Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 29 Jan 1931, 1, p. 5

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" TRIED ‘EM? " " TRIED WHAT?" LANTERN SLIDES, STORIES, FREE AT SALVATION ARMY C. Brown T. Bonnah A* Saint Totals Handicap H. Barr C. Alton A. Allan A. Sauve . Temkinso R. Webb . E. Roeid A. Tomkinso Totals Handicapn . In 5¢ and 10c Bags P Saturday, January 31st In the Mercantile Bowling league the Royal Studios were fortunate in dividâ€" ing the points with the T. N. O., winâ€" ning the second and third games by a yery small margin, 15 and 9 pins reâ€" spectively, despite the fact that Sauve of the Royal Studios rolled 374 in the last stanza of the league fixture. The T. N. O. have improved wonderfully and will be strong contenders for the second half of the schedule, with Brown on the team, who is considered +1 ho aine nf the hest in the league, and TCOs ~;:.............. 1140 Each win 2 points. Two Others by Default. Poreup Advance Win; Three Points. Hon our REoll for the Week in the Mercantile Bowling League. TWO MATGHES PLAYED IN THE MERCANTILE LEAGUE Auspices Order of Eastern Star Tea and Sale of Home Cooking The Potr natch on ments in J Totals Handicap 7 be and Freshly Roasted licious, Sanitary, Nonâ€" Greasy, Nutritious. seond half of the schedule, with rown on the team, who is considered ) be one of the best in the league, and so W. L. Booth who is liable to let imself go, especially when bowling Wh WHY REDSKIN PEANUTS SALTED IN THE SHELLT, Will be held at the home of _ Pimples ended so quick by"Soothaâ€" Salva‘" everybody is astonished. A doctor‘s amazing discovery. Skin clears like magic. Get "Soothaâ€" Salva‘" from druggist today. ‘cupine C _Go Amazing Quick Way HEMLOCK STREET go, especiaii Ed., Reid. ‘orcupine Advan m Tuesday and .831 1049 962 . ie Advance wins 3 points ROY AL STUDIOS 1All P 993 189 280 144 170 692 129 16 131 184 14 1099 vÂ¥verywlhere 1084 1156 3386 188 241 280 190 210 1860 144 895 a V 1000 156 14§ 833 129 Porcupine 20 . 164 146 2918 468 638 4715 3149 108 â€"â€"â€"tgirls‘ fancy C 2596 ‘Jean Chatson .605 138 286 2420 412 665 152 490 559 742 905 482 580 hC 31 16 roses and lilyâ€"ofâ€"theâ€"valley. The groom was supported by Mr. Walter Sylvester, of Winnipeg. Durirg the signing of the register, the organist played "Hearts and Flowers." The groom‘s gift to the bridesmaid was a dinner ring; to the organist an opal bar pin, and to the groomsman a signet ring. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride‘s parents, sixtyâ€" Af of Talisman roses, lilyâ€"ofâ€"theâ€"valley and maiden hair fern. Miss Lucy Glazior, childhcod friend of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, and wore a gown of turâ€" quoise blue crepe, quite long, with surâ€" plus front and cascades on the sides which fell to the floor, long sleeves with wide flare from the elbow to the cuff, blue satin hat with silver buckle and bow shoes and gloves to match, and carried a sheof bouquet of Swesthsart 11 The ladies of the Catholic church are holding a card party, euchre, bridge and five hundred in the McIntyre hall on January 30th at eight o‘clock. Tommy Stephens‘ orchestra will furnish the music for the evening. Good prizes. Mr. Gecrge Robertson and son, Pat, returned to town last week from Ireâ€" land. Mr. Walter Sylvester, of Winnipegz, is in town for the Deardenâ€"Cameron wedding. Miss Curran, of Port Hopr, has acâ€" cepted a position on the public school staff and commenced her duties last Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Williams, of Sudbury, are in town having come up to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Williams. {Hunter; boys‘ fancy costume, under sixteen, Robert Asselstine; boys‘ comic costums, under sixteen, Morris Delich; girls‘ fancy costume, under sixteen, Jean Chatson; girls‘ comic costume, under sixteen, Marion Cripps; ladies‘ costume, Miss Perreault; best lady skater (open), Irene Shields; best girl skater, under sixteen, Zelda Sky; best girl skater, under eleven, Jean Macâ€" Donald; boys‘ race, under eleven, Earl Lampkin; boys‘ race, under sixteen, Gerald MacDonald; men‘s race, Evan Martin; barrel jumping, Lester Beasley, Allen Tario, equal; barrel jumping, open, Evan Martin and Bill Mair, equal. The carnival closed with a burlesque hockey game which was the cause of much excitement. Apyâ€" thing from roiller skates to skiis were used. The judges were Messrs Sullivan Dye, Wookey, Arnott and Todhunter. The L.O.B.A. are holding a euchre and whist party in their hall on Second avenue on Wednesday, February the l11th, at eight c‘clock. Silver collection taken up. Miss Ina Cotcher left on Monday for The friends of Miss Gladys Elley will | be pleased fo hear she is improving at St. Mary‘s hospital where she is a' riritient. Mrs. J. Prentice, Third avenus, who has been ill at St. Mary‘s hospital, is rble to be home again. Marriage of Miss Midred Cameron and |Jobhn Saomaki, Out of Work and ! ;{; Charles Dearden. Other Items of Thcought to be Penniless, Jumps t0o _ | ree Interest from The Advance Death at Dome. Other South for Correspondent at Schuâ€" Porcupine and Dome New: | The macher, I Items. s First avenue. Immediately after buffet luncheon the happy couple amid showers of confetti on the onal, for Winnipeg where they will e. The bride travelled in a beauâ€" red ensemble, with egg shell VERY PRETTY WEDDING AT â€" SGHUMAGHER, WEDNESDAY O ~mMmaAtcA., Ar eceived many ; havirg been iss Ina Cotcher left on Monday fo nipeg where she will spend a holi with her sister. i he children from attending alâ€" a huge bonâ€"fire was kept going event well planned and carriec have besotr ~Ccam! ume, under fancy Cco of advertising of the he crowd smaller than ‘n. The winners were: utiful and c Venetian lace ith a bandeau wore the gift ard emerald ower bouquet heâ€"valley and inners we ‘leven. Da ume, unCt nearly tising near wÂ¥ Wil from him. On Saturday evening last a dinner was given the players and officials of the Porcupine Hockey Club at the homs In the police court on Thursday last there was one drunk, who paid; ancther party was fined for creating a nuisance by dumping garbage in the wrong place and paid fifteen dollars. A case of reckless driving was remanded; re selling liquor was adjourned and four assault cases dismissed. Tom Vukeovich was sent on to a higher court on the charge of threatening to accuse another party of selling liqucer and thereby attempting to extort money On Saturday morning last the South Porcupine High School Hockey team journeyed to Timmins for the second encounter of their schedule according to the N.O.H.A. plan for them. They were on the better side of a 4â€"0 score. Harry McLean scored two, Douglas Mcâ€" Cann one and Carlo Cattarello cne. Another match is being played in the arena here on Wednesday of this week. On Saturday, January 3ist, the ladies of the Anglican Church are holding a tea and sale of homeâ€"made cooking at the old schoolâ€"house at the Dome. Many titâ€"bits to tempt the apcitite are being prepared, so don‘t miss them. Miss Margaret Richards has, been chosen as leader of the Outlook comâ€" mittee in the C.G.IL.T. group. On Thursday last, January 22nd, during the noon hour at the Dome Mines, Finlander by the name of John Salomaki in some manner manâ€" aged to get to the shaft of the mine and jumpe»d to his death nearly 2000 fest below. It is thought he must have climbed the high gates guarding the moeuth of the shaft. He had been out of work for some time having come here from Sudbury and it is thought that despondency over being out of work and possibly out of money led to the rash act. Nothing was known of it until the body hit the roof of the cage at the 1600â€"foot level. The body was literally smashed to pieces. An ‘inâ€" quest will be held on the return of Corâ€" oner Evans from Ottawa. The Finâ€" nish people say Salomaki has a wife and two children in the old countryâ€" Finland. At the time of his death no money was found on him, although he is said to have had money a few days previously,. The bridg the home o Thursday la the first pri the church FINLANDER JUMPS 2000 FFFT T0 DEATH IN SHAFT sier JACK CAristie the Dc s is still carrying his arm ir as a result of a fall on the y two months ago, while pr hockey. The bone was splints the elbow but it is hoped tha: soon be O.K. now. He is able t auite freely now but there is derable sweolling. from her late se bridge club were en me ‘of. Mrs. E. J. ner 12e serious dered.out of.dang making a good reâ€" THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ertained at Rapsey on Johns won Wakefield, who has been an oldâ€" time resident of the town, leaves on Thursday to sail for.hi.s old home in England. of honour, Miss Valeda St. Aubin, was the recipient of many beautiful presents for which she thanked her many friends who extended kind wishes for many happy returns of the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. S. St. Aubin had a pleasant birthday party to observe the tthirteenth anniversary of their daughâ€" ter, Valeda St. Aubin, on Sunday evenâ€" ing, Jan. 25th, at which a large numâ€" ber of relatives and friends were presâ€" ent. Among those present were: Misses Belle Chalut, Anna May Dagenais, Alice Dagenais, Bertha Dubien, Florence Brennan, Pauline Bélanger, Hilda Barâ€" ley, Ruth Holtman, Olive St. Aubin: and Messrs Roman St. Aubin, Raymond St. Aubin, Lucien Brazeau, Ernest Brennan, Armand Dubien, Urgel Groulx, Antcoine Roy, Louis Remaldi, Leo Delvileno, Joe Dominico; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Caron, Mr. and Mrs. S. St. Aubin. , The party was held at the residencs of Mrs. S. St. Aubin, 167 Birch street, south. Miss Belle Chalut rsead the reâ€" citation for the cccasion. A buffet supper was served during the evening. Music, dancing and games were enjoyed and all bad a hatropy time. The guest of honour, Miss Valeda St. Aubin, was \ | | the United Church Choir. The proâ€" ceeds of the event are to go to the fund . for a new organ for the United Church. 'The Valentine Day tea promises to be an event of great interest. The tables will be specially decorated in keeping with the occasion and there will be other special features of unusual atâ€" traction. ‘ Announcement is made of a tea to be held at the home of Mrs. G. S. Scott, 48 Hemlock street, on St. Valentine‘s Day, Feb. 14th, under the auspices of PLEASANT BIRTHLAY PARTY HELD SUNDAY EVEXING 23â€"209 Pine St., South VALENTINE DAY TEA, FEB. 14, PROCEEDS FOR NEW ORGAXN SAM BUCOVETSKY LIMITED For 2 Days Onlyâ€"Sale Starts Tomorrow at 9 a.m. ofthe 8 B L6 is in charge of this sale and he has that will never again be seen in Tim Mr. F. Wexler LOOK !1! The Opportunity of a Lifetime to get Beautiful Fur Coat at a Bare Fraction of the Regular Selling Price lars to you. isvery gcarment is manufacâ€" tured from the finest quality oi pelts, by expert workmen and all fully covered by a written guarantee. Ask for it. Over one hundred masâ€" nificent models brought in especially for this sale. These sacrifices in prices are made necessary due to the unusually backward fur season, and you owe it to yourself to see these reâ€" markable fur values which mean a savin® of many dolâ€" | 2l m%flfl@mmmfi SHOULDER OF PORK for roasting per 1b .:; SIRLOIN STE A K Choice Quality Perâ€"IG.; .::,;::::> > BLADE ROAST OF BEEF Per lb. Granulated Sugar, Special 1 lbs for §9¢ Breakfast Bacon ";" 30c, ";~ 280 1 tin Pumpkin 1 tin Corn 1 tin Peas 1 tin Pineapple 1 tin Plums 1 tin Pears 2 tins Soup Clark‘s or Avimer Canned Goods Special Pumpk in Corn Peas Pineapple Plums Pears au Frurs Limited °°¢ay Ontario and he has guaranteed to give you prices seen in Timmins and the surrounding towns January 30th 31st THE BUSY STORES 1.00 Phone 201 22¢ 18¢ HOMEMADE SAUSAGE HOMEMADE HEADCHEESE fresh daily, per Ib. per Ib. PURE PORK SAUSAGE CROSSE BLACKWELL TOMATO KETCHUP 2 for 4 14 oz. bottle ....... per Ib. QUR OWN BLEND TEA CROSSE BLACKWELL‘S PURE ORANGE MARMALADE Our own reputation and that of the manufacturer is beâ€" hind every garment in this sale. You can‘t go ‘wrong on a Fur Coat from Bucoâ€" vetsky‘s. Now here‘s your chance. This display includes many Hudson and Paquet Seal, Muskrat, â€" Coon, Persian Lamb, Beaver and Novelty Coats at prices never before seen here. Sce Theom. Be Convinced. of a Lifetime Thursday, Jan. 29th, 1931 :~ 149¢ lâ€"‘â€".o-â€"“â€".nâ€".‘ 20c 18¢ 47¢ _ lgfigfi%gfigfiéfi’

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