Before ï¬nally passing this By-law the Council will hear any person, or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land m‘ll be prejudicially aï¬ected by the By- law, and who applies to be heard at a special meeting of the Council to he hehl at the Town Hall, Tinnnins, on the 17th day of October, 1927, at thL‘ tin Tzlke notice, that the Council of the Town of Timmins has considered a By-luw stepping: up Broadway Avenue from the westerly limit of original Lot 1‘3 (in the block west of Elm Street) to a line drawn across Broad- way from the northeast corner of Lot 980. Plan M-Q, Terniskaming, to the southeast corner of Lot 7-10, Plan M-lhl, Sudhury (in the block east of Pine Street), and providing for the sale of the soil and freehold of the stom‘md-up portion, subject to the res- emotion of minerals by original own- ers, tn the respective ownei's of the lands abutting thereon, accordlng to law. A By-Law for stopping up part of Broadway Avenue and for selling the surface rights thereof. to Proposed By-Law N0. 348 PHUNI Clerk’s Notice of First Post-% 1m: ing of Voters’ List j; yvi . .1. LEARN ORDERS NOW RECEIVED FOR ALL MAKES OF PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING, revoicing, over- hauling by Mason Risch, Ltd., Toronto, tuner and specialist. Leave orders at J. T. Heffcrnan, 46 Third avenue. 36-37 COLD STORAGE FOR CARS. Ap- ply to B. F. Lennan, No. 60, comer of Elm an‘d Broadwgy______£ IOOMER 0 ‘()h’ M I] (I M! 'ake notice, that m of Timmins law stepping: up :11 the westerly 1'3 (in the b not) to a line (11' e proposed By-law provides that ‘espeetive owners of lands abut- on the stopped-up portion of the way shall have the privilege of h lslllf' the soil and freehold of it, ding: to a sub- division and plan lied thereto, at prices ï¬xed by the mil, and on the terms of an xment providing for the payment he purchase price, one-quarter l and the balance in three equal ill instalments. (AH WOOD FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS {OYâ€"VVood Dealer 00d; any length. A] and oats. Delive‘ h." replied the 3-111 1' t 01:11 better look at he 11 l. Apply , Goldalc 11 Mill. THER DESIRES HOME FOR I) BABY (Catholic), 6 weeks ll TOWN OF TIMMINS imnwdiate p1 nrs or omism oi Old Country 1. Apply 22 to. house, an; _U( HIM El! 1t Timmins this 1 r, AND 19'; 7. ll 3011 it 1H 11 m a NOTICE ,H ays that he had an abs: t- owner in his chair the “Will you take gas? ’ he II :1 V I] which 1118 h O “"11 you corre Jutibcault top {1001 \VANTED-(f l( If ll qu llitV *lll LV ) V buttin t 01‘ HIV ‘ll s rlgm ts from aw. the 1(‘1’k of .1 mquoi 1)? CE from 1V 1t 1n MON- TGONIERY, Clerk" IT try, «people. 23 Hollin; an v evenin itk‘ MM} .\1 ( )Rl‘ schedule of prices went for sale may 3 Clerk ’5 Ofï¬ce in any time during: ownsite of (M IIOIN In provided, th: ng property ght to pure um the final I the. Council l‘lCé I'ICCS l\'( 20.00 'Heup Childrt Ont. V1 1] (. l\'( 1b Munh ll ans, th'. )CI'S‘. Il (:‘rENL’INI s reasona 279\V‘3. 1 Reed 1ft£ Daly, whom 7th day of “(91‘ am ll I]! n (it! 1‘ II 1H 31‘ month‘ Secretary All kinds dealer in right L at 1 an home $10 D01 Mayor ll after 6 -39- .H 37-44!) ph 13“. ’ South Porcupine, Ontario. ient-,- Qolicitor for Verna Rayner, Executrix oii,‘ Dated the 14th day of September, AD. 1927. -37-39 1t 09$ 191) 39; li 111V if 0! Ill oi: their accounts, and the nature 01 the securities (if any) held by them, duly veriï¬ed. And take notice, that. after such last mentio' ed date, the said executrix will proeel to distribute the assets of the said/deceased among the parties enâ€" titl' d thereto, having regard only to Elf/claims of which she shall then »‘ ave notice, and that the said execu- trix will not be liable for the said' assets or any part thereof to any per- son or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by her at the time of such distribution. dresses : tlculars of their requlred on October, 19‘ paid, or do the solicit-01 estate of 1 Christian 11: Dated at Timmins, this Eighth d of September, A.D. 19137. \VILLIAM (.). LANGDON, Solicitor for Jessie Gihsc In the Matter of the Estate of Mary Jane Sheppard, late of the Settle- ment of South Porcupine, in the District of Cochrane, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 56 of the T1ustee Act (R. S. O. 1914, Chapter 1 31), that all creditors and others hax 1119; claims or demands against the estate of the said Mary Jane Sheppard, who died on or about the 7th day of March, AD. 1927, are renuired on or before the 7th day of In the Matter of the Estate of David ' Him-ins Gibson, late of the Township of ‘liwl 0. Beatty. in the District of Coch- Mm'vh rane, deceased. gin the suns lmvmg any chums « against. the late David (. died on or about; the TW( October, 1916, at the ’1‘ NOTICE TO CREDITORS Serial N and Wm under t? the Mar I301 I‘PDOS warm 1' ment was entered into by Bill Eliefl and D. Petreï¬ with Marshall-Beale stone Limited on the 8th day of June 1927, for the purchase of a used Dui rant Touring Car, Model (3, \o.11736 Serial No.1457, License \0. 363 379 and Whereas default has been made under the aforesaid agrwment and BOARDING HOUSE FOR SALI 14 rooms, furnished complete, uptown district. Reasonable tar to responsible party. Apply to O. Box 1704, Timmius, ()nt. 29 Pf. ) I HOT at ht 3!) U llf. H ï¬nished. St. South vial Ave. ‘ph \Vhere and. all conveniences Mgpilp street south; CARD OF THANKS 3.9 01.1w II HOUSES FOR SALE »r deliver to the undersigned, ieit-or for the. executrix of the 0f the said deceased, their in names and surnames, ad- and descriptions, the full par- , of their claims, or statement r accounts, and the nature of urities (if any) held by them, lll SA Ll‘l-â€"â€"H( AUCTION SALE (‘IH notice the as, a Conditional Sale agree.â€" 5 entered into by Bill Elieï¬ Petreï¬ with Marshallofltcle- tht FOR SALEâ€"~11 hall I‘H we 1 1d Ml ll( \V. G. BOWLES, IN] 11 I'U )1 101'va 'U( sold by 4th'day at Mt [1H elven-u nd In fur t to l\ )1' mm. bargam u't her in fornu‘ltion laruvk St. after 4 111111 ll pp] y l€ it nah - 19‘2" send by post, pre- to the undermgned, tho executrix of the Il I‘immin _' for Jessie Gibson, Admlmstratrix. )llS( watt 11' «12-11mm en :ll llf .vutt ivvn th 110 It above menti rumm A of ()ctobex m( )lll 1011 has been agreement 10 Lunitec 1(1 nder of llSt 1is 26th I) B R 1‘} W 14) R ill-I .119 1n and we 10S Balsa ill 11 21nd .s 51x rooms Apply to 70 :38!) ll ton ()ntm (UV UIl Auctionet m1 1t . all porâ€" dmnands 1} it I'OOIUS l( .S‘LLH ) H stunt 1V1“ :lV 3913i ()IH 11.111 no R!) 1n rms ll .Hl 0:“? NOTICE TO CREDITORS H 21 _V m ()I One can’t drive a limousine and lead a simple lifeu-at the same time. nt‘ ()ntm Furthe Dean Kc- tarm. , Da Septe 0t below In huln‘ 0f Between : FRANK B. EDGAR and CELINA EDGAR by writ and McCHESNBY 8: SONS and R. HOGGARTH made par- ties in the Master’ 3 Ofï¬ce. 0rd with IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COCHRANE and 1 not it any 1: Plaim notim Du rod third ('13 Solicitm‘ for ()1 tratrix. m we qlured liver 42111115 and state mums and the 11211 hvld by them. if 211 And take notim toonth (lay of UM said ()lga Johnson tribute the assets mmmg' the >1mrso having: 'l'eg‘ard on which she shall 11‘ In the matter of the estate of Olaf Johnson, late of the Town of Tim- mins, in the District of Cochrane, deceased. Nutice is hereby given that all per- .wns having :mv claims or demands 1t 'l‘iuunin. Auctioneer normn for trix 0f tlu Johnst‘ 1’11†«1) \\'( Bay, to he built by and Bardessono, of commenced during (,‘ont 'acts were let f( the foundations, and menued on Saturday peeted that the steel \ pleted before, wintel Mr. )Iascioli was in Grand First Principal of the Royal Arch Masons, of Canada, accompanied by Rt. 3x. Comp. Frank Smiley, Grand Superintendent of 'lemiskam- ing District, and Rt. Ex. Comp. C Vi. lidentschel, paid ol‘ï¬cial Visit to Nor~ thorn Lights Chapter, Royal Arch Masons on Saturday. The address by the Grand Principal on, Canada and Its Place in the Empire was an elo- quent and inspiring one indeed, and oomprehesive and informative. He was presented with a gold nugget weight as a souvenir of his visit. WORK STARTED LAST WEEK ON NORTH BAY’S BIG HOTEL ay .mtl t‘ 1H OFFICIAL VISIT HERE OP ROYAL ARCH OFFICIAL. 'I‘U frHE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, LIA‘IMMINS, UNTARIO As suggested :(ruk the actual ion of the bu: 110 111011 .1 itiml, . l) 41 1‘1 1m- t'or sale made in this cans wing date I'oslmctiufl)’ the 21: April, 1926, and the 20th .d Member, .1927, there will be lh {he amn'ohatiox‘l of His H B. 'l‘. Karon, Master of this 4 )1) \\'( 'l‘l ursuant It th day of ()etoher, A1). 1927, the ()lga Johnson will proceed to dis- ite the assets of the, said Estate mg; the, persons entitled thereto, ng regard only to the claims of h she shall then have had notice, that the said ()lga Johnson will he liable for the said assets or part. thereof to any person whose :1 she shall not then have received mhe mh ()1) ost ll TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION of Timmin '1 V mu H 1926 (â€M )It ARDY E. GEN TILE rm; tlu )r ()1 at 'l‘immins, this Twenty ' of September, ;\.D. 1927. \VILLIAM (). LANGrDON, lots (.5 r 1nd 0| \'ill be flu wantc :nml) A? hem D< (m the Led 1n mute: Phone 468.}, LD. 192?. “J. B. T. CAROX†ml on, M ()ntm O( 11 Ill NOTICE Comp. Kenneth Dunstan; Principal of the Royal s, of Canada, accompanied Comp. Frank Smiley, rintendent of Temiskam- :1} erehy given that all per- any claims or demands late ()laf Johnsun, who 1b0ut the 19th (lay of at the Town. of Timmins, nae of ()mnrin, are re- H rs in writm-g tatemonts of a nature 011' Hit it“ any. .ga Johnson, Adminis- -39-41 W N 11 M 1' 0 (fl in The Advance last work on the construc- new hotel for North 1nd '7 M 0 m 11H {If 1!) 5! 1v tum (11 May, but also ï¬nancing the prop lscioli and Bank p 1' .1†ulgrmeut EX STIRI l\'( mt 211M n'ty (40) m olumbus Av of 'I‘immins lll'nl DEFENDANTS 1111 stump and grub Messrs Mascioli Tim nuns. was ll an hi )pment 1111111111 {K )E 20031 mid, m PLAINTIFF [11111 13th day of )1 '0 TIM the 1101: 11c 01" HH? their a securiti ~ [11111 10.00 rm '0†and ï¬nal lUSC ancl Blast UH .unm'uck 39-4111) )l’ (3011088 “11511111 :1 ml in Sl'ew (‘1 ING, 3mm. pe com- ets in. ay for m'k in pleted, in the HM :11: th( propo ‘ da\ 1y of 501d mom (m it )ll 1‘ rom On- ter 111‘ ll] 1nd if )I SUDDEN DEATH OF MR. E. M. LEGAULT, SATURDAY “golf†that of the trip on Sum] started a resxd home it taking cemetet flu it With the "'ain pouring down on Sun- day, Wilfred Fauvelle, J13, is credited with rolling a peanut down Lang street. with the aid of a hockey stick, this heing‘ the penalty required from a hot: he made to the effect. that Jack .l')(21111.»se.\’ would beat Tunney in the hi}: tight. last week. The condition of the bet was that: the loser should â€golf†the peanut: from his home to that of the other party to the wager, the trip to be made in broad daylight- on Sunday. As soon as the game was started there was a crowd around and hefore the distrance had been eoverml, there were more. people watching the [)Gl‘fOI‘ll'lanCC than had been to (church that day. However. been the 1: THE OLD PEANUT GAME STILL GOING IN COBALT. DEATH OF S. WITCHACZ IN MONET‘A LAST WEEK \\' a S \V a S \V (P I w h 0 WJ 1.111me t 2095 out funeral {1‘0 left to mourn :he sympathy of H I'lll ()n M 2' In \1 at ll 1i Ill whalt still ml was Anthony â€12an 'ymgr t 110 Ml will 3111 who hm 11110 throng of the Wat, ot Children Adults l( THREE 33;: Thursday - Friday - Saturday ES; THE WORLD’S GREATEST FIGHT! I THEATRE 11111] The programme commences sharp at 8.30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 30, in Finnish Hall, Timmins Monday, October 3rd, in Maple Leaf Theatre, Schumacher Wed., Oct. 5, Goldfields Theatre, Timmins The National Ukrainian Dancing School together with Mandolin Orchestra of the Ukrainian Labor-Farmer Temple Association’s Branch in Timmins presents Moneta last week, the place on Friday to ‘ y. The late Mr. V lative of Poland, and :’ age. Death was (lllt A widow and three to mourn his loss and ltlll Concert and Folk Dancing irl 1‘1 numhvl rich and colourful programme of combined entertainmentâ€"concert and dancing, which includes beautiful Ukrainian Melodies and Folk Dancing M '11 D mph the tlu As soon as the. game was 2 was a crowd around the distranee had been me were more people , performance than had 'ch that day. However, backed Dempsey and lost, oughout, and fulï¬lled the wager to the very letter. Price of tickets will be announced on posters 1V SOLDIERS FIE In H Mm 3 were mom 1:;erformancc 1 A that day. ‘ ICde Dompsm Gene Tunney outboxes and beats Dempsey to a Standstill This attraction, the greatest the world has had is in addition to the regular programme loves 11 Fifth ltit'ul ault .uva ll ullt \V bereaved th‘e am '051 sympathy of .al 1' sudden loss. TIM 1 on Wednesday h Inn-h and cenwterx his loss and all will be e IV V indi mduc MATINEE 2.30 II .1b0ut six .l( H ot V1( l( )0 tt avmme, at many frlem Ins suddt JACK DEMPSEY 911/2 only 01d THE FIGHTERS IN TRAINING ! DEMPSEY’S 7th ROUND RALLY ! TUNNEY’S SLASHING FINAL RALLY ! SLOW MOTION PICTURES OF THE CRITICAL MOMENTS ! tlun Ofï¬cial Motion Pictures Taken at the Ringside [e funeral Timmms \Vitchacz :\Yl tribute in \\'hit‘ xt‘vmh [0 sili- lildren Flifth death The 11% a l l 1“ h e 111 game: to press, though the. question involved has been freely discussed from all angles. Neither does a de- ï¬nite decision appear to be in sight so far. 1101). Peter Heenan, Minister of Labour, is presiding at the. con- ference, while, according to the despatches from Ottawa, Grant Hall, Negotiations for a settlement of the wage dispute between the Canadian Paciï¬c, the Canadian National, and the Temiskaming and Northern 0n- tario railways and the 7000 locomotive engineers employed by these compan- tended by representatives of all the railways and the locomotive engineers concerned. The despatches from Ot- tawa this week indicate that no agree- ment was reached up to the time of going to press, though the question involved has been freely discussed from all angles. Neither does a de- ios is under way this week at a con ference being held at Ottawa and at NEGOTIATING OVER WAGE DISPUTE WITH ENGINEERS 20c. p 7 ac. LAST WEEK THIS WEEK PRICES VERSUS LD, CHICAGO GENE TUNNEY Lower Floor Balcony - vice-president of the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway; S. J. Hungerford, vice~presi« dent of the Canadian National Rail- ways, J. B. Ward, general chairman, CPR... locomotive engineers, \Villiam Dewar, general chairman, (‘.N.l{.., loco- motive engineers, and R. S. Cobb, of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi- neers, were among the participants in the discussion which was held in camera. The locomotive engineers have requested a 15 per cent. increase in wages. Thursday, Sept. 29th,1927 Home Site For Sale Three blocks from Mattagami Heights Post Ofï¬ce. Lots 38 8t 39 Plan M-26. Enquire at Real Es- tate ofï¬ce or City Hall for location and see these desirable lots. Owner in Toronto Wishes immediate sale. Make Offerâ€"Box S.R. Advance Ofï¬ce. EVENING 8.30 THREE - $1.00 - 75c.