Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 16 Feb 1928, 2, p. 8

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Porcupine Hockey Team Win Lively Match From the Falls c uo un e n in c ue un un s un n n o io in o L io L e Lo L L y Lo Lo Many High Spots in Deciding Game at South Porcupine Last Thursday. Report of Regular Meeting of the Council of the Township of Tisdale. Other South Porâ€" cupine News. South Porcupine, Feb. 15th, 1928 Special to The Advance. A most successful euchre and bridge Thursday, Feb. 16th, 1928 hi ETT n s 15th, 1928. was held by the was held by the Catholics in the High School hall on the evening of Friday, February 10th. We mentioned the beautiful prizes donated last week. They were won as followsâ€"Bridgeâ€" ladies‘ first, Mrs. W. Taylor; second, Mrs. F. B. Clarke; consolation, Mrs. McLellan ; gentlemen‘s first, Mr. H. J. MacDonnell; second, Mrs. A. Taylor; booby, V. Evans. In euchreâ€"ladies‘ first, Mrs. Stringer; second Miss Morâ€" ris; consolatien, Mrs. T. Farrell ; genâ€" tlemen‘s first, Con. Hunt ; second, Mr. Chevier; booby, H. Green. The door prize was won by Miss Margaret Stone, of the Dome Mines; the beauâ€" tiful bridge lamp donated by Mrs. Kennedy was won by Eduard Huot and the other lamp by Miss Auger. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO xceptionally good musica was supplied by Frank Sullivan‘s orchestra, which gave their serviges voluntarily for the event. Father evol very sincereâ€" ly thanked them and all who had helped to make the evening a success. Mr. C. V. Gallagher, reeve of Tisâ€" by Frank Sullivan‘s orchestra, which} extra eosts had been signed by the gsave their serviges voluntarily for the| parties getting the special sewer conâ€" event. Father)ia.grevol very sincereâ€"| nection. R. Skelly was appointed reâ€" iv thanked them and all who sident member of the Board of Health helped to make the evening a suceess. for Schumacher, The condition of the Mr. C. V. Gallagher, reeve of Tis.| road into the Comaurum was enquired into and the remark was made that ‘it was much better for hauling machâ€" inery over than most other mines had In a hardâ€"fought battle at the arena) had at that stage of development. here on Thursday last the Porcngj}g*fingineer Hendry stated that it would Hockey Club made the Eskimos take) soon be necessary for the township to a back seat while they tgke the stage| decfde on what road improvements in the playâ€"offs for the N.O.H.A.) were to be made and order material championship. _ Jemmett played a) accordingly. "A diseussion took place star game for the winning team, even| as to the relative value of trucks or fans who were not sympathizers being| wagons in road work. Councillor Laâ€" loud in their praise of this levelâ€") forest thought that rock was a waste headed centre man. With the excepâ€"| of time and money if put on ag surâ€" tion of one man the Falls team are a, facing; gravel will be necessary for clean lot of players, but a freeâ€"forâ€"all| that, and there might be considerable would have been started had Spence| time spent on the road with wagons. not goodâ€"naturedly kept his temper| Garbage could also be much more which he had lost for a quick moment] speedily collected with trucks if, with on the ice, and he and Fahey were| sewers available, residents were reâ€" sent to the box but Fahey wanted to| quired to place their garbage out by continue the trouble there. Some| sidewalks by acertain time each colâ€" fans shouted to Gordie they‘d bel|lecting day, is done in many other behind him but much to the relief of|towns. Further discussions took place the majority that wellâ€"known happy!as to rock or no rock in some of the smile .was the only answer to Fahey‘s| connections in Kchumacher. It was belligerent attitude and the situation) stated that one man claimed that the was saved. Unfortunately a Poreuâ€" township had placed their hydrant pine fan attempted to impress the| near his service for their own conâ€" dale, is in Toronto on a business trip this week. goes and he is there because he knows his business. Murray of the Poreuâ€" pine club had to be carried off the! ice in the third period. He was struck in the wind by the puck, while doubled over Fraser skated into| him. _ Some were inclined to blamc% Fraser but most of the fans as well the players say it purely an accident,, and Fraser has always played a clean: gcame. The game was close throughâ€"| out, although (Poreupine kept the lead, it was not so great but that a break might at an time have turned the| tables. In the first period after six minutes elapsed Jemmett got the puck from Fahey and passing to MeHutâ€" cheon the first goal was seored for the home team. Shortly after that Powâ€" ers was bombarded and had his busiest! time of the evening but finally Mason| got the dise away before any damage was done. â€" Soon two Falls]! men attempted to push Thornton, pucki and all, into the net but did not get him far enough and in spite of all their protesting the goal was not alâ€" lowed, the period ending 1â€"0 for the Poreupines. Play had scearcely been on two minutes again when Fraser made a great play and seored for the Eskimos. After some good hockey and a vast amount of coaching of the| referee, the Eskimos got another goal, this time Cybulski doing the good deed, but in short order Jemmett, Spence and Saunders got in some good work and inside of three minutes two more counters were made for Poreuâ€" pine, and the period ended 3â€"2, in favour of the boys in black and gold. The third period was mainly gabble and grit, gabble to the referee and grit on the part of the boys who were out to win, and also on the part of some of the team who were losing but were too good sports to get sore. Afâ€" ter ten miuutes Murray, Saunders and Jemmett by good combination counted again for (Poreupine and no more goals were scored, the game ending 4â€"2 in favour of Poreupine Hockey Club. The lineâ€"ups were Iroquois Fallsâ€"Goal, Powers; defence, Mason and Fraser; centre, Cybulski; wings, Fahey and Chireoski; subs, Mahoney and Wimperis. Poreupine Hockey Clubâ€"(Goal, Thornton; defence, Cain and Murray; centre, Jemmett; wings, Spence and Saunders; subs, Gagnon and MeHutcheon. After the game some of the ladies served a bean supâ€" per to the hockey players and the Band at.the I.0.0.F. hall. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed. _ In replying to the thanks expressed to the Band for the great coâ€"operation |they had given, Bandmaster Bridges |replied that if the people had enjoyed | the musi¢ as much as the band had enâ€" joyed the hockey that they would feel amply repaid. was saved. â€" UnFortunaltely a POrcuâ€" pine fan attempted to impress the referee with his views and the game was again unpleasantly held up as it had been several times before while the Falls people tried to argue the referee to their way of thinking. When Buchan referees a game, fans, managers, etc., might as well recogâ€" nize first as last that what he says On Saturday, Mrs. Hutchinson, Mrs. W,. Johns and Mrs. G. Rowe enterâ€" tained the hockey club and their wives at the home of Mrs. Rowe at the Dome, and a most delectable supper was served. â€" This Wednesday the team plays Kapuskasing at our own Arena and the return match is to be played on Friday night at the Timmins rink. Mr. 8. Sky and his father went to Toronto on Sunday. Mr. Sky Sr., reâ€" turning home after a lengthy visit here. The auditors of Edwards, Morgan Co., accounting firm, are here this week giving the township books the onceâ€"over. The Tisdale Township Council met in the council chambers on Monday evening, Feébruary 13th. Councillor Kerr, acted as reeve; Councillors Wilâ€" liams, Hawkins and Laforest were present. _ The minutes of the last regular and a special meeting were passed. _ Two Finnish women were present re reduction of taxes, but while it was decided not to urge the collection of these at present, they were to stand against the property and some effort made to pay them would be expected. _ A consumer who had been most anxions for sewerage acâ€" commodation as well as water alâ€" though in a locality where a sewer was not very feasible, was present now to object to the eost of putting in same. The ease was left over until Reeve Gallagher came back as it was in his presence the agreement to pay the ast that what he says there because he knows Murray of the Poreuâ€" to be carried off the speedily collected with trucks if, with sewers available, residents were reâ€" quired to place their garbage out by sidewalks by acertain time each colâ€" lecting day, is done in many other towns. â€" Further discussions took place as to rock or no rock in some of the connections in Kchumacher. It was stated that one man claimed that the township had placed their hydrant near his service for their own conâ€" aGHUMAGAER BERFAVED / IN TIMMINS DISASTER Other Items from Schumacher Six Schumacher Men Among the Dead. Correspondent venience and that owing to that he would not pay, ‘but it was clearly shown that a draft map locating all the hydrants was made before any serâ€" vice connection was granted and that the party in question built there and had the connection made where it was to suit his own convenience, regardless of whether that was the place already chosen for the hydrant or not. Schuâ€" macher Fire Department were to be asked to send in an upâ€"toâ€"date list of names of their members for the purâ€" pose of checking up on the insurance carried. The regulation accounts and salaries were passed for payment. a deep gloom over the whole town. To the heartâ€"broken widows, fatherless children and other loved ones beyond the seas, the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community is extended. The ‘Schumacher troop of Boy Scouts who have been holding their weekly meetings in the basement of the public school will change their headquarters to the basement of the New Kerr block on First avenue. They will assemble on Tuesday evenâ€" ings at the some hour. . Under the capable leadership of Mr. Austin Neame the Scouts are making steady progress. Florence (Alabama) Herald :â€"Sloâ€" gan for suppressing a Latinâ€"American revolution: *‘ the generals and vou shoot all.‘‘ We extend our deepest sympathy to the bereaved families in the recent disaster CANADIAN EXPLOSIVES Limited South Temiskaming County Orange Lodge will hold its Twelfth of July celebration this vear at Englehart. Mr. Donald R. Henderson, of Hamâ€" iIton, was a Timmins visitor last week. It was his first visit here since 1922, and he was much impressed with the great development evident. All persons having claims against the Estate of Guiseppi Frittaion, alias Guiseppi Frett, late of the Township of Tisdale, in the District of Cochrane, Taxi Driver, who died on or about the 6th day of November, 1927, are hereby notified to send in to. the unâ€" dersigned, Solicitor for Teresina Galâ€" lino Frittaion, the Executrix and Trustee of the said Estate, on or beâ€" fore the 3rd day of March, 1928, full particulars of their claim duly verifiâ€" In the Matter of the Estate of Guisepâ€" pi Frittaion, alias Guiseppi Frett. K. McDougall sued the town of Haileybury for $200.00 damages to his motor car which upset while he was trying to avord a barrier placed across one of the Haileybury streets. Mr. MeDougall claimed noghgouco on the part of the town, but the Judge held the town was not liable and so the action was dismissed. | home as Newfoundland, but said he had been working at Timmins for a time, was found guilty at Haileybury last week of issuing worthless cheques, and was sentenced to twelve months. The amount. involved. toâ€" talled some eighty dollars, but other cheques in other towns were also reâ€" ported to the police, though only the one case was taken up. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The next regular meeting of the Timmins town council is scheduled to be held on Monday, Pebruary 27th, at 4+ p.m. particulars of their claim duly verifiâ€" ed by Statutory Declaration. Imâ€" mediately after the last mentioned date the said Executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate haying regard 0o claims as they shall then Dated at Timmins this January, 1928. DEAN KESTER, Marshallâ€"Eccelestone Block, Tlmmms, Ontario. Solicitor for the said Executrix and Trustee. - â€"0â€"7 serve our clients with a high resolve to merit their confiâ€" dence and gratified appreciation. Notes of Interest Walsh, the man who gave s Newfoundland., but said ard only to such have notice. 28th dav of aAaVe hi.\'

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