Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 16 Feb 1928, 1, p. 5

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annuai dofg there being petitors Haileybury Findley,. ot moter of th The â€" Women‘ Prayer held each day, Feb. 24th, t} Chureh, Timmin: denominational d all the protestan All women in town are attend and WOMEN‘S DAY OF PRAYER ON FEBRUARY 234 to the many friend enquiries concernin sickness of her Jackson and also t part in his wondert Hollinger Mine,., Sa Mrs. Fred Jackson and daughter, Violet, of 36 Hollinger Lane, wish to express their appreciation and thanks to the many friends who have made We desire to express our sincere| NOTICE TO CREDITORS thanks to those who have by ther § kindness and sympathy done what|In the matter of the Estate of Charles they could to help us in our trouble.| Shore James, late of the Town of In particular our thanks are due tng Matheson, in the District of Cockh. the Rev. Mr. J. D. Parks and the Corâ€"| _ rane, deceased. nish Social Club and the Cornish Oneâ€"| * andâ€"All Football Club. The loss oft| * ' T * s % '. . our husbands is the greatest loss we; ditors and others having claims ar The kindness of our (lvmand.\{ against the estate of said Charles Shore James Notice is hereby given that all creâ€" shall ever know. friends will enable us to bear| the the burden of life until we join them.| who died on or about the twentyâ€" â€"Mrs. H. Barrett and Mrs. C. Richâ€" sixth day of January A.D. 1928, at ards. â€"7p the Town of Matheson aforesaid, are Mrs. S. Dunlop and family wish to express their sincere thanks to their friends and others, particularly to the 1.0.0.F. Lodge, who showed such sympathy and gave so much help in their recent sad bereavement. _ â€"7p «â€"â€"â€"â€" | ___And further take notice that if you Mrs. W. M. Stevens and fi”“il.\'! have any claim against the debtor for wish to express their heartfelt thanks| which you are entitled to rank, proot to all who have been so kind and ‘ of such claim must be filed with US, OT sympathetic in the death of their hll*-] with the Trustee when appointed; band and father, the late W. M.| otherwise the proceeds of the debtor‘s Stevens, in the Hollinger mine disasâ€"| estate will be distributed among the ter. Also to thank the many who}| parties entitled thereto without regard sent such beautiful floral tokens. â€"ip| to your claim. 4 p o i3 Dated at Toronto this 8th day of Mrs. 8. Dunlop and family wish to February, 1928. express their sincere thanks to their The Canadian Credit Men‘s Associâ€" friends and ot‘hvl’b‘, ‘P%“'t‘icuh“"l-" to ation Ltd. 6% ho‘ 2 ie 7 c y( en se % 1 Ccan assure I can do or able to give «dered. My deepest sympathy goes out to all the bereaved families and their relatives and friends in the tragedy that has overtaken so many homes through the fire at the Hollinger mine. trouble CARD OF CONDOLENCE To all the people of Timmins an« district, and especially to those ‘berâ€" eaved by the sad accident at the Hollinger Mine, and to the stricken families, I wish to express my deepâ€" est sympathy and sorrow in theu J, B,;C. CARON, Notice The plaintiff‘s claim is for a deâ€" elaration that the plaintiff is entitled to retain any sums paid under the agreement between the plaintiff? and the said George H. Rochester, deceasâ€" ed, for the sale to the said defendant of Lot No. 44 on the east side of Toke Street, as shown on plan No. Mâ€"8 T. registered in the Office of Land Titles at Cochrane, made the 15th day of September, 1921, and for reseission of the said agreement and for the possession of the said premises. 2. It is further ordered that the said defendant Hugh Murray do enter an appearance to the said writ of sumâ€" mons and file his statement of defence in the office of the Clerk of this Court, in Cochrane, on or before the 7th day of March, 1928. thereol indorsed, once WeX 1O three weeks, preceding the 23rd du\ of February, 1928, in the Porcupine Advance newspaper, published at Timâ€" mins, Ontario, and by mailing to the defendant at Timmins, Ont., by post by prepaid registered letter a copy of the writ of summons herein together with a copy of this order and the noâ€" tice thereon indorsed, to be deemed good and sufficient service of the said | writ and ‘statement of claim. | 1p 1. It is ordered that service upon the defendant Hugh Murray, of the writ of summons and statement of claim, in this action, by publishing this order together with a notice thereof indorsed, onee a week for Upon the application of the plainâ€" tiff, upon hearing the Solicitor for the application and upon reading the alhiâ€" davit of Samuel Anderson Caldbick, filed herein : His Honour Judge Caron in Chamber: Friday the 27th day of January. 1928. BETWEEN : Lillian C. Rochester, Executrix of the Estate of George H. Rochester, deceased. In the District Court of the District of Cochrane J.A. BRADB‘TTE, M.P., Temiskaming North ire at the Hollinger mir them all that any servi any assistance [ may will be very ve M .I rople of Timmins and pecially to those ‘berâ€"| sad accident at the| . and to the stricken AX. F. KENNIN G World Day ir, will be on rear in the U] urd and ition and thanks who have made the safety and husband, Fred those who took reseue from the rdav, Feb. l1th. ochrane So I * Defendant Plaintifi Tlâ€"~ of Notice is hereby given that all ereâ€" ditors and others having claims ar demands against the estate of the said Charles Shore James who died on or about the twentyâ€" sixth day of January A.D. 1928, at the Town of Matheson aforesaid, are required on or before the First day of April A.D. 1928, to send by post, preâ€" paid, or deliver to the undersigned, the Administrators of the property :)f the said deceased, their Christian names and surnames, addresses and deseriptions, the full particulars, in§ writing, of their claims, a statement of | their accounts and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. And Take Notice that after such last mentioned date the said Admlms-i trators will proceed to distribute the: assets of the said deceased among the| parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which it ahall then have notice, and that the Administrators will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to| Notice is further given that the first meeting of creditors in the above estate will hbe held at the office of T. J. Bourke, Esq. Official Receiver, Court House, North Bay, Ontario, on Thursday the 16th day of Febmruary, 1928, at 10.30 o‘elock in the forenoon. To entitle you to vote thereat, proof of your claim must be lodged with us before the meeting is held. Proxies to be used at the meeting must be lodged with us prior thereto. And further take notice that at such meeting the creditors will elect the permanent Trustee. J,. Bourke appointed Estate of meetine of Notice is hereby given that Leonard A. Towers of the Town of Timmins, Ontario, (Jeweller) did on the 31st day of January, 1928, make an authorâ€" ized assignment of all his poperty for the heneht of his ereditors and that T. Hamilton Block, Timmirs, Ont. Phone 501 P. O. Box 2283 ‘‘"A Go)ld Medal School in a Golden Centre‘‘ L. M. TERRY, Supervising Principal. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Bankruptcy Act. T H U RS DJA Y LATE MR. STEVENS WASIAT: RELATIVES _ OF: BONIFACE ¢ . Those _ contemplating _ enrolling, should do so immediately and preâ€" Toronto Newspaper Comments on the pare for the summer and fall p(m-, Courtesy and Thoughtfulness of 10ng.: a¢t. us _ h 141 the Big Mine. tion etc Poulin 534. Sr. â€" Bookâ€"(Honors)â€"S wiez 96, M. MceNulty marksâ€"(G. Lenchuk 52. In the Estate of Leonard Authorized Assignor. Notice is hereby given t 58 Front St. W Jr. Sten.â€"(Honors)â€"M. Hird J. Cummings 94. Passâ€"E. Burk A. Etmanski 60. Int. Sten.â€"(Honors)â€"M. Pic 84. Other marksâ€"M. King 16. Sr. btenâ€"(Honoxs)â€"â€"\I Lay 83, M. Timon 77. Passâ€"J. Taylo M. Holschuk 70. _ Other marks Paul 49, R. McAlendin 42, A. I Jr. Bookâ€"Other marksâ€"M. Pichuâ€" a d1. Int. Bookâ€"(Honors)â€"M. Laprairie 5. Other marks C. Brazean 55, (G¢. Timmins Business | College ' QIT 3t full information regarding tui :., call, phone or write 1¢ M Esq. Official Receiver, has us to be eustodian of the the debtor until the first creditors., further given that the first T‘€ H 31 st :â€" (Honot 94. P;: 6(). above are graduates of Business College and their positions through Ma M i PToronto Kirk 10e TNRAt iT you the debtor for to rank, proof > 2, Ont. Custodian M. Hird 99 E. Burke 64 ribu Ont Lavallee Tavior 71, Tower Markic Othe Pichuta irio xX _.D it‘t . TWIN BROTHER KEPT A 5 â€"FATRFOL watee At giat rett that of Mr. Ossie Martin, whose twin brother was underground at the time of the aceident. Mr. Martin had been home i11, but he came to the Hollingeli Friday afternoon on learning of the A E. disaster, and there he stayed until on Saturday at midnight the body of his twin brother, Frank Martin, was brought to the surface. The two broâ€" thers had been especially fine friends through life. They had gone to the war together, and together they had come to Timmins to take up civil life and work together. "‘I will not leave until I can take Frank home with me, alive or dead,"" said Mr. Martin. And he staved at the shaft Saturday his twin b brought to thers had ~4i ‘u on any account. _ XÂ¥oun; girls and boys showed equal devotion Many of the cases were pathetic, in deed. One of the most touching wa that of Mr. Ossie Martin, whose twir brother was underground at the tim of the accident. Mr. Martin had beer home i11, but he came to the Hollinge Friday afternoon n learninr af th: /Fl"\\;\ afternoon and all day Satâ€" urday ‘and Sunday there were crowds of anxidus relatives at the Hollinger waiting for word of their loved ones who were known to be underground in the mine. sad woman, with a babe in arms, stayed patiently on the scene all day and would not he indna. Leatn Fate of the Brother with hom he had Served Overâ€" > c eng Waited/for Hours at Mine Shaft to ‘*‘On Saturday morning The Star was given a full list of the miners whose fate had been ascertained and those still missing, and so aceurate was it that it stood up fully under the test of later developments. ‘*On Saturday noon, within a very few minutes of the finding of five men alive by the reseue party, an account was given to The Star men there, so that it appeared in The Star and was being read on the streets a seant halfâ€" hour later. , ‘*Finally, the president of Hollinger Consolidated Mines Limited, Noah Timmins, a few minutes after coming out of the mine on Sunday night, read to a Star staff reporter his own personal notes made during the proâ€" gcress of the fire."" l ut ko y No We C N fls 7. O NAE KB >\ es ) Te ~* S n dh ds NP uts : 5 c dicdle â€"â€" hk 6t The following from The Toronto| hope of reaching Mr. Boniface Hache star of Monday evening will be enâ€"| op some one who knows him, so that dorsed by every responsible newsâ€"| the anxiety of the mother may be re. | paperman who covered the disaster at| ljeved by a telegram. It appears to the Hollinger. D(*Splte the undo_l'l'b.ted be certain that the man killed at the | strain under which the officials Hollinger in the disaster there and | laboured, despite the fi{C't that they| Boniface Hache are not the same or | were wm.'kmg'. so hard, witnout proper| evyen related. |rest or time for meals, despite all the ’ nervous tension and physical exhausâ€"| SYMPATHY FROM PRESIDENT tion endured, the officials were most! OF THE TORONTO CONFERENCE considerate and kindly and missed no| us , , ts 5. opportunity to relieve anxiety or to Phis week Rev. Mr. Parks received ! i give information. Of they| the following l“tt“’:3 es . | would not give out information until e Barriec, Feb. 13th, 1928 i they had the facts. ‘They were not at ,R“ J. D. Parks, all concerned as to whether this or| Tramins, Ont. . l that newspaper had a ‘*seoop‘‘ or nut.i Dear Mr. Parks:â€"Sincerest symâ€" r pathy in this the hour of Timmins‘ great sorrow and awful tragedy. Most sincerely, J, D. BYRNES, | | President Toronto Conference. Their only idea was to give out any |facts that would help the public in ,gmwral or make the situation more clear. The Toronto Star sums up the matter in these words:â€" e6mp + es c eestrarglg ns _ « ~**The trankness and 19‘1d1Â¥1ess for At a recent meeting of the Temisâ€" the most searching enquiry into the Hollinger mine fire, exhibited at all| k-“mm;?r L»lte en times by the mine executives, is a| 9 E. R. Parliament, of New Lisâ€" credit to an organization which’mi‘.rht kf‘urd’ P elected president; W. J. beet" defended â€"for‘ ; a cl(;so-l ..l*_nrt_m,‘ iCobalt, \’.1('0-1»)1'031(1(*nt; and is $ K. M. Stephen, Haileybury, secretaryâ€" mouthed policy at a time of such unâ€" i 3M ht 46z treasurer. certainties and anxieties. 4 % * s o 3 . ooo in is o Nee 4n (On Saturday morning The Star I $ Ae Deing born in Londonderry, Nova Scotia. Fourteen ichildren survive, the sons including: Ernest, Robert, Charles John and Walter, all of Timâ€" mins, Sandford, of Maine, U.S8S.A., and{ two other sons away from home. The| daughters are:â€"Mrs. C. MeLean, Mrs.| Moring, Mrs. Wm. Melnnis, Cox, of Timmins, and two other mar ried daughters in Nova Ncotia. _ by all who came in contact with him, being a man of high character and agreeable disposition. He was 70 years of age at the time of death, being born in Londonderry, Nova Scotia. Fourteen ichildren survive, In addition to the brief reference} made to the funeral af the late Mr.] W,. M. Stevens in another column of | this issue, it may be said that he was! one of the oldest employees of the Hollinger Mine, both in years and in point of service. He was at the Holâ€" linger for 15 years, being one of the shift bosses there. He was esteemed to THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO W axs 9# ns ie mtc is nl =9f At a recent meeting of the Temisâ€" kaming Life Underwriters‘ Associaâ€" tion, E. R. Parliament, of New Lisâ€" keard, was elected president; W. J. Fortin, iCobalt, viceâ€"president; and K. M. Stephen, Haileybury, secretaryâ€" treasurer. Mr. J. J. Lynceh, district manager of the Metropolitan Life Co., has reâ€" | ceived several wires this week from '()ttawu inquiring regarding the safeâ€" ty of Boniface Hache. The name is not a common one, and his relatives seeing «* Hache‘‘ listed among the dead in the Hollinger Mine accident wired here at lmu‘c Mr. Lynch made very prompt enquiry and found that the dead man ‘\\us Caesare Hache, a native of Baâ€" thurst, New Brunswich, aged 27, with a \\ldu\\ and two ('lnldwn. which did not at all answer the description of Boniface Hache, whose home is in Ottawa. Enquiry at the mine showed that Boniface Hache was not among 'the employees missing. _ Other enâ€" quiry failed to locate Boniface Hache. Mrs. Caesare Hache. widow of the|l | | suggestion that it be published in the hope of reaching Mr. Boniface Hache or some one who knows him, so that the anxiety of the mother may be re. lieved by a telegram. It appears to be certain that the man killed at the Hollinger in the disaster there and Boniface Hache are not the same or even related. the employees missing. _ Other enâ€" quiry failed to locate Boniface Hache. Mrs. Caesare Hache, widow of the dead man, said that her nusband‘s home was in New Brunswick, and that she did not know of any relatives in Ottawa. Mr. Lynch wired this inâ€" formation to the relatives at Ottawa, but the mother is still anxious for her son, Boniface. Yesterday, Mr. Lynch received the following wire from Otâ€" tawa:â€"‘* Will you have Boniface Hache, formerly of Ottawa, wire brother, Wilfred Hache, 200 Stanley avenue, Ottawa. Family anxious as to his safety.‘‘ This telegram was turned over to The Advance, with the The STORE of QUALITY and SERVICE Save the labels and get Genuire ONEIDA COMMUNITY SPOONS as shown in our window. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF SMOKED and FRESH MEATS and FISH SARDINES, Jutland 3«ting LOr ..#‘ TEA, Armstrongs, with premium of Knife, Fork or Spoon per lb....... per gallon PASTRY FLOUR, 7 lb. bags per bag 10 1b. tins per tin:® . DEMOLCO MOLASSES 5 lb. tins per tin . CORN SYRUP, 2 lb. tin per‘tin 48 Third Ave. Timmins, Phone 303 i F SpeC1AlS bays oniy Nick Blahey To the sufferers of the Hollinger disaster I extend my sincere sympathy Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, February 17th, 18th, 20th and 21st. Comfort Soap ... .. VEGETABLES FRESH EVERY DAYâ€"TOMATOES, CELERY, LETTUCE, CAULIFLOWER AND RHUBARB Save your Wrappers and get your Premiums AYLMER CANNED SOUPS per tin The Cochrane team came down at its own expense, and all the way through showed the finest of sportsmanship. Hockey fans who saw the game Saturâ€" After the game, the visitors were entertained at lunch by local people. Ine Cochrane young@gsters got all their goals in the first period. after which they could score no more. The game was a dandy one, clean and speedy and the spectators thought it was great stuff. The Cochrane boys are experienced and very clever and will be heard from in the future. The following is the line up:â€" Cochrane Maple Leaf Midgetsâ€"â€" (ioal, Macaulay; defence, Palangio and Pickering; centre, Owens; wings, Fasano and Logan; subs., Martin, Eaton, Chamandy, Day. Timminsâ€"Goal, Seully; â€" defence, Baul and Daly; centre, Kennedy; wings, Murtagh and Gauthier; subs., Reno, Hamilton, Kent, Twaddle, Mcâ€" Kenzie and Genard. Cochrane Maple Leaf Midgets (bovs of 12 years and under) came to Timâ€" mins on Saturday last to play a pickâ€" ed hockey team of lads of the same age at the rink here, and won the game by a score of 4 to 1. The Cochâ€" rane lads were in charge of Mr. Paâ€" langio, an oldâ€"time hockey player, and the midget team was a credit to themâ€" selves and to their coach and manager. Mr. J. D. Brady picked the Timmins team which did very cereditably, conâ€" sidering that it was their first game together. _ The Cochrane youngsters got all their goals in the first period, after which they could seore no more. The game was a dandy one, clean and speedy and the spectators thought it was great stuff. The Cochrane boys are experienced and very clever and gyame Dby a rane lads langio, an the midget Defeated Timmins Lads of Twelye and Under by Score of 4 to 1 on Saturday _ 20¢ 43e _ 82e $1.27 _ 38c _ 72¢ 25¢ SINCLAIR THE VALET To all those who have lost their loved ones in the Hollinger NMine disaster we extend our deepest sympathy per packet 2 lb. pkts. per packet PEACHES, 2 lb. pkts per PICKLES, Sweet Mixed . Sour Mixed .: : OLIVES, gallon jars, plain per"galon .......%%..... DOG BISCUITS, 5 1b. bags . Lh i PRUNES, 1 lb. pkts. Brunswick Brand 3 tins for ....... First Ave., Schumacher, Phone 733 ereditably, con: their first game rane vouneg@sters ..... 3 bars for 20¢ irst game ‘oungsters st period, ‘ no more. clean and hought it cane hbhovse day said it was the finest possible, and that the boys of both teams show wonâ€" derful promise. tively closed and sealed so that the Mcelntyre would not be affected by the gases and smoke. In the meantime however, as a precautionary measure, all the underground men at the Melnâ€" tyre were brought to the surface and all work on the levels affected was disâ€" continued for the time. Since then the Melntyre workings have been very thoroughly inspected and everyâ€" thing being found all right, with no danger from any smoke or gas, the Mceintyre Mine was able to resume operations in the portion of the mine referred to, the men going hack to work on Monday mornine. When the Hollinger mine workings filled with smoke and gas from the fire burning in the old stope at the 300â€"ft. level, some of the smoke and gas drifted over to the Melntyre Mine‘s workings adjoining, the spread of the vapours and fumes being made possible by the fact that on the 550â€"ft. level of the MeIntyre there is a connecâ€" tion with the workings of the Hollinâ€" ger, and it was thought that this openâ€" ing might be used to allow some of the imprisoned men in the Hollinger to get to safety from the gas and fumes. When it was found that the connecting link could not be used for this purpose, the opening was effecâ€" tively closed and sealed so that the Mcelntvre would not be affected by the Mine Clear of Smoke and Safe in Every Way. Opening Connecting With Hollinger Closed for Time. McINTVRE MINE RESUMED WCRK DN MONDAY MORNING Thursday, Feb,16th, 1928 _ 20¢ _ d7¢€ $1.98 $1.68 $2.69 _ 19€ 18c d3¢

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