Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 22 Sep 1927, 2, p. 11

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< - . T‘W'WvW‘?"‘ w ‘4“. x ‘ ’ .h- ‘-"‘*‘ .' ' w of... Mn 1.x - - v - - ~77 . _- .\. \_ ‘ a “j ‘ t t ._ _’.\ “. ii i i . ‘ N \ \ \ \ . Not new, but bet- ter. *En - at - CO a, . Motor Oil always was and alwayS will be better. It‘s "Te raspoagopms Any Axes. Tourists. ONTARIO __..__.â€"â€"~ o..- ~.â€"â€".â€"â€"â€"...â€"wâ€"..â€"â€"â€" IllIllill’lllllllllllllll‘ tu-cho moron on OKOGIOOW '. I)- . - .; .. .‘, , WM?! I08! GASOLIN‘ I’ll, lltliqilmnlllloc ( My '. n a. - J? -_I .. . ~ . Ste \ w \\ \y .j x x r ‘ \ ‘ .. ‘ 'Q i ' Sees Great Future in Stere For This Great North Land Pembroke Man Gives Impression of the Country as Seen From the Ferguson Highway. ers to Consider the North as a Place. "to Settle. Advises Young Farm- Thinks Highway Is Valuable Project Mr. ii. I). l’iiggs, a prominent lteiiâ€" jl'o‘\\ t'ouiity man, has heeii giving 'l‘iie l'c'.ltlH'Hl\'t‘ Naiidardâ€"t)hservei' some ot his impressions alter a ti'ip along a small part ot' the Ferguson highway. Mr. Biggs was very t'avourahly im- t elay hell. it is to he hoped that next year Mr. lliggs will make a eoiiiplete trip over the l’erguson highway and its t'eeders. He will he douhly eii- tliusiastie in regard to the luiiiheriiig and ag'rieiiltural possihili-- pressed with the North Land, but it ties ot' the North liand. should he remarked that he only saw .I eomparatively Slllilll‘ part (it the North. So far as the mining eountry is: eoneerned, he missed the higgest m. (,r I}... ”I...“ North. part, inning to proeeed to .liiiiiiiins his trip, The p..mt,,.,,k(. mmnim-tptp‘ his trip. and the l’oreupine. Here he would IMr. Bigg's made a good start this year. however. Apparently, he is oh- servant and appreeiative ot' the prom- lt’elative to l’eiiihroke Standard- '1‘ he have seen the greatest individual gold- (HM-prep]. lug-t w'eek _<;[\'g:.-.-..~ produeing' mine in the world. He ".‘ollltl have seen a mining eaiiip proâ€" dueing more than three times as mueh gold in a year as the other gold eamps he visited, and that. has to date pi-odueed seven times as iiiueh ot' the preeious metal as has heeii produeed elsewhere. In line agricultural land, Mr. liggs also missed iiiueli hy eurâ€" tailiiig his tour to the North. He missed the stretelies ot‘ l'ariiiiiig land around li’aiiiore. Mathesoii. Monteith. lrmpiois halls. and other eentres, and on the l’oreupine branch. He missed the tai'iiis hetweeii .l’oriuiis .luiietioii and ('oelirane. Around ('oehraiie he would have seen farms the equal of anything down south. Had he gone 1 ol Kapuskasing‘, he would .iaye l 5". \: ml opportunity to see a real t'ei'tile t 1‘. *4- fl -' 'u': ‘ II III ..0u: at. 1.1,, i Pure wholesome, invigor- ating. Equal in strength I II"... and flavour to the best beer ever brewed. Ask your Dealer or write Cream of Matt Limited, 44-46 Pearl St., Toronto. 2521b. can $1.50. lune-I'll . one-o... III .. DUI-ICIQIII-l-II l "Some of his Northern Ontario have heeii given to The Standard-t)hserver hy Mr. (1. l).. l’iiggs. who returned last Monday from a motor trip on the l“erguson highway in eoiiipany with \Villiaiii Remus, .\lhert lt’emus and lidward llemus. The party travelled in Mr. William lleiiius' ear and the TH“ miles were made on t'ortyâ€"two gallons or gas and three pints ot' oil. "Leaving l’emhroke on Monday morning otf last week, the party reaelied North Hay in the evening and remained there over night. ”North liay is the gateway to tilt .t'astest expanding and iiiost pi'otlltt'~ tive seetion ot' ('anada. whit-Li has given $~ltltl,tlt)ti,tltlll in gold and silver to the lloiiiiiiioii in twenty years. [last year stitiJlttthooo in mineral amt pulp shipped to the l'iiited States. l'uesday iiiorniiig' they started on their journey north on the new Fergu- son highway, ot' whieh so iiiueli has heen heard. '1 have heard Mr. l’ei'gu soii eritieized tor the great evpendiâ€" ture ot’ $3,000,000 that it took to huild this road,‘ stated Mr. llig'g's. ‘I would advise anyone who is in douht ot' the North to take a motor trip, and he will ehange his mind.‘ \\'tl>’ I “'l'he l“i-i'f;itstiii highway the most interesting roads iii t-ie l’roviiiee. as the southern part or it runs through titty miles. ot' virgin timher iii the 'l‘eiiiagami bores: lie serye that has never had an a\e in it. .\ person who has never had the pleaâ€" sure ot seeing' these great l'oi'ests eati- is one or not realtie their ln-auty without see in: them tor hiiiiselt. liie li‘ighwa\ also tops what many people eoiisider the tiiiest group ot' lakes in .\ltii-l'lt'.‘t. at 'l‘eiiiagaiiii. This is ' one has sight or the railway. eanoes and guides ean he hired at t':is point. as this is pi'aetieally the only ' 'l‘eiiia'rami is se e:.fy ‘ o " i. . u t. ill" lil‘= zl‘tt'” ) . let'tls. llll~lllt‘\\' dolie. miles t'i‘om North; l-lay. "'l‘he lli‘\t to\\li is Lateiitord. a heautit'ul spot on the Montreal river. .\I this point it ltil'g'e eonerete dalii has heen eonsti'ui'ted hy the Northern l’o\\el‘ lle\elop!iielit llt'ptli‘tliielil. 't‘hree sawmills are operating. euttiiig The Joy of Accomplishment To save money may require that you make some sacrifice, but if a stated sum is placed in a Savings Bank account at regular intervals, your money, with the interest it earns soon grows and you experience the joy of accom- plishment. There is :1 Savings Bank Depart- ment at every branch of this Bank. .. IMPERLAL BANK OF CANADA numas BRANCH. . SOUTH PORCUPINE BRANCH. - ° D. SUTHERLAND. Manager. - J. PAUL MICHAUD. Manager. mining, lers were still eutting' hay, which was impressions or; .\r tiiiihei' that is taken from the reserve, ; as in dit't‘erent seetioiis the older tini- , her is dying and to avoid the loss ' these sections are auetioned ot't'. : "the next stop was t'ohat‘i. land olf; silver. With 21 population ot 3AM”) peo~i ’ple. 'l'he Nipissing and ti‘llrien mines and Nipissin; li’etinery were the t'lllt‘li, t'i'litres ot' industry. l ".\iiotlier ten miles to llaileyhm‘y, a spot or heatity at the head'ol' Lake, 'l'einiskaining. this is the oldest town.’ The lll'i'tit’w‘u ot' tioltli‘ll Lodge. No. on the route.-as it eould he reaelied 33"- -'\. l“. LN' A. M. pilid I! t'l'att'l'nzll 'l‘ite populationlvisit o l’riday night last to -\hitilii at any time hy water. H is ahout f‘lJHltl people. many or whom; Lodge No, trill. .\. l‘. LY .\. .\l.. aoou‘i one hundred ot' lllt iiieuihers (it work at t‘ohalt. llaileyhurv is essen- tiallv a residential town. . .ihe Masoitie erat't motoring over to "i\ drive of five miles will bring iroiluois halls tor the event. The one to New l.iskeard. also on Laketlllil.l”l'll,\' ”l ill“ (‘le'r‘ lt‘l‘l llt‘l't‘ Illlolll ,'l‘emiskaiiiiiig', with a population ot'ftit'e o'eloek. returning ahout tour o'- ahout “Loon, Delightful Evening Spent by Members of Golden Beaver Lodge as Guests of Abitibi Lodge. Iroquois Falls, Friday Night. ltit‘itl i I ' i l i Here one is in the great ' eloek on Saturday iiioriiiiig'. all reportâ€" ag'rieultural helt, as far as the. eyeing“ a very eirioyahle visit, and speak- , will earry one run look over miles and . ills" \‘t‘l'N lllfâ€""lll.\' "l ill“ l“"l’ll”lll.\' ‘fl. ,miles or rieh heavy soil, with goodltlie Masome ('rat'tsiiieii at lroiiueis i t'l‘Ulb‘ tl‘l‘MVing. The grain was mostlyi halls. Many l'arm-i ,ripe, but “HI“ “l. ll ('lll- The visitors oeenpied the ('liilll" in ’he lodg‘e tor the husiness part ot‘ the meeting. all repairing- at'terwards to the l’arish llall ot' St. Mark's Angliâ€" ean t'hureh, where an eiijoyahle han- iiuet was served. t'ollowed hy an iiite.'~ in ahundanee. " "l‘liousands oti aeres (it this land is yet availahle,’ said Mr. Riggs, ‘and: I would stroi‘igly advise any young; iman who wants to farm to see tlielt'fillltu' l'l‘ttil'IHllHHH Wot. l-li'o. l‘uil- 'eouiitry, as it has a fJ'l‘eat t'uture t'or aillilll “1 ll'ml‘l‘d‘ hill!" ”"h"l i“ 1"”‘l‘ good market. 'li'llel'e is No Wootl lllllllil-‘ll‘l' It’l' Ill“ ("\"'lllll1-r~ lit“ \‘N parts owing' to the tires. no piiiefiiritliths opened this part ot' the even- ;stuiiips to pull out. as this was all ai infi's programme with man .it".'‘ trouhle to etear. "\Vilvll lli" "1'1" ""“1' " " ’ 'xt' >pl'llt‘t' the land. eountry: no . . . ..... . A. ‘ . One thing that was noticeâ€"z, toast to “The King and (.‘rai‘tf‘ thzs guide. was the ot' t'enees :lltnl': : heing‘ t'ollowed as usual hy the Natl-pi- ithe road ill iiitllly plaees. Through til .\llthel‘it. .\l'tt’l' the lii‘eilll'en l'liltl these seetions you eonld see the llig'l1-i>’:tll.\'tlt‘tl the inner man. li’ight \\ way ahead t'or ten miles. wliieli is a: lh'o. l“. K, l.hhitt iii a short addrv great advantage in ti‘avelliiig'.' lronipliiiieiited Holden l'ii‘Zthl' l.oe ."t “At'ter travelling for forty miloyoii the splendid turnâ€"out oi iiiemhe s, through this l'ertile distriet'. the eouné and assured them «it :i heart)? Weh'o’ w 'll'.\' lN‘k’l‘Hl to get more hilly, till we at all times to the .\hiti‘rii l.od_.~. again reaehed the rougher and fine “or. llro. tieo. Murphy. ot' Hols} !. hered eouiitry, most timhei- horned, lleaver Lodge, gave an interesting at- From hereon we did not make a stop‘dress on l’reeiiias:airy. reviewingr "s l tillst‘llt‘t' ..... l l l l t l l t l llill we reaehed Kirkland Lake. the} history. traditions. tlte work it is «i .- gold eeiitre, whieh is seveiitytseveni ilig" iii the world today. and the ide - miles i'roni New l.iskeard and a husvlot' the in-tlee, Tm, -..].,- l’.\' p, .- spot. \\'e happened ot arrive tlieiiel‘pt lite. ol‘ .‘tliitilii laulg‘e. made 'lee tV 71’“ -““”“ ‘lilN its the Mining t'ongressled hits with the assenihled hretliieu “t lhv World. Who are making a tour: the. 'l‘. Ni.\'oii. ot' Holden in .‘\e', k. H. ot t'aiiadri. iiispeeting' her mines. illere : the interest ot' the gatlu "in; h\ "Es‘ . l \l'“““1Ill“l'l“:i<lti'i‘<it'seeing llll'Ulljâ€"rlllSlllt‘lltlltl(lNllllllllHllttl'.‘lt‘l,_l:l ot' liaiid. the mills in operation. learningr how Short hut intending Ai'i‘i‘” rt" “W“ lite liiiliel‘al is separated iil‘oiii ti'in'ii lly \Voi‘. lii'os. \N. ‘illltl l l. lmngliiol't'. Ht Lodge. .\ solo hy the l'tii'l-i. ('Hl'lit'i "t'oiitent that we had gone h”. on. 'l‘\\'o states oia-j.\'i‘ .. ”unwell!" “We W” H t W” W“ "“."‘"" .ttotult. ”g the \‘x‘eather \\'as “M, we‘eil well merited applause. li'ig'hi 'dteided ot turn haek on 'l‘hursdavi“"33 ll’"’- li- lr"ll"”l' ”3"". 5““ 5’ 'ziorning’ and arrived at laitelit'ord‘ll‘m "'MH'“ 1" iii" hi’ii'w'"; ‘\ , ' l ' . '0 .l vei'v eiriovaole evening ended \. oh the \\'ardc :i's toast. proposed Eiy llewar. ’ that evening: \\'e looked over the sawmills and lieiiius hrothers were lll~ \ited to look over a pieee of work in “ll" ‘\l"" M'. . the Woods. \vhei‘e thev reeei\ed a eonâ€"li‘HM' I“? i “in“: traet. this: hroag'ht its in eoiitaet with i 3“ 'l‘llllfllihs \ 3a the .l, H. .\ll‘lt‘l'.‘ttll, hush sillH‘l'llltMltlt’lll. who took us up the Montreal ”river tit; teen miles in a motor into the Y'i‘:«0'l'\'t‘ and gaye us a real time at, . .lttlfiHl' ‘ liii::iediatei_\ l hre‘hi en re? lll‘llt”. litiitwl' \‘t'Ii'v. l t INTERESTING RELIC OF THE FIRE OI" OCT. 4, 192:3 t t t innit , l eamps and looking over the grent re- The llaileylnirian last week says: ‘ . t . . . , - i . serves troni the water. .\nyone goinog ".\n interesting relie ot the hi;r toe to latteht'ord should look up Ulini.‘ 'ot' Hetoher -1. lll'l‘l. in the t'orm (it. it silver spoon. was diseovered last week hy t'aiioii llineks. ot' St. l’aul's ree- "Monday liooii \\'e deeideil to stttl‘t tor iioliie. l.eit at l'.’ noon and arrived at l’eiiihroke last a text minutes late street dam-e. \\'e made the trip l'l'lllll l.;itelit'ord to North Bay, ll ninety-two miles. in three hours and ‘ll'illt-flll ”l’ and ”hm” twenty minutes. and than North l'f-av "ll l“\’“‘ll'â€"'”li“” ll to l’enihroke. l.'i‘~ miles. in seven to ”P H >ll\'*‘l‘ -‘l”“’”- "ll" “1' ” 5M hours. The road from Mattawa to H‘MWl l’N Ml'r- ”l’l‘l“ lmfl‘ih'u". 1” the Moor Lake is not good. There is five tire. The handle or the was times the tratlie t'roiii North llav to firmly imhedded in the roadwu). “till ,5”, North ,H from l’emhroke 1,, (it-l the howl stieking up and tlattened out. tawa.” ; lt showed plainly the tart that it had . heen through the tire. hut was all eom- tory. tor the the reetory, an oli'lt't‘t was notieed in two inelies \‘w u ‘ high. stuioll GOOD TRADE. BUT NO RUSH AT HAILEYBURY STORE 'desig‘n and monogram on the handle. (anon llineks reec'dleets that on the . . . . :dav ot the tire a nuniher oi ai'tieles l.'.e l‘eeelit opening" of the tiovei‘ll~‘ -' ~ ' . l . , 1- . . ot silver were plat-ed in a holy. \Hilt‘l llH‘lli ilttllol‘ store at llalle‘y‘tiur‘v \vas . I . _ . - i . .. ' . ‘ ' . fie .ett hv the l‘otitl‘~‘~it‘~ In 1““ l“’l"‘ llldllxe‘l ll\ :tHHl ll‘iitle. litll lio et'o'tytl- . ‘ - -. L . ~ '7 - - that thev iiiigzit he saw. lllll‘~ l“'r‘ ing or untoward ineidents. liie lot-aw . .' - . . .‘ . . “H“; “I Il‘it‘ lttl‘LI't‘l' Ith‘t‘t“ “(‘lf‘ é‘\t‘l lion “2' the store iieeessitate- enqomq , . . _ " 'tound in the dehris. and the spoon M‘s going down a stairwav am 'e-' . " ' . . ' ~l . l . ‘ I I tound last week proves sonii‘ttiiirig' o‘ ””1”“; ’.\ l-lt‘ same l‘UUle. hut des‘ltite . .1 l ' l ‘ ' «r t .m‘ t1 e this t'aet everything was carried alone a pit/J. e. . . u.-t iow .H. T“ l. .l .i v ' . ‘ ‘ . . 'â€"‘ road and into the upright position in \\ llli >lllt)”lllll(‘.~\ :tllil etllelenev, [no i. , it \ i l 1‘ ll til . i “H" . , _ ~ - ' u 'l g 0' I. 1‘ ‘ 5.. llaileymiry store opened with a hig “ ”“1 1 K“ “m“ ‘ ‘ ‘ . terjx‘. lt will he kept as a souvenir. *lot‘k’ ot' seleeted lic‘luors. all the well- kiiowii hrands heing' avnihihle, 311‘. I-' l.. Fleming is the ii'ianager of the husi- Ml“ ““‘l M?“ 5- °l~ ”Ht“ ness. and I‘el’iorts hiisiness as steadv l“'m*‘ “1* the 143:” “ll"? 3 1“") “"“i‘k‘. ‘ motor trip ii. l'nited States. re: iirned and enei‘y'thing going satisfactorily. lli ei'ossiiig lt’_orke avenue. neai“ ie middle of the roadway pl'Hllt‘t'tlli‘L’; t'oundi i plete and was easily identitied hy the; d â€"' Te st it ".\'. \\'h. .- iitiillt'll liti‘t‘ “'i lii‘o. l". -l.. A...“ _--_. _.- .. ._--_....._ Thursday. Sept. 22nd. 1927 .....__. mm._.-_..-. .\ ‘\ ‘\ *En-ar-co Motor Oil adds years to the life of your motor. *Products of Canadian Oil Companies, Limited. . k INTEREST INCREASED IN ‘ , THE POTTERâ€"DOAL MINE: .\ despateli t'rom Matheson lastl week says: l "interest has inrreased in Potterâ€"l lloal as a eoliseilltelii'e ot' a test pit having (list-losed atldiliolltll t'llttlt'tipy--l rite. Meantime. the ottieials ot' tliel eompaiiy are maintaining a eonservad tive attitude something whieh is ad»! aired in mining eireles. Never at anyl time have the ot'tieials ol' the eoiiipanyl permitted extravagant elaiiiis to eireuâ€"l late. instead, the shareholders have heeii given the more important t'aets these t'aets indieating' a very interâ€" esting mining pi'ospeet and a venture whieh holds out proiiiising' possihili- ties." u Clean to handle. Sold by all Druggists. Grocers and General Stores Customers carrying business accounts are given every as; sistancc and attention at this Bank. any Branch. See the Manager at DOMINION BANK Established 1 871 TIMMINS BRANCH John L. Hunt, Acting Manager â€": . s4 's-o . 0944J o..- ~oâ€"4». u :33". ' git“, l‘v +‘ ' u. . . x 1- \ \ A, i. T£§1i\\\il Promptly issued---payable anywhere charges moderate. Do you occasionally wish to send money out of town? Step into any Branch of this Bank and secure a Draft for the amountâ€" as conveniently and with no more delay or formality than in buying an article in a store. The Bank of Nova Scotia Drafts are pay- able at par at any banking point in Canada, and the scale of charges is very moderate. ‘71»: BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ESTABLISHED 1832 Capital $10,000,000 Reserve $19,500,000 Resources $245,000,000 ‘. :er '«I - a? ,,

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