Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 22 Sep 1927, 1, p. 7

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19. Second relay post will be Moore ’5 Com Schoolâ€"twoqnile lap. ‘20. Third relay post, will be Hotel llailoyburyâ€"ll/z-mile lap. :21. Fourth relay post will be Bucke Council Chambers, North Cobaltâ€" two-mile lap. : Y. M. C. A It 104 15. Ent'nnts will assemble at C0- bnlt “Y” at 1:30 o'clork sharp, for final instructions and to he transport- ml to starting and relay posts. En- trants must submit to medi‘al exam- ination. at. relay posts. 17.11am will start at 3 0" sharp in front of Speaker oflico, Liskeard. 18. First- relay post. will be fessor Sharp’s residenceâ€"two out on l t. In event. of surknoss 01: any run- nvr “1' any other oxnorgcx‘ugv, suitst’ac- tm'y- proof must be supplied commit- tee half an hour before start of race. 1'3. Each team must be vertifiod by (*xouutive of organization which is being represented. 13. Proof of age must be supplied, if demanded. 14. Three or more teams must be .ap anus or IHE Im-cnv % HEW Hm, lllllflflifl 22; Open to All Residents of the North Land Prom Temagami to Cochrane 1“. ("111‘s will he In'ovided to trans- lort runners to startlngr and relay 0515. Cars will also plck up runners Phone 88 3031, Wood, Ice, Peed £5 Transfer QUALITY SERVICE [f it is feed you want we have n. HARNESS SHOP TRUCK TRANSFER Agents for Cockshutt Plow Co. Gilson Manufacturing Co. (1:1 Bests‘lalue U Porcupine Feed Transfer C0. ymgr name must I 1111 ('(n‘npoting'. bf. A (-aptain of 0 pointed, his name rm, who will he 11 .v1 of his team. 5). Entries 01050 (i M. Any change t': Isl be filed before The Geo. Taylor Hardware Ltd. _tion. in .01'1111 Clectrical Repairs IN lint 'ants must he Nurth, \’i7.., along tlu ; .\'."(). Railway, nm' ll .Ilt In event. of sickness ()1: ' any other mnorgonm', proof must he supplimi all" an hour before star be open t( h, and the alliliation Suluany upine have :., that. The ll l'lntrant nt. addx' Teams 1 ”(a lap I‘V lin Jud post Fifth relay post will be Mileage 9l1iiolâ€"txvo-mile lap. Finish will be in front of Cobalt C. A., Silver street, Cobaltâ€"â€" PHONE 45m. Balsam Street 8.. Timmins 'v general mm 1 in this part of e announcement Northern News to be run on () it hall, is the secret ,md regulatlons an on day of race vams “'1“ be c :15 ace ntrants must VIII miles, starting 111d finishing in Contracting JAMES REED IS ( HIM issued by the 001m of which Fred R‘ s chairumn, and P‘rc .2? The Northern N( [1. is the secretary he event of one, organization two or more teams, an 1(1011- amo must. be applied to ouch ll I‘ll 1H t1 H runner at r( will ll'lll ny pvrson except reliev 'rn News 'l‘rl-Lflty Relay run on October 22nd. It l to all residents of the he event is being conduct- ion with the Cobalt Y. M. my in Timmins and South ave shown interest in the .‘hc Advance is publishing v complete rules 01' the led by tlw committee in whioh Fred Rogers, of airman, and Frederick P. s must adhere to course mnmittee. s must remain in road‘ 11 sidmmlks will be per- 1m will carry a copy of News. same to he passed will gaxm, and 5011111 of am hrane. . must have resided :1 35 six months or over. lust. represont. an organ 1'6 and 01' rota wa y will 15' post. .mner U p.111., ‘ from oI‘i '0 date 5‘ interest South Porcupine zwh team must. be to Show 011 entry sponsible for con- not ht composed over course of rest: has been the North Land of the first an- 'I‘ri-(_.7ity Relay under {H1 1H residents of . route of the th of and in- snuth of and ubalt ()(‘tnhvl‘ 1H 1'11le 3 0 ’clock W 01‘ vs staff These follows: W of Sid (I .nt 1‘_\‘ years t’ro- mile IS In of \V IS 32. Starter will be Mayor P. J. Grant, of New Liskeard; finishing jnggwill be Mayor Frank Lendrum, .colours to be worn by runners, colours to be later designated by general com- mittee. For a real permanent finish on new car nothing is better than miles an hour (we ' a. level crossing. Ottawa Journel. , In Japan it is possible to tell whether a girl is married or single by her hair. In this country you are lucky if you can tell her from her bro- thenâ€"Detroit News. ' An aviator sajvs that ten years from now it will be perferlly safe to travel by air. By that time it may not be safe tn travel any other \\'a_\'.â€"â€"-Ottaw:71 lmry and Cobalt) relay race, at a date to he later announced. The Northern News, Cobalt, is sponsoring the affair. Although complete details of the race have not. yet. been worked out, present plans are to have. the race start in New Liskeard, possibly in front’ot' The New Liskeard,Speaker office, and end in front of The Northern News otliee, Cobalt. The race. is being run in affiliation with Cobalt. Y. M. C. A. Details will he announced later. Teams will he composed of six boys, the age limit to be announced later. The race is open to all residents- of the North. TRI-CITY RELAY RACE NOW PLANNED BY COBALT PAPER man Luke Goldfields (‘mupzmy have been Ameriran interests and mont p1n.rg1'z11111110 is now meat have uncovered, since las spring, 12 large veins in all on thei: 28 claims and photographs showing, the development work done 'an in soon at the Toronto officv of the com pany. The Henry Bros. No. 1 vein, oi claim 4088, which gave. assays as hig! as $274.00 and $510.80 from we whicl (lid not. ShUW visible grohl, has hoe) traced through the southern end of th. Woman L (‘mnpany’ stund that «.mtiou on laflflr’ fnr.’ If? .07? I””..I’”.” I.’ ”’//’//zfi/’l””"y”f ”fl Limited. This claim is located in the northern part of their property about a mile north of the previous discovery of free gold on claim 1707 about three week ago, which gave a channel assay 01 $27. 88 in rrold to the ton. The dis- coverv on claim 1750 was examined h} cuvery 0m: ()1 Mr. C‘ \V of 3-}. Prizes will be as follows: (a) A shield for annual competition, to remain property of The Northern News, and held each year by winning team; (b) silver cups will be awarded each member of winning: team; (0) silver medals will be awarded each member of team in second place. that \\ FREE GOLD DISCOVERY NOW REPORTED AT WOMAN LAKE claim nptiou 1m the Henry Bros. claims and that diamond 111i1linu- max possiblv 1+111111nence this tall with the idea at pimosing up the p111perty. The Hemy Bros. made the discovery of free gold 51) claim 55"2 quite. recently in addi- [inn t1) the discovery made 1111 claim “’88. Both of these discoveries lie in l‘he tee \\'( l( ntom 01.1 1'11 t JILC ()I'V' I! .\H tlu man 5'. made the discovery 01' free gold :laim 5522 quite recently in addi- to the discovery made on claim 5. Both of these discoveries lie in territory optioned to the Timmins Decision of the general commit- will be final. RED AND GREEN Slate Surfaced Roofingr in Strip Shingles unl Rolls. Asphalt Roofing and Sheathings. Spruce Building Paper. J ohnW. Fogthd Head Office Yud ‘I'Ims. ONT ms are underway for t t,:'iâ€"cit_\~' (New Liskezu and Cobalt) relay race . later announced. The s. Cobalt. is spunsoring A COMPLETE STOCK OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER Clear 151;. 1111‘ V. .Jomti pr Floorin'zz SpIuce. Flooring V. 1 lap; White Pine Featheredge: Pine D0015 in stock sizes; Sash of our leading mining engineers, Cyril Knight. and' also by several men representing owners of terri- adjoining these claims. All state it looked very interesting. onmn Lake Goldfields Dovelop- : have uncovered. sinve lust W Lumber, Building Materials, Coal and Cake, Mine and Mill Suppfies N that the work OK sh 'mnnwnce 0n the Jack 11)’ the southern part. Jake area will (1011th P this coming fall 2‘ hares of the Jackson- uselv hold. is officially reported that. free in place has been discovered on 1750, on the property of the an Lake Goldfields Develmnnent. balt. Phone 117 tn Kt propel .ulin Goldhk U )rk 0t lill'L‘S of tho “'0- (15 Development m optioned to 1nd the devvhn» uhorn end 0f the his Development It is under- l‘immins has the Development )(‘ll’l 11H 1ft sinkil on-Manit Ill t} runn 1 ll Hailex wint form 11 Joint; Gyproc; Hardwood ll' ll ll jHave You a Cold? STOP IT! I usn present is lacking, to a large extent. As Mr. Dewar views it, many younger sons of farmers down South are faced with the prospect of getting out into the towns and eities as teainsters, etc., when probably they would prefer to farm, but there is no land available near home. \Vere they to come North, naturally their relatives and friends would pay them visits, and thus a to give the matter thelr eonsldermion, he said, and it is likely that further steps will be taken to this end at no distant: date. Mr. Dewar considers that if.’ the younger sons of Ontario farmers can be induced to come up and see‘ the North for themselves, they will be prepared to settle in the districts of 'l‘emiskaming' and (‘oeh 11110.. This not only would provide the North with a good class of citizens, but would bring: to their relatives in the South an in- terest in Northern Ontario that at present. is lacking, to a large extent. As Mr. Dewar views it, many younger alun highway will aeeomplish a deeided step forward as regart‘ls eo-operation between the north and south parts of Ontario. He deelared that he had taken up both with Premier Ferguson and with Hon. William li‘inlayson, Minister of Lands and Forests, the matter of bringing before the atten- tion of the rural inhabitants of old Ontario the mlvantaees to be obtained in farming- in the. northern part of their province. While he had made no suggestions to the members of the UtH'CI'IHIH dvfinite 1 to HIEHWM AlflfAflV PflflVfli llf BIG VMUE Ill NUHIH large measure of success that certain- ly attended the venture. er. Dewar has not taken any credit in the mat- ter, but it should he handed to him. In the interview referred to, Mr. Dewar gave the opinion that. the Cru- sade and the opening; of the Ferguson highway will avwmplish a derided step forward as regart‘ls coâ€"operation the northern end, refers to the value of the highway and the good etfeets likely to resalt from the Crusade. He points out that ever),'thing3r had gone off in splendid fashion, and he felt that something real had been accom- plished in bringing about better co- operation between the people of the North and the South. Mr. Dewar paid special tribute to the efforts of the Ontario Government, the City of To- ronto, the Ttironto Board of Trade, the‘City of Hamilton, the workers in the North, and all others \\'li()'"liad contributed to making.r the Crusade the remarkable success he believed it had been. There was one big force re- sponsible in very large measure for the unqualified success of the event. that received no mention from Mr. Dewar." That force was Mr. Dewar himself, who gave the finest and most talented of services to the hard work involved in the undertaking, and he deserves the greatest credit for the Settlement Encouraged by Roadway. Case of Settlers Near Matheson. Alec Dewar Talks of Ef- fects of the Crusade In an interview after his return from the Northern Ontario Crusade to Toronto, Mr. Alec Dewar, of Iroquois Falls, president of the Northern ()n- tario Associated Boards of Trade, and who was in charge of the Crusade at lSKt THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, UNTARIO Next Goldrange Hotel. Phone 119 111ml Prescriptions Promptly and Accurately Filled. GUARANTEED RELIEF 60C SOUTH END PHARMACY th( The ministérs had promised the Illatter their consido ‘atiou, , and it is likely that further '31! be taken to this end at no ASPROLAX Joint Clea in st nt Incantinu lzms along t1 It some acti .‘ lines indi and Ship- .r Fir and 0c}; Sizes. Ytrd SCHUMACHER Phone 5333. 1g this line, 11 aetu'e pmpa indlcatcd mi; 1L had lulu WOLF SAID TO HAVE BEEN SEEN ON THE HIGHWAY days ago, aft'm'noun at Mileag thought il haw been thoughts highway, or llee from it like the 1)lugue,â€"«(lepending on whether they believe what they write or not. A wolfi has aetualLv been seen on the highway, it' reports of reliable people are to be credited. 'l‘wo North Bay men report seeing the lone wolf some days ago, between six and seven in the afternoon. The wolf was on the road at )‘Iilezlgeg43. The party in the *ur thought it was a (log at first. It may have been true in this ease that first the South since the road had been ex- tended through to Cochrane. Accord- ing to the information gained, three of them, travelling in an ancient fliv- ver, had come up to visit friends, and they had been so impressed by the possibilities of farming that they had made enquiries regarding land that might be purchased. Learning: that three properties were available in a certain part, they had negotiated with the owner, a man living: in one of the Northern towns, and had returned home to hold a eonsultaton. They promptly came back, bringing with them two other men, and the upshot was that all five decided to locate in the district. The original party came through shortly after the Swastika- Ramore stretch of road had been com- pleted. t‘h( In this connection, it was learned during the Crusade that five farms in the section north of Matheson had been disposed of to young men from closer bond would be forged between the two parts of the provnice. 'lid the beast att: ‘21] Toronto Sta lone. Instead, t t noted the app} ml and made for hat would 11m} rreen with envy 1) UH ()I't It md 5 very probable no“ that pecial “titers of. The fay men l‘ho am iif'f will 1t true in fhi ire best. '9 best. However, the ten are sure that it was :1 animal did not stop the 111) all the urcupants, 1101‘ : attack the .‘211', as a typi- Star wolf would have ad, the animal, as soon as armruach ot' thv car turn- mpruach ot' the (r for the bush with make Ford’s n -1 u m from It rml's new 111' may be noted, 1H ll mm sun 0 f During the summer months the social clubs usually discontinue their regular indoor meetings, resuming these when the cooler weather comes. Last week announcement was made that the Cal- edonian Society of T immins would hold a social evening on Friday, Sept. 30th, in the Hollinger Recreation hall. This will re-open the series of social meetings for the season. A pro- gramme of much interest is expected for the occasion, and a large attend- ance is likely. Ladies are asked to bring refreshments for the occasion. The following meeting, in October, will he the. annual meetiner of the. societ‘Y. however, that tourists need not count on views of wolves as an regular part of the scenery along the Ferguson highway. The wolf is by mo means a bold fellow and has a decided avers- ion to making public appearances. Unlike the. model child, the wolf is heard but not seen. SOCIAL EVENING, SEPT. 30 BY CALEDONIAN SOCIETY Marshall-Ecclestone Ltd. By virtue of a warrant issued by the Reeve of the Township of Calvert hearing date the 2nd day of August A.D., 1927; sale of lands in arrears for taxes in the Township of Calvert will be held at the Municipal Hall of Ansonville, Ont., at the hour of Ten o’clock in the forenoon on the 12th day of November A.D., 1937, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of. taxes is being published in the Ontario Gazette on the 6th,d3tll, 220th, and 27th day of August, 1927, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. TREASURER’S OFFICE This 20th day of August, 1927. PAUL DUBE, 34-46. Treasurer. TO WIT: TREASURER’S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Thursday, "Sept. 22nd, 1927 TOWNSHIP OF CALVERT District of Cochrane I. K. Pierce Furniture Co. £5627. a 7‘1‘

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