lot 24 | chains, more or less, to the North shore | of the lTake; thence southwesterly folâ€"| lowing "the water‘s edge along the| northwestern shore of the lake to the North East angle of that portion of the Iand under the water of the said lake grantesd to Henry Toke Munn by patent dated February 25th, 1913; thence‘ South astronomically along the East limit of the land so granted and the East limit of the land under the waterl granted to the MceIntyre Porcupine Mines Limited by patent dated June | 30th, 1913, in all a distance of 22 chains | and 67 links more or less to the water‘s | edge of the Southeasterly shore of thef lake; thence Northeasterly following! the water‘s edge to the place of beginâ€" ' ning, containing 52 acres more or less. | |cigars, tobaccos, cigarettes, soft drinks and prioprietors of a psolâ€"rocom and rcomingâ€"house at the said Town o‘ Timâ€" mins, in the District of Cochrane, unâ€" der the articles of partnership dated the 8th day of July, 1919, be and the sams is hereby dissolved, All accounts due to the Partnership to be paid to, and all accounts owing by the Partâ€" nership to be paid by th> undersigned, !Dcr;at, Charette. l In witness wherecof we the said parâ€" ties have hsreunto set our hands and 1 Under authority of Orderâ€"inâ€"Council in that behalf the undersigned offers for sale by tender, part of the bed of Gillies Lake, situate near the town of Timmins in the Porcupine mining area and described as follows: seal We, the undersigned, hereby mutualâ€" ly egres that the partnership heretoâ€" fore existing between us as dealers in JOS. ROCHON, DONAT CHARETTE Signed, ssaled and delivered in the presence of Osias Sauve, witness. Dated, March 3rd, 1981. ~11 =11â€"13 Dr. Hudson will continue to practise medicine and surgery in Timmins with offices in the Pierce Block at 14 Third Avenue. D:z. Harrison will continue to pracâ€" cise medicine and surgery in Timmins with offices in the Moysey Building. The firm of Drs. Harriscn and Hudâ€" son has been dissolved by mutual conâ€" sent as of the 10th day of March, 1931. Harrison will continue to vracâ€" March 10th, 1931 Dissolution Agreement Sale of Miï¬fflg Lands, Gillies Lake TOILETRIES DISTRICT OF COCHRANE h. CHARLES McCREA, Minister of Mines DR. S. R. HARRISON DR. LOUIS HUDSON. nd delivered Sauve, witne Cd.} 1981. 59c 39¢ 95c 235C wEere set., BOYS, IIf pOInted Out, weTre . often misunderstood, and there were L,Al_, many faulty methods of teaching that necessarily did not bring the best of results. He referred to the natural love{; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hensall, of Deâ€" fcr heross and showed that a common ; troit, Mich., were Timmins visitors last method used too often left on the boy‘s| week. y I mind a wrong conception of Jesus. He depicted by the auocting of mcxdenta' and examples the facts that the Saviâ€" l our was the bravest and most brilliant ; of the cutstanding figures in history, with a genius for organization that had i no parallel and with all the other qualiâ€" | ties of heart and mind that would make l lsupreme appeal to youth. He showed that logic and reason urged young men to faith in religion and that science rightly understood buttressed this faitl. e He touched on what the young men| yys 5. Monck is in Toronto this week were doing toâ€"day for the church and |attending a convention of the Women‘s lwhat, the cr'x’urch was doing for youth. Missionary Society. "some day," he concluded, "we may ireahze that the one most certain truth Joseph Savaric was found dead in [‘ | w se Mrs. Mayhew, of Beachburg, Ont., ‘ was the guest this week of Mrs. C. M. Condie. Mrs. Dr. Mitchell was called to the south this week on account of the illâ€" ness of her mother, J. W. Ececlestone is able to be out and iat business again after a siege of the | prevalent influenza. bout religion is its indispensible gift his home north of Earlton recently. ‘o rich and radiant living " 'Death was apparently due to heart Others taking part in the service were ‘Francis Woodbury and Leonard Mcâ€" Fadden. There were eleven young men on the platform. The ushers for the evenirz were:â€"Garth Porter, Bill tDunn, Geo. Wallingford, T. Goodman. failure, A whist drive and social is being held by the Lancashire Social Club this (Thursday) evening, March 12th, in the Hollinger hall. Whist at 8 p.nm. sharp. FOR SALEâ€"Dry 4â€"foot slabs and edgâ€" ings mixed, suitable for hotels, bakâ€" eries and business blocks; ideal wood for kindling; price $4.50 cord delivâ€" ered or $3.00 in yard. Dry slabs, 16 inches at $4.50 per load. J. A. Daly, phone 454â€"J, Timmins. ~11tf FOR SALEâ€"Dry slabs at $4.50 a load. Also, round wocd by the cord. Apâ€" yly to Chaput and Mainville, 39 Main avenue, corner of Preston street, or phone 377. ~11â€"12p FOR SALEâ€"Fourâ€"foct cordwood; dry and» sound. $6.00 cord «delivered; phone 785â€"J or call 119 Wilson Ave. â€"9tf MEMORIAMâ€"Jupp â€" In loving memory of Mary Eleanor Rose Jupp who passed away March 15th, 1929. Christ knew the future and knew it was best When He took with Him our darling to rest. â€"Ever remembered by Mama and Daddy. â€"~11p ' On Sunday evening Ray Wallingford | |outlined the Tuxis programme, effecâ€" | I tively presenting the aims and purposes I of this group of young men, what they ' were accomplishing and what they were | striving to do in the way of building | better citizenship and interesting |in the better things of life and pro-| The new chief of police, H. Jones, of Welland, Ont., is expected to take up his new duties here on Tuesday next, March 17th. The address by Garth Teeple on what he believed in religion, and why, was an arresting one and gave the older people present much to think about. He reâ€" ferred first to the young men‘s class econducted by Mr. V. Woodbury for the past seven years, and then proceeded to show how boys thought for themâ€" selves on questions of religion and scmetimes found the precet‘ks thesy heard clashing with the examples they The evening service on Sunday at the Timmins United Church was in charge of the young men‘s class of the church and the addresses of ths evenâ€" ing and the whole service were illuâ€" minating in presenting the attitude of the young men to religion, being of special gereral interest at the moment when there is so much public discussion of young men and religion in regard to university and other matters Striking Addresses at United Church on Sunday Evening Give Young Men‘s Attitude to the Church of the Present Dav. Young Men‘s Class at Church Service d clashing wit,h the cwamples tw 1 | set. Boys, he pointed out, were i misunderstood, and there were y faulty methods of teaching that English Fruit Jellies regular abdc Ib. .:........ Lemon Centres, per lb. Chips, per Ib. ....:......::..: Caramels, per Ib. ......... Marshmallows, pkg. ............ Peanut Brittle, per Ib. ,..;:....... Nut Toffee, per Ib. ................. French Straws, peér Ib. ;.......... Assorted Fruit Drops, per lb. Butter Puffs, per Ib. .......;........ Satin Mints, per Ib. ................. FOR SALEâ€"1 white enamel kitchen ’ bury to attend a course of lecturesâ€" on cabinet, 1 green and white enamel} mine rescue work to be given by Mr. Findlay cook stove, 1 complete double | | Sinclair, chief inspector of mines for bed and dressers. Absclutely like | the province, in the new mines rescue new., Apply 173 Birch Street North. 11 | station at Sudbury. | Mrs. Mayhew, of Beachburg, Ont. iwas the guest this week of Mrs. C. M ‘ Condie. FPOR RENT-â€"-Four-!oomed furnished house, and furnished oneâ€"rosmed shack Apply to 10 Elm St., North or 9% ‘Third Ave.,. Timmins. â€"~11p WANTEDâ€"Steady, clean girl for genâ€" eral housework. Apply 13 Wilson Avenue, Timmins. : â€"11p WANTEDâ€"Good woman cook; must be single. Apply Algoma Hotel, Timâ€" mins,. â€"~11p The Kirkland Lake Northern News last weeks says:â€""Mrs. Ralph Sulliva,n Siscoe, Que., and a former resident, D.D.G.M. of the O.E.S., paid an official visit to the local chapter on Tuesday evening She congratulated the officers on the efflicient manner in which they conferred degreos. Prior to the meetâ€" ing, a banquet was held for the memâ€" bers at Charlie‘s Hotel." â€"The Wohelo Girls of the United Church are holding a tea and sale of home cooking at 23 Hemlock street on Saturday, March I4thk, from 3 to 6 p.m. â€"11. A whist drive and social is being held by the Lancashire Social Club this (Thursday) evening, March 12th, in the Hollinger hall. Whist at 8 p.m. sharp. 2 lbs. for 50¢ Joseph Savaric was found dead in his home north of Earlton recently. Death was apparently due to heart failure,. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION 10c 223C 49e 39¢ 39¢ 29¢ 39¢ With each large bottle of Pinaud‘s Quinine at $1.35 a bottle of Brillianâ€" tineâ€"Free. With each box of Jergen‘s Bath Soap of 4 cakes at 49¢c. A package of Jergen‘s Bath Saltsâ€"Free Listerine, small ......:.................. .m Pebeco Tooth Paste ..................., Castile Soap, :....................... 2 bars Mennen‘s Talceum Shaving Stitcks ..;..;:....:.:::..:...... 2 for Pasker‘s Tar Shampoo, liquid..... Packer‘s Olive Oil Shampoo......... Murray and Lanman Florida Water, Tpana" Tooth Paste ........::::..;::.::. TIMMINS BRANCH F. A. BURT, MANAGER N EFYVEDYWHEPE â€"~11p Travellers‘ Cheques issued by The Dominion Bank are reâ€" cognized the world over. When travelling carry your funds in this safe and convenâ€" ient form. Cheques may be purchased at any branch of this Bank. TOILETRIES A. Neame, in charge of the Ontario Government mine rescue station at Timmins, leaves on Monday for Sudâ€" Many friends and acquaintances in the Porcupine will be pleased and inâ€" terested to note that Thomas M. Cosâ€" tello, K.C., of Renfrew, former member in the Ontario Legislature for South Renfrew, and better still, one of the famous baseball players of the, Renfrew district for some years, has been apwâ€" pointed judge of the county of Huron. He will live at Goderich, Ont. All who know the able and genial Tom will know that he will make an excellent Judge, capable, wellâ€"versed in law, and always fair. Billy Scanlon, aged 11 years, won the Cobalt Dog Derby this year with a time of 5 minutes, 25 seconds for the mile and a half course. Arnold Cook, 13 years, was second, and Murray Davis, 12 years was third. The youngest enâ€" try was Roy Montgomery, 9 years, while there were five boys 14 or over, out of 25 entries in all. â€"The Cornish Social Club will give a sleigh ride on Thursday, March 19, for members only. Sleigh leaves Holâ€" linger Hall at 7.30 p.m. sharp. Adâ€" mission 50¢c. for all the family. Corâ€" nish piasties and saffron cake to be served after ride. The rest of the evening to be spent for dancing. â€"11â€"12 The attendance at the playâ€"offs of the T.B.A.A. hockey leagues at the rink here show the interest displayed in the work of the boys and the appreciation felt for those directing the T.B.A.A. At the first games on Feb. 27th, there were 326 paid admissions, and despite many cqunterâ€"attractions last Friday night there were 319 paid admissions, A., NEAME TO ATTEND NEW COURSE IN MINE RESCULI At the last meceting of the Teck township council a byâ€"law was duly passed prohibiting the smoking of cigarettes, cigars or pipes in skating rinks, theatres or moving picture houses during any game, contest or exhibition. This rule, if enforced, will be very helpful in hockey games. Cobalt Y.M.C.A. was week after being closed while repairs were ma« ing following a recen 69¢ 69¢ 89¢ 33¢ ened last aree weeks the buildâ€"