g ERNEST H.BRIDGER C0. 3 WWW 604 Northern Ontario Building 3' Toronto 2 3 Phone Adelaide 8354-8355 3 RWme W“W§WWXWW§XSX\XW 3rd Avenue The Geldfield Drug Co. Ltd. The Sun Record 00.. Toronto, Ont Thursday, July _11th, 1929 More I Get The Blues When It. Rains Why l’ay' blorel VVhy' }?a}' )Tore? Canadian Mining Securities Purchased for Cash Wedding of the Painted Doll 10 inch double sided Phonograph Records ELECTROPHONIC Walking With Susie From the picture “Innocents of Paris†Fox Trot Record No. 8948 From “Fox Movictone Follies of 1929‘ FromflFox Movietone Follies of 1929" Fox Trot, on Apex Record No. 8924 Fox Trot Record No. 8953 Fox Trot Record No. 8926 Fox Trot Record No. 8952 Fox Trot Record No. 8944 Blue Hawaii Walt-z Record No. 8946 awaiian Record No. 9854 Breakaway Louise Honey Next to Taylor Hardware Dealers Everywhere sutute of Industrial Research by Rex Research Fellowship. Every bottle guaranteedâ€"Advt. standard of quality. and never leaves the factory. This is the quick acting insect spray you want. It, is FLY-TOX Accept no substitutes. There is noth- ing just as good. There is only one FLY-TOX. Developed at Mellon In: â€"Insects are raised in incubators at the FLY-TOX factory. When they are fully grown and especially strong and lively they are turned loose in a test cabinet. “The Fly-Tox Chamber of Death." Less than a teaspoonful of FLY-TOX is sprayedjnside. Within ï¬ve minutes all are dead. But. the test. isn't ï¬nished yet. The dead in- sects are carefully taken from the “Chamber of Death" and put gently into incubators. hours in an efl'o: Norfolk 3: Rochester‘s hardware store at. Haileybury was robbed recent.- ly, a large quantity of goods being tak- en and there being no clues as to the identity of the thieves. Entrance to the store was gained through a base- ment window and by then smashing in the door leading from the base- ment to the store. The Pembroke Standard-Observer says:â€"-"Mr. A. F. Kenning. M.L.A., of Timm'ms, was the guest of his sister, Miss Hazel Kenning, the ï¬rst of the week and left Wednesday, accompanied by his son. Master Bobbie Kenning, for Toronto, and will be absent ten days." Armande Tessier. a Cobalt taxi driv- er. was recently sent to jail for ten days with hard labour when he plead- ed guilty to the charge of driving a car when intoxicated. Mr. Geo. W. Ecclestone, M.P.. Mrs. Ecclestone. and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bird. of Bracebridge. were visitors to Timmins last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. V Hall to the south last week for a and will visit relatives and fr Barrie and other points south Haileybury town council gave a grant of $75.00 last, week to the fund for establishing a tourists’ information bureau at. North Bay. The Cochrane Northland Post last week says:â€"“Mr. J. Bradette, Mi.P.. motored home on Friday of last week.†Mrs. P. Godinleft on Monday morn- ing on the annual excursion to Ste Anne de Beaupre. St. tors Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lindon and daughter. of Toronto, were visitors here last week. Miss Mary Durrell visited New Lis- Mr. E. L. Longmore is on a holiday keard f :‘iends last week. ; trip to the south. zen a w sted doe Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Sutherland. of .. Thomas, Ont., were Timmins visi- rs last week. 'OU THE_P9§QUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO Hall motored or a holiday, nd friends at in the barrens. states the snow there is still very deep. with blizzards and terriï¬c winds continually. He also re- ports getting â€his" caribou and bear. both being very plentiful. He and the others in the district are kep: in touch Little Jean Belanger. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kapuskasing died recer sulL of eating some toni found 111 a dscarded tin garbage barrel. was referred Mattagami r. The largest is about 13.000 having only 2 The New Liskeard Speaker last week says:â€"â€"“Four ounces is the weight of an egg brought to us from the Poultry Yards of Mr. J. P. Jean of Uno Park. A dozen like this would weigh three poundsâ€"a pretty good buy." Mr. J. R. Gordon. of Toronto. was a visitor to Timmins last week. being heartily greeted here by hosts of old friends who knew him years ago when he was one of the pioneer business men of the North. The New Liskeard Speaker last week sayszâ€"“Mr. Carl Proctor. of the Im- perial Bank staff. Timmins. spent the week-end at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Proctor. Farah ave." The Haileyburian last week says:â€" “Mr. and Mrs. John Berry went to Tim- mins on Saturday for a few days visit with their daughter, Mrs. P. Carson.“ In an article in T11 week the Sturgeon Fall was referred to as the The next. meeting of the Timmins town council is scheduled for Monday afternoon. July 22nd. commencing at 4 13.111. Mrs. J. Richard is one of the. Tim- m-ins residents attending the pilgrim- age at Ste Anne de Beaupre this week. Mrs. Lloyd and son, Jack of Niagara Falls. N.Y.. are visiting Mrs. Lloyd's sister, Mrs. P. T. Moisley. Haileybury and New Liskeard to have been using home-grown tables for some weeks past. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Morton. J12. visit- ed their parents in Haileybury and North Cobalt last week. ard by airpl t is the Wawai )00 horse p0“ y about 8,000 I the lane DUI‘E .ome tonic pills tha as the Thi: 1 “1 waitin plant w power, Sturge 01' inf ( and Ad 38131 ted $75.0( .he estab- 111 on th TIE in )8 claim IE of eggs was smasr pened to be 20.000 the description is l Mrs. E. M. Gold. who has been libra- rian of the public library at New Lis- keard for almost twenty years. has re- signed. Mrs. Gold was presented with a handsome fountain pen and pencil desk set as a mark of the appreciation of her services by the public library board. A good public librarian is an immense asset to any community. The big cities have recognized this fact for some years. The value of the libra- rian's services to a smaller community are proportionately more important. New Liskeard may well show apprecia- tion for twenty years of good service as a librarian in that town. rian are New tion A man who was learning to drive a car recently ran into another car on the. highway near New Liskeard. He escaped injury but the driver of the other car, a lady who did all that could be done (to avoid the collision. was thrown with such violence against the steering wheel that the wheel was put- out of commission. Her car was also damaged, but. the lady fortunately escaped any serious injugy. [though sustaining a number of painful bruises. Plans are under way for the estabâ€" lishment of a swimming pool at Engle- heart. Mayor Weeks, of Englehartz. put the matter in a nutshell when he said at, a recent public meeting, “I should not like us to have a drowning fatality in that river, and this com- munity swimming tank looks to be the best way to avoid such a tragedy.“ The New Liskeard Speaker last week says:â€"~“Mrs. E. A. Ray and Audrey and Gladstone. of Timmins spent. the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Raymond. returning home Wednesday morning accompanied by Miss Evelyn Raymond who will spend several weeks .there." Mr. and M1»; Ed. Pritchard and Masâ€" ters Arthur and Bruce left last week for the south. Mrs. Pritohard will visit her mother who is ill at Toronto while M1. Pritchard and the boys went on to Brockville for a holiday with relatives there inc EU h 'lton :iitck result h and 1d was the do ult that the whole ashed. As there >00 eggs on the 5 left to the im: also esc accider ree : req 11 uri from 1C )R i! rig 'ed 1'. Mr. Mc- ninéd some more 11 138 11' bu v seri. migh :argc hap- ruck 0V0] 1 th Mr. and Mrs. R. Cox and family are this week leaving the Dome to take up residence at Port Colborne, Ontario. Mr. Cox has been at the Dome for nine years. He and his estimable wife and family will be much missed by their friends here. On Sunday last Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Strain received a telegram telling them of the death of their eldest daughter. Maudâ€"Mrs. Moffatâ€"at Moose Jaw. Saskatchewan. on Saturday, June 30th. Mrs. Moffat has visited here at various times, the last visit being two years ago at the time the late Bert Strain died. Her demise came after an illness proâ€" longed over the past year. Their many friends will sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. Strain in their loss. Mrs. Art Ewing is a sister. Mrs. Charles Jemmetrt Helen. leave this week for a parental homes at, Barrie Ontario. Mrs. Carl Carruthers is opening a beauty parlor and ladies' hair-dressing establishment in the building former- ly occupied by Mrs. Gordon Cross. Mrs. Charles Jemmett and baby. Helen. leave this week for a visit to the narental homes at, Barrie and Paris, Mr. and Mrs. John Lahti and son. Toivo, visited the former's daughter, Mrs. Carl Carruthers, during the past week. Mr. Pietro Gazzola is sailing this week for Italy. Mr. and Mrs. L. DeBortoli celebrated the christening of their baby girl on Monday. Mr. Dan Miller is having a new homc with a cement basement erected on his lot on Golden avenue. Miss Doris Frlsby is expected this“ evening on a visit. to her father who is at the Dome. She will be the guest ‘ of Miss Kathleen Reynolds. ' On Tuesday evening. July 9th, the Porcupine Chapter, Order of the East- ern Star are entertaining their friends at a bridge party in the Masonic Hall. Mr. Tom Fell spent the holiday at Haileybury. Messrs Ed and Annabale Gallai. who were home from the Abana Mine for the holiday. returned this week. In the police court. on Thursday there were several who paid fines for allowing their dogs at large contrary to the by-law. These ï¬nes cost $12 each. There were about the usual number of drunks. A case of reckless driving was dealt with severely. These cases will not be handled with any kid-gloved hands in future. The sen- tence for the offender tried on Thurs- day was a ï¬ne of $100 and costs as well as a sentence of ï¬fteen days in jail. Mrs. Jeo. Campagnola. with her three children, has returned to the Dome from Arcade, near Venice, Italy. Messrs E. and Louis Fenato visited their sister at the Dome Mines over July lst. South Porcupine. July 8th. 1929 Special to The Advance. Funeral Services for Late Mrs. Starr, South Porcupine Mrs. Howard Miller, of Charlton. and three little daughters. are visiting her mother. Mrs. '1‘. A. Strain. Miss Bessie Mansï¬eld gave a party to a number of her young friends on Thursday last. Mrs. C. Kehoe and two children are spending the summer at Woodstock. Mrs. Lawrence Thomas and children left last week for Bristol. the home of Mr. Thomas' parents. As Mrs. Thomas has not been feeling very well for some time she went into the hospital at Ot- tawa for treament. Word came later for Mr. Thomas to come to Ottawa at once as the ailment was much more serious than expected. He left on Fri- day for Ottawa. Miss Elinor McJanet has taken a position during the holiday season with the Northern Telephone Company. Mrs. M. Hill. of Toronto. Ls the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Hanneberry. Miss Janet MacFarland, of New Lis- keard. is the guest of Miss Irene Arm- strong at the 'West Dome Mines. Miss Anna Sullivan, Mr. Frank Sulli- van and Mr. Percy McCann motored to Haileybury recently. Mr. Constant Mlnieri, of town. has started a gang of men working on his company's claims in Shaw township this week. They also have a number of men working in the Kamiskotia dis- trict. Many Beautiful Floral Tokens Expressed Regard in Which Deceased was Held. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Strain Also Passes Away. Visitors to and from South Porcupine. Heavy Penalty for Reckless Driving. Other South Porcupine News. wing 13 a 515! The funeral art were he Good-bye, Flies and Mosquitoes! 4 Unless you’re a Flit user, you have no idea how soon you can rid your home of every fly and mosquito. Flit kills quicker, and is easier to use, in the handy Flit sprayer. Spray into cracks and crannies to kill roaches, bed bugs, ants. Flit vapor does not stain. Try the quicker Flit method today! opy‘rkht 1929 9.1 cal services of the held on Wednesd ate M I The Finns who were injured in the Icrash which broke the road roller and resulted in the death of one of their inumber, are now progressing favour- ably at the Porcupine hospital. but it. will be a while yet before they will be able to give evidence at the inquest. into I the death of Nemilaus. the man who lost Ems life in the accident. P‘IVI??I/Ilâ€?â€ï¬‚l?I’VIII’; In the football game of the Boxer series at the Dome on Thursday night between the Dome and the Sons of England. the Dome won easily, being on the better side of a 9-0 score. The. game was too one-sided to be interest- ing. the visiting team. not seeming to get into a scoring frame at any time. Mr. Chcnier. of Timmins. has opened a flour and feed store in the comer block on Bruce avenue. lately occupied by the Porcupine Feed and Transfer. St. Mary's Journal-Argus:â€"-â€"'I\venty- six per cent. of the killed and wounded on the highways are under the age of 15 years. It. is a case of the slaughter of the innocents. the United Church. Th pallbearers were Messrs J. Ostrom. M. Clark. C‘. McIntosh. D. MacLellan. T. A. Strain. and E. J. Mason. Rev. E. C. Modele- delayed his departure so as to be able to take these last sad services for one who had been a faithful member of his church. Interment took place in the South Porcupine cemetery. Among’ the beautiful floral tokens were a wreat h from the family sprays from Mr. and Mrs Herbert Roy. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rice. Oshawa, Mrs. Lytle. Timmins. Mr. and Mrs. V. Lamn. Mr. and Mrs. H. Blood. Percy and Meta Bennett. Audrey. Joyce and Lois Lafl‘ln, a basket of roses from Mr. and Mrs. E. .1. Mason. In the ser- vice the minister spoke particularly of the wonderful work done by the late Mrs. Starr for the Sunday School. The sympathy of the community goes out to Mr. Starr and his family. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Deacon and f 1y are on a. trip to southern points. Mrs. F. Hamilton is spending a ‘ at Haileybury and New Liskeard. FM‘X‘S‘A.‘ $\$\ \SSSSX‘SSSX\\2 | DIANY HAVE TAKEN ADV :\.\'T- l Dinner Breakfast Breakfast Lunch Lunch Dinner A place where day after day they return to the ever-changing variety of good food. If you come once you’ll come again AGE OF VACCINATION AGAINST JUNE SUIâ€"Children under 2 years JUNE 12thâ€"Two to four years. JUNE 19thâ€"F0ur to six years. Note the above dates and ages and bring your children for vaccination. Clinic Room 2 to 4 pan. . To facilitate the work. a doctor will be at the Clinic Room on the dates and for ages as follows:â€" DIPHTH ERIA “Thr «flow can «uh 3h: black band" CHICKEN SERVED EVERY SUNDAY Kingston Hotel Ask for Our Weekly Rates Room a nd Board MEAL HOURS .. 6.00 a.m. tc 12.00 p.m. tc 5.30 p.m. t< SUNDAYS H. H. MOORE, M.D.. M.0.H 7.30 a.m. to 9.00 a.m. 2.00 p.m. to 1.30 p.m .30 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. to 9.00 a.m. to 1.30 to 7.30 p.m. {am