Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 23 Sep 1926, 2, p. 4

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Enquire for rates: Sullivan Newton Insurance and Real Estate GOLDFIELDS BLOCK, TIMMINS, ONTARIO wWHY CONSIDER: THE SECONDâ€" HAND MAN? When leaving town and selling off your household effects, why trouble with the secondâ€"hand man? He gives you just as little as you‘ll takeâ€"and no more. Bring your furniture, etc., to the Auction Mart where it will be promptly sold off at good pricesâ€"and immediate settlement follows the sale. 92 + #: 000000..0000000000000 000000000000 + "*s »00.00000000.000000000000000000000000. o -uoonoonoouoouoouoonoonoonoouoonoouoouoouoonoouooooouoouoouoonoon . 6. 4. 6. 62 62 162 i is i n e en ns vooooooooooo000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000o. Phone 104 0000000000000000.0 **, 0000000000000’00000000000000000000000000.0000000"0 +146 THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO Taylor Hardware Company Observe Silver Anniversary Now the Oldest Established Business in the Temiskamâ€" ings. Twentyâ€"five years of Service. Members of the Firm Prominent in Public Service and Helpful and Inâ€" terested in Every Good Cause. An event of more than passing inâ€" terest is being observed this week and for the next few days in this North Landâ€"the silver ,]ubnlee of the Geo., â€" Taylor Hardware Company. Tv.entv-fi\e years of ‘honest helpful service to the public is a record worthy of particular note in this new North Country. tario, a veteran of Lord Wolseley‘s lu.storlcal expedition of 1896 to the now City of Winnipeg, came to Temâ€" iskaming with the intention of locating a Prov incial Land Grant. Althourrh then an almost unbroken w ilderness, the wonderful country that stretched around him from horizon to horizon, so impressed Mr. Taylor with its posâ€" sibilities, that he decided to open a store at New Liskeard. In ©1901, with his son, W. A. Taylor, the late Mr. Taylor inaugurated the first branch of the George Taylor Hardâ€" ware Limited. The firm prides itself on thus being the oldest original busâ€" iness in the Temiskamings. _ Qthers have come and have gone. Taylor‘s have persevered thmufrh times of boom and prosperity, an(‘ through years of desperation. Their growth, their development and expansion have kept pace at all times with the growth and expansion of the industriâ€" In the year 1901, the late George Taylor, of George Taylor and Son, Hardware Merchants, of London, Onâ€" al and agricultural developments of the North. The Taylor Mardware‘s past and future forms an intimate and unbroken link in the history of Northern Ontario. When in 1905 the new Cobalt minâ€" ing camp astounded the entire world with its discoveries the Company at once estalblished in that Town, under the management of Mr. R. 8. Taylor, the branch whose subsequent developâ€" ment is familiar to all the oldâ€"timers of the camp. _ The events of those days had drawn the attention of the South to the still greater possibilities that must lie in store for the prosâ€" pector and the miner, the manufac« turer, the lumberman and the settler in that great hinterland farther to the North. When the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway pushed its trail of steel into this great territory, the Taylor Hardware, with undaunted faith in the county, in 1912 establishâ€" ed a permanent branch jn Cochrane now under the management of Mr. A. Smith. _ The year 1917 witnessed the great development of the Timmins and Poreupine camps. Again the Company felt that time was ripe to increase its facilities and to improve its service to the public by establishing a branch in Timmins, now under the management of Mr. H« 4. Laidlaw. Throughout these twenty years of the firm‘s> activities, Mr. Wm. A. Taylor, the present President, has directed the New Liskeard, Ontario, Branch of the business and as well its Head Office there. True to the principles inculceated into them by the founder of the Company, to devote their energies and attention to the development of the distriects of Teâ€" miskaming and Cochrane, the repreâ€" sentatives of the Taylor Hardware have at all times given the benefit of their best endeavours to the communâ€" ities in which they were located, just as the late George Taylor and his sons always have given unxtmtm@:lv of their time and energies in assisting towards the dev elopmont of â€" our ereat Northern Districts. selfâ€"equalizing brakes Company and its employees have alâ€" ways endeavored to give a service and value that would more than comâ€" pensate in dollars and cents, to make a customer feel that when he deals at Taylor‘s there is a little more to his transaction than a mere exchange of goods for monetary value. This idea has been carried out even in other phases of the business; the spectaâ€" cular or the sensational have always been left out of the advertising or trading methods of the Company. At this time, however, in the celeâ€" bration of their twentyâ€"fifth year in business in Temiskaming, their Silver Jubilee, the Taylor Company are givâ€" ing the people of the entire North an opportunity to celebrate with them this historieal oceasion. _ They say that it is going to be their treat, and their customers‘ opportunity, as will be shown by their advertising on anâ€" other page. CANADA RECOGNIZED AS GOLD PRODUCER BY WORLD Some weeks ago The Advance made reference to the recognition by a conâ€" ference of the World Powers of the standing of Canada among the gold producers of the world. In this conâ€" nection, The Market Despatch makes the fallowing comment :â€" CAt a conference of the World Powers held recently at Geneva, Switzerland, for the purpose of passâ€" ing upon matters of vital importance ibefore these are submitted to the Leaâ€" gue of Nations next month, the Doâ€" minion of Canada was officially reâ€" cognized, for the first time, as one of large gold producing nations of the world, and ‘placed third on the list to the Transvaal and the United States of America. ‘‘Dr. W. ‘A. Riddell, formerly Deputy Minister of Mines, and Mr. J. Murray Clark, K. C., ~of Toronto, recogm/ed as a leadlnfr auâ€" thority on mining law and finance, are entitled to the highest praise for cham'pwmnrr the cause for Canadian mining. across Ontario and northeasterly into the Province of Quebee and right through Manitoba into Northern Sasâ€" katchewan,"‘‘ said Mr. Clark, ‘‘Canaâ€" da has already achieved the first “Bf\; the development of a few small parts of the fringe of the Preâ€" Cambrian Shield, which extends right place among the countries of the world in the production of nickel, the third in the production of silver and third in the production of gold. ©That Canada will attain the seâ€" cond place in 1928, as predicted by Mr. Louis Huntoon, the engineer, has The $920 Our Roadway to the World JOS. BERINI, Prop. Fourth Avenue Ti TIMMINS GARAGE ONTARIO DENTAL HEALTR DAY HERE 8N OGTOBER 20 Timmins Dentists to Hold Free Clinic for Examination and Advice on Teeth Health of Public Wednesday, Ont. 20th, is Ontario Dental Health Day, and it is to be observed effectively in Timmins. The idea of the day is to hold clinies throughout the province where â€" the public may receive, without charge, advise on matters in regard to the, teeth, Teeth will be examined free and expert advice will be given. The influence of the teeth on the general health is now fully recognizied so it will ‘be seen at once how important the Ontario Dental Health Day may be made through the coâ€"operation of the public and the dentists. Special attention will be given to the childâ€" ren, and the importance of this can not be overâ€"estimated. The Poreupine Dental Association are taking up the matter in very genâ€" erous and wholehearted way. "The Ontario Dental Health Day is being organized under the auspices of the Ontario Department of Health, and is for the purpogse of presenting the programme for the prevention â€" of dental diseases. _ One hundred and fortyâ€"eight theatres, situated in all parts of the province, have already made application for the Dental Health Pictures, issued by the Ontaâ€" rio Motion Picture Bureau, for Oct. 20th. The dental clinies, with free examination and advice, will, howâ€" ever, be a special feature, and one pa,rtlculdrlv helpful. Inâ€" Timmins, this clinie will be held and all the dentists are evidencing the finest spirit of coâ€"operation. Particular atâ€" tention will be given to the children and ithe occasion will present an unâ€" usual opportunity for the best of d- vice on dental health matters. It not yet been arranged where the fret, cliniec will be held, but this and other details will be anmnmced later. been made reasonably certain by reâ€" cent developments. His prophecy has resulted already in the investment of a considerable amount of capital in the Canadian gold mining industry and has thus contributed to the bringâ€" ing about of its own fulfilment. Canada, at last, is on the map as ia gold producing country and its frruwt,h, during the next decade, as such, will doubtless prove a genuine and pleasurable surprise to the world."‘ Timmins

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