Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 25 Sep 1930, 1, p. 4

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FURNITURE FOR 113 Elm St. South .FOR SALEâ€"Three Apply to E. Steve KNITTED CLOTHINGâ€"Babies and children's garments knitted to order. 43 Bannerman avenue, Timm'ms. 38p FOR SALEâ€"Ford. 1925 Tudor, in run- ning order. Good tires. $75.00. 30 Cambrai Ave. 37-39;) QUANTITY OF NITURE FOE Balsam street FOR SALEâ€"Twelve barred Plymounn Rock hens, 1 year old “Johnston Mea- ford Strain." Geo. M. Hendry, Dome Extension Mine, South Porcupine. -37â€"39p FOR SALEâ€"A Whippet sedan car, 1929] model in good condi tion. A bargain for cash. Apply to 171 Spruce street south or PO. Box 809, Timmins. 39pl FOR SALEâ€"One Evans piano, in first- class shape. Will receive tenders for sale of same up to Oct. 4th. 1930. Apply to T. A. Strain, PO. Box 135, South Porcupine. 38-40p 0 Thursday, Sept. 5th 1930 H FOR SALEâ€"1 hand power washing machine. men’s clothing, blankets, sleighs and harness and camp outfit. Apply to basement of 159 Pine street nnrth -39p lours‘ 3R SALEâ€"Good Work Horse; weighs 1660. Apply after 6 pm. at 68 Fifth -39-40p BULBS FOR FALL PLANTINGâ€"E. D. Smith Sons are now offering the best in Tulips, Crocus, Narcissus, etc. Peony and Iris plants are also better for fall planting. Order now from Mrs. F. J. Hamilton, Box 123. South Porcupine. Ont. 29tf CHRISTMAS CARDSâ€"A box of 10 beautiful and choice designs with appropriate season's greetings. No two designs alike, $1.00 per box; also ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR DR SALEâ€"House plants, canaries, and pigeons; prices reasonable. Also fancy work done. Apply to 62 Mount- joy Street. â€"37p-39 sold at once. A; Pottsville, or Box pme. F0 FINNISH GIRL WANTS WORKâ€" Housework of any kind. Apply to 121 Second Ave., Schumacher. -39p POSITION WANTED â€" Experienced licensed truck and bus driver wishes position driving truck or bus. Re- ferences. Apply to PO. Box 226. Schumacher. Ont. 38-40p north LLVUULâ€"A'v VLVA- -v-u~v ~v u-'-- Apply to 95 Kirby avenue "39â€" M W0 BOX STOVES FOR SALEâ€"One that takes 18-inch wood and one that. takes 24-inch wood. Also a, heater! MAID WANTED FOR GENERAL that burns either coal or wood. Cheap 5 HOUSEWORK A )1 . . . -â€"‘ - to 7 Maple St. for qu1ck sale. Apply to 68 Fifth! Scum. p1 } L k -38 Ave. -39-40p ‘ __________â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- --â€"v n it? A ‘rrrrmn “crnnfisf;nnfi1 1‘70 O'D ‘\‘.7 GREEN SLABS FOR SALEâ€"Apply at Chaput and Mainvme. 39 Main Ave.. corner of Preston St. -39-41p FOR SALEâ€"Dry four-foot slabs and edgmgs mixed; suitable for bakeries. hotels and business blocks; ideal wand for kindling. Price $4.50 cord delivered or $3.00 cord in yard. ‘Dry 313138.16 inches, at $5.00 a. 108d. .1. A. Daly. phone 454i. T'unmins. -3lptf several samples of personal greeting cards. Order now and pay on deli- very. Mrs. G. Rassel, Box 448, Tim- nnnq -39-40 all complete with live tubes, bunt-in loud speaker. .Four new batteries, 1 we: storage 2 ‘B and 1 C very cost- ly Fi‘Z. Price $55.00. not third of cost unice. Also gramophone, high class note-cl make, large floor cabinet size sweet tone. All complete with 55 high class records. Price $25.00. Al- so one pair of fur robes, in good con- dition. Suitable for either car, cut- ter or carriage. Price $18.00 for pair. Also high class piano, noted make, upright style. perfect condition. Good sweet tone. price $100.00. All are fully guaranteed. Well packed for safe shipment. Apply to Frank Bul- mer Storage. 108 Robert St., Toron- mer Storage. 108 Robert to, Ont. Reward POSITIONS WANTED SALEâ€" 45 Chickens. Must. be at once Apply to Nick Rein, sville, or Box 361 South Porcu- 38- 39p mmix. ul Tâ€"A pair cf black-rimmed glasses WOOD FOR SALE SALEâ€"Also a 36-inch box , Gurney make, just like at $8.00; a. large fire-woof safe, or price new, about $200.00, for 0. A McCaskey bookkeeping Let, complete for $45.00; regular )0. Apply to Curtis Optical Co., hi! :9 -38- .LEâ€"DeFore OF HOUSEHOLD FUR- FOR SALEâ€"Apply at 109 reet, north, Timmins -39 Stevven's Amusement Par- 38-401) Return to 46 Third Ave. 39 Quebec coal heaters LOST SALEâ€"Apply t0 -39-40p barred Plymouth Power Washer 1e nditi buil adlo tion: FOUR-ROOMED HOUSE TO RENTâ€" Modem conveniences. Apply to 159 Spruce St. North. -39p TO RENTâ€"Two-roomed apartment in the Manion Block; furnished or un- furnished. Phone 815. -39 TO RENT-Nice csmforcable home on Maple street, south. All conveniences Apply to PO. Box 1855. town - 39 FOR RENTâ€"Two 3-roomel furnisnea houses, also garage 28 by 40 feet‘ Apply to B. F. Lennan, 10 Elm St North. -23t.f .11 FIVE-ROOMED HOUSE FOR RENT- With water and toilet, for $20.00 a month. Apply to 61-5 Balsam St. South. N39410:) FOR RENTâ€"Small house with all con- iMAID WANTEDâ€"Apply to 67 Tamar- ‘ ack St. -39p DALTON‘S STORE FOR RENTâ€"Aug. 151;. Heated store 30 by 60 feet. in- eluding basement. At present oc- cupied by M. Bowie, Ltd. Apply to J. Dalton. -27t. f. FOR RENTâ€"Six room cottage. all con- Veniences, hot and cold watex fuz- nace in cellar. Filst class finishing. Located at 167 Maple street south.. Apply to 161 Maple street south ~39p FOR SALEâ€"Quebec coal heater for $6.50 and one armchair for $1.50, one mahogany wicker table for $6.00. Ar.)- ply to 46 Vimy Road. Hollinger Townsite. 38-39p. FOR RENTâ€"A nice private home with all conveniences. seven rooms. Will rent, partly furnished or unfurnished, to adult family only. Only respon- sible people need apply. Apply to Box G. N., Advance Office. -39 GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORKâ€"Must be good cook. Apply to 95 Kirby avenue 39â€" HELP WANTEDâ€"Exceptional wage by women selling exclusive patented Hygienic Product No competition, no investment. Pro-tex Manfg. 00.. 18 Dundas Square, Toronto. -39â€"40p HELP WANTEDâ€"Reliable man for one hundred store route; this county; ex- perience unnecessary; no selling; disâ€" tribute and collect. Should net seventy dollars weekly. Shamas Mfg. Co.. New Toronto, Ont. -36â€"37 DR RENTâ€"Two-roomed furnished house. Light and water paid. Also a range for sale. in good condition. Apply to 104 Cedar St. S. 39p .Inv â€"____ veniences. Reasonable rent. immedi- ate possession. Also small apartment. Apply to 12 Third Ave. 38-401) TWO IIBOARDERS WANTEDâ€"In quiet private home. Apply to 111 Elm St south. -391: BOARDERS WANTED MANAGER WANTED FOR MILLINâ€" ERY STOREâ€"Must be first-class AGENTS WANTEDâ€"If you are lookâ€" ing for an opportunity to better you: position this fall, the Watkins Busi- ness will put you on the road to suc- cess. without any risk on your part. Positively the largest and best line of goods sold to families. $50.00 or more profit per week for the indus- trious man. Apply now for your 10- cality. The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. R-128. 749 Craig St. West. Montreal, P.Q. -37-40 WANTEDâ€"Fr line sawing truck. Mus cler. Phone ROOM TO RENTâ€"All conveniences. Apply to 83 Birch St. South. 38-401) ROOM FOR RENTâ€"For 1 or 2 friends. All conveniences. Near high school. Apply to 155 Mountjoy street -39-40 YOU WILL FIND AT THE WINDSOR: HOTEL furnished two-roamed apart- ments and rooms by day, week or month. Hot water year round. Also large dry basement. -37tf FURNISHED ROOMS T0 RENTâ€"â€" Clean and comfortable. Suitable for light housekeeping. Use of phone and kitchen. Apply to 5% Fifth avenue. or 11hone 64W. 305 Mr. J. J. Pecore and family wish to thank all the friends and neighbours who showed so much sympathy and kindness during the illness and death of his beloved wife Sarah Burns Pe- core. They also wish to thank the many friends for their floral gifts and spiritual offerings. -39h family. Apply to 7 Bannerman ave- nnp 39-42;) salesgirl with some experience win making hats. Real opportunity for the right party. Apply giving referâ€" ences. experience and salary expected to Box A.. Advance omce. Timmins. On ITEDâ€"Frame and saw for gaso- 3 sawing machine. Also a l-ton lck. Must be in good running or- '3. Phone 766W or call at 9y First 0.. Schumacher. 39p CARD OF THANKS HELP WANTED \VAN TED ROOMS RENT 3-roomed furnished in private -38-30p BOARDERS WANTEDâ€"Room and board in good comfortable home. All conveniences. $8.50 per week. Wash- ing and pressing done if desired. Ap- OZ“ FUR COATS repaired and remodelled. work guaranteed. Estimates cheer- fully given. A. J. Shragge Limited, 29 Third Ave, Timmins. 49M. BULBS AND FLOWERING SHRUBS FOR FALL PLANTINGâ€"I will plant them for you. Order now. G. Rasâ€" sel. Box 448. Town. ~39-4O ANYONE WISHING TO EX SETS 01“ MOIR'S A] CARDS for packages may < The Rex Tea Room, Pine . Timm'ms, Ont. HORSE IN POUND â€"â€" Grey horse. weighs about 1700 pounds. Now in pound. If not claimed will be sold to defray costs. Jos. Goulet, pound- keeper, 94 Main Ave. 38-40 5'URRIERâ€"Lad'xes bring your scarfs and have them made into real animal Chokers. Also relining and reglaz- ing at 20% off. Wadsworth Furriers. 12 Balsan’n St. North. -13p.t.f. ‘_â€" mamâ€"in private home: or two rooms suitable for light. housekeeping for rent. Apply to 44 Seiond Ave. -37p CHILDREN FOR ADOPTIONâ€"Goon homes desired for children. boys and girls. Catholic and Protestant, age: 4 to 14 years. Any home desiring to adept a youngster should have their clergyman write A. G. Carson Supt. Children's Aid, Timmins, Ont 44m â€"â€" THE LADY MINTO HOSPITAL AT COCHRANE offers a three years’ training (with six months’ affiliation in a Toronto hospital) to young wo- men desiring to become nurses. Lec- tures and class work as outlined by the Provincial Board of Nurse Ex- aminers are given by the Medical and Nursing Staff. Pupil Nurses are qualified to write on the Provincial Examinations. Applicants must be eighteen years of age, and must have attended High School. Apply to the Supzrintendent. 38-40 131; 171 Magic _street. south. MUSICIANS who can play a fife. Apply to P. Cherry. Legion Band- master. -39 NURSINGâ€"Day or week. Apply toi NURSE OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENTS Maternity, and all other cases taken. Apply to 16 Wilson avenue. -36-39p PRACTICAL MATERNITY NURSEE IN DIEMORIANI open for engagements; could stay" __ part or whole time. Apply‘to M1‘S-‘IN LOVING MEMORY of Joseph Rayâ€" Annie Jones. 20 Kimberley Ave, cor- ner Pine St. South. 1’61; _________________.____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"- PROPERTIES FOR SALE 4-. h. 1929. aged eight months and {,ht days. -â€"-Sad1y missed by Fa- i er and Mother. -39p Delphis Charbonneau, who died Sept. t O FARM LAND FOR SALEâ€"Close to town. Apply to John Power. 139 Wil- FOR SALE OR RENTâ€"Ter house, all conveniences. . Mrs. M. Lawlor, 97 Third Timmins FOR SALEâ€"Taxi. mail. baggage. cem- plete with winter equipment. tram calls, etc. Dwelling and garage in connection. Will rent separately or sell. Reason for sale death of proâ€" prietor. Apply to Box K.N.. Advance Office, Timmins ~39-40p FOR SALEâ€"Rooming House with four- teen bedrooms, sitting rooms. dining room, large kitchen, cellar and furn- ace, large glassed veranda. all modern conveniences, centrally located; furn- ished or unfurnished. Reason for sale. ill-health of oWner. Apply to P. Godin. Box 416, Timmins, or at 41 Fourth avenue, Timmins. 32tf. ROOM AND BOARD NOTICEâ€"The premises of S. B. Raw-g linson. 55 Wilson Ave.. known as; “The Halfway," from Sept. lst.is un-i der the management of Miss Helenf McCaflerty. ~39p | Mrs. H mins. William Allen wishes to thank al: who so generously volunteered to help him in his recent serious illness by offering to give transfusions of blood and in other kindly ways. especially be- ing grateful to Mr. H. Tripp who was chosen for the blood transfusion. South Porcupine, Sept. 24th, 1930. -39p son Ave DR SALEâ€"320 acres. no wasteland. 4; Beneath His chastemng roa. miles from Matheson, 100 acres un- One must be first, but let us all der cultivation, free from noxious‘ Prepare to meet our God. weeds; balance easily cleared and inl -â€"Inserted by her Father, Mother. pasture. Spring creek runs through‘Brother and Sisters. 39p pasture. Commodious log house! frame stable and barn. Inspectioni TOWNSHIP OF TISDALE invited. See the neighbourhood grain, hay and potatoes. etc. Good VOTERS’ LIST 1930 reason for selling. Price $2,500.00. Terms half cash and balance in DaY-l Notice is hereby given that I have ments to Sllit purchaser. A bargain. transmitted to the persons mentionev A1391}! t0 JOSCDh Allardice. Matlieson,,jn Section 9 of the Ontario Voters Ont. '39-4lpiLists Act the copies required by said MISCELLANEOUS CARD OF THANKS Ranéer, 50 Mons ave. Tim- -28o30 p. tf NURSING [ING TO EXCHANGE MOIR'S ALPHABET NOTICE and remodelled 5 may do so at Pine St... South. 35-43. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCEngINS, ONTARIO 'â€"Ten-rocme :5. Apply 1 of S. B. Raw- -39 t V811 JEW’ISH NEW YEAR OPENED MONDAY NIGHT THIS “'EEK At sundown on Mo ay the Jewish} new year opened and t e Jewish people i in the town and district have been ob- serving the event this week. On Tues- day and Wednesday the stores in town 1 conducted by Jewish people were closed following the custom to this effect that the New Year shall be opened by holi- days. and other appropriate services. 1 EXPERT DRESSMAKINGâ€"Moderate prices. Apply to 50 First Ave., Tim- mins. 39-401) DRESSMAKING AND PLAIN SEW- ING. Children’s coats a specialty. Mrs. E. B. Price, 81 Bannerman DRESSMAKINGâ€"All kinds of plain sewing; dresses coats and suits made to order. Also sale on ready made articles. Prices moderate. Apply to Mrs. S. Utriiainen, 19 Fourth Ave., (Goldfields Annex). ~39-45p LADIES’ SUITS, COATS AND DRESSES. Re-modelling and alter- ations. Also Draperies and Slip- covers made to order. Satisfactory work and moderate prices. Mrs. Thomson,- Hamilton block, Room 3. 31ptf NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, Giovanni Pallotti having contracted a board bill of $72.00 with the under~ signed. the same remaining unpaid, and trunks and other effects of the said Pallotti being left here unclaim~ ed for some 3.}: years past. said e‘fiects Notice is hereby given that the ad- journed Tax Sale as publicly named on the first day of August, 1930. will be held in the Council Room. Timmins, Onta'rio, on the 30th day of September, 1930, starting at the hour of 10 o’clock in the f orenoon. The Municipality of the Town or Timmins hereby gives notice that they intend to purchase if required for the Tcwn any of the properties advertised for sale for taxes at the above men- tioned adjourned sale. WILLIAMSâ€"In loving memory of Vic- tor Maurice. only son of Mr. and Mrs. Maullce Williams, of 58 Vimy Road, who went to be with Jesus on Sept. 30th 1928. ' He was just a dear little l'osebud, .5. sweet little flower from birth, But God called him home to heaven, Before he was spoiled on earth. avenue In Thine arms, oh, gentle Savious, Hold our darlin'z son. â€"â€"â€"So sadly missed by his Mummy and Daddy. Aunt Gertie, Uncle Perce, and Alfy. -39p YOUNGâ€"In loving memory of my deax wife who passed away. Sept. 2631928 092111 and peaceful she is sleeping; Sweetest, rest. has followed pain: I, who loved her, sadly miss her, But trust in God to meet again. â€"â€"â€"Ever remembered by her husband Whitten. â€"391‘ will be sold to pay the indebtedness unless otherwise provided for before October 18th. 1930. (Signed) G. Barickello, 212 Cedar street, south. Timmins, Ont. -39-41p YOUNGâ€"In loving memory 0‘. our dear daughter, Margaret, who died Sept. 26th, 1928. As we loved her. so we miss her. In our memory she is dear; Loved, remembered. thought of always. Bringing many a silent tear. She bade no one a last farewell; She said good-bye to no one; The Heavenly gates were open wide And a loving Voice said, “Come." We cannot tell who next may fall Beneath His chastening rod. One must be first, but let us all Prepare to meet our God. â€"Inserted by her Father, Mother persons appzaring by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipal- ity to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal elections and that the said list was first posted up at my oflicc et'South Porcnpcne on the nineteenth day of September. 1930, and remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law. .A.. “Dateud at, South Porcupine this 24th day of September. 1930. -39- DRESSMAKING IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM MEMORIAM 1 Y lxfi IN MEMORIAM NOTICE NOTICE H. E. MONTGOMERY. Clerk and Treasurer. F. C. EVANS. Clerk Township of Tisdale ~37-38p HOW THEY REGULATE THE STREET PARADES IN “’EST One method of stopping annoyance to loyal people by the communist type of parades has been adopted by the town council of the town of Drumheller, A1- berta. The Drumheller Mail gives the following reference to the matter in its last issue :â€" “No group shall hold a parade or pro- ' cession within the city limits without a ! permit, says a by-law passed by coun-! cil without discussion at the regular! meeting of that body on Monday even- 1 ing. The by-law provides that twenty- four hours notice shall be given to the chief of police before any such parade shall be held and that a British flag, or any flag recognized as such by the Dominion Government. of a size not less than three feet by six feet shall be carried unfurled at the head of such procession. Another clause specifies that in any parade where flags of other countries are carried, notification shall be given to the chief of police and that a British flag of the same size or larger shall also be carried. Provisions are made for smaller flags to be carried by juvenile organizations such as Boy ; Scouts and Camp Fire Girls, while the : Salvation Army, funeral processions and the forces of HM. the King are exempt from this statute. The by-law ‘nv-u-‘vâ€" __v was given three readings and adopted without. discussion." ' Mrs. Gallinger, Mrs. Stephens and Mrs. Humphreys. cf Kapuskasing, were visitors to the Timmins L.O.B.A. meet- ing on Monday evening. n, on Thursda .1ghter (Paulin. h we nâ€"To Mr MW JEW’ELLER OPTICIAN EASY TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED Harold Patri- 18zh. 1930â€"3 3, Loreena). to' An editorial in The Northern Triâ€" of bune, cf Kapuskasing, last week says:â€" wn ' “Santa Claus always has his troubles 51-;when scattering his Yuletide munifi-| the ; cence. His eclipse is threatened by‘. its Senator Robertson, who is being delug- ed with petitions for a share of the 1.0-! $20,000,000 parliamentary grant just t a 1 voted to relieve Canadian unemploy- m- ! ment conditions. This large sum figures day I out to $2 per capita for the Dominion, ‘ l en- but the Minister of Labour’s files must 0“,. show requisitions for a hundred times the that amount and then some. The ade 1 meritoriousness of the requests certain- lag, ! 1y runs from about zero to 100 per cent. . the | Not one of them rates higher in merit' not ! than the Northern-routed trans-Canada ‘ . be ' highway. for present aid to unemployed uch | and future benefit to the whole coun- fies ! try. But there is one thing to be her ' guarded against; the route itself should nail be settled upon strictly on 123 own hat merits; without the least regard to be~ ¢gerling located near to any point where are i there now happens to be a number 0: 1 by i unemployed. Many other works Z)s~ Boy 1 sides the national highway will be un- the;dertaken. with the aid of the federal ionstgrant, and effort should be made to are take care, proportionately, of the un- -law i employed from coast to coast in what- )th i ever ways seem best. Whatever labour iis required in Northern Ontario for EWCIK on this section 01‘ the trans-Canâ€" , ada highway can be readily transported andim the area of operations. In factâ€"to .vere ' take Cochrane’s present experience as .eet- ; en exampleâ€"the faintest scent or hope icf work seems to uncannily attract far linere K‘JCl‘kEl'S than can be absorbed." Frenchy Morris, Timmins. vs. land Lake boxer. I Al Sandrm. Iroquois Falls. vs [ Scotland. ‘ lSome More Good Boxing t Bouts Next \\ ednesdm Announcement is made of some more good boxing bouts to be held at the Timmins rink. on Wednesday of next week. October lst. commencing at 8.30 pm. The event is under the auspices of the Regent Boxing Club (H. Murphy) and for the benefit of the St. John Am- bulance Brigade. The bouts include:â€" Johnny Kellar. champion of Canada. vs. D. Richard. Timmins. A. Ladiceur vs. Hewlett. both of Timmins. L. Wadsworth vs. A. Ranger. both of Timmins. (St. Catharines Standard) At the funeral of the slain Welland constable yesterday. Ven. Archdeacon Perry raised a moot point when he asked if naturalization papers were not granted to many foreign-born without proper tests. He suggested that natuu ralization was in many cases granted too soon and without due investigation of the record of the applicant. FORT \VILLIAI‘I MAN “'ON CAR AT BAZAAR LAST ‘VEEK The winner of the car at the bazaar last week under the auspices of the Ladies cf the Church of the Nativity was Mr. Kirby. of Fort William. Mr. Kirby is a travelling representative for the Shredded Wheat 00.. and bought a ticket to show his friendliness to the town. his good nature in this case prov- ing very fortunate for him as he is the proud possessor now of a handsome 1930 model Chevrolet coach. UNEMPLOYED WILL FLOCK “'HEREVER THERE IS “'ORK GORDON BLOFK PINE STREET N. O 'I'IHMINH The Pembroke Standard-Observer says:-â€"“Mrs. P. J. Dunlop, of Timmins. was in Pembroke this week to attend the Murphy-Ludgate wedding." NATURALIZATION TOO SOON Now on Display at """’o-"OO’”"""””””’o”” ’ a Kirk- D. Kerr (Hamilton Spectator) It comes as somewhat of a surprise to read in the London Times that minia- ture golf has been popular in England for a long time. One had imagined that it was an American innovation. of recent origin. which. having taken the public fancy. was spreading like wild- fire on this continent. But it seems that the British public has long been able to enjoy the game for 6d a round (120). with half-price for children. and under the best conditions. According to information from north- ern Manitoba. construction work at Sherrltt-Gordon Mines is well up. to schedule. and if the present rate is maintained the mill will be in produc- tion by the middle of January. It is now believed that the mill will be start- ed on a basis of 1,200 tons daily. unless there is a distinct improvement in the zinc market within the next few months PRODUCTION AT SHERRITT EXPECTED NEXT JANUARY The crushing plant is in and found- ations for the mill building have been laid. Steel is arriving at the property and construction work will be rushed. The underground crusher at the main shaft has been completed. Mining operations are proceeding and additional ore is being blocked out by the underground crew. Work is also under way to dewater the cast shaft and preliminary work on the aerial tramway will be started wizhin a. month. According to present plans. the man- agement will not take ore from the east shaft unless there is some distinct improvement in the zinc situation The company plans to hold zinc pro- duction to a minimum, and in order to accomplish this will draw mill feed al- most entirely from the west and main shafts. Mrs. T. G. Smith ,of Englehart. Out. is visiting friendsaa'n town. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Dooley returned last week from a two months' trip to the Pacific Coast; and the southern States. The Northern Tribune sayszâ€"“From an authentic source outside of town The Northern Tribune is informed thas a public postal service to Moose Har- bour is being scheduled to go into effect in a few weeks' time. Mail matter will be carried up to the railhead of the T. N. 0. extension past Coral Rapids, and from there taken by contract to the historic trading post." GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Apply 19 James Avenue. 39 MAID GENERAL WANTEDâ€"Apply WANTEDâ€"Experienced girl or boy to " work in dry goods store. Apply to J. Martin‘s Dry Goods Store, 52 Third Ave. -39p B.S.A.. B.V.Sc. Specializing in small animals. including. Fur Farming, Parasitic Diseases, Nutritional Diseases (feeds and feeding). Anaesthetics IRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Apply to 36 Kirby avenue. -39p this evening to 76 Maple St. South. -39 A. H. Kennedy TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION ENGLAND HAS ['1‘

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