Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 17 Jan 1929, 2, p. 2

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Thursday, Jan. 17th, 1929 For Sure Results Try Our Want Ad. Column 11 Pine Street North 174 Wilson Ave. 9 T were using herbs successfully. From the Redmen, 50 years ago, James Gallagher learned herbal secrets and compounded Galla%her's Herbal Houseâ€" hold Remedies. His famous Kidney Remedy has helped many a sufferer from Rheumatism. ‘This fine, timeâ€"proved remedy, drawn from the heart of Nature, heals and cleanses kidneys. Quickly stops backâ€" ache, dizziness and other nagging kidney and bladder ailments. Try it! For sale by °> 31 E. M. Burke Limite She offers her healing herbs _ to stop suffering When America was wilderness, Indians were using herbs successfully. From the Redmen, 50 years ago, James Gallagher Jjlearned herbal secrets and Connaught Station, Ont. Rheumatism no Part of Nature‘s Plan SPECIAL «SS 55¢ Dehvery We deliver orders @fl j STORAGE q 6 EXTRAS C ® of $3.00 and up without ex t r a *A * charze C STORAGE i; oA s FIRSTS Q ,4,..?’ FINE YALUES IN PROYVISTIONS â€" n Ave. 9 Third Ave. Timmins, Ont. ve a se ww We Sell Travellers‘ Cheques They assure safety and convenience in cartying money while travelling and are negotiable everyâ€" where. For sale at any Branch. WATCEZ TR It is $0 youpP irmsferost 0o d this c mars valees wo i Selest B"e CD) RichAmme110 Ib. 8§einsuls At the inaugural mseting of the Timmins town council on Jan. 13th 1919, the committees for the year were chosen, the following being the several chairmen:â€"E. L. Longmore, J. W. Fogg, board of works; A. Braâ€" zeau, waterworks; L. S. Newton, fire and light; W. DeFeu, lice; J. M. Studor, contingencies. In his inauâ€" gural address, the mayor, Dr. J. A. Mcâ€" Innis, referred to the impossibility of nleasing al people all the time, but said that if all worked together, harmonâ€" iously and earnestly, the best interests of the town would be served, and the public would be satisfied. Councillor L. S. Newton pointed out that the 1919 council was practically the first counâ€" cil elected in Timmins by popular vote, acclamations being the rule on preâ€" clamation. He urged harmony and coâ€" WWW"'W""" P ce «ie y l L L l PP P PP P t Established 1871 Mew Cheese 28¢ ib. Nippy Old 35¢ib. Kraft Cheese 39cit. /; â€"1b. Pkt. mâ€" â€" 230 CANADIAN OmR: GRUYERE Chateau Cheese Ib. 3 "J¢ Small1 A¢ Large24¢ GENUINE SWISS BRRANL X 2C LAPY C 4 4C Seap Chips 2 iD e \ RINSOQ C@]F FEE \_ o BGYP Occasior juncil seriousl en Years Ago in Cimmtittsa INGERSOLL OR McLAREN‘S CREAM Froam oata x PoRronrIxE® ADvaNCcE FYLES i1ld take its duties han if elected by Mayfield Beand Butter in Co 4'7 lJB. !‘ 140 T 3 E. 4 ts €3 £23 Palaanoliy Soaps Cisa®nsors L: s ec;> tz .) " q " i sOAP 3 y av ‘\’)\\\r \ri ”J tm P J sB# :\ 6 Pad Package To Clasgaie Cleamnse» To‘let Lux_ sQOQAP A CH Hand Cleaner 3 for 35e 3.85.C. Ragl OT nt Ie w. t . THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO ntiita | " mm ts J eP >AAA ts t‘ ul eye on exâ€" Rravadatt | 1« h y 99 | _A note in The Advance ten years agoi mceting on Monday evening at the said that the influenza epidemic at EK pnome of Mrs. R. J. Jemmett, and a Lake had been a severe one, fully half| very pleasant evening was spent, as of the two dozen Indians residing there’ well as much useful work being accomâ€" |\ dying from the malady, as well as two plished. The next meeting of the I» or three of the white men residing|v. B. Club will be at the home of Mrs. in the district. At the time of writing W. H. Pritchard, Hollinger Mine." this, however, it was noted that there ie ie was a noticeable improvement in the| There is only one way of seeing influenza situation at Elk Lake and| rightly, and that is, seeing the whole of that with the advent of snow and cold Lom..â€"Jchn Ruskin. !gezted that the clerk and the assessor might do the scrubbing and tleaning. Some of the councillors more seriously suggested that prisoners in the town 'jail might do the cleaning work and the chief of police was authorized to secure other help for the work when |he did not have enough prisoners or fvagrant,s. At that time vagrants were rare here. Councillor Brazeau emphaâ€" @slzed the need for keeping chimneys \clean to avoid danger of fire; also he | was informed that some of the waterâ€" \ works extension work could be done ;ao cheaply in winter as in summer, ‘especially where the digging was in The Advance of Jan. 15th, 1919, menâ€" tioned the improvements to be inauâ€" gurated in the train service, to comâ€" mence the next week. There were to be two trains a day south anrd two from the south. On four days a wesk there were to be two mails each way. The train from Toronto was to arrive here at 5.10 p.m. A note in n will be read w cluded all the Victor one of "tht perial Munitions named in honour 0o th esped sand promised better conditions 1 soldiers going on the and in the North. A plan had k out by the two governments sistance of soldierâ€"settlers a the details of this plan we Mayor S. G. McCoubrey, of Iroquois Falls, and other prominent North Land men were among those forming a deâ€" putation to Ottawa ten years ago to urge the construction of the Georgian Bay Canal. Yes! You‘re right the first time! The Government promised earnâ€" est consideration to the case as preâ€" sented. it was valued at over $7,000.00. The fire was discovered in an upstairs room about 7.30 p.m., and was thought to be caused by the explosion of a stove used for cooking by one of the roomers. The fire had such headway before it was discovered that the building could not be saved. The Timmins fire brigade were all ready and waiting a call from the neighbouring town, but the Schuâ€" macher and MciIintyre fire brigades were able to do all that could be done. The Paris hotel was one of the biggest bhuildings in Schumacher and was sitâ€" uated on the main street, jJust back of the T. N. O. station. It was formerâ€" ly the Murphy House at Golden City and was taken down and rebuilt at Schumacher after Porcupine lost its At; the R..:C., church,;~,Timmins,.; on Wednesday, Jan. 8th, 1919, Mr. T. Edâ€" ward Desaulniers, son of Mr. T. Deâ€" saulniers, Timmins, and Miss Edna Barker, daughter of Mr. John J. Barâ€" ker, of Connaught, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. After the ceremony there was a pleasant social evening spent by the guests at th:e wedding, including a number of dances enjoyed by all. on Thursday, Jan. 9th, 1919, the Paris Hotel at Schumacher was desâ€" troyed by fire, with a serious loss to the owner, H. Bourdoncle. «The building had only $2,000.00 insurance on it, while the details C The Advanct ade ned Tet iunchin 1is <~part ‘of <the D Loan campaign boats built by t] at Kingston for JI aone vhich ivancs ten yf interest now affairs. xY h1 aird Advan distric or the> Im was â€"thu boat ctior Tem t tim{ North en by Country since carly n Uhe. watr,. reâ€" turned last week to the camp and were warimly welcomed back by their many old friends." There has been a fresh outbreak of influenza at Grant on the Transcontinental line. There are 35 cases, practically the whole C. N. R. staff there being affected. An emerâ€" gency hospital has been opened with a nurse from Port Arthur in charge. So far there have been only two deaths â€"Mr. and Mrs. Linklater." ~"The Timâ€" mins Barbers‘ Association is holding a dance in the Miners‘ Union hall next Monday evening, Jan. 26th, for the benefit of a member now ill at the hospital here." "Fire Chief Brady left Cobalt last week for North Bay where he will be fire chief there." ‘"Meal tickets at all but two of the local Chiâ€" nese restaurants have been raised from $65.50 to $7.50 per ticket of 21 meals. One of the local cafes still keeps the price down to $6.50, while the Queen‘s Hotel has found it necessary to place the charge at $8.50 for 21 meals." "The D.Y.B. Club held their regular mceting on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. R. J. Jemmett, and a very pleasant evening was spent, as well as much useful work being accomâ€" plished. The next meeting of the I»* Y. B. Club will be at the home of Mrs. W. H. Pritchard, Hollinger Mine." DEATH OF MOTHEK OF MERS. JIJ, E. GRANT, KIRKLAND LAKE _â€" The Northern News of Kirkland Lake last week says:â€""Following an iliness of several weeks from heart trouble the death took place early Saturday morning, December 29, of Mrs. Marâ€" garet Stark, relict of the late T. D. Stark, in her year. Death came to deceased lady at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Grant, Wrightâ€" Hargreaves property. She was born a: Fiinch, Ont., on December 9th, 1856. For a number of years after her marâ€" riage Mrs. Stark lived in Ottawa, but following the death of her husbhand she moved to Haileybury, where she reâ€" sided until the time of the fire when she moved to Cobalt where she lived till two or three months ago when she came to Kirkland Lake to live with her daughter. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. J. E. Grant, with whom days spent the epidemic seemed to be over. At the annual meeting of the Timâ€" mins Red Cross Society ten years ago the following officers were elected:â€" President, Mrs. J. A. McInnis; viceâ€" president, Mrs. H. Charlebois; secreâ€" tary,, Mrs,. D. Grimston; treasurer, Mrs. F. M. Burke; chairman of executive committee, Mrs. J. M. Studor; supply secretaries, Mrs. P. C. H. Simms and Mrs. G. S. Lowe. The reports for the year 1918 showed much helpful work accomplished and finances and affairs generally in a very satisfactory condiâ€" tion. The following from The Advance of ten years ago will be of interest:â€"*"Mr. J. H. Thomas returned from the south cn Wednesday nigunt last and will be busy in‘ the camp for the next two or three months at least looking after the work to be done on the Pennâ€"Porcuâ€" pine property in Ogden township. The work to be done on the Pennâ€"Porcuâ€" pine property in Ogden township. The work this year will complete the assessâ€" ment work on this property. Good showings have been found at the Porâ€" cupineâ€"Penn. from the work already done there, and Mr. Thomas and the others interested in the property beâ€" lieve they have a valuable and most promising mining property.‘ _Among the local and personal items in The Advance ten years ago were the following:â€"‘"‘Mr. P. H. Stock is ill at his home in Toronto with influenza." "Mr. Sol Shankman is spending a few days in Toronto:" "Drm H;~H. Moore she was living at the time of her deatl two sons, Alex of Boston Creek,., On: and William, of Cleveland, Ohio, ar one sister resident in the United State The funeral service was held at t} home of Mrs. J. E. Grant, Wrightâ€"Ha: greaves property at one o‘clock Sunds afternoon, after which the body was tal en to the train at Swastika for trar shipment to Finch, Ont., wher ints ment took place. The service was cor ducted by Rev. J. F. Anderson, mini ter of the United Church." Word received by The Advance from a correspondent in Iroquois Falls ten years ago told of the burning of the house occupied by Frank Scullino at the "Â¥" now known at Ansonville. The house burned down about three o‘clock on a Sunday morning, but all in the house were able to make their escape safely from the burning building. Frank Scullino had formerly conducted a store in Moneta, also running the Queen‘s cafe and rooming house in Timmins later, and then moving the latter part of 1918 to the "Y" at Iroâ€" quois Falls. ut )1 ted yed th Mine 1: he hn hall (â€"~~CB daugch t] it ttage at the Whelp eek. The origin o nown. The fire wa Hollinger but no helj n time to save thi a .m dav il Great in Haileybury." nt., on Sunday, ._J. D. and Mrs. "The Miners‘ cffered the free reat War Veterâ€" ation completes id neéds a place kind in 18@ t pa the ade aAyior was Cochrane Mr. S. L Jas. Steâ€" The Cocltâ€" each 2A V _ d y 24# w a# â€" » 4st C3 > w m | an 3f) _4 »=+ L Laa on the other side of the cloak room."â€"â€" "Bill McHugh says that when he.and Jack Laidlaw went on that trip together they did not need an Englishâ€"speaking Ottawa Journal:â€"‘"Much is heard about crime, much about irreligion; much about flappers, jazz, companionâ€" ate marriage, divorce, petting parties, 2unmen, immoral plays, and books. But there‘s another side to the story. It has just been computed, for instance, that $2,219,700,000 was contributed in the United States for philanthropy, educaâ€" tion and religion in 1927. We hear much of the wickedness of New York, of Philadalphia, of Chicago. But last year New York gave $343,000,000 for charity, religion and education. Chiâ€" cago gave $155,000,000, Philadelphia $99,000,000. These figures are impresâ€" sive. A people that spends so generâ€" ously for the support of religion, eduâ€" cation and philanthropy is not sufferâ€" ing from moral decay." guide to get the correct change at the gas station."â€""7 per cent stock. Preâ€" ferred or Very Old. Believe it or not, but some time ago a very prosperous looking lady who no doubt, heard a great deal of 7 per cent. stock, walked in â€" to the store on a Saturday night and laid down a $10.00 bill in front of Mr. Stadelman and said she wanted a CASE.‘!â€"*‘!Grandpop Dunfield, who went around for one day in his bedâ€" room slippers, reports that his big toe is getting along nicely, but as yet has not got his courage up any farther than his boots to go and be operated on." Under the heading of ‘"Timmins Tips," the CN.P.C. Review Corporation employees, has the following:â€"*"Since the Telephone Company moved into the new building it sure is a tough job to find a peg to hang your coat and hat on. What smells! Three Garden, May Flowers, powder and perfumes. Jimmie Aspin had some job explaining to the girl friend where he got the sweet aroma on his coat, so we told the telephone girls to hang their coats Speaking without thinking is shootâ€" ing without aim.â€"Cato. LADIES‘ BASKETBALL DANCE THURSDAY EYVENING, Jan, 24 Stephe he be the Hollinger __1i ins, on Thursday, Jan. 24th. Tom tephens and his orchestra will prov ie best of music. Refreshments > served at 1.30. The Ladies‘ Bask ill Team has won an envigable repu on for its dances and other soc ents and the affair on Jan. 24th ire to be an enjoyvable and success TIMMINS BRANCH, SOUTH PORCUPINE BRANCH NESBITT, THOMSON COMPANY MMINS TIPS N THE C.N,. P?. C. RKEVIEW FOKR JANT der th etball 7 Montreal Quebec Ottawa fiamilton Londc-m. Winnipeg Saskatoon Victoria Vane e Team Buy a pound of Rideau Hall Coffee packed in the vacuum tin, and disâ€" cover what a difference there is beâ€" tween vacuum packed and bulk coffee or that in the old style tins. Drafts Royal Bank Building, TORONTO creation hall,. Tim Jan. 24th. Tomm; chestra will provide Refreshments wil The Ladies‘® Basket: WHEN you wish to remit money to foreign countries a draft purchased at any of our branches makes it a simple matter. This bank has arrangements for making drafts direct upon leading bankers throughout the world. _ ;;, moved into th a tough Job t : coat and ha NCREASED building operations in the rapidly growing cities and towns of Western Canadaâ€"immigration of settlers and workers, and a more diversified agriculture are creating an ever widening demand for building paper, containers for building proâ€" ducts and wrapping paper for all classes of merchandise. A company whose products are firm|ly established in this growing market of Western Canada will benefit from steadily increased demand. Its securiâ€" ties will prove a profitable investment. Paper Products The Growing Markest P T LE B y Increase Your Weight o Pounds 30 Or Money Back Real pharmacists and chemists everyâ€" where know that McCoy‘s Cod Liver Extract Tablets contain just the proven essential ingredients that inâ€" crease weight, create appetite, build up the power to resist disease and puts good solid flesh on skinny men and women. So now men and women who keep up with the times are taking McCoy‘s Cod Liver Extract Tabletsâ€"rich in health â€" building, strength creating flesh producers and as easy to take as candy. Sso why not start toâ€"day? Why not fill out those deep hollows in neck, cheeks and chest? Why go on through life with sunken cheeks and narrow chest when you can take advantage of this straight forward offer. $1.00. At Moisley B and Sauve Pharmacy everywhere. Try them for 30 days if you want to gain five pounds or more. And bear this in mind, if they don‘t help you in that time your money will be refunded. 60 Tablets 60 cents â€" Economy size $1.00. At Moisley Ball, F. M. Burke Pratt Food Company of i 328 Ceriaw Are. Toro: W‘rite for PRATTS POULTKY BOOKâ€"~FRKL ol @3 and Pneumonia _ Neglected bronchial colds are danâ€" gerous. Stop them instantly with Buckley‘s Mixture. Its action in reâ€" lieving the cough and clearing the tubes is amazingly swiftâ€"and sure. All druggists sell ‘"Buckley‘s‘"‘ under a positive guarantee. Buy a bottle today, and be safe. SApgarcnt way : | MiKk19004 D. SUTHERLAND, Manager â€" _ A. KEHOE, Manager 40¢c. and 75c¢. . fBer*®s Â¥ay Acts like a flashâ€" a single sip proves it K. Buckloy, Limited Mutual St., Toronto Your Money Back it Hot Satisfiecd! Vancouver 2504 blaicos ut ind druggists ‘a Limited

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