Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 20 Sep 1928, 2, p. 5

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are, briefly, these: In meeting vehicles, turn to the right of the centre of the road. In overtaking them, give audible warning, and pass on the left of the vehicle overtaken, which is required to urn to the right, and leave oneâ€"half { the travelled road free for you to ass. When you are coming to an inâ€" eâ€"~section, vehicles an yourâ€"right hand ave the right of way; vehicles on your eft hand give way to you. â€" ing them must be taken. If signalled by the driver to do so, the operator must stop both his car and engine. Rules of the Road The rules of the road to be observed are, briefly, these: In meeting vehicles, turn to the right of the centre of the road. In overtaking them, give audible Passing Street Cars and Vehicles There are special provisions about passing street cars and horseâ€"drawn vehicles. While a street car or radial car is standing to take on or disâ€" charge passengers, a motor vehicle shall not pass it or approach within 6 feet "until the passengers have got on or got safely to the side of the road, as the case may be." A motor vehicle must not pass on the leftâ€"hand side of any street car which is operated in the centre of the highway, whether such street car is stationary or in motion. When approaching horses, all reasonâ€" able precautions to prevent frightenâ€" Wrap all Garbage in paper. Keep your Garbage can covered. Use plenty of Chloride of Lim: hich can be procured at the Town @l, free. Householders using well water must il it for at least 20 minutes. All outside toilets must be made mngs, curves and street intersections, where the driver "has not a clear view of any approaching traffic‘ the speed must be reduced to 15 miles per hour. Driving a car in a race or by an inâ€" toxicated person is specifically forbidâ€" daen. manner dangerous to the public, having regard to all the circumstances," is guilty of an offense. At raillway. crossâ€" act provides: "Any person who drives a motor vehicle on a highway recklessly or negligently or at a speed or in a Reciprocity of Licenses Reciprocity of licenses has been esâ€" tablished between Ontario and certain Provinces and States. Cars registered in these Provinces and States may be operated in Ontario for a period of thirty days without registration in this Province. In such cases it is not necesâ€" sary to secure Ontario markers, but the iJreign markers must comply with the Ontario regulation as to position, conâ€" c‘tions, etc. Of course, the operation «i these cars must comply in all other respects with the laws of this Province. Driver‘s 1icense A license or permit is required in Ontario for the driver who operates a car. No person under 16 may drive a car and those between 16 and 18 only after they have shown their ability by passing the same examination as chauffeurs. Motor tourists who have complied with the regulations of their own Province or State are not required to hold an Ontario Driver‘s License. Speed Cars must not be driven at a greater rate of speed than 20 miles per hour in cities, towns and villages, and, outside these, not at a greater rate than 35 mileés per hour. Circumstances may make even these rates unlawful, for the Permits P { Every motor vehicle shall be equipped The owner of every miotor vehicle "noiseâ€"muffier," and any conâ€" driven on the highway must secure, ""!vance operated from the seat of the a numbered permit for such motorT.cm for releasing such muffler is proâ€" vehicle. Application for such permit:.jh’_b‘tea' Motor trucks must be equipped with a mirror to afford the driver a is made to the Department on a form $ o * supplied by it. Any person who knowâ€" lvxew”of "vehicles approaching from the ingly makes any false statement in an | "°2" application or in any other written in-] Lamps formation required by the Department,| The act requires every motor to carry is guilty of an offence. Where an owner After dusk and before dawn, three changes his address he must, "withinlighted lamps in a conspicuous posiâ€" 6 days" send by registered letter, or| tion; two of these on the front of thei cause to be filed in the Department, car, one being on either side, and a,., "his change of address." In case of a third on the back of the car. The lamp sale or transfer of a motor vehicle for On the rear of the car shall be at leaet which a permit has been issued, both four candleâ€"power, cast a red light, and vendor and purchaser must, within 6| be placed "so as to illuminate the numâ€" days, "forward a notice, on the preâ€"|ber placed on the back of the car." | scribed form, to the Department of the Every lamp on a motor vehicle “shall' sale or purchase by or to him." No|be clearly visible at a distance of at permit will be issued if the serial numâ€"|least 200 feet," and "no nfotor vehicle ; ber of the motor vehicle is obliterated Shall carry on the front thereof more | or defaced, except after proof of owâ€"|than three lighted lamps of over four | nership. A motor vehicle stand. | ATTENTION HOUSEHOLDERS of the law. The synopsis given by Mr. Phelan should be of especial use and value to motorists. It is as follows:â€" It is important that motorists should at alltimes observe the duties imposed upon them, for the law is enforced strictly. °It is equally important that they should know their rights, and inâ€" sist on the observance of them by The Ontario Government issues each Municipal Byâ€"Laws year a synopsis of the Highway Traffic| There are local traffic rules in mos Act, but to some motorists this is not ‘cmes and towns. These must be obâ€" always a clear guide, technical expresâ€" served where they are not inconsisteni sions and legal phrases being more or with the provisions of the act above less incorporated in the review of the }set out,. Some citiese have, by byâ€"law Concise Review of Law and Regulations in Readable Form | as issued oy Motor Lceague for the Information and Adâ€" vantage of Motorists and in the Hope that the Proviâ€" sions of the Law may be Complied with to the General Benefit of All. | Synopsis Highway Traffic Act by Ontario Motor League By Order of THE BOARD OF HEALTE 1, QOPERATION OF CARS Brakes Every motor vehicle other than a motor cycle "shall be equipped with brakes adequate to stop and to hold such vehicle, including two separate in respect of which they are isgmed. They must be kept "free of dirt and obstruction," and so placed asâ€" to be at l1 times plainly visible. The marker on the back must not be lower than the body of the car. No other number may be exposed ‘"in such a position or manâ€" ner as to confuse the identity of the number plate." Markers ; Every car must carry "on the front and back thereof, in a conspicuous position," the markers furnished by the Department. These markers may not be used on any other car than the one of light from any such spotlight searchlight or aux111ary lamp must be directed to the extreme right of the travelled portion of the highway in such a manner that the beam of light will strike the highway within 75 feet of the vehicle, provided that this shall not prevent the use of what are comâ€" monly known as cowl or sxde lamps or clearance lamps. se ie dn | hn 3 .0 Ne Te ina Aut : 5 > ie Tds Ni lc ks :. Ad kA k > k h U k hE L â€"| Lamps ‘ dents. ‘ The act requires every motor to carry jafter dusk and before dawn, three lighted lamps in a conspicuous posiâ€" | . \" AlmOst every case, where an : 'ti§n° two ofpt'hese on thepfront ofp tpe | is Prought against\an owner or drive s * for damages, his liability will depen car, one being on either side, and a, |third on the back of the car. The lamp | l‘ig"“ngt““ejfl‘;’n O(ff f agzâ€"l:"f;i éle?) orT‘g:.j the rear of the car shall be at leaet se SHS f | s | question is determined by a court o1 four c;a ndl‘c‘?-power, fmSt a} red light, and Jury solely upon the evidence and creâ€" be placed "so as to illuminate the numâ€" ber placed on the back of the car." dibility of witnesses. As the act further A t ‘imposes upon the owner or driver the lEvery lamp on a motor vehicle "shall , buxl') ten ofpoproving that Bbe: was no. be clearly visible at a distance of at § ) least 200 feet," and "no nrotor vehicle| 0f negligence, it is of the utmost shall carry on the front thereof more | importance that the names of witnesses . | be secured, and all data preserved that lfiggle:fg:\iel:g’p T;fifi?svgéfi:e;c;ggf ,l will assist in the defence of any action | ing on the hi.ghway may show a parkâ€" that may be brought. Eing light in lieu of those above providâ€" This provision of the act places the ed. Horseâ€"drawn vehicles are also re.| °24 On the defendant in actions for # * 1 e : !quired to carry lights at night. damages caused by a motor vehicle on | Headlights the highway. i 0 Provisions to regulate glaring headâ€" Passenge.r e s l ' There are special provisions applying lights are in force. The use of bulbs to a person who sustains injuries while of more than 21 candleâ€"power is prohiâ€" P T s a passenger in a motor car. In an acâ€" bited. Headlights must be so designed | |. i or arranged that no parallel beam of | ‘ion brought by such passenger against light, "when measured 75 feet or more the owner the six months‘ limitation o d ie ‘inches from the level surface." No ‘"8 P } aeadlight nonâ€"glare device will be re. MG the owner is not liable where the sognized as legal which has not been C% !8 b€ing driven by some person approved by tke Department of Highâ€"| with the knowledge and consent of the ways. By a 1928 amendment to the ?:?132 * e‘g’l-elzs r“::r’l}; gfertsgg ;:rt servant Highway Traffic Act, no spotlight or pioy > searchlight or other auxiliary lamp ;l;insagani:gg f;)sgutgrv;:f vsigggozlsof' may be attached to any part of a A ; the act shall be served "within ten days motor vehicle higher than the head / 4 lamps of such vehicle And the ra | of the alleged offence," unless the time of light from any such spnotlient | !5 extended by a Magistrate upon eviâ€" Witnesses, Etc. * + C i | >â€"EQUIPMENT. Horn, Muffier, Mirror. Every motor vehicle shall be equipped with a bell or horn, "and the horn shall be kept in good working order andâ€"sounded whenever it shall be reaâ€" sonably necessary to warn pedestrians or others." Municipal Byâ€"Laws There are local traffic rules in most cities and towns. These must be obâ€" served where they are not inconsistent with the provisions of the act above MR. H. T. JAFFRAY Assistant General Manager, Imperial Bank of Canada, Toronto, Ontario This provision of_the act places the onus on the defendant in actions for damages caused by a motor vehicle on the highway. be secured, and all data preserved thaf; will assist in the defence of any action that may be brought. Witnesses, Etc. In almost every case, where an action is brought against,an owner or driver for damages, his liability will depend upon a question of factâ€"was he or was he not guilty of negligence? That question is determined by a court or Jury solely upon the evidence and creâ€" dibility of witnesses. As the act further imposes upon the owner or driver the burden of proving that hke was no: guilty of negligence, it is of the utmost importance that the names of witnesses Liability otf Owner !« Whenever there is a violation of the Highway Traffic Act, or any act of negligence on the part of the driver, and as a result any person sustains t loss, both the owner and the driver are ,Iiable in damages, as well as to the penaities referred to. The only excepâ€" !tion to this liability on the part of the owner is where at the time of the vioâ€" lation the car was "in the possession of some person other than the owner or his chauffeur without the owner‘s conâ€" sent." Limitation of Actions No action shall be brought against a person for the recovery of damages ccasioned by a motor vehicle after the expiration of six months from the time when the damages were sustained, oxâ€" cept in case of infants and fatal acciâ€" dents. or return to the scene of the accident and render all possible assistance and give in writing, upon request, to any one sustaining loss or injury, or to any police constable or to any witness, his name and address and also the name and address of the owner of the vehicle and the number of the permit." means of application each of which means shall apply a brake or brakes effective on at least two wheels and each of which shall suffice to stop the vehicle within proper distance." Any police officer may, at any time, cause an inspection to be made of the brakes and require the driver to have the brakes put in good working order. t 3â€"ACCIDENTS If an accident occurs on the highâ€" ways, every person in charge ‘of a veâ€" hicle, "who is directly or indirectly â€"a barty to the accident, shall remain at THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO Trial Before Justice When you are charged with a vioâ€" lation of the Highway Traffic Act you should be summoned within 10 days. You are entitled to information as to the time and place th> offence was committed and to an adjournment if necessary to procure witnesses or counâ€" sel. The evidence of the complainant must show beyond reasonable doubt that an offence was committed, and you should be particular to see that both the wording of the summons and the evidence given show an offence within the wording of the Highway Act or some valid municipal byâ€"law. Sometimes it does not. You have the right to crossâ€"examine these witnesses, and to call such witness in defence as you deem necessary. If you are conâ€" viected wrongfux, there is the right of appeal, in which case notice must be served on the Magistrate or Justice and Criminal Negligence In addition to the penalties imposed by the Highway Traffic Act, 1923, the criminal code makes every one guilty of an indictable offence, and liable to two years‘ imprisonment, "who causes grievous bodily harm" to any person by furious driving, wilful misconduct, or by the negTect of any duty imposed upon him. â€" The provisions of the code may be invoked where bodily injury is done, or death is caused, and not in _cases of property damages only. | ‘ Defence of Alibi Where it is alleged an offence has been committed against the act, and I | the owner is summoned to appear in a county "other than the one in which he resides," the owner may wish to show that neither he nor his motor vehicle was at the place of the alleged offence at the time. In that case, the owner may appear, with two witnesses, before a Justice of the Peace, in his own county, and there give proof of his defence. dence showing "that the person sumâ€" moned could not be served within the time specified," or that "by reason of the default or unlawful act of the perâ€" son sumimoned a summons could not be llssued‘ and served within the time speâ€" I cifiea." #$1‘4,00i1,V0i1V0.14 (2) Net earn for the same period available for Reurvea amnd Comrnon Dividends . â€"» _ 1,891,703.65 © 2,072,.651.83 (3) Total k.w. Jcnented 850,000,000 1,.153,.262 006 (4) Total plant ap. ty (hor ne.power) 400 436.600 (6) Pro /‘ 48,000 (6) U eloped powet .ite. ; 263,000 747 ,600 (7) Total ultimate capacity of phnu. ¢ The story of Power Corporation “Whal it isâ€"What it doen" sent on equezt Write to 330 Coristine Building, Montreal. T The following condensed statement of the operations of the public utility companies which Power Corporation of Canada, ited, controls, or is substantially interested in, is tndicati\(e of the magnitude of its operations. It comprises the operations of the above named Companies. 1926 1927 1928 (1) Combined gross earnings for the fiscal m e o s o nc e > . $12,974,984.90 $14,681,610.14 $27,432.829.00 CY ‘MNMer Enrrriinius : trw *+lin" in aet s cA GROSS EARNINGS ...;._. EXPENSES including taxes NET ... .: L[MiT_B.[)_ "Comenr k iA Ai XAZ L KXELL SsOUTHERN CANADA POWER BRITISH _ COLUMBIA LIMITED DOMINION POWER An Appraisals â€" Financing POWER CORPORATION OF CANADA Montreal, 27th. August 1928 ing Balance Sheet and relariQ.,. _ , _ _ _ |"" _ ht rFower Corporation of Canada, Limited and certifty that the foregoing Balance Sheet and relative Statement of Surplus exhibits a true and correct view of the state of the Corporaâ€" tion‘s affairs at that date and the results from the operations thereof according to the information and explanations given to us and as shown by the books of the Company. We have received all the informaticn and explanations required by us. C C e oo eC Te t ts ~ o# k The President and Shareholden Power Corporatlon of Canada, Limited mvurmiiet urk _ a 9 2 A A ao 4 Cash on hand and in Bank.:, . 5300c3 d $ 4,071,344.90 $ 57,610.74 Investments in Comâ€" mon Stocks of and advances to atfiliated companies.....,.... 10,471,234.:21 7,012,599.18 Other investments.. .. 13,927,529.01 _ 3,496,835.92 Accounts Receivableâ€" P Including _ Accrued Revenue . .. 307,182.36 806,082.12 Miscelianeous Assets. . 8,680.36 10,595.39 We have Profit and Loss Account B.hnce at Credit 1st. July 1927 . Earnings for Junc 1928 Premium on ¥’referred Stock I Issued . Interest . . Dividend on 6”’ Cumul.tlve Preferred Stock. Di on 6%, Non~Cumulative P.rticxpatmg Prcfcrred Stock t on Debentures issued . . T Transferred to General Reserve . Balance at Credit 30th. June 1928 . mind t l__ i y1. °0_ _i e TR Lelllll UCOU} . o A. J. NESBITT, Montreal President A. W. McLIMONT, Winnipeg Col. J. R. MOODIE, Hamilton Magnitude of Operations Controlling through stock ownership or holding a substantial interest in IA â€" POWER CORPORATION, CANADA NORTHERN PO LIMITED AND TRANSMISSION COMPANY,. _ EAST KOOTENAY POWER C« $28,785,970.84 $11,.383,773.35 Balance Sheet as at June 30th, 1928 1928 1927 $ 4,071,344.90 $ 57,610.74 COMPANY, LIMITED LIMITED â€" Engineering â€" Investigation â€" Operation â€" Management The first real snowfall of the season was reported early last week from Kowâ€" kash on the Canadian National Transâ€" continental. The tale of the real snowfall was brought in by prospectors, whose story made the few flakes that fell in other parts of the North look like nothing divided by two‘. At Kowâ€" kash they say from a halfâ€"inch tao..an inch of snow fell, and the snow was more or less general from Kowkash to Hearst. The snow covered the ground long enotugh for all to see that it was a real snowfall and not just a forecast. However, as might be expected, it did. not last long, though longer that the proverbial snowball. , NORTH‘S FIRST REAL SNOWFALL AT KOWKASH SOME DAYS AGO the informant within ten days. The Ontario Motor League will welâ€" com any specific complaints of illegal or unreasonable conduct on the part of any officer, justice or magistrate, and will, where possible, take ;tepsgo en force the motorist‘s legal rights. AUDITORS‘ CERTIFICATE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Signed on behalf . A. TIMMINS, Montreal Cooks in 2/; to 5 minutes $1,802,557.44 $661,452.07 $246,386.23 A F40 192/ ; 1926 $2,128,641.42 $796,634.93 $324,476.92 To Shareholdersâ€" ‘Cagital Stock â€" First Cum. 6% Pref., Auth to capital stock. ... iscellaneous reserve Profit and Loss . ... .. bout®etBcath w ds 160,000 shs . Pand in by subscribers 50,000 shs. $100. each issued 50,000 shs . . . . Nonâ€"Cumulative 6% Participating â€" Pref. Authorized _ 100,000 shs. $50. each issued 100,000 _ shs. / 50,000 yits....... . 248 . {* Common Stock no par value auth. 1,000,000 ?},‘f').,.i,?"“:'ed 200, 205 ; 6¢% Non~â€"Cumulative Participating â€" Pref. Stock . 5% 30â€"year Convertible ebentures SenesA LIABILITIES To Publicâ€" 1928 Bank and other loans.. $ 1,299,940.74 Accounts and Accrued W 4n ts t: uin h. stt in h D.L'isbil(i’ties. c -J 1e ividend payable July 15, 1928 on 6%, Cum. Preferred Stock ... ;. 26,083.98 k n 0 0 n 0C CCCR TE 100 ho N o NA NIEEKK LE N LXEIL 4A . LIMITED EAST KOOTENAY POWER COMPANY, LIMITED MANITOBA POWER COMPANY, Ll\/flTED WINNIPEG ELECTRIC COMPANY CA?JYA}‘QQF?\IOR THERN POWER CORPORATION j A. J. NESBITT, Director of the Board { 7: g WOODYATT. Direc J. B. WOODYATT, Montreal Viceâ€"President J. M. ROBERTSON, Montreal P. A. THOMSON, Montreal $ 2,847,803.35 $ 2,847.803.35 *# o# #o ty us M i i $178,371 300, 187, 150,000. 1,681,932. # N frk Cad $28.785,970.84 $11.383.723.25 35,182.86 $,7,811,389.49 $ 1,461.881.53 3,495,500.00 5,541,174.03 255,975.19 1,681,932.13 5,000,000.00 _ 2,500,000.00 5,000,000.00 â€" 5,000,000.00 4,979,500.00 1,381,948.75 75,000.00 Thursday, Sept. 20th, 1928 RIBâ€"ROLL / House roofsâ€"Lasting, inexpensive Ic DireétO( 1927 $ 1,086,966.10 i cA look at ... increases value of roperty ... lasting ... colâ€" ects clean rainwater, ishes leaks...ideal for houses, barns, sheds, warehouses, schools, churches, public ildings. Give size of roof for free estimate. Write istern Steel Products 1,875,000.00 Successor to Metal Shingle Siding Co. 1,595.81 545,245.91 299,915.43 PRESTON, ONT. 75,000.00 78,090.69

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