vIMMINS 100GE, 1.0.0.f. No. 453 TIMMINS GOLD NUGGET REBEK AH LODGE No. 173 Meets every Friday evening in the Dddfellows* Hall, Spruce St., North, Visiting brethren requested to attend S T. WALKER w. G. SMITH Y XIII. â€" No. 7 â€"Oddfellows‘ Hall, Visiting Brothers and WINNIFRED JOHNS Med of} Meets every Thursday in the month in the Oddfellows‘ Hall, Spruce 8St., North Viaiting Brothers and Sisters always welcome Meetings Club Meetings held in Hollinger Recreation Hall, third Saturday of each month. Opet to all of Cornish birth or Corâ€" nish Associate. CORNISH SOCIAL CLUB Schumacher L.O.L. No. 2975 Meets on the Second and Fourth Thursday of each month at the Schuâ€" macher Orange Hall. All visiting members welcome _ Loa a w on Meets in the Hollinger Reereation Hall every first and third Friday in the month. BERNARD B. ASH, President J. HALLAM, Secretaryâ€"Treasurer Meets in the Hollinger Recreation Hall, first and second Saturdays of each month Invitation may be obtained from Secretary or President upon application, or from members of the Committee. T. H. RICHARDS, President MRS. T. RICHARDS, Sec.â€"Treas., Box 1037, Timmins, Ont. The Caledonian Society of Timmins Open to nativeâ€"born Scots and Scotswomen and those of Scottish descent. Meetings every second and fourth Friday in the month in the Hollinger Recreation Hall. P. LARMER, President D. CUTHELL, Secretary No. 677, Timmins, Ont. Meets every lst and 3rd Monday of each month in the basement of Anglican Chunch. ALL VISITING MEMBERS WELCOME M. GORDON, JEAN L%INLGMAN. DR. S. R. HARRISON, President Meets second Friday in each month in the Town Hall at 8 p.m. Allj returned men GOLDEN GLOW, L.O0.B.A Meets every each month Hall, Vis Christian Science Meetings ODDFELLOWS‘ HALL Subject : Services :â€" . C. BONNELL L. WILLIAMS Sunday 11 a.m., Sunday School 10 a.m Wednesday Meeting........ 7.30 p.m Testimonies of â€" Healing +throug‘ Christian Science. Wrap all Garbage in paper. Keep your Garbage can covered. Use plenty of Chloride of Lime which can be procured at the Town Hall, free. Hoaseholders using well water must boil it for at least 20 minutes. _ All outside toilets must be made 4y proof. eets on the 2nd and 4th Monday ‘‘every month, in the Basement of Anglican Church ALL VISITING MEMBERS WELCOME G. LUXTON, J. G. ARCHER, Meets every Second and Fourth Satm day night at 7.30 in the Oddfellow» Hall, South Poreupine. Members 2@ mitted by card. Nonâ€"members 50. asdmission including refreshments Everybody Welcome ALFRED W. SNOW, President G. HARRIS, Sec.â€"Treas., Schumacher, Ont. TIMMINS COUNCIL No. 2403 etings every second Wednesday and fourth Sunday. b Rooms over George Taylor Hardware, 10 Third Avenue VISITING BROTHERS WELCOME Nes mglavdlyr;;lcdï¬med T. FELLOWS, Sec.â€"Treas., Box, 1716 23 Montgomery Avenue, Timmins, Ont. GOLD STAR, L.O.B.A. Allâ€"Britain Social Club LA NCASHIRE CLUB CANADIAN LEGION TIMMINS L.O.L. THE CORNISH WELCOME CLUB ATTENTION HOUSEHOLDERS TIMMINS BRANCH No. 742, Schumacher rery 2nd and 4th Monday of nth in Schumacher Orange Visiting members welcome. A M S E. TOWNSEND, By Order of THE BOARD OF HEATTE RUBY M. SULLIVAN ** N. R. TARIO, Rec.â€"Sec. TEA AT MRS. SHRAGGE‘S IN MQ HOSPITAL PCSTPONE Event Planned for Wednesday This Week Deferred on Account of Tragedy at Mine. Because at present the town of Tim-l1 mins is a town of mourning practic ally all social and entertainment events have been cancelled for the time being. Concerts, dances and other features planned for this week and next week have been postponed, in some cases, with considerable loss entailed. â€"It has been felt that neither the promot#rs of the events nor the general public are desirous of holding events of this kind in these sad days. Among the events thus cancelled for the present was the Silver Tea plannâ€" ed to be held on Wednesday o# this week . at ‘the home of Mrs. A. J. Shragge, 52 Kirby avenue. _ This event was under the auspices of the Hebrew Ladies‘ Aid Society and the Daughters of Israel, Hadassah Chapâ€" ter. The event was to have been for the benefit of the new public hospital for the purpose of providing linen for the new wing to be opened shortly. It was intended that the entire proâ€" ceeds should go to the hospital, all the expenses to be borne by the Hebrew Ladies® Aid and the Daughtersâ€" of Israel, Hadassah Chapter; and Mrs. Shragge. â€" In view of the calamity that overtook the town the event has been indefinitely pdstponed. If it is decided to hold it later, due announceâ€" ment will be made. TIMMINS BOARD OF TRADE READY TO GIVE ANY HELP. Mr. W. 0. Langdon, secretary of the Timmins Board of Trade, told The Advance this week that the Board of Trade was not only ready but anxious to give any help or to be of any serâ€" ANOTHER TWELVE MILES TO BE ADDED TO T. N. 0. A Toronto despatch says that exâ€" tension of the Temiskaming and Norâ€" thern Ontario Railway from Oil Can to Otter Rapids, a distance of about 12 miles, is to be proceeded with as weather conditions permit, according to Chief Enginener 8. B. Clement of the T. N. 0. Railway, and its comâ€" pletion will take the steel about 100 miles north of Coehrane, or only 90 miles from James Bay. _ There is from this point an uninterrupted waâ€" ter route to the Bay, navigable for motor ‘boats and other small craft. Rapids at the junction of the Abitibi and Moose rivers call for a short porâ€" tage at times, but that is the only obstacle. C Mr. Clement has been here from North Bay for some days arranging for supplies. \ The Toronto Star had eight staff men in Timmins over Sundav in conâ€" nection with the accident at the Holâ€" linger Mine. The eight included, two camera men. \ Phone 499â€"500 Mining TIMMINS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16TH, 1928 Re/we Train Comes From Toronto in Fourteen Hours The time made ‘by the special train sent from Toronto to Timmins last week to bring equipment to help in the rescue work at the Hollinger Mine: was a new record. _ The trip was made in fourteen hours, which is five hours less than the schedule time. The special, which consisted of the engine and two coaches left Toronto at eight o‘clock, Friday night and recahed the Hollinger siding at 9.58 Saturday morning. The work of gathering supplies, ete., was started at 6 p.m., and everything was ready in two hours. For this the greatest eredit is due to Mayor MeBride, of Toronto, and ‘the other officials there, especiâ€" ally the fire department and the peoâ€" ple in general. The special left Toronto with a clear â€" rightâ€"ofâ€"way to _ Timmins,â€" thanks to the Canadian National Railâ€" ways and the T. N. 0. The head officials of both lines took a very specâ€" ial interest in the matter and gave the cause their personal attention. _ The special left Toronto in charge of a picked Canadian National crew headâ€" ed by Engineer Elliott and Conductor Hurst. On the train was a supply of fireâ€"figchting equipment, especially for gas, including gas masks, oxygen tanks, pulmotors, ete. Lieut Wilbur Moodie, an expert from the Toronto Fire Dept., accompanied the train, as did also Joseph Brooks, an expert in vas, who is on the staff of the Conâ€" sumers‘ Gas Co., Toronto. A number of newspapermen also accompanied the special to Timmins. L‘ sa pe *# a C \.- * 4 NS CS CA llw run over tho Canadian National line from Toronto to North Bay was made in two and a half thours less than the regular fast time. The Teâ€" miskaming and Northern â€" Ontario Railway even excelled the record made SPEEDY PAYMENT OF ALL METROPOLITAN POLICIES Mr. J. J. Lyneh, district manager of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., arranged for remarkably speedy payment of the company‘s policies in the case of those dying in the Hollin= ger Mine disaster. _ Mr. Lynch was given authority to make payments here and the result was that all poliâ€" cies were paid within a few hours of the proof of death. All the policies known to be held here were paid on Monday night, and others learned of were just as promptly settled on Tuesâ€" day. iSome of the policies were carâ€" ried in other districts of the company, but this information was forwarded to Mr. Lyneh, and he looked after al! details. _ Prompt payment was the rule in all the companies doing busiâ€" ness here, but Mr. Lyneh in at least one or two cases made a record in the promptitude with which claims were met. On account of the accident at the Hollinger and the consequent mournâ€" ing and anxiety in town, and the atâ€" tention being given to the reseue work and relief measures by the mayor and councillors, there was no meeting of the town council on Monday afternoon The next regular meeting of the town council is scheduled to be held on Monday afternoon, Feb. 27th, at 4.00 p.m. 6 /ecord Time Made by Railways in Bringing Masks, Oxyâ€" gsen Tanks and Other Equipment to Aid in the Rescue| ; Work at the Hollinger Mine Last Week. Great Praise Due to C. N. R. and the T. N. O. | the T Through our engineers, and staffs in all important mining icentersâ€"â€"we render a reliable mining service in addition to our brokerage service a continuous run on the T. N. O. way on its trip. in the run from Toronto to North Bbay.] The T. N. 0. had a new engine and| crew all ready waiting for the arrival of the special. Only about five minâ€" utes was taken to make the change of engines and the T. N. 0. wen‘t off to beat the C. N. R. record. The ‘I.| N. 0. crew was in charge of Conâ€" ductor St. Louis and Engineer Mceâ€" Ewen. _ From North Bay to Timmins the run was made at record pace. Long stretches saw 60 miles an hour reached, and the roadbed makes this speed remarkable. It should be noted, however, ‘that while a great rate of speed was kept up there was also the keenest care to avoid any danger. It;] was recognized that the big thing was to get the train to Timmins at the earliest possible moment. Accidents must be <absolutely guarded against, as they would defeat the purpose aimed at. Yet speed must be securâ€" ed. Consequently, it was a matter of skill and daring, the engineer giving the best that was in himâ€"and a great best it proved to be. The record .of the run from North Bay to Timmins equalled that of the run from Toronto to North Bay. All officials of the T. N. 0. gave personal attention to the speeding of the train, Mr. Geo. W. Lee and all others in authority doing all possible to facilitate the speeding of the rescue train. The trip from North Bay to Timmins was made in seven hours and twenty minutes, beâ€" ing over three hours less than a reguâ€" lar fast run. Much of the way to Timmins is upâ€"grade running, so the record is all the more remarkable. This special run sets a new record for All passenger and freight trains were sidetracked to allow the special free M_â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€" Poreupine Hockey teams will meet to settle the group leadership. The puck will be faced at 8.15, and the game will be one to be long reâ€" membered. The Kapuskasing team is reported to be a classy one, with lots of speed and class and likely to give the South Poreupine lads a run for their money, though the general opinâ€" ion is that South Poreupine will win the game. Those who have not seen the Kapuskasing team in action figure that ‘they are not likeély to have the experience and practice of the Porenâ€" pine hockey team. Others who have seen the Kapuskasing lads on the ice, say :â€" ‘‘Just wait and see them go!‘‘ So, there are the two sides to the story, with the majority banking , on South Poreupine team. The Poreuâ€" pine hockey team won out from lroâ€" quois Falls after a lively season, the regular schedule ending in a tie. In the playâ€"off the South Poreupine boys showed their superiority and won a decided victory. _ Now Kapuskasing and Poreupine hockey team try conâ€" clusions, and may the best team win. The fact that the game is to be played on the Timmins rink will please fans here who were disappointed a week or so ago at the cancelling of the final gcame with TIroquois Falls, which was to be played here but was later transâ€" ferred to the South Poreupine rink. MESSAGE OF SYMPATHY FROM PREMIER OF CANADA The message sent here on Saturday by Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, Preâ€" mier of Canada, was as follows:â€" ‘‘My colleagues join with me in sending this expessionn of deep conâ€" cern and sorrow in the great calamity that has overtaken your community. in the run from Toronto to North Bay. The T. N. 0. had a new engine and crew all ready waiting for the arrival of the special. Only about five minâ€" utes was taken to make the change of engines and the T. N. 0. wen‘t off to beat the C. N. R. record. The L. LOSS FROM DAMAGE TO MINE WILL NOT BE LARGE. Announcement was made during the past few days that the loss from damâ€" age to the mine through the fire and gases will not be of any particular moment. _ Officials are not worrying over anything but ‘the loss of life which is felt very keenly. The cost of the shutâ€"down and the expenses of the plans adopted for the reseue work, including the special trains and other incidentals will, of course, be large. These are not serious matters, comâ€" paratively, as the Hollinger is a big concern and the industry will not take long to pick up this sort of loss or cost. The loss of life, though, is one that can not ‘be made up in any way, and it is this feature that grieves the officials. Some of those who have passed away have been with the Holâ€" linger from its very earliest days, and most of the dead are oldâ€"time employâ€" ees. Accordingly, the loss of these men is very deeply regretted. While playing outside in the snow last week the sixâ€"yearâ€"old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charbonneau, settlers at Carter‘s Spur, near Cochrane, fell into a well last week and was drowned. She was in the water some twenty minutes ‘before she was missed and search was made for her. It was imâ€" possible to revive the child after she was recovered from ‘the well into which she had fallen. HoMER L. GIBSsON CO. 67 YONGE STREET BRA NCHES PIMMINS BELLEVILLE COBALT KIRKLAND LAKE sSUD} NORTH BAY QOCHRANXFE Private Wires to all Branches FINALG IN TRE N.0.8.A. KERE FRIOAY, FEB. 178 Kapuskasing and Porcupine Hockey Teams to Play at Timmins Rink Toâ€"morrow Night. The message sent here on Saturday by Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, Preâ€" mier of Canada, was as follows:â€" ‘‘My colleagues join with me in sending this expessionn of deep conâ€" cern and sorrow in the great calamity that has overtaken your community. Please convey our sincere sympathy both to the bereaved families and to those who are so anxiously awaiting news of the E. L. Longmore, mayor of Timmins, replied as follows: ‘©On behalf of the suffering famiâ€" lies and friends of the survivors 1 wish to express appreciation of your kind message of sympathy and conâ€" cern."‘ Mrs. L. Leduc, the wife of a settler living near Cochrane, was rather badly burned one day last week when she mistook a can of gasoline for one containing coal oil and threw the gasoline on the fire to kindle it. An explosion occurred and the resulting flames burned Mrs. Ledue about the hands, face and breast. Mr. Leduc had left earlier in the day for Cochâ€" rane, but a son happened to come back to the house just as the accident ocâ€" curred.. He smothered the flames as quickly as ‘he could and enlisted the help of a passing neighbour. The inâ€" jured woman was given first aid and a doctor summoned from Cochrane. The doctor ordered her removal to the Lady Minto hospital at Cochrane. In the hospital Mrs. Leduec is making excellent progress to recovery. SETTLER‘S WIFE NEAR COCHRANE BADLY BURNED. Sudbury‘s pipe band has added new pipers and a drumâ€"major to its ranks. TORON TO, ON:X. week, JDBURY )UYN [ 1 Eoc Specialist of New York and Montreal Hospitals Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat 50%, Third Avenue Timmins Eyes Tested BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Room 2, Homer L. Gibson Bldg. 5 REED BLOCK, TIMMINS (formerly office of Platus Lewis) PACK BAGS 4 FLAGS EIDERDOWN HAVERSACKS ROBES SNOWSHOES BSKIIS DoG SLEIGHS DoG HARNESS TOBOGGANS HORSE TARPAULINS BLANKETS Ask your Local Dealer for Prices, or send your order direct to J. J. Turner Sons, Ltd. PETERBOROUGH, ONT. Agents Everywhere I | | I | : Best Prices on all Goods Purchased. Lowest Prices on all Goods Sold. W. D. Cuthbertson, L.A. CONsSULTING AUDITOR Office Systems Installed Income Tax Adjuster Room 2, Marshallâ€"Ecclestone Block P.0. Box 833 Timmins, Ont. New and Secondâ€" Hand Store All Kinds of Furniture, Bought, Sold or Exchanged. Satisfaction assured you here whether you Buy or Sell. Give us a Trial. Goods Delivered Free. Don‘t Buy or Sell Before You See Me. * D C CCC * C 33 %*%* 36 Wilson Ave.., cor. Preston St Phone 610â€"J. DR. P. Q. RAVARY ._C. Platus, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public that house of your hearts desire you want to be sure that the plumbâ€" ing is of the finest type. Stop in and see us about prices. You will find that they are reasonable and that there are many different types of fixtures from which to choose. Frank J. Kehoe We Manufacture and carry in stock AWNINGS Dr. L. Gagnon Plumbing, Heating E Sheet Metal Contractors Veterinary Office Dentistry a Specialty Remes (| !| ..â€"-'_..‘_.'â€".I_l 4* Phone 327 TIMMINS, ONT.