Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 1 Apr 1925, 1, p. 2

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HEBREW UNIVERSITY TD BE TODAY Local Jews Greatly Interested H Event of World Significance. %fi%fi%fifi%fifi%%%fi%%Efi%%%figfigfi%fifi%fi%%%fi%fififi%%Efi%fi%figfigfigfi%fi%fififigfigfi%‘sfifi% o}o e «"s¢°% 4* a‘%4%°% + 1228 OMOOHQOMOODQONVO’QOOQOOOOOOO. Amone the Jewish people of Timâ€" ming and district special interest is being shown in the dedication of the Hebrew University in Jemsalem toâ€" daV(A'prnl Ist, 1‘)‘)5) This Hebrew University is situated â€" on Mount Seopus, Jerusalem, and it is believed that it will ibe the Centre of OCulture from which will} flow the old Hebraic zeal for social justice and righteousâ€" ness. *A a" * *0°% AC Zionist *# # *4 #4.% #* #* *# ## 0+ #° "® #,. * Â¥ "% *4 #* #4 # @ 4 44 #* : # 3. t hs #* * * * # *4 *4 *, # *4 #* # #@ # t# *4 ** # < @ * *se 4# ## ® # * s #4 P 2 #+¢ ®, far back as 1901, at the fifth Congress, a resolution was 0000000000000000000000 *4 000000 00.0'0 4# 00000.000000000000000000000‘00000000.000000000000‘000000 + «+ 32 n i i is i i a4 44 64 44 +,*, X 2X X en s 40988 5.5 00 .00000000000000 0 000000’00000000000’00’00’0000 0000000.00’00000000000:0000’0000000000000..0..00 0000 Wednesday and Thursday, April 1st and Apri 1 2nd, 1925 # w# _ ## # JMIÂ¥, .. .“.“ * 4 #4 # *# #4 # # #4 *, .“ ¢ .0 'o ho #*.% *# FRIDAY SATURDAY, APL. 3 Colleen Moore His High Horse + * +4.: * C3 #@ *# * * “.00.“:“. * * 4 uns sns a*a * * se _e0 +4 44,: * ut * * * #*% + Ad > ui in en en * #* #4 ¢4% * * A m #% #" 0# 44 44 04 44 #4 t *# _# *# *# *..*, s‘o4‘e #4 + * *# %4 #*. *,. .*% ‘s**s # it +. :t :t :t. * “““'“. Jack Dempsey THE GOLDFIELDS THEATRE in " 8O BIG " passed calling uwpon the Executive to examine the possibilities of founding a Jewish University in Palestine. In 1913, at the eleventh Ztonist Congress, the Executive was a@ble to announce that steps had been taken to fulfil the desire of the Jewish people to make Palestine the seat of Cultural activity. In 1914 negotiations were commenced for the purchase of land on Mount Scopus, theny, the progness of the World War deferred matters for the time. In 1918, however, the great work was again well unden way, the corner stone of the great world uniâ€" versity being Jlaid with impressive ceremony on July 24th, General Allenâ€" by and staff and members of the Fnench and Italian Contingents beâ€" inz among those present. The Hebrew University, being dediâ€" cated toâ€"day is conceived, in its initial Newsâ€"Review "ROSE OF PARIS" MONDAY TUESDAY, APL Richard Dix Hot Air ingents beâ€"| gaged in dealing with problems which have a special bearing on the developâ€" being dedi<â€"] ment of agrieulture and industry in in its initial Palestine, and will in the same way in * MAN MUST LIVE " Anthony Cleopatra THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO stage, as a centre for advanced research in those branches of science which have a special bearing on the public health of Palestine, and on its economic development, as ‘well as in those branches of ‘Orjgental studies which are especially connected with the religious traditions of the Land. The first of the Research Institutes opened consists of a department of Micnobiology, â€" a sehool of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, and an Instiâ€" tute of Biochemistry. The function of the first two institutions will ‘be to carry out research work in the infectious idiseases «characteristic of Palestine and the adjacent countries. The Biochemical Institute will Ibe enâ€" omoomo i2 162 26e s it nc es t asraatoaatectoctes? 0“000 en‘ 66‘ + bzbooboo00000_000000000000000000000000000000000 + oo“o # *A Movie Morals «+ :C .‘ 44 # 4 @ + #4 #+ *%. E0k3 ‘a* * *4 #4 ¢4 + * LJ Cad #4 4. .# .% +s "*+ .“.“. 4+ 4. _# s** 44 44 4. _# ‘s**s 0“0 #* *4 *4 *# + *# * estectostoestactes s 26e 2*2,*, tectoctecstoctes * # *# *# #* *4 #4 #4 %.,.* t s* * ## *4 64 4. % ‘s**+ 0“0 P On the Arts side, the first departâ€" ment to ‘be opened is a Research Instiâ€" tute for Jewish and Oriental Studies â€"in particwlar for the study of the Jewish religion, of Jewish history, literature, law, philosophy, languages, etc. place the results at the disposal of the practical worker. In close association with the Reâ€" search â€" Institute it is proposed . to establish a People‘s University for the dissemination â€"of ‘knowledge and the general educational advancement of wider sections of the population. The University will have at its disâ€" posal the considerable resources of the Jewish National Library .n Jerusalem, which already possesses over 80,000 volumes, covering a wide range of learned literature and is notâ€" ably rich in Hebrew and books and manuscripts. The board of Governors of the Hebâ€" rew University consists provisionally of the followin:â€"Professor Einstein, Achad Haam, Dr. J. L, Magnes, Sir Alferd Mond, Mr. J. de Rothschild, Mr. Sokolow, Mr. Felix \\'arlnug,_Df. Weizman. f In referring to the Hebrew Uniâ€" versity, ‘Dr. Weizman says:â€"*‘‘The Jewish University, though intended pnimarily for Jews, will, of course, gsive an affectionate welcome to the members Oof every race and every creed.. **My chouse is a house of prayer for all nations.‘‘ The Uniâ€" versity is destined to play an importâ€" ant part in the field of knowledge."‘ The Jewish people have been a nation cof scholars throughout the ages. Their great scholars toâ€"day are scatâ€" tered over the wide world. The Hebâ€" rew University in Palestine will give them a central home, as it were, and bring them all together in the broader sense for the advancement of learning and the betterment of the world. Wm. Keech, of New Liskeard, a fineman on the T. N.O. Railway was drowned in Lake Nipissing on Sunâ€" day of last week, and three companâ€" ions narrowly escaped a similar fate; when the motor can in which they were driving over the ice plunged into open water about six miles from Chaudiere Falls. The late Wm. Keech was only 21 years of age and the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Keech of New Liskeard. The annual Easter Monday dance under the auspices of the Girl‘s Auxâ€" iliary of St. Matthew‘s, will be he!ld on iflnl 13th, in the Masonic Hall, GIVEN SEVENâ€"VEAR TEAM DN GHARGE OF INGEST Robert of Stock Township, Sentenced for Serious Offence Against 13â€"YÂ¥ear Old Daughter. At South Poncupime last week Robâ€" ert Sherk was charged before Magisâ€" strate Atkinson with the crime of incest. Sherk elected to a suminary trail before the Magistrate and admitâ€" ted the offence against his 13â€"yegrâ€"old daughter. ‘The Magistrate sentenced him to seven years imprisonment at Kingston. The daughter is under the care of the Children‘s Aid Society, but was allowed to return home in the care of her mother. Sherk lived with his family, including several small children, on a farm in Stock Township, near Monteith. The work of the famnm will be carried on by a ‘brother of Mrs. Sherk who kindly aâ€" greed to jlook after the farm and familvy. , BAND SELECTIONS ON SUNDAY WERE MUCH APPRECIATED ./ There was the full house for the Band Concert on Sunday evening, and the big crowd showed general apâ€" pneciation for the programme. Owâ€" ing to illness, two of the vocalists expected to assist on the programme were unable to ‘be present,. The inâ€" strumental selections, however, were especially pleasing, and the event was generally considered as attractive and successful. A violin solo by Bandsâ€" man J. T. Bridges, with Mr. Geo. Hale playing the accompaniment at the piano, was very enthusiastically enâ€" cored, and in his responding number, Mr. [Bridges won equally mented fayâ€" our. Bandsman Pappone in the clarinet solo, ‘*Alicante,‘‘ with baad accompaniment, gave a talented renâ€" dition that delighted all musicâ€"lovers present. The work of the Band, unâ€" der Band Leader, Wolno was specially appreciated Sunday evening. Among the selections by the Band were:â€" March, â€" ‘‘Taberators‘‘; overture, "*Tradella,‘‘ waltz ‘‘Eileen Allanah,"‘ selection ‘*H.M.S. Pinafores"‘; selecâ€" tion, *‘*‘Anona.‘"‘ A bed at home is worth two in a hospital. The next Band Concert is expected to be ‘held on Sunday evening, Apuil 12th, after the churech services, general apâ€" iumme. â€" Owâ€" he vocalists Cordially invite the citizens of Timâ€" mins to call at any evening between 8.30 and 12 p.m. to inspect the quarâ€" ters and to learn the good purpose of our Club. Anyone who wish to make this inâ€" spection will be welcome to come. The (Club is open every evening inâ€" cluding Sunday. R. R. PAGLIARLI, Old folks visitingâ€"find our safe and courteous service a blessingâ€"when comfort in transit is essentialâ€"â€"a}:d the cost is small. HONE Pfi "o, .,;.?/. To help one another â€"motto of Taxi Tad MELPING President. a

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