Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 8 Jul 1926, 2, p. 4

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dresses a ticulars statemen nature 0o by them. }.-\nd { last men In the Matter of the Estate of Charles James, late of the Townâ€" ship of Bowman in the District of Cochrane, Deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 56 of the Trustees Act, R.S.O. 1914, Chapter 121, and all amendâ€" ments thereto, that all creditors and others having claims or demands aâ€" gainst the Estate of the said Charles James, who died on or about the eleventh day of October 1924, at the Township of Bowman in the District of Cochrane, are required on or beâ€" fore the twentyâ€"fifth day of July, to send to post, prepaid, and registered, or delivered to Walter James, Matheâ€" son, Ont., the Executor of the Estate of the said deceased, their Christian names and surnames, addresses and deseriptions, the full particulars in writing of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. And take notice that after such Solicitor Dated of June. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS HKouseholders using well water must boil it for at least 20 minutes. All outside toilets must be made fiy proof. Wrap all Garbage in paper. Keep your Garbage can covered. Use plenty of Chloride of Lime which can be procured at the Town Hall, free. P.0O. Box 1591 Phone 640 Chartered Accountant Officeâ€"Room 5, Gordon Block Marshallâ€"Ecclestone Building, Timmins EVERYBODY WELCOMSE Thursday, July 8th, 1926 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. ATTENTION HOUSEHOLDERS Music by Fiveâ€"Piece Orchestra WEDNESDAY NIGHT IN THE FINN HALL Dean Kester at Ansonville 1926 By Order of THE BOARD OF HEALTH Timmins, Ont. â€"19â€"31p 5b o ib 5 ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib id i i. in in ib n i h 15. 55. 5) 5 5 5 5 5 5 ib h i5 ib i5 15 6 i5 5 i 5 o t i io 1g55 t 15 i 15 165 654 iMfiMfiSSSSSX:} P _ ULiL_ UGUJFfSGIAAR â€" Z A. Mr. Adoliphe DesRoches as Special Representative in Timmins and District 27. > 45 *# 44 44 4 4 4 s * 3 5; s 4 *‘ The Misses Violet and Cora Peâ€" core have left for Nillaloe and other points east to spend their summer vacation. They also will take an exâ€" tended trip through Algonquin Park, accompanied by their cousins Mrs, W. Kitts and Katie Belle MeDonald. 4 All will be pleased to know that Mr. E. J. Curnow continues to improve in health and is now well enough to be out of the house for a short time each day. All wish him a speedy return to the best of health. ' ® \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\i\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\h »\\\\\S\f\%\\)\\\\’ ----- E.M. ALLWORTH WON TRE HALPERIN SILVFR CUP Capt Dr. Another Interesting Shoot at the Gun Club on Thursday Evening Last The keenest interest is being conâ€" tinued in the weekly shoots of the Gun Club. Each week finds added numbers to the membership list. On Thursday last Mr. E. M. Allâ€" worth won the handsome silver eup presented by Halperin‘s _ Jewelry Store in a shootâ€"off with Messrs. A. R. Milne, Capt. D. Jones, Phil Young, Capt. A. Young, E. Simmons and Fred R. Milne, Capt. D. Jones, Phmil YÂ¥ Capt. A. Young, E. Simmons and Sexton. The following were the scores Brennan Harvey .. Simmons. D. Brady. Sullivan .. mexton ... _When You Need Men‘s Boots of Any Kind, Come in and See Us ... . . ]Jill.\' w oo o# @0# o# o® Montgomery Lafferty Caldbick Roberts. MeW hinney Stanlake. .. Milne....... J aCODS «.:. Bray . ... Laprairie. .. t. D. Jones . We are sole agents for the famous Church Shoes, of Northampton, Engâ€" land. On hand now Black and Brown Oxfords in Bals., Bluchers and Brogues from Dayfoot Miner‘s Boots, high and Genuine Palmerâ€"McLellan Mining low cut. Boots in high and low cut. Wm. Taylor handâ€"made Miner‘s Boots. Extra heavy gauge sole, 12 inch only. Hollinger Stores Ltd. Y oung $10.00, $12.00 $16.50 $13.00 to $13.50 Every Hollinger Employee is entitled to Regular Discount. $10.00 to $11.50 Ask to see these Shot at Buy HOLLINGER QUALITYâ€"IT PAYS Broke 11 14 10 16 10 v)b) PLEASING PROGRAMME AT THE IWANIS GLUB Members of ‘‘Chuckles‘‘ Company Provide Very Interesting Programme THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO. The big feature at the Kiwanis Club luncheon on Monday of this week was the very attractive and enjoyable entertainment arranged for the event by Mr. P. M. Bardessono, manager of the Goldfields Theatre. **‘The Chuckâ€" les of 1926"¢ is showing at the Goldâ€" fHelds Theatre this week, and **Pete"‘ had several members of the company at the luncheon, and the programme they furnished was certainly appreâ€" ciated by all. The meeting was held in the main dining hall of the Emâ€" pire Hotel, which was nicely decorâ€" ated for the oceasion.. There was a large attendance of members of the Club present, and all enjoyed the event from beginning to end. _ The programme furnished by the members of the **Chuckles"" company was a noteworthy one. Miss Queenie ltieâ€" hardson, who has a remarkably pleasâ€" ing voice and personality, with special musical gifts, sang a solo that won much â€" merited â€" appreciation. _ Miss All Guaranteed. at the Kiwanis on Monday of this week ittractive and enjoyable arranged for the event Bardessono, manager of Theatre. **‘The Chuckâ€" is showing at the Goldâ€" week, and **Pete‘ ers of the company ind the programme Several other makes from $4.00 to $9.00 Fraser‘s handâ€"made Miner‘s Boots, low cut only. Quality and value are the standards we go by. We guarantee every pair we sell in all makes. $5.75 to $8.00 The Children‘s Aid Society of the District of Cochrane met in Timmins last week under its new constitution and elected the following officers :â€" Presidentâ€"C. V. Gallagher, South Poreupine. SALVATION AMM\ TD | Orange Pekoe Blend Always DISTRICT CHILDREN‘S AID ELECTS OFPFICERS New Timmins S.A. To assist with the addigional work .that Wwill develop from the new outpost a second assisâ€"| SOQ tant has been added to the Army staft at Timmins. This is Lieut. R. Spilâ€" lett who will be stationed at Sclhuâ€" 2 macher. The Schumacher branch of | Red the Army will be earried on as zmld.nv outpost for a year and then if the| that work is successful, as expected, a | wer regular corps will be established. how The formal opening of the Schuâ€"| senc macher Salvation Army. will be on | tion Sunday, July 10th, with additional | man special services on the following Wedâ€" plac nesdav. is m In view of the large field apparen}, and in response to requests from the Schumacher people, the Salvation Army is going to open an outpost in Schumacher. The outpost will be in charge of Adjutant Crowe, of the AT SGRUMAGHER , JULY 10 Outpost Will be Under Chargs Adjutant Crowe, With Lieut. Spillett as Officer iceâ€"President To assist with the rk that Will develop outpost a second assisâ€" idded to the Army statft This is Lieut. R. \]nl- be stationed at Schuâ€" M. Dewar, **%*% 4* ## * # t y # w# * # w# # *# # o .00. .0049 * * /# # o olb d # # + t ty _ t# w _ ®@ L e ME J ## # _ ® # /# ol *# # w _ _ ®@ _ % @ w# *# # ## . # *# Jw © "® # 0”: extes ## # *#* w # 4 es * # *# *# *# t # * L ®#, # # ## ## “. «w JULY 19th TO BE ANOTHER GUEST NIGHT AT RAMBLERS Monday evening in the Hollinger Reâ€" creation Hallk â€" There was a good atâ€" tendance of the members of the Club present. â€" Music was provided by the Club Orchestra. A dainty and pleasâ€" ing luncheon added to the enjoyment of the evening, Mrs. H. Thompson and Mr. F. E. Loney looking after this part of the evening‘s entertainment. The event scheduled for next Monâ€" day evening is a Sheik and Sheba Dance; a pleasant evening is assured. On Monday evening, July 19th, the RNamblers are holding a special guest night. Invitations will be issued in the course of a few days for this spneâ€" cial, and the nonâ€"members of the Club who have been fortunate enough to receive invitations to previous guest nights of the Ramblers are assured of an even better time on Monday evenâ€" ing, July 19th, for the special July dance. The â€" Hollinger _ Recreation Ing, ) JAuULY;S: 1. dance. Th Hall will hb the occasion Prospectors coming down from the Red Lake area say that up to a few days ago there was so much rain fell that the chancees of any forest fires were practically done away with. Now, however, the hot weather and the abâ€" sence of rain is causing a little quesâ€" tioning about forest fires.. With so many camps established in so many places over a very wide district there is more than the normal danger of fire. The forests are dry and there is conâ€" siderable inflammable matter seatâ€" tered all over the area that a little ‘arelessness might cause to spring inâ€" to a bad fire. Prospectors are generâ€" ally very careful of fire and through this watchfuIness and regard for the saftey of all concerned, it is hoped to continue to avorid any forest fires. The fireâ€"rangers are busy and watchâ€" ful and the service of planes has been added ~to the good work of the rangers, SOME DANGER NOW OFP FIRE IN THE RED LAKE AREA Daly‘s Good Tea Two reasons for its popularity are the delicious flavour and that it makes more cups of good tea to the pound than other brands. For sale by A. P. Dooley, Nick Blahey and F. Feldman, Timmins, Ont. Phone 567M Public School â€" McIntyre Hall Public School South Porcupine Schumacher Dome Mines {one day) p (one day ) (one day) Buy a pound and be convince Hollinger _ Recreation decorated specially for Leave your Orders for These candies arrive every Thursday Leave your order for the regular asâ€" sortment or make up any assortment you desire. List closes every Tuesday morning. Same prices as in Toronto and Montreal 60c. A POUND CORDON‘ S Head Office: Napanee, Ont. DRUCG STORE TELEPHONE 423 T immins Vet Y C 1724

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