Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 4 Mar 1926, 2, p. 1

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some“! mun mutamidfrmtotho garbage can: should be kept “ In: as to prevent snow getting 9:25? Sernce3° -- - f igBunday 11 a.m., Sunday School 10 a. m. '1 5f edneSday Meeting... .1. . .\'Z. 30 p. m. ,gTe'stimOnies of Healing through "~24 ; “v2 ; {1-weetingg" f' ‘gvery. second fi‘d' fourth mama .m the Parish Han. uh Rooms min Piw’s Furniture "Sta-(s, 425$th Avenue. - , g, “r into the garbage. . ‘ " ‘ garbage containing snow or ashes . 1 {ji- will not be taken away; - ,_ port of the sanitary by-hw must be adhered to or‘ prosecution will ' . - follow. . 3'4 " . BOARD OF HEALTH ............ Meets 03:1), the 2nd and 4th Monday (if, ‘er1'yr month, in the Basement " ,. of Anglican Church. All vxsltmg members welcome, w Isnor.W.M w. r. Mommas f, t" tian Science Meetings :- onnrmows' HALL ~ subject 5 if’igpnited Brotherhood of "' Carpenters gngomars will meet every 131: and 311} imaged” of. each month in the ‘g’gi -' Union Hall, 2nd Ave.’ at 730, pm V:'~v I . I . ~ ’ O . J‘-,' ‘ ‘ 13' .\ ,; moi} We “‘3 The gLancashire CluB of Timmins meéts in- the Hollinger Recreation Hal :th'oflfirstfi andsecond Saturdays in end month"- at 8 pm: Lahcpshife‘peoplc I : . * Meets eve Tuesday evempg m the“ Oddfellows’ Hall, Spruce St... North. Vialtmg brfilmen requested to attend. J'gG. Harris W. G. Smith, N.G. ,' 1-“. ' ..R.8. . are welcome and may gbring‘ friends by invitation only, which may be ob- tained from the) Secretdry or Presi- dent on application, or from 1 any member of the Committee. ~ LEE '1'. H. HOWARD, 81291110 86., south 2. o. Box_ 1037 .P Q 530! 203 _ 4-. _ TIMMINS GOLD NUGGET REBEKAH LODGE No.173 in the Oddfellows’ Hall, Spruce St. ., Vultmg Brothers and Sisters always welcome.‘ Irene 01083,; Lancashire . Club T s ‘1 LODGE HOU ‘ HOLDERS Pres. N,G. ,P. J.’ 43313131313. Tryâ€"--â€"â€"â€":â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- Financial-Secretary Ethel Keene,‘ - Rec. Sec. 'Seo.-' In the meantime, however, Mr; Ostrcosser expects to be back to busi-_. ness in the old stand again this week. He is putting on a big fire sale, and is offering good merchandise at re- markable reductions. Some of the stock escaped injury altogether, and the only damage is from smoke and water only. As noted above the fire did not get into the ’store part of the building. Of course, there will abe no ruined goods ofiered fOr sale but in goods aflected by smoke’ and water loss only the sale offers natur- ally great opportunities for big values 1n toWu list week and ' ’ e‘r‘ mspect- ing the building and StOcks made a satisfactory Mjmtmint With Mr. D.. Ostrosser 1n regard to the fire damage ”to the Ostrosser block last Wednee! day. While the tQ'p art of the budding is a. total loss 1: _e fire did not get into the me: pext at all. The building will be out 011 and a temport ery woof put on. In the spring Mr. Ostrosser JWill likely decide on the building that will re pleeé the present structure. The building by-law re- quires a better class of gbitiildiug, and Mr. Ostm'sser Will 1165‘ doubt put up a substantial and ”creditable block to take the place of the old one Which was among the early business buildings of the town an'd it good one at that time, though since goutdistanced by the town especially in regards to fire- resisting qualities. :Hosts of friends in town Will re- gret to learn of the illhealth of Mr. Robert MacMillan in Glasgow Where he has been for some years past. Mr. MacMillan’ was for several years a popular member of the stafl of the Hollinger Stores grocery department. All Will Wish him a speedy return to health and prosperity. i.\ mammhamm; ‘ ZAnwW .- V ’ ” Monsantwm Hifi: up on the wooded slopes of ravine bnly. tom entrust-finds later but Re élatéko a. long thin here and there, halter-aka through line 6! black wail iiihonatted thetrees mdsnow . W 3M can do! now. Bud- _ fl “gout and theall thin “Pguzmwn'pms: 91f”? as am”. btl. “.gIt’iltha starts)! MW. latest innmtijon in the 3:9.“ HP? Ari! fifltnokgt'ttitmt Mention in- the sigh haw 0%“ tutti. “VI-L mm dlttst winter patina ll. Shown at “inmuin glistde”_ tad m _tt flit? 1 LI.” 3 . ”MID W: __n 42;, ’ dqm_mtrd .C-‘ ’ ‘ , "-Bv 1!: z. ' vâ€"w-v wâ€"rv v ‘ , £10th flu out” Gllssade” 1.8” ; Gaming Pdpularity : .‘ I. ‘3” 3...]; $2?” :I i it??? a . > ‘_ s. ‘ F, ‘11 359 @1114 g. ‘ ,3", _ if ‘. . . _ , . 7 “ ' I =2 4,NARIo THURSDAY MARCH 4th, 1926. .g_ The Porcupine-Branch ofistllél‘Canalfica s of competency; Thus the res- dian Institute of Mining; ,axfd"f"‘Métal- ’ pen; ._bility for different ibran‘ches of lurgy “had; the f pleasure, on" Friday, the‘i vork‘ could be attached to cer- February _26th, of listening to'ian: ad'- tain"? qualified persons. Both the dress by.Mri-.T. 'F, Sutherland, Chief y; gement and the employees seem- Inspector of "Mines for Ontario, on ' 'ghly‘satisfiedwith the system as the subject of “Soutthfrica.” it"(if ered'aprotectiOn “to the various The meeting held in théOddfellows’ Lhol; "rs of certificates as well .as giv- Hall, Timmins, was perhaps the best ingg‘gin assurance that the holder knew attended of any held by the local hisigwork; The meeting held 1n thé Oddfellows’ Hall, Timmms, was perhaps the best attended of any held byp the local branch. There were representatives from all the mines of the area. Mr. Sutherland gave a very inter- esting and instructive talk on his trip taken to South Africa during 1925. He went primarily as he stated, at the directionxOf the Ontario Department of Mines to study the conditions in South Africa which made the accident rate in the mines lower than those of Ontario. As the fatal accident rate in mines of Ontario is 3. 4 (app) to South Africa? s 1. 75 per 1,000 men em- ployed, he said there was room for improvement in this province. 5 He accounted for the difierencein that South Africa had more rigid mine inspection, together with somewhat different workting conditions, but he credited the licensing system 'with‘ beâ€" ing more conducive to lower achi- dents than any other factor. He cited how blasters, shift bosses, hoistmen, assayers, surveyors and, mine managers all had to hold cprti'go Mr. T. F.3ntherland Chief Inspector of Mines, Addresses Local Mining Institute A very Valuable Address. Comparison of Mining Accidents 1n Ontario and South Africa. Helpful Data Supplied by Chief Inspector. Ki Mr. Sutherland pointed out. that the reef mined in south Africa is difier- ent in many ways from conditions in Northern Ontario. Owing to the dip "of the reef being somewhat flat What are called gravity accidents are not‘ Ianything like as numerous as with the !steep er inclined lodes of Ontario” However, South Africa has to contend with a rock temperature of 95 deg. F. and trouble from air blasts which the speaker explained were due to the great pressure 6f the mass of ground lying overpwhat was mined out. -;A‘z£’te1° an explanation of the meth- ods adopted to shutdown the danger of silicosis (miners’ cOnsumption), ,a lung disease due to breathing the ' v p mining is now the prevailing con: ‘ition in the gold mines of South AfH-c'a- Sev’er‘al‘ mines have ap- pi‘of. ‘ched depths of 7000 feet although 400 . fee‘t‘ wasetated to be the limit of éljg’coiidmical vertical hoisting, The grggtei‘fldepth‘s are reached by incline-3 and balsam. game crowds in the city streets convenedto‘ one oint where- the tape was t9 finish. '1‘ en a shunt went up as far across -- the railway tracks and rounding flaky-190%,} w- wâ€"- “wâ€"vâ€" :71“. and Ne]; Nelson, Ravelstoke’ s v lided swif fin-to m mmnn son ’ NORTHERN wwfiom / Announcementâ€"uâ€" is made this Week “flit Mn‘. Jos.~ Bourke has been an- a description of the country travelled from Capetown to Elizabethville in the Belgian Congoâ€"A. stretch of country rich in gold, platinum, asbes- tos, diamonds and lastly copper, radi- um and cobalt. fing silipa,-‘the spegker'wenthon to ggvg Belgian Congo now has the great- est supply of radium and cobalt, a- part from the place it holds as a cop- per producer. Knnouncement is made this Week- Mr Joe Bourke has been ape pointed manager of the Northern Canada Power, Limited, in succession to Mr. E. S. Noble, who is going to Ka puskasing as assistant to the Spruce Falls Pulp Paper 00. Mr. Bourke was manager of the Great Northern Power 00., in which posi- tion he showed executive ent and the ability to make friends?l Mr. Sutherland had some interest- ing data of the production of the various minerals in South Africa and the Belg‘ian Congo. He pointeg out that the gold reduction of South Africa was stil a long way ahead of that of 0ntario and this was not to be wondered at when it was explained that the reef from which the gold was taken extended for 62 miles in length. The platinum discoveries of recent years have added another extremely important mineral resource to South Africa’s already great mineral indus- try -- ' At the conclusion 'of the lecture a number of views were thrown on the screen to give an idea~of the country over which the speaker had travelled. The development of the platinum resources will give South Africa the premier place in platinum as well as gold and diamonds. ' The asbestos de- posits also are probably the most exm tensive in the world. - WM... 7/3 -_ , ‘al “mm-swam. of roofing” = will yé'v‘fiélifibglv “TM“ and heavy weights. Freight paid. Cash bmy‘ers sav’é big- money by ordering Spring” gobds ~ at‘v these Wholesale» pripes.ik a $3111pr and“ catalogue of B'nilders‘, Bargains free. The 'HaILL any Co’., Ltd., 85 Jackson Street, Hamilton, Ont. ' -9 I‘Tchartemmmuma ht Let Ins re’pair and wagga'proof that may rgof before the rainy season. _1’arabestos \ Roofing ‘ Paint, ané ;Ka.ntl'eek Roofing O'ameht' For Sale 3.0. Ba: 1591 » Phone 640 ‘ Officeâ€"Room 5, Edition Block Gordon H Gauthier Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal Work. Corner Kirby Ave and Mount) oy 8i P. 0. BOX 974. - TIMMINS, ONT. Barriéter. 841cm, new hind, {g On Aug. 151:, 0 89311me Open in the store at 8 Qatar Street, N. Hematitchmg, Singer Sew- ing Machmes, Gramo- phones, GramOphOne Ro- ' pairs, etc. o. SEGUIN , 809m Street. N. Phone 2644'. Mr. Gauthier will beat rimmin- W. H. SEVE RT oLD EMPIRE THEATRE . On, SUNDAY, man. 7th at 8.00 Subjeck‘ ‘The- Orisié of Christen- 501/; Third Ave” corner Balsam St., Timmins, Ont. 27t.f. ,v - ~____ dom. ” Speakerâ€"Mr. S. Taylor, 5 Scottish Evangelist, Haileybury. Don’ 1; _ms filial Inkresting an‘d, BUILDING CONTRACTOR“ Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries of Public, etc. ' OFFICES REED BLOCK, ms and ‘ SOUTH POROUPINB SPECIAL LECTURE Plain-s Lewis Singer Serng Machine Shop BraZeau Son Instructiva' Dificonrse: '. M. Busby, of Brantford will . sing. - out.

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