Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 8 Jul 1926, 2, p. 8

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h U WV 6b K D h 14 16. 16. 6 h h ib t 3 tAAA SA : o c J x: s tA *4 4 % 4 *4 t % 4* _ Miss Annie MeQuarrie is spendâ€" ing a couple of weeks vacation at lher old home in Toronto. Mrs ed on a visit Mr. H. W. Kearney spent the First at Hailevburv. \ Staff, .Mr. E. 8. Noble, of Kapuskasing, was a Timmins visitor for the holiâ€" lay, renewing acquaintances in town ind being welcomed by old friends, ‘Mr. and Mrs. E. H. King le week for a holiday in the They will motor from North visit oT V CE Mr. J.â€" W. W Timmins and District Notes Thursday, July 8th, 1926 M. Bowie and children returnâ€" Wednesday evening last after to the south. to North Bay aAs Tounga or th No other you this sat there is no 1S n0o Ofncr. Iinger IHiKC "Canada Dry." No other ginger ale is so well known and liked the wide world over. No ‘other Canadian product has done so much It lifts you up! Invigorates! Helps to calm your nerves after the excitement of a close match! Makes vou feel fresh and keen for the next 1t is freshing « because | refreshes. CANADA DRY* Made in Caxada by J. J. McLaughlin Limi Edmonton, Established 1890. In U.S. 4., Ca Ale, Incorporated, New Y ork Ross, of the Hollinger Montreal visitor last raV e coolest, most refreshing drink of all after exercise as a weekâ€"end he urney nome! iger ale will bring efreshment because er cinger ale like ft last South. Bav. \ Mrs. W. C months‘ visit ora. _ Miss Everett left last week her home at Lakefield, Ont., for vacation ; %Mr. and Mrs. J. W Miss Treleaven left spend the vacation in Friday morning for a«y and other points east. ‘\Mrs. S left last ville and Mrs. M. Greer and children left Mr. (GGeo, Shields returned on Sun, Â¥ from a brief visit to North Bay, / Fmg uucm!"‘ ,pJ .; !.’ ‘ ‘ 1P I °C .\xwa “" phlin Limited, Toronto and 1. 8. 4., Canada Dry Ginger New York R. MeCoy and Miss Phyllis week for a visit to OQrangeâ€" other points south. . Smith is on a two to Haleybury and Aur The most convenient way of buying "Canada Dry." Ideal for home use. Xwelve bottles in a subâ€" stantial carton. You will be especially glad to have it handy for your dinners at home or when friends drop in unexpectedly., This Hostess Package is sold by all "Canada Dry" dealers. Order a sparkling, bubbling bottle today after the shower or with your dinner. You‘ll call it the biggest treat of the day. to advertise the quality of products "Madeâ€"inâ€"Canada." . _ Treleaven and last week to the visit to Ottawa Special Hostess Package tor the The New Liskeard Speaker last week says:â€"‘‘"Mr. Eriec MeKwen, of Timmins, has been appointed zenâ€" eral manager of the March gold mines in Delora and is now in charge of operations. _ Saturday of this week the new mill will be officially opened. Mr. MeEwen was for many years conâ€" nected with our local foundry, the Wabis Iron Works Ltd.‘" Amongâ€" those fromâ€" outâ€"ofâ€"town coming to. Timmins last week to atâ€" tend the funeral of the late Mr. W. F. Richardson were: Mr. Richard Richâ€" ardson, of Haileybury, a brother of the deceased; Mrs. 8. R. Way, of Hamilton, Ont., a daughter of the late Mr. Richardson; and olso Mrs. (Gagnon, of Pembroke, a sister of Mrs. Richardson. Last week the captured German gun in front of the town hall was nicely painted. Oh, well!l There was a man once who wandered into an antique shop and wouldn‘t buy anything because, he said, everything looked so old. « His innumerable â€" friends _ were pleased last week to see Mr. W. G. Smith out and around again after beâ€" ing confined to the house for several weeks past with trouble with his eyes. He has now practically recovered and all will hope there is no recurrence of the trouble. The Haileyburian last week says: "Jack McCullough, of Winnipeg and David and Duncan MceNabb, of Haiâ€" leybury, left on Tuesday for a trip into the new coal fields to the north of Cochrane, and will go through to James Bav before returning."‘ THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO at ist, Marys, UnItar ‘0') There were over 100 babies competâ€" e ing for the weekly attendance prizes «Mrs. F. J. Wolno and little son Yeâ€"| offered. at the Clinie by the courtesy turned last week after a visit to of the Kiwanis Club of Timmins. Montreal, where Mrs. Wolno was During the past six months, five baâ€" called awing to the illness of hetr| bies attended 26 times, while four mother. ; others were in attendance 25 times. and so on down to those who came According to the notice published | just once a month. The names of the in The Advance this week, His Worâ€"| first five are:â€"Baby Beatrice Colâ€" ship the Mayor has proclaimed Monâ€" horne, 115 Birch street; William Perâ€" day, August 2nd, to be Civie Holiday | ron. 10 (hillies street; Jeannette Maecâ€" in the Town of Timmins. Millan, 109 Maple street north; Peter ; Walsworth, 73 Fifth avenue, and The Haileyburian last week says:| Roger Martin, 56 Fifth avenue. "Jack ;\l(clellouglx, of Winnipeg and .'l‘.\\'u of the babies attending the David and Duncan MeNabb, of Haiâ€") clhme were especially thin and frait, leyburv, left on Tuesday for a trip| but at present they are well and quite into the new coal fields to the north|up to the normal mark. It is not af Cochrane. and will +o througch to|too much to say that the Clinie has Mrs. F. J. Wolno and little son turned last week after a visit Montreal, where Mrs. Wolno called awing to the illness of mother. ; \_ M. H. V. MeCurdy left on Monâ€" day on a holiday trip to his old hom« at St. Marys, Ontari0. ; __Mr. A. W. Pickering left on Satâ€" urday morning on a holiday trip to the South. Mrs. Acton is on in North Bay, and points south. | {fb Liskeard Speaker â€"‘‘Mr. Eric Mc ias been appointed s on a visit to frienc and Sarnia and oth« \ too much to say that the Clinic has helped these two children in,. very material way. It is equally true that all attending the Clinie will receive help to better babyhood. The Clinie is of noteworthy importance in the health of children, and this should be realized now by all and advantage taken in full of the opportunity offerâ€" ed. Mothers of young children will find the Clinice of great service. It is free to all and is ready to give its benefits to all. terday, it would appear that someone came along and threw a match or dropped a cigarette stub against the sawdust filled bags. ‘The result was an immense amount of smoke and a suggestion of fire and flame. _ The firemen with one shot of the chemical put the supposed fire out of the runâ€" ning altogether, The motor truck and brigade were very speedily on the scene, fully maintaining their genâ€" cral record for immediate response. The motor was out of the hall before the first round of the bell was comâ€" pleted. On‘ Monday, at about 2.55 p.m., there was a telephone message sent to the fire hall and at the same time an alarm was rung in from Box 12. The trouble was at the side of the Bardessono block where there was an immense amount of smoke and indiâ€" cations of a possible fire alongside a small metail covered doorway leading to the basement. At the bottom of the metalâ€"clad door there had been a small space that might let in cold air, and the janitor of the building last winter packed some old bags and sawâ€" dust against this little opening. Yesâ€" terday, it would appear that someone QVER 100 BABIES 1N THE â€" CHNC GOMPETITION will be the feature b ronto Exhibition this BURNING BAG OF SAWDUST CAUSES ALARM OFP FIRE Five Win Kiwanis Club Prizes for Attendance...Clinic Proves Very Helpful. Cochrane last wed ure of listenmng to Your Patronage Solicited Public Stenographer Ooul Timmins, Ont. Of course you ought to take a vacation. If you can‘t take a long trip, why keep out in the open as much as you can every day. Now, if you are planning a picnic in the woods just think how delightful it will be to unscrew the top of the vacuum bottle and serve everyone a cold drink. Let us sell you one of these magic containers, welcome to Cochr ‘en offical weleome or and. Board ldstream Guards P iture band at the ; week had the pleaâ€" g to a section of the irds Band while this mous band was on its to the West. There r 40 in the section and hour‘s musical proâ€" VC ochrant ind o1 numbDer Are enjoying C each week, and the ban« wellâ€"merited â€"compliment cellence of the music pr( muUsitCe nmnum b OPEN AIR BAND CONCERT TO BE HELD THIS EVEN nappen t0o : Know.. â€" i Don‘t be afraid to explain nor for explanations. _ _ â€"Fourâ€"B Among the floral tokengs were:â€" Cross, from the Ladies of the Alta Society, Schumacher; wreath, from Schumacher Social Club; sheaths, Mi and Mrs. Cote, Mt. and Mrs. W. P Atrnott, Mr. and Mrs. O‘Rourke and baby, Mrcand Mirs. Alf. Glazier, Mi and Mrs. D. Laing, Mrs. Green an Mrs. Newcombe, H. E. Shippam ‘an family, Misses Roy (Timmins), th Wallace family, Mr, and Mrs. J. Chat son, Mt. and Mrs. Salhani; Gate Ajar, from Jimmie‘s friends, Elsi Corrigan, Doris Hill, Clem Corrigan Arlington Hill, Johny Martin, Kevi Blanchfield.â€" Jerrv_â€" Williams.. Pore Arlington Hill, Johny Martin, Kevi Blanchfield, Jerry Wiliams, Pore Shippam. [Telegrams of condolenc were received from John MeKenzi Sleeman., Ont., and G. Lanlante an cereiy 1 son and seau, and Mrs. ‘Thos. White, Calaâ€" bogie; Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith, Mrs. C. Bouttet, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dillon, Mr. and Mrs. W,. Mansfield, Mr. and Ms. Alex McKenzie, Mrs. J. N. Anâ€" grignon, Dan MeKenzie and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kellan, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hickey, Mrs. E. Harrington, Mrs. A. ,.\Ll((lmmld, Mrs. l‘mfl'u\un and son, Mr. and Mrs. Mmlm Horne, Misses Margaret and Mary Byrnes, Mr. and \Ils MceNamee, Schumacher; Mr. W. Gregg, Cobden; Mr. and Mrs. A. Dorschner, Miss M. E. Twolan, Timmins; Mrs. James Byrnes, North xThe death occurred in the Provid ence Hospital, Timmins, on Monday June 28th, of Mrs. Dan MeKensie. ; popular resident of Schumacher. . Th late Mrs. MceKenzie had lived n Schumacher for the past three year and was held in the highest esteem i all who knew her. Before her mar riage she was Miss Mary Shaw. 4 husband and one son, Jim, servive also one brother, Arthur Shaw of th city of Hamilton. The funeral took place on Wednes day morning of last week to the R.C church and cemetery and was ver; largely attended_ relatives am friends. â€" Spiritual offerimgs were re # DEATH OF MRS. D. McKENZIE OF SCHUMACHER, ON JUNE 28 x# 7 *A * * * * 4 4 4 M/,fffi%Afi?”’é’?”/’%”//t’/I//’ll/”//’/f’l/7I’//ll/.u, (OT]( i V TT ol Pembro vmn»pathyv « All Kinds of Auto Repairs Dereay n Best of Work and Service Guaranteed tuled Corner Cedar and Fourth Avenue (Lennan Property) oral tokens. were:â€"â€" Ladies of the Altar icher; wreath, from )1 eth band and Light Electrical Work provid this (" open alr 1 atiht N1 rke and ier, Mr. cen and am ‘and is), the J. Chatâ€" ; s, orrigan, vee thi perini (â€" ban Vn TCV 111 T1 ) HERIFF OF DISTRICT MARRIED LAST WEEK tTheir mus1¢ There will be a good programme of sports, athleties and. novelties at Schumacher for the Twelfth, with a pleasing list of good prizes. The list of speakers for the day is a remarkable one, including R. W. Bro. Ed. Baker, of Meaford, Ont., Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Onâ€" tario West; . W. Bro, B. G. Gosse, Grand Organizer, Ontario West; Ven. Archdeacon _ Woodall, _ of _ Porqgus Junction, Deputy Grand Chaplain, Ontario West; Past County Master Wor. Bro. S. T. Smith, of Iroquois Fall; Past County Master Wor. Bro. J. Eade, of Iroquois Falls; County Master Wor. Bro. W. F. Swayne, of Porquis Junetion ; Rev. Vowles of Iroâ€" quois Falls Lodge 2623; Wor. Bro. Bernie, of Connaught 2959, County Marshall; and other speakers. _ The chairman. for the addresses will hbe Wor. Bro. C. Weir, of Iroquois Falls, Distrvect Master. The programme of sports, ete., will include football, hbaseball., races for young and. old, tugâ€"ofâ€"war, relay races, etc. In the evening there will be a erand ball in the Melntyre Hall. ‘angements for one of, the maggest days of its kind ever held in the North. â€" There is a very attractive list of speakers and a big programme of sports, athletiecs and novelties for the 12th at Schumacher. Ten lodges are expected to take part in the proâ€" ceedings and consequently the parade will be a noteworthy one. _ Among the lodges to be represented will be ll()(|llt)l> Falls, Shillington, Porqus Matheson, Poreupine, Conâ€" naught, Monteith, Cochrane, Timmins and Schumacher. There will be a good programme of May Mrs. Mari Ali Plans Now Perfected for the Big County Orange Lodge Celebraâ€" tion on Monday. The committee inâ€" charge County â€" Orange Celebration 12th to be held at Schumae Monday have just completed ‘angzements for one of, the MANY FINE ADDRESSES AT SGHUMEGHER TWELFTH We launder clothes style ou shou.la we us t least atrial . nft e( h WE launder w Jaunder clothes in proâ€" per style., From the Suds to the ironing board they reâ€" ceive the attention of expert laundryâ€"folks. _ Ask us to call for your work. Ask the Duds about the polite attenâ€" tH TIMMINS LAUNDRY CO. 57 Cedear Street, N.. Timmins Look for Suds Duds ‘Ted to IaKe in ine proâ€" and consequently the parade i noteworthy one. _ Among s to be represented will be Donald M united hune M an S L/ CHarge. o Celebration ot at Sschumacher ever held in the ; oa very attractive id a big programme s and novelties for I in marriage on 30th, 1926, at the inse, Cochrane, by nes. Hosts of friâ€" tend â€"sincere vood ou didn jeople _ n they polit« the; e asking something iy, Sheviff, oJ Miss â€" Hazel of Mr. and Sault Ste or} the the July next + * * * 11

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