Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 11 Jul 1929, 2, p. 4

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" Thursday, July 11th, 1929 F01 Sure Results Try Our Want Ad Column See New and Used Cars at Showroom opposite Post Office, Schumacher or at 86 Third Avenue, Timmins, or phone 960 for a Demonstration WE CARRY COMPLETE LINE GENUINE FORD PARTS The use of malleable castings is eliminated in this new axle housing which is made entirely of steel. Bell forgings welded to steel tubing make up the shaft housing which is bolted to an all steel differential housing. The care and skill devoted to the manufacture and assembly of rear axle parts is typical of the high standards of Ford engineering. HE rear axle of the Ford car is of the three-quarter floating type with spiral bevel gear. The pinion hub is exceptionally heavy, and, as the pinion is carried on double taper roller bearings, perfect alignment of the gear is always assured. The rear axle has a total of four roller bearings which add considerably to the cost of manufacture but are a protection for the owner against wear. Special care is taken to insure silence in the pinion and ring gears. These are made up in sets and carefully matched, each set being run in to eliminate all possi' bility of noise in operation. The differential side gears are forged integral on the rear axle shafts and the teeth then cut. This permits of lighter and more simple construction The shafts are unusually strong, and, as the centre line of the wheel comes over the bearings, thee is no overhang of the axle shaft, and it has no weight to support. Expense no object in Achieving Perfection Toronto M311 and Empire2â€"“Frank Tmney. the comedian whose mind has been under a cloud for the past couple of years, is said to be so far on the way to recovery that. he can take an en- gagment in vaudeville. Just how far this is nobody can precisely say." McDowell Motors Arrange for your demonstration ride with the nearest Ford dealer Authorized Ford Dealers for Porcupine Area SCHUMACHER Gold Production Leads Canada’s Mining Field Production of gold still continues to dominate the mining industry in the Province of Ontario as well as the whole of Canada. Out of a total min- eral production in 1928 of 338.647.000. gold provided the huge total or $32,626,- 000. The 1928 production of gold com- pares with $33.627.000 in 1927. The output of nickel is steadily climbing and copper comes third. In view of the plant extension and new construc- tion now under way in the Sudbury field. it not unlikely that nickel-copper will. within two years challenge gold for the leading position. It appears highly probable. however. that the out- put of gold will continue to increase for years to come. The nickel mines of Ontario contri- buted $21,394,000 in 1928. as against $15,262,000 in 1927, while output of cop- per was valued at $8,745,000. The cop- per mining industry will come abruptly to the forefront when the huge smelter hang constructed by International Nickel Company comes into operation. Nickel output is growing steadily as facilities for production are being in- creased month by month. ’While pro- duction of silver in Ontario has dwin- dled year by year from a high record of 31,507,000 ounces in 1911. valued at $21,200,000, to 7.163.117 ounces in 1928, valued at $4,117,000. growing output in British Columbia has helped to offset Ontario's decline. with the result that in 1928 Canada has as a whole produc- ed 21,345,000 ouncesrvalued at $12,420,- 000.â€"-â€"The Globe. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO C hoico of colours 55 to 65 miles an hour wohoru power engine Full balloon tires Fully «cloud six-brain system 4 Houdaille hydraulic shock absorber. 20 to :0 miles per gallon of audit-c Shatterproof clan windshield Theft proof ignition loch Reliability and low upkeep Ford Car Features ‘WOMEN IN BUSINESS NOW I AS PULPWOOD OPERATORS Women these days are into practi- cally every business and calling from prospecting to mine managing as in this North to all branches of the busi- ness and professional world in the south. Women have successfully con- ducted business as pulpwood opera- tors. Mrs. Kate Bowerman. of Dorion, Ont.. is one of the pulpwood operators in the Thunder Bay district and reâ€" ports that she took out 200 cords of pulpwood last winter. Next winter she expects to take three or four hundred cords. In writing to the Canada Lum- berman she speaks in an optimistic vein. "I am doing fairly well and I like my work fine. I Opened the camps about three weeks ago. Cutting and peeling of balsam and spruce is under way. There seems to be quite a de- mand for balsam and poplar this sea- son. Last season I drove a team of horses and have been doing plowing and seeding during this spring, so you see I have not forgotten the art yet. "Mrs. MacIntyre, my neighbor. has been very busy taking out pulpwood and is at the present time cutting bal- sam and spruce. The price of pulp- wood has advanced a little; we are now getting $9.50 per cord. “Of course, I donot do the cooking as in the past. My sister. Mrs. Smith. is now doing this for me. We are all very busy women up in this northern coun- try. This year my camps are located at Hurkett.” Drive it Yourself- there is no Better Test Standing of the Pupils in the Various Classes at St. An- thony’s Separate School, 'I‘immins. Honour and Pass Standing Indicat‘ed in the Various Classes. with Those Recommended for Pass Also Listed. The following are the results of the‘ Adrienne Carriere. Emile Beaulnc. June promotion examinations at St. - Francoise Levesque. Emilien Beaulne. Anthony‘s separate school:-â€" Alice Martin. Simone Martin. Maurice Primer to Jr. Iâ€"Sr. S.-â€"Jean C. : Beianger. Elie Dion, Irene Rozon. Willie Silenciare. teacherâ€"Passedâ€"Henri Lc- ' Martin. Emilienne Fournier. Irene Bou- clair. Rita Hamelin. Rene Guiho. Rita langer. Jean-Paul Laferniere, Germaine Bissonette. Cecile Millette. Blanche , Maliette, Agnes Laberge. Marie Bigras. Primer to Jr. Iâ€"Sr. S.-â€"Jean C. Silenciare. teacherâ€"Passedâ€"Henri Le- clair. Rita Hamelin. Rene Guiho. Rita Bissonette. Cecile Millette. Blanche Schnubb, Jacqueline Bissonette. The- rese Paquin. Ida Bouchard. Robert Churchill. Lucienne Del Guidice. Ger- ard Cormier. Francois Legendre. Car- men Houle. Reine Martin. George Pic- hette, Emile Lemaire. Recommendedâ€"- Jeannette Gauthier. Jean Scripnick. Cecile Gauthier, Grace Bissonette. Sara Rathier. Edmond Duquette. Louis Pichette. Robert Rochefort. -. From 2nd to lst Divisionâ€"Jeannette Rochefort, Jean Paul Gai'ant. Lionel Lemire. Raymond Savard. Yvon Morin. Aurelien Gosselin. Hector Ladouceur. From 3rd to 2nd Divisionâ€"Therese Gagne, Rita Ladouceur. Yvonne Bou- langer. Helene Roscoe. Jeanne Desaul- niers, Imelda Turgeon. Lionel Finn, Selina Leclair, Noel Morel, Pearl Tisâ€" dale, Simonne Perron. Eugenie Laurin, Roland Lemaire. Eurele Gauthier, From Jr. III to Sr. IIIâ€"Honoursâ€" Over 80 p.c.â€"Marie-Louise Guiho, Eva Boisvert. Between 75 and 80 p.c.â€"- Marie-Blanche Caron, Roberte Char- bonneau. Clement Gauthier. Marie La- salle. Pass-Between 60 and 75 13.0.- Rheal Nadon, Yvon Lyrette. Emile Richer. Irene Lemieux. Lucette Mal- “adouceur. Antoinette Dubeau, Helene Cormier. Annette Godin. Pauline Four- nier, Adeodat Arbic. Michel Sura, Hen- riette Guiho, Patrick Bruyere. Recom- mendedâ€"Marie-Ange Lajeunesse, Leo Barrette. Rene Groulx. Conrad Rozon, Louvain Perrault. Gerard Tessier, Louis Millette. Pupils promoted from Sr. III to Jr. IVâ€"C. Smythe, teacherâ€"Honoursâ€" Cecile Martin. Rachel Gauthier, Lucien Leroux. Passedâ€"Yvonne Bouchard. Gabrielle Morin. Berthe Hamelin, Jac- queline Caine. Jeanne Levesque, Henry Roy. May Giroux, Desneiges Richer, Roland Godin. Gerald Leroux. Joseph Chantigny, Noella Chantigny. Gene- vieve Bissonette. Recommendedâ€"Irene Boisvert, Fernand Robitaille. Evange- line Morin, Emile Everard. Promotion Examinations at St. Antoine Separate School Babiesâ€"Germaine Poitras. Luciennc Tremblay. Leo Tremblay, Therese Berini, Octave Roi. From Form I to Form IIâ€"Germaine Rathier. Armand Renaud. Therese Guiho. Gerald Roy. Jeannette Hame- lin. Gordon McCoshen, Rita Massi- cotte. Alfred DelGuidice. From Form I Jr. to Form I Sr.â€" Roger Lejambe, Lucienne Landriault. Paul-Emile Landriault. Aurore Laroc- que. Irine Tremblay, Ferdinande Bois- sonneault. Adrien Pichette. Charles E. Carcn. Joseph Gervais, Roger Roscoe. Blanche Martin, Gaitan Bissonnette. Hormisdas Poitras. Laval Joncas. Ar- mand Martin. Florence Gagne, Mar- guerite Blais, Daniel Lemaire, Jean- Louis Leroux. Henri Boutin. Roger Gariepy, Emile Tremblay. Alice Caron. Jeanne Caron. Fernanda Pickette, Cecile Boulanger, Yvette Pasquion, Yvette Tessier. Gertrude Rozon. Germaine Gaudriau. Aurore Bigras. Lionel Jon- cas, Olivier \Laferriere. Maurice Trem- blay. Real Beaucharnp. From Senior I to Junior IIâ€"â€"Soeur 3. Victor, teacherâ€"Honoursâ€"Yvonne Sa- vard. Beatrice Chalifoux. Lucille Le- gendre, Alice Pigeon. Irene Rochefort. Corona Belair, Florida Cormier. Roger Robitaille. Passedâ€"Lina Belair. Oscar Giroux. Noel Richer. Aug. DelGuidice. Ernest Savage. Alfred Caron. Germaine Bertrand. Albert Martin. Paul E. Roy, Rene Scripnlck. Primary to Form I Jr.â€"â€"Laurette Poitras. Conrad Clemont. Marcel Mas- sicotte, Gaston Bissonnette. Roger Borrette, Conrad Regimbal, Jean-Paul Gaudreau. Lucien Descoeurs, Eugene Ladouceur. From Junior 1 to Senior Iâ€"Honours â€"-Gilberte Maltais. Gaston Grandbois. Hedley Everard. Laure Came. Paul Gauthier, Mamelde Lejeunesse, Blanche Levesque. Noel Belic, Fleurette Robu- lard. All. Boisvert. Passedâ€"Rollande Robltaule. Rose Lemleux. Helene Beaume, Germaine Charrette. Femand Savage, Viola Lemire. From Jr. IV to Sr. IVâ€"Passedâ€"Ida Laporte. Marie Rochefort I. Marie Rochefort II. Lucien Renaud. Annette Morin. Aurele Legendre. Marjolaine Labrosse, Gilbert Ruest, Germaine Mar- tin, Emile Boutin. Albert Chalifaux, Leo Charbonneau. From Sr. 111 to Jr. IVâ€"Passedâ€"An- nette Dion, Gabrielle Larcher. From Sr. II to Jr. IIIâ€"Honours... Mary Kelly. Eleonore Boisvert. Fer- nande Gagne. Passâ€"Annie Pigeon. Lionel Renaud, Emma Laporte, An- nette Ladouceur. Jeanne Came. Lorina Roy. Mary Vllleneuve. Gabrielle Houle, Georgette Martin, Emery Savage, Theo Lauzon. Femand Beauchamp. Antoin- ette Dupuis, Marcel Dagenals. Alfred Vllleneuve. Recommended â€"â€"- Bruno Lamarche. Real Scrlpnick. Ubald Le- gendre. From Jr. II to Sr. IIâ€"Honoursâ€" Claire Martin. Passedâ€"Lionel Regim- bal. Hiram Groulx. Albert Lemieux. Leo Rochefort. From II to Jr. IHâ€"Pmâ€"Madeleine Lejambe. Jean-Bernard Everard. Fer- nand Grandbois. Azellne Boissonneault. Paul Levesque. Arthur Lualle. From Jr. II to Sr. IIâ€"Honoursâ€"An- nette Pichette. Lucille Morin. Yvonne Boutin. Mamelle Gagne. Marie Lavallee Wilfrid Beiec. Passâ€"Lily McCoshen. ais, Leona Lavallee. Laurette Major, Merge Roy, Laurette Gagne. Jeanne Frpm Sr. I to IIâ€"Honoursrâ€"Jeanne d’Arc Garant. Sylvia Barrette, Edgar Lavallee. Passâ€"Rem Turgeon. Lucille Deroux. Muriel Tisdall. Sr. Ist to Form IIâ€"Bella Beaudry. teacherâ€"Honoursâ€"Germaine Asselain. Gertrude Donis. Raoul Fournier. Jean- Paul Whissel. Rene Brazeau. Pass- Irenne Desjardins. Albert Taillefer. Adelard Latour. Jeanne Larouche. Rene Leneville. Recommendedâ€"Jeannette Timm. Joseph Thibault, Edmond Leâ€" brun. Jr. lst to Sr. lstâ€"Leopold Blain. Sr. Primer to Sr. lstâ€"B. Beaudry. teacher â€" Honoursâ€"Anita Villeneuve. Yolande Barbarie, Aurele Charbonneau. Rita Morrissette, Fernand Lauriault. Adrien Barrette, Ange-Aimie Gaston- quay. Ovila Ranger, Georgette Couture Passedâ€"Thuryald Therrien. Delores Dubien, Gerard Belanger. Blanche Mas- sicote, Estelle Lavingne. Alfred Benoit. Lionel Major. Aurore Coursol. Gon- zagne Chaloux. Donoza Larriviere. Henri St. Denis. From Jr. Primer to Sr. Primerâ€"A1â€" fred Thibault, Aurore Taillefer. Lucien Corbeil, Raymond Maltais. Ernest Lasâ€" seville. Eleves promus au Sr. IIIâ€"Conrad Beaulne, Leonie Boileau. Aline Clement. Fedora Coursol, Jules Desjardins, Dou- glas Daigle. Hector Fangeat. Angeline Guinard, Leo Lauzon. Ovide Maurice. Annette Pilon, Antoine Roy. Andre Rivera, Leo Thibeault. Claire Vaillan- court. Aldege Brazeau, zero general; Jeanne Brazeau, failblesse generale; Alice Blanchard, eleve capable mais. A trcp manque de classeâ€"Alma R. Cox"- beil, Harry Desormeaux. Florence Du- breuil; Rollande Dubeau. Paresse gen~ erale; Simonne Lavigne. zero general; Cecile Foisy. manque trop souvent, 1a classe; Alvin St. Onge. faiblesse gener- ale: Raymond St. Aubin. paresse gen- erale: Gabrielle Thibeault, faiblesse generale; Laurin Thibeault, manque trop souvent; 1a classe, paresseur avec ca; Marguerite Theriault. Faiblesse generale; Annette Paquette. capable en grammare no vout rien a part ce suyet; Gabrielle Gascon, capable en francais faible dans les matieres an- glaises; Jules Ploufi'e. Adrien Maurice, Dolores Pilon, faiblesse generale;A1ice TIMMINS BRANCH, - SOUTH PORCUPINE BRANCH, - THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Bloney Orders IMPERIAL BANK This Bank Irwin: Your Savings Account. Intznst Compounded Half Ycarly. Capital 810,000,000 Reserve 020,000,000 Total Assets over $265,000,000 J. A. McLEOD, General Msuger, Toronto ESTABLISHED 1832 Your savings account will soon give you a fund for businew investments, or for an emergency, or it will pro- vide a surplus that will help to keep you in comfort in your old age. The “regular saving" habit is the most profitable one you can form. Rates of commission are lowâ€"all risk is eliminated. When you wish to remit small sums of money ask our teller for a Bank Money Order. 137 T any of our Branches you may buy Money Orders payable at any bank in Canada. We have responsible agents, too, in foreign countries, who honour these orders at current rates. SECUNB HAlF 0F SUHBAll SBHEDUlE fflR IHE SEASBN Softball Teams Away to a Good Start for the Second Half of Schedule. Moyseys Won the First Half Last week-end the second half of the schedule for the season's softball was announced. and this second half pro- mises to far eclipse the first half for interest and action. and no one is kick- ing about the first half. The first half was eventually won by the Moysey team after a play-off battle. Now all is set for the second spasm. with the other teams determined that Moyseys will have to travel some to hold the laurels won so far. In fact the Opin- ion is freely expressed that the win- ners of the second half will not be identical with the winners of the first half and so there will be a grand final battle to decide the ultimate honours and the possesion of the trophies and championship. Monday. July Btuâ€"Monarches vs Moose. Wednesday. July IOtIIâ€"Tuxis vs Moyseys. Friday. July Nthâ€"Moose vs Tuxis. Monday. July l5thâ€"Moyseys vs Mou- archs. Wednesday. July Nthâ€"Monarchs ys Tuxls. Friday. July Nthâ€"Moose vs Moyseys. Monday. July 22ndâ€"Moose vs Mon- arches. Wednesday. July 24thâ€"Moyseys vs Tuxls. Friday. July 26thâ€"Tuxis vs . Moose. Monday. July 29thâ€"Moyseys Vs Moose. Wednesday. July Slstâ€"Tuxis vs Monarchs. Friday. August 2ndâ€"Monarchs vs Moyseys. Be that as it may. here is the second half of the schedule as announced. in- cluding games played and yet to play: Dagenais, manque classe; Aline Ran mois manque depu coste, teacher Jr. 1 Dagenais, manque trop souvent la classe; Aline Ranger. eleve capable mois manque depuis paques.â€"â€"G. La- coste, teacher Jr. III. Jr. III to Sr. IIIâ€"Honoursâ€"Conrad Beaulne, Andre Rivera. Passâ€"Hector Fangeat, Leonie Boileau, Annette Pilon. Fedora Coursol, Alice Blanchard. Claire Vaillancourt, Aline Clement. Antoine Roy. Angelino Guinafi'd. Jeanne d'Arc Brazeau, Alice Dagenais. Dolores Pilon. Douglas D‘Aigle. Leo Lauzon. Mar- guerite Theriault, Ovido Maurice. Sudbury Starzâ€"Dr. Pickens, of Car- diff. strongly urges that as a health measure the practice of kissing should be discontinued by everybody. A lot of fellows have succeeded in getting in- to print by making the same sugges- tion, but that is about as far as they ever got. D. SUTHERLAND, Manger. - C. A. KEHOE, Manager.

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