Being a Byâ€"law to Provide for the issue of Debentures of the Board of Trustees of the Roman Catholic School for School Section Number One in the Township of Tayior and District of Cochrane for the Sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) being the Amount Reâ€" quired for Additional Construction, Repairs, Improvements and Equipâ€" ment, on, in and upon the Separate School Building and Property in the said Separate School Section Numâ€" ber One in the Township of Taylor and District of Cochrane. WHEREAS the Board of Trustees of the Roman Catholic Separate School for School Section Number One, in the Township of Taylor and District of Cochrane, find it necessary and expedient to provide for certain construction, _ improvement, _ repairs and equipment for the Separate School property of the said Separate School Section Number One in the Township of Taylor and District of Cochrane, and to issue debentures for the said purpose. AND WHEREAS under the proâ€" visions of Subsection One of Section Seventyâ€"five of Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914 (R. S. 0. 1914, Chap. 270, See. 75, Subsec. 1.) power is given to the Board of Trustees of a Separate School to pass Byâ€"laws for the borrowing of money for making mortgages and other instruments for the security and payment of such borâ€" rowed money upon the school house property and premises or any other Real Property vested in the said Board and upon the Separate Scehoo!l rates. BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE sCHOOL SECTION NUMBER AND WHEREAS it is provided by Subsection Three of Section Seventyâ€" five of Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914 (R. S. O. 1914, Chap. 270, See. 75, Subsece. 3.) that such mortgages and other instruments may be made in the form of debentures which debentures shall be a charge on the same property and rates aforeâ€" said as in the case of mortgages thereâ€" of made by the said Board. AND WHEREAS it is desired to raise by way of loan the said sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) by way of debentures, and to provide the discount and expenses incidental to the negotiation and sale of the deâ€" bentures to be issued hereunder. L. ols 2tA .2 ET AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue the said debentures at one time and to make the principal of the said debt repayable by yearly sums during the period of twenty years, being the currency of the said debentures, said vearly sums being of such respective amounts that the aggregate amounts payable in each year for principal and intferest in respect to the said debt shall be as nearly as possible equal to the amount so payable in each of the other nineteen years of the said periâ€" od as sh annexed AND WHEREAS the total amount required by the said Board of Trustees to be raised annually by special rate for the payment of the said debt and interest as hereinafter provided is the sum of Four Hundred and One Dollars and Twentyâ€"one Cents ($401.21). AND WHEREAS the amount of the rateable jproperty of ‘the said Separate School Section Number One, Township of Taylor in the District of Cochrane assessed for separate school purposes for the year 1927, being the last revised assessment roll is Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00). lllF NA NJ RZ NJAAA Lad THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Separate School Board of Trustees of Separate School Section Number One of the Township of Tayâ€" lor in the District of Cochrane as folâ€" lows :â€" “-A;"N:I“)"\‘,-VHEREAS'thére is no existâ€" ing debenture debt. L eve w 1. THAT the said Board raise the said sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), being the amount requirâ€" ed for the purposes hereinbefore set out. and for the purpose of raising the said sum debentures of the said Board of Separate School Trustees to the aâ€" mount of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) as aforesaid in sums of not less than one Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each which shall have coupons attached thereto for the payâ€" ment‘ of the interest shall be issued. 2 Each of the said debentures shall be dated on the date of the issue thereof and shall be payable on the first day of October in each year for twenty years commencing on the first day of October A.D. 1928, and such debentures shall be in the amounts as shown in the said Schedule ‘‘A"‘ hereto annexed and shall be payable at the Imperial Bank of Canada in the City of Montreal, in the City of Toâ€" ronto and in the Town of Matheson, Ont. the debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the said Board of Separate School Trustees. 4. The said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of five per cent per annum (5%) payable yearly at the said Imperial Bank of Canada in the City of Montreal, P.Q., the City of Toronto, Ont.. and the Town of Matheson, Ont., on the first day of October in each and every year during the curreney thereof. | w h _ d fh .. iescs ONE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF TAYLOR AND DISTRICT OF COCHRANE . BYâ€"LAW NO. 3. The Chairman and Secretary of ie said Board of Separate School rustees shall sign and issue the said ebentures and interest coupons and sho\\n in Schedule * A‘‘ hereto aled 5. During the currency of the said debentures there shall be raised anâ€" nually by special rate on all the rateâ€" able property of all the Separate School Supporters in Separate School Section Number One in the Township of Taylor in the District of Cochrane the sum of Four Hundred and One Dollars and Twentyâ€"one__ Cents ($401.21) for the purpose of paying the amount due in each year of the said twenty years for principal and interest in respect to the said debt as shown on Schedule ‘‘A"‘ hereto anâ€" nexed. 6. This Byâ€"law shall come into force and take effect on the day of its reâ€" ceiving the third reading by the said Board of Trustees. Read the second time this 18th day July, 1927. Read the Second time this 18th day of July,, A.D. 1927. Read the third time this i8th, day of July, A.D. 1927. ALBERT BOUCHER, Chairman. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of James Hazelwood (sometimes otherwise known as James Ernest Hazelwood) late of the Township of Tisdale, in the District of Cochrane, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to The Trustee Act that all creditors or others having claims against the Esâ€" tate of the said James Hazelwood, who died on or about the 12th day of May, 1927, at the Town of Timmins, are required on or before the 27th day of August, 1927, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Dean Kester, Marshallâ€"Ecclestone ~Building, Timâ€" mins, Ontario, Solicitor for William Hazelwood, Executor of the Estate of the said deceased, their christian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars, in writing of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. Marshallâ€"Eccelestone Building, Timmins, Ontario. Solicitor for the said Executor. Dated at Timmins this 2lst day of July, 1927. â€"30â€"32 And Take Notice that after such last mentioned date the said Execuâ€" tor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that the said Executor will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been réceived by him at the time of such distribuâ€" tion. MclIntyre Porcupine Mines Limited 1. That the Head Office of Mclinâ€" tyre Poreupine Mines, Limited, (No Personal Liability), be and the same is hereby changed from the City of Toronto to said Lot number ten in the second concession of the Township of Tisdale, in the district of Cochrane, with the post office address at Schuâ€" macher, Ontario. 2. That a branch office be kept and maintained in the said City of Toronâ€" to at such place therein as the Direcâ€" tors may from time to time determine. 3. That all meetings of shareholdâ€" ers shall be held at the Branch Office in the said City of Toronto and that meetings of the Direcors and the Exeâ€" cutive Committee may be held at the Head Office of the Company at said Lot number ten in the second concesâ€" sion of the said Township of Tisdale or at the Branch Office of the Comâ€" pany in the said City of Toronto, as the Directors may from time to time determine. 4. That all Byâ€"laws of the Company relating to the place of meetings shall be and the same are hereby amended accordinely. Secretary. I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of Byâ€"Law No. 71 duly passed by the directors of Melntyre Poreupine Mines, Limited (No Perâ€" sonal Liahility), on the l1th day of May, 1927, and confirmed by a vote of shareholders present or representâ€" ed by proxy at a meeting duly ealled for considering the same and holding not less than twoâ€"thirds of the issued capital stock represented at such meeting which was held on the 29th day of June, 1927. Certified under the Seal of the Comâ€" VALUABLE RESULTS FROM POTTERâ€"DOAL GALENA FIND Reference was made in The Adâ€" vance some weeks ago to the find of galera on the Potterâ€"Doal property in Munro township. _ Further work on the property is showing that at 20 feet the same unusual values are present. The find is apparently even better than at first considered. Diamond than drill pert: as a 30â€"31 mont the able anv Enacted this 11th g is being which see higchâ€"erade (No Personal Liability) PIERRE MORIN, P.P., Becretary. Y DEAN KESTER, President Y. P. VAN DEK VOORT, is understoOo( carried on at the 1 ms to be proving eopper area. _ 1 il! be continued u day of May, 1927 J. P. BICKELL, 4 ) Inued unX Consider being don Treasuretr Dia inti U} NORTH BAY CHIEF HEAD DOMINION FIRE GHIFFS New Smoke Mask Demonstrated at Meeting of Dominion Fire Chiefs Hull Last Week Chief George Brady, of North Bay, Ontario, was elected president of the Dominion Fire Chiefs‘ Association at the concluding session of the nineâ€" teenth annual convention held in Hull. Chief Brady is a former member of the Ottawa Fire Department and has successsively served at Brockville, Coâ€" balt and North Bay. The convention of 1928 will be held at Kingston, Ontario. Chief James Armstrong of the Limestone city makâ€" ing a strong appeal that the old hisâ€" toric centre should have the honour next yvyear. ETE CC m ho onl on hnsd s C ‘Other officers chosen were Chiefs R. N. Harrington, MeceColl Refineries, Montreal, 1st viceâ€"president; W. Philâ€" lips, Sault Ste. Marie, 2nd viceâ€"preâ€" sident; James Armstrong, Kingston, secretary; R. MeLeod, Port Arthur, Ont., treasurer, and W. Muir, Kingâ€" ston, auditor. The directors are Chiefs Spalding of Prescott, H. Guerâ€" in, of Kitchener, and R. Day, of Pemâ€" broke. ~Chief Day will also be chairâ€" man of exhibits. _ Chief Armstrong, of Kingston, by his reâ€"election as secretary yesterday morning, has an unbroken chain of service in the capacity since the exâ€" pansion of the provincial association into a Dominion body in 1915. Inâ€" cidentally he was last year the presiâ€" dent of the International Fire Chiefs. Chief Alphonse Tessier, of Hull, the retiring president, was cheered to the echo when he expressed his satisâ€" faction at the success which had atâ€" tended the different meetings. He thanked all those who had coâ€"operated and said that Hull had ‘been happy to be honoured by the selection of that city as this year‘s convention centre. Chief Tessier was elected as the asâ€" sociation‘s representative at the Inâ€" ternational Fire Chiefs‘ convention which opens soon at Portland, Oregon. Chief Armstrong, of Kingston, and Chief R. Burnett, of Ottawa, will acâ€" company him. A feature Thursday morning was a special exhibition of the effectiveness of a smoke mask fed by a small tube which is connected with the hose by i special coupling and which also feeds oxygen to the wearer. This is the invention of W. J. Lalonde, of the Ottawa Department, and a demonâ€" stration was given in a small smokeâ€" filled compartment for the chiefs. The wearer of the mask remained in the box, which was filled with smoke, and closed for a half hour at one time, and on leaving and doffing the mask THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO For years past Ihe Advance Nas been urging parents and others to warn their children against playing \with percussion eaps. At the same time all handling explosives have been pleaded with to be careful of the way they deal with the dangerous stuff they use and not on any account to leave explosives or caps where they may be accessible to youngsters. Deâ€" spite all protests that have been made against carelessness in dealing with explosives, men will continue to thoughtlessly leave the dangerous caps where children may have access to ‘them. It is true that youngsters 0¢â€" aasinnalle will ‘‘snoop‘‘ around and wWAas ences. FAITHFULNESS OF THE DOG SHOULD BE REMEMBERED In these times when the dog generâ€" ally is coming in for censure and abuse and there is a growing disposiâ€" tion to look upon dogs as mere nuisâ€" ances that have little place in the scheme of things in the modern world, it is well indeed not to forget the other side of the question. The dog. has been a faithful friend to man for many centuries. He has been of serâ€" vice in material ways as well as provâ€" ing a happy, cheerful comforting type of companion. Without the services of the dog this North Land would not have achieved its present state of deâ€" velopment at this time. The dog solved the transportation problem for every North Land centre until such time as the worth of that centre had been proved. In the days of the rush to Red Lake the dog was the only reliable means of reaching the new field. It was the same with practicalâ€" ly every other mining camp in the North. The dog has proved his useâ€" fulness in this North Land beyond question or doubt. It does not seem altogether fair to forget all this just in a moment. The dog‘s loyalty and faithfulness are also worthy of grateâ€" ful memory. The other day at Hamilâ€" ton the body of A. G. Gardner was found on the fire eseape of his apartâ€" ments. â€" The indications suggested that he had dropped dead from heart trouble and that he had been dead for several days before he was found. His faithful dog patiently guarded the body, going without food or water ito be near his master. The men findâ€" ing Mr. Gardner‘s body had considerâ€" able difficulty in driving the dog aâ€" way so that the body might be preâ€" pared for burial. The dog remained faithful and true. Incidents of simiâ€" lar type could ‘be given in large numâ€" bers. Tt is weli to remember the loyâ€" alty of the dog and the usefulness of the dog when his unsuitability to cerâ€" tain kinds of city life are under disâ€" eussion. CHILDREN SHOULD BE WARNED AGAINST ‘"*CAPS" thoughntiessiN i6 where childre them. It is t1 easionally will none the worse for his experiâ€" snoop A d ‘‘Due to the carelessness of some workman who dropped a dynamite cap where it could be picked up by anyâ€" one, little Robert Rinkik, aged is without a left hand for life. Robert picked the cap up and was playing with it about noon Tuesday, when it exploded. Ben Byck heard the exploâ€" sion and put the boy in his car and rushed him to the office of Dr. T. W. Tuller. Dr. Tuller, when he saw that the fingers and thumb of the left hand were blown off, ordered Byek to hurry the baby to the h()\])ltdl and then ealled Dr. H. Cartier in consulâ€" tation. It was necessary to amputate at the wrist in order to save Robert‘s life. He was also seriously eut about the eyes and legs. _ Chief Aubin is working on the ease as information has been carried to the police as to who threw away the cap and if the case is proved against the man an exâ€" ample will be made of him."" All parents should note this ease and take the time and trouble to warn their children against the danger of playing with pereussion eaps. They make the poorest playthings there may be. The game of playing with them should be known as ‘*Flirting with Death.‘‘ In the Township of Whitney, District of Cochrane By virtue of a warrant issued by the Reeve of the Township of Whitney bearing date the 6th day of June 1927, and to me directed, commanding me to levy upon the several lands being in the Township of Whitney, menâ€" tioned and described in the following list of arrears of taxes respectively due thereon and costs, I hereby give notice pursuant to the Assessment Act and amendments that unless the said arrears of taxes and costs be sooner paid I shall on Friday, 7th October, 1927, at 10 a.m., at the Township Hall, at Porcupine, proceed to sell by public auction so much of the said lands as may be sufficient to discharge the taxes and lawful costs incurred in and about the sale and collections of same. No. Dated at Poreupine, this 28th day of June, 1927. The following lands are all patented. Tlorence...‘.:...‘.. 144 1924â€"5â€"6 Haileybury......... SV pt. 204, 205, 192 1924â€"5â€"6 Duke .............. SV 345 346 1924â€"5â€"6 .................. NE 81/2 11 1924:5:0 5 .................. N W Sl/z 11 1924â€"5â€"6 DOMe.‘. .% 1x s sck. s s 2e . 1924â€"5â€"6 «.. 207 1924â€"5â€"6 6y nc a sA s k % is NW Sl/z 1924â€"5â€"6 TJOHLC ¢,\; slsn k 1924â€"5â€"6 O s es SE Nl/z 924â€"5â€"6 : wiatk NE S%Y%4 2 1924â€"5â€"6 0sE Y oL ts n s NW SY% 2 1924â€"5â€"6 Oy eX sala SW 2 1924â€"5â€"6 O s it s ds iale . SE N% 9 1924â€"5â€"6 O TessA ies n s SE SY% 12 1924â€"5â€"6 O is s s iss via ieb s SW SV 12 1924â€"5â€"6 i s NW NY 11 1924â€"5â€"6 O css ns ie SW N/ 11 1924â€"5â€" b Ds ie n r ie 6A 6n .. NW 8SY%4 111924â€"5â€"6 280â€"1, 2, 3 1924â€"5â€"6 King.?......%.r...2" 7 M 13 1924â€"5â€"6 :Â¥ 90 and 93 1924â€"5â€"6 s s 203 1924â€"5â€"6 T rinces. l.%... . ... .. 234 1924â€"5â€"6 269, 360 1924â€"5â€"6 Haileybury,..‘....%:. .. 107 1924â€"5â€"6 Ds s is NW SY% 101924â€"5â€"6 i e e i on / SW S%/ 101924â€"5â€"6 NE S% 5 1924â€"5â€"6 ie Te Aaie e s 2 NV 4 1924â€"5â€"6 se aa a n l se NV 6 1924â€"5â€"6 Oe e ie is ie C w id NW N 4 1924â€"5â€"6 o es sR 4 . e s 4 NE N/ 5 1924â€"5â€"6 Oe M C Eies sns NE SY% 5 1924â€"5â€"6 O s s ale SE NY 4 1924â€"5â€"6 4s s s cA C s ns ns c3 NW N 9 1924â€"5â€"6 :.RAAA YE E.A a tss s x‘ SW N 9 1924â€"5â€"6 B se n e e e se l sns /, 10 1924â€"5â€"6 4ss :RA iA s SW N/ 11 1924â€"5â€"6 is kiE s i n sia e oi ie SE NY 11 1924â€"5â€"6 A iR i e ie Ksn iss ale s NE S% 12 1924â€"5â€"6 s +. NE S 11 1924â€"5â€"6 n n arear on ds aa c SW S% 12 1924â€"5â€"6 31 1924â€"5â€"6 104â€"105 _ 1924â€"5â€"6 S . 909 1924â€"5â€"6 Huth ... ;3 . 261â€"262 1924â€"5â€"6 Haileybury Ave..... 193 1924â€"5â€"6 Haileybury Ave..... 194 1924â€"5â€"6 Haileybury Ave..... 195 1924â€"5â€"6 Halle\ bur\' 203 1924â€"5â€"6 OX Es x sds SW SW 1 1924â€"5â€"6 . k i iRA 4 + a .k y s d 55+ NE S 1 1924â€"5â€"6 t * en SW N14 1 1924â€"5â€"06 Con. or Street Treasurer‘s Sale of Land for Arrears of Taxes Block, Part Years in _ Quan. of Lot, of land RIFLE ASSOCIATION TO BE FORMED AT HAILEYBURY ‘*A Rifle Association in connection with the local company of the 97th Algonquin Rifles is being formed here. under the direction of Captain Millen, and the first steps were taken on Tuesâ€" day evening, when some fourteen men sxgned the roll. _ These consisted largely of the volunteers who spent the training period in camp at Owen Sound early in the month. The boys had been notified that a parade would be held that evening, but not many of them were out on account of the mudâ€" dy condition of the ground. â€" It is necessary that at least thirty men join the association at the start, in order that an instructor may be sent from headquarters. It is proposed to have the old indoor range in the arena building fixed up for practice and an outdoor range will be provided. Those wishing to enroll in the associâ€" ation can give their names to Mayor Hamilton at any time and as soon as the required number are signed up further steps will be taken to get the project under way."‘ The matter of the formation at Haileybury of a rifle association is reâ€" ferred to in The Haileyburian last week. The Haileyburian says:â€"â€" .000000000000000000000000:00000000000000000000000001 v..’.’..t 0000'0000000000000 000 000 000 00.0 000000000 000090000000000 0000000000000 ve OQOQOOOQOOQOOQOOQ.QO‘.:O'OQ: 0000000000000'00000000000000000000000000000’0No 22 04042024 20220242 n n esnc ns es ies esns 24 "00" -oob.00o00000000000000.00.0000000000000000000000000000000003000000000000000000000000000.00000000000.00000000000000000000000o’o’o’o‘o’o‘o‘t‘o‘.‘.‘flo arrears Acres 1924â€"5â€"G6 1=â€"10 1924 1924 Opposite Goldfields Hotel TTMMINS of land _ Taxes SIMMS, HOOKER DREW 160 160 160 1â€"10 1â€"10 1â€"10 1â€"10 40 40 40 40 160 160 (Agents for Confederation Life Association). 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 I=10 40 40 40 â€"10 â€"10 â€"10 â€"10 â€"10 â€"10 â€"10 â€"10 â€"10 40 40 }â€"10 40 4() Houses and Lots for Sale on Terms. 557 557 557 7 45 1 45 139 47 139 47 139 47 139 47 557 88 557 88 139 47 139 47 7 88 7 88 )7 88 139 47 139 47 139 47 136 44 1( 3 4 3 1 {4€) $3 IL 5555555 r< 4 Costs Total < 1 15 4 b= J ® ®i0 N OA «K iC i) i0) <hoia® 105 4 77 4 14 U oD (® N ~, D 91 70 21 76 206 47 173 88 173 88 76 88 16 02 182 00 39 97 142 48 145 76 145 76 145 76 Phone 90 Thursday, August 4th, 19 Dr. I. T. Brill, D.D.S. 5T3 32 144 95 144 95 144 95 141 35 18 96 144 95 573 32 DT3 32 142 142 142 Consulting Auditor Office Systems Installed Income Tax Adjuster Room 2, Marshallâ€"Ecclestone Block. M. NICOLSON Treasurer, TY Marshallâ€"Ecclestone Block 32 95 Acho, J., Poreupine Amer. Gold Fields, Toronto. Coutt, H., 8. Poreupine Daly, Taylor, Toronto. Daly, Taylor, Toronto. Dom. Diam. Drill, 8. Pore. Doogen, F., Nova Scotia. Geraldine, D., Chicago. Godin, J., S. Porcupme Howley, Lee, Great Falls. Harris, Toronto. Harris, Toronto. | Harris, Toronto. . Harris, Toronto. Harrs, Toronto. Harris, Toronto. Harris, Toronto. Harris, Toronto. . Harris, Toronto. Ha.utala, Wm., Poreupine. S. A. Jones, Branttord Kennedy, T., Flint, Mich. Kennedy, T., Flint, Mich. Kennedy, T. Flint, Mich. Lindholm, T., Iroquois Falls. L.O.L. 2323, Poreupine. Mullholland Mines, Toronto. Mullholland Mines, Toronto. MceDonald, A. G., Kingston. Pore. Grande Mines, Toronto. Pore. Grande Mines, Toronto. Twin Mines, Montreal Twin Mines, Montreal Twin Mines, Montreal Twin Mines, Montreal Townsite Mines, Guelph. Townsite Mines, Guelph. Pat. Mining Co., Toronto Pat. Mining Co., Toronto Pat. Mining Co., Toronto Pat. Mining Co., Toronto Pore. Gold Fields, Toronto. A. E. Phillips, Timmins. A. E. Phillips, Timmins. A. E. Phillips, Timmins. A. Pelletier, 8. Poreupine. W. F. Powell, Ottawa. Pelletier, Rev. Fr., Iro. Falls Pelletier, Rev. Fr., Iro. Falls Pelletier, Rev. Fr., Iro. Falls Pelletier, Rev. Fr., Iro. Palls Rainbow Min. Co., Toronto Rainbow Min. Co., Toronto. Rainbow Min. Co., Toronto Rainbow Min. Co., Toronto Rainbow Min. Co., Toronto Rainbow Min. Co., Toronto Rainbow Min. Co., Toronto Rainbow Min. Co., Toronto Rainbow Min. Co., Toronto Rainbow Min. Co., Toronto Rainbow Min. Co., Toronto Rainbow Min. Co., Toronto Rainbow Min. Co., Toronto Rainbow Min. Co., Toronto. Small, W. J., England. hutlncxland 3. J, 8. Pore Tyrell, J;.: ‘3, Toronto. Tyrell, J. B., Toronto. Tyrell, 3., Toronto. Tyrell, J. B., Toronto. Tyrell, J. B., Toronto. Tyrell, J. B., Toronto. Tvrell, J. B., Toronto. ommc Cld CGang Gang PHONE 112 Residence PHONE 135 1 Yyrell, Tyrell, Tyrell, Tyrell, T yrell, Wright Wright, Wright. Webber Owner‘s name and address Dentist etier, Rev. etier, Rev, etier, Rev. Fr., Iro. etier, Rev. nbow n bow n bow nbow nbow n bow n bow nbow 1bow ibow abow Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. C Min. Min. Min. E‘r., Iro. F3 Iro. 1 r.; Iro. Co., Co., Co., Co., Co.; Co., Co., Co., Co., Co., 0., Co., Co.; Co., F3 F3 Toro: Toro: Toro: Toro: Toro: Toro: Toro: Toro: Toro Toro: Toror Toro:m Toro: i; "W : 0.; Lngland herland J ; i. ell, J ell, J ell, J ell, J ell, J eH, J ell, J ell, J. ght, "R.; B BJ . B Por B., 'I‘orontu. Toronto. Toronto. . B., Toronto. . B., Toronto. . B., Toronto. Toronto. B Toronto. Vht 7. J 8. Poreup , 8. Poreup ght, T. J., 8. Poreup lY Porcupine. Fownship of W Open Evenings ro. Falls, ro. Falls. ro. Falls., ro. FPalls. Toronto. Toronto. Toronto, Toronto. Toronto. Toronto. Toronto. Toronto. Toronto. Toronto. Toronto. Toronto. Toronto. Toronto. upine upine upine HLn(