Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 1 Apr 1925, 1, p. 9

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+ q. frodyne...:............>..; $250.00 Ackradyne 5â€"tube tuned Radio $125.00 Ware 3â€"tube Neutrodyne..... $110.00 Freshman Masterpiece ...... $85.00 Hfarkness Reflex ............ $58.50 Strombérgâ€"Carlson 1d. speaker $23.50 ()aldwin Standard 14. speaker $30.00 Baldwin Symphony 1d. speaker $22.50 Baldwin Phonograph Units... $8.50 Morrison Phonograph Units.. $7.00 Rhamstine Needlephone .... $14.00 Tubes UV 2014 and Peanut.. $4.00 We have the New Northern lectric Peanut Tube in stock. Try this tube for better results. Buy your Radio from us and get our Free Service Strombergâ€"Carlson 5â€"tube Neuâ€" RADIO ENGINEERS AND ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 53% Cedar St. North PHONE 506 P.O. BOX 939. Armstrong Electrical Company 39 Fourth Ave. .Opp. Fire Soft Drinks, Tobaccos, Cigars, Cigarettes, Candies, etc. If you break your Electric Light just come toâ€" P. ANTOINE Second Section MARKETSUM MARY ON REQUEST 4 Colborne St. â€" Toronto TEACHER OF VIOLIN AND MANDOLIN You know where you can get the BEST CANNED GOODS ICE CREAM AND FRUITS Mr. James Huxley 4th Ave. No. 11 Wilson Avenue Next Door to Mackie‘s Bake Shop. Reliability, Efficiency, Promptness Modern Hat Shop 41 Wilson Avenue Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Etc. Ladies‘\ and Children‘s MRS. V. CLERMONT. Electrical Contractor Geo. L. T. Bull Members Toronto Stock Exchange MAIN STREET, WEST NORTH BAY, ONT. PHONE 473â€"w. SPECIALISTS (Since 1896 ) Schumacher, Ont. 4â€"12p. » THE PORCUPINEâ€" ADVANCE Of course, there is another side to the question. The average woman has cooking, sweeping, dusting, washâ€" ing, cleaning, mending, care of childâ€" ren, sewing, and a thousand and one other duties requiring close care and concentrated attention. While the carefw! wife is engrossed in some duty oy engaged in the attentrionâ€"demandâ€" ing work of a sharp ring comes to the door bell or an imperative knock to the door with the subâ€"consâ€" cious thought that there must be a very impontant visitor, she discovers a gentleman who is determined to sell the Life of Hon. Mr. Raney in two volumes and a half, or a patent mouseâ€"trap that may ‘be used as an ornament for the piano on Sunday. While she is at the door the bnoth burns or the baby falls out of the crib, or the (blacklead cakes on the stove. It is only the inherent tenderâ€" ness of woman thiat prevents the murâ€" der of some salesmen under some cireumstances. Dozens of useless calls during a busy day will try the patience of a saint. Is it to be wonderâ€" ed at that they do. _ If woman were more human and less saintâ€"like they would literailly ‘‘slam the door in the salesman‘s face,‘‘ instead of doing it just metaphornically. A man ‘has the relief of a good volley of profanity and abuse. Good manners deny such relief to the ladies. Surely, then, they should be entitled to at least the privilege of a short answer and a quick retreat to the pressing duties that are calling. There are people both housewives and houseâ€"toâ€"house canvassers, whose patience and courtâ€" esy are without limit, but the average peddler is enough of a nuisance that if he has the temenity to say anything A gentleman last week wrote to The Northern News complaining of the rudeness and ignorance (as _ he thought) of many Cobalt people in their dealings with houseâ€"toâ€"house salesmen (or peddlers, as busy houseâ€" wives call them). LADIES NOT ALLOWED THE RELIEEF OF SWEARING about 7,000 feet above sea level. There were present or nearby about 28 saddle or pack horses and 14 trail riders who had ridden or fished along the Kootenay from the Crossing to the river‘s unmapped source in War. field Basin and had landed on the plateau beside Tumbling Gacier at the head of the Wolverine Pass. It was there and then decided to form the Order and buttons were awarded: to thase who had travelled distances on the trail from 2,500 miles do'ntol as low as fifty miles, Among the This genial idea was put into pracâ€" tice by Walter J. Nixon member of the Council of the Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies and it was found to work out quite well In the particuâ€" lar instance shown in the cuts, the task was to break the trail through deep snows to the Phoenix mine in British Columbia and this anerous task would have been impossible without some such device as the one depicted. The idea of the Trail Riders Order came into being one rainy day last TIMMINS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1st, 1925,. reflecting on the good manners of the ladies the average man will} ‘be so peeved that more than the door will be slammed. EIGHTEEN CASES AT LAST WEEK‘S POLICE COURT. Last Thursday was not a specially busy day at police court, yet there were eighteen cases in all on the doeâ€" ket. Some of the cases were remandâ€" ed to this week, including :â€"A man charged with the theft of a roll of bills from a room where he was alâ€" leged to have visited during the time the occupant was asleep; two young men charged with disorderly conduct, arising from a fight or beatingâ€"up on the street. A man charged with atâ€" tempting to evade his boardingâ€"house bill was remanded till called supon, having in the meantime paid part of the bill and arranged to pay the rest. l me;tNSch‘é‘me od\l’serfibva;ked from the Cunard liner Antonia at Halifax last Saturday (March 21). The first families of British settlers for Canada under the Empire _ Settleâ€" ment Scheme disembarked from the Cunard liner Antonia at Halifax that 150 people would be present, but Tuking heary load to Phboenis Mincs. Inset, Horse on snowshoes. Right Top, Count that Trail Riders Traverse. ah £ £# The first Powâ€"Wow of the Order First to Arrive. There were nine drunks, each and every one of them paying $10.00 and costs. The four charges against A. As usual, The Haileyburian is offerâ€" ing a prize of a year‘s subscription fTor the corgect, or nearest correct guess, as to when the ice will go out of Lake Temiskaming this yean The Haileyburian has the records from 1893 to 1924. The earlist the ice was out of Lake Temiskaming was on April 12th, in 1910, and the latest, May 21st, in 1923. It looks as if this vear would set a new record. 0. Vallincourt in connection with deals made for trades in pianos and gramoâ€" phones were withdrawn, Mr. Vallinâ€" court paying the costs any paying the various amounts the four complainâ€" ants said they were entitled to. The case under the Master and Servants Act was also settled by Mr. Vallinâ€" court paying the wages and costs of the case. YÂ¥ oho thousand than the 200 odd partic in the function last year. after a three day (45 mile) cross: country ride from Marble Canyon on the Banffâ€"Windermere Road. The trail to be used calls at the Vermilion Paint Pots, climbs up Tumbling Creek to the Wolverine Plateau where it connects with a new trail over the High Alps east of Helmit and Goodsir, and after dropping down to Goodsir Creck rises again alongside McArthur Pass to Lake O‘Hara and so to Wapta. FThis route traverses some of the most spectacular scenery in the world. Membership in the Order of the Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies has increased greatly in the first year of its formation. At the August Powâ€" Woxs there should be nearer a WESTERN TEAMS WIN THIS / YEAR‘S HOCKEY TROPHIES. In amateur hockey this is a ** Westâ€" ern‘‘ year, both the Allan Cup and the Memorial Cup going West, like the young men of Horace Greeley‘s time. The Allan Cup goes as far west as Port Arthur and the other trophy travels through to Regina, Sask. In referring to these two trophies The North Bay Nugget last week says:â€"â€" ‘"It‘s a western year in amateur hockey, all right. _ Port Arthur has the Allan Cup and the Regina Patriâ€" cias hold the Memorial trophy as the result of Wednesday night‘s games. ‘‘In the senior affair at Winnipeg Varsity gave a much better account of themselves than in the first game and looked like winners right up to the last ten minutes. As the cup, this year, goes to the winner of the best two in three games, the students figured that they stood a chance. But the Ports then hit their stride, staged a whirlwind attack and walked off the ice with a 3â€"2 victory and the cup. There were 225 men registered at the Employment Bureau at North Bay fast week, seeking employment, but jobs were found to ‘be‘*scarce to nonâ€"existent."‘‘ ‘‘The victory of Port Arthur is, to some extent, very satisfactory to N.0. H.A. fans. Port Arthur and Soo (Greyhounds played a special series of home and home games this winter, and the series ended evenâ€"Stephen, each team winning two and the total goals being the same for each team. This would tend to indicate that the Greyhounds, at their best, are about the equal of the new cupholders. ‘‘Regina Patricias stood out over Aura Lee in Toronto and won by 5 to 2, taking the series by a total of 7 to 3. The game was rather rough at iimes and there was one freeâ€"forâ€"all fight but whenever the Patricias took the notion, they could outskate the O.H.A. champions and they gave Stark, in the Aura Lee net, a very busy evening." Open to nativeâ€"born Scots and Sceotswomen and those of Seottish descent. Meetings every Second and Fourth Friday in the Hollinger Recreation Hall, Timmins. Membership fee, $2.00 per year for ordinary members and 50c. per year for associate members. D. MACKIE, P. LARMER, The Caledonian Society of Timmins. Gordon H. Gauthier Room 6, Marshallâ€"Ecclestone Block ‘TIMMINS uks ONT. Electrical _ Treatments, General Drugless and nonâ€"Surgical Practice Land Sunveys, Mine Surveys, Enâ€" ginetring, Reports, Plans and Esâ€" timates. Contract Mining Claim Assessâ€" ment Work Gordon Block BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETO. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Arch. Gillies, B.A.Sc.,0.L.S. Mr. Gauthier will be at Timmins P.0. Building, Phone Timmins RESIDENCE PHONE 362. W. H. SEVERT Let us repair and waterproof that leaky roof before the rainy seamson. Parabestos Roofing Paint, and Kantleek Roofing Cement For Sale BUILDINC CONTRACTOR Corner Kirby Ave and Mountjoy St P.0. BOX 974. â€" TIMMINS, ONT. QPFFICES REED BLOCK, TIMMINS sSOUTH PORCUPINE. Consulting Auditor Office Systems Installed Income Tax Adjuster Room 2, Marshallâ€"Ecclestone Block. Ontario Land Surveyor, Civil Engineer President. Second Section Timmins 33â€"46p. Secretary.

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