Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 25 Mar 1925, 1, p. 2

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Opportunity il!\ 000-\00000 . .4. .%, .%*,,*%,,*, 6 4. .4. ,.%,.,.% 4. .4. 000000000000. 000000. ‘WOOOQQO 0000000000000000'@0000900000000000}:0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'900000000000000 000‘000000'000000000.0n * JOHN L. HU NT, Excavations for cellars, Sewers etc. Contracts tak en P.O. Box 62 White Pine Double Dlamond Lumber Co., Ltd. ATTAGAMI HEIGHTS _ C. PIR | Square Timbers FIR Flooring o V.â€"Joint. Mould: Bevel Siding C Plne 2x6, 2x8. 2x10 dressed. SPRUCE AND JACK PINE. Rough and Dressed Lumber of all Kinds. SOME day will come the opportunity of your lifeâ€"time. You may need money to take full advantage of it. Start now to save a regular portion of your earnings. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" i » : >;*{~> P The Dominion Bank protects its depositors by faithful practice of prudent management. 20 TIMMINS BRANCH, EMPIRKE BUILDING .“’ .“ Phone No. 321 Moulding. Acting Manager. Waiwaitin Man Writes A.bout Spring, and the White Mule Interesting Comparison Between the Signs of Spring in Quebec, Where the People are Sensibly Dry, and in Onâ€" tario, Where the Folks are Raney Wet. â€" It is a Hard Worldâ€"This North Land. The following lette ast weekâ€"end from ; THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO First, let us take Montreal and vicinity. _ From Griffintown, where they _ are _ mostly _ Irish, beautiful Spring announced its arrival the first week in February in the shape of a flight of Grasshoppers. In â€"Westâ€" mount, where they run strong to Methodists, the birds were in the form of Mosquitos. From the Mounâ€" tain top the Robin was heard voicing his pleasure, while: from out â€" in Ahuntsic, which must be a farming community, the good old erow was on the warpath. _ What a difference in the size of the birds in such a short distance? aus For the farmers O 1 believe that an alibi can be found. Just at that time the U.F.O,. sent a delegation to that vicinity to give the Quebec farmer an inside view of their misadventure in Ontario. Would it not be possible that some of: "our Ontario Rubes had perhaps a flask of the good Old White Mule on his hip and handed Baptiste a jolt? Mr. Editor, imagine yourself in DIED AT COBALT AT THE AGE OF NINETY YEARS In the lastn issue of the Norther News, of Cobalt, there is the followâ€" ing reference to the death of a wel l\no\\ n and popular old residence of the silver camp :â€"â€" "*My. James Landers, w elilâ€"known resident of this district for the past 13 years and a familiar ifigure at the euchre drives in town, died suddenly at the home of his sonâ€"inâ€"law, Mr. L. McKinnon, Galena Street, on Wedâ€" nesday afternoonm. He was 90 years of age. The deceased wentleman had enâ€" joyed xremarkably good heallth, alâ€" though ‘he had wmplmned for two or three days before the end came. The attention of other members of the household ‘was directed to his room about one o‘clock on Wednesday, and when Mr. [MeKinnon went to investiâ€" gate ‘he found Mr. Landers lying on the bed and breathing his last. * Despite his advanced years, Mr. Landers, who had been !)Llshllldll all his da\~ had worked for the Meâ€" Cool interests until just before Chrisâ€" mas. ‘Born in Ireland, he came to Canada as settlhing 1 Quebec, tQ Lo. YGALS® . C3 ‘Mr. Landers was an in euchre player, and was to hbe many of the parties held in Few of his fellow cardâ€"playe have guessed his yei ts, for he into thc game with A zest la many much younger men. \Ir was a modest winner and « loser. fto ©The funeral was held this afterâ€" noon fmom St. Patrick‘s R.C. Church where the Libera was chanted by Rev. Father O‘Gorman. The remains were laid in a vauilt at the Mileage 104 cemetery, but will ‘be sent to Timmins later, to be laid to rest beside those of a daughter, Mrs. Dan Melnais, who died some years ago. Sumviving are the widow, six sons and three daughâ€" ters.â€" The soms are Mesars. Thomas, James, John, Morris, Joseph and Michael, all residing in Porcupine, and the daughters are Mrs. Harry Wilson, South Poreupine, Mrs. Charles Boone, Enâ€"#+chart. and Mrs. L. MeKinnon, J] ames, Michael the â€"daw South F En@#leh: Cobalt. soon parte Dinerâ€"‘‘Are you sure there are chickens in these eggs? Waiterâ€"‘‘Yes, sir. â€" Them‘s d ‘©Aim at the sun and you may not reach it. but your arrow will fly far higher than if aimed at an object on a jovel with yvourself.‘‘ awatin Here o life Booth lory t A careless man and a good job are the all GUARANTEED. armers of Ahuntsic It was received valued reader sneaks for itâ€" spC Montreal and Them‘s duck â€"Exchange. he entered lacking in r. Lwndm.\ a cheerful inveter 50 terate en at obalt. could Baptiste‘s place, accustomed to mis Mosquito cocktails, Grasshopper todâ€" dies, or Robin highballs, and then a jolt from a real highâ€"stepper like our own Old Mule. Is it any wonder that he saw crows and only erows in February®? And, now home of the T ) have seen. At the tfime of TNC JLugHL of lesser birds in our sister Province, the Wild Geese were honking in the vicinity of Owen Sound; from , the Soo the wolves were no longer eating from the garbage cans; Toronto reâ€" ported that their wolves had also left the protection of the city and returned North. Still later in our own little Hamlet of Timmins some of our leading Sportsmen had seen (or thought they had seen) â€" and ue 3300 counted _ thirtyâ€"two . gees way north. Unfortunatel were not working quite they were unable to see of equipment those Geese ing to dig themselves in arrived at Moose Factory North. What a wonderf Mule has! It must kick at once. How some of those dear people who are wasting all their youth searching for amendments to strengthen the O. T. A. must,â€"when they read what our Spring prophets have told them,â€" lean back in their easy chair and chuckle with unholy glee at the kick which the O.T.A. inspires in the White Mule to lace out with all four. HKOOT MON! WHAUR‘S YER HIGHLAND GALLANTRY? The following is from the issue of The Ottawa Journal on Thursday last : A curious episode ~created amuseâ€" ment in the House of Commons yesterâ€" day: Miss Agnes MePhail had a miotion respecting the adminstration of penitentiaries. ‘‘Moved by Miss MePhail seconded by Mr. MeDonald, of Temiskaming,"‘ becan Mr. Speaker Lemieux. Mn Speaker, I do not second the motion,"‘ interrupted Angus MeDonâ€" ald. who was seated on Miss Meâ€" motion,‘‘ interrupted Angus LW ald, who was seated on Miss â€" Phail‘s right. The House laughed as Miss MePI added: ‘It is rather a bad start w the honourable gentleman on my 11 so vigorpusly tells the house that is not seconding my imotion. NORTHERN CANADA POWER HAS GOUOD ANNUAL REPORT Last week the Northern Canada Power, Co. issued its annual report. The report, which is for the year ending Dec. 3lst, 1924, shows gross operatine revenue of over $760,000, the operations LiMmsg _ n first to be 8$60, and perating revenue ind sunrplas for 4 01 So this is 608. â€" The other inte amount preciation _ amounted . to $ol/,04) and meserve for income and proâ€" vincial _ icorporation _ faxes _ took $11,000, leaving a _ surplus . of $285,347 for the year. The amount brought forward from the preceding year in the prmofit and loss account was $1,094,681, consisâ€" ting of an operating surplus of $581,â€" ting of aAn operaling surpINs L PJoiL,~ 793 and special surplus of $512,888. The sutplus for the year under the review ‘brought the tota‘ surplus up to $1,380,028, from which was deâ€" ducted $327,170, leaving a profit and loss balance of $1,052,858, shown on the balance sheet as at December 31st The balance sheet shows tota. property assets $12,509,978. . Curâ€" rent assets $459,011, while eurrent liabilities are shown at $1,440,948, current liabilities include an item of $1,000,356 advances from the Canada Northern Power Corporation, Limited, the controlling company. n©ordinary aVIn $034,860 19 3A es, â€" the: ‘Lower ompany, â€" TLimite , and for the tht cember 31, 192 ?ower â€" Company interest markit look at Ontario! _ The White Mule and the 0. see what our Prophets At the time of the dlight it a wonderful kick our It must kick both ways 1ssNCOCC yâ€"two geese on their nfortunately their eyes 1| YÂ¥ours, etc., W. F. Richardson. Operating in ratine e statement â€" 1 to the public. _ to 14 OTHL _ is for the year 1924, shows gross of over $760,000, e year amounting > report â€" includes report the right and what kind were carryâ€" when they and points oOmpany °s Sturgeon "tiie Phail when right at he oâ€"+ *# .’ F2 ean e ie » U # .“.00 r “. Check over y protected. R S U L L Ma PHONE 104 3e e To io io # 4+ us v.2/ * .00 #4 #% #4 4 # D m » _ |.|| n# * 4. _¢% * “0“0“0“0 *# + #4 he nâ€" [câ€" 4 #4 + #+ * * o. * .00.“ $4 0;0 x #.% o6 * ste 0‘0 For Sure Results T‘ry Our Want Ad Column !000000--0--00000 00000000000000.00000000000’.-’.00-%000...’ 0.000..0000000000 0000 0000000000.0‘ 0000000000000000000’0000000000000000000000000)0000‘0000000000000000‘00000000000 * 00.0 00000000000..0.0 “ # 4 4 ns s 22 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004 0’0000000% 0’000 09000000000000000000000’0000000_0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000090’0000000000000000000000000000000000.0 C * r+® .O C HEAD and BRONCHIAL i COLBS No Smokeâ€"Ro Spraysâ€"Ro Sauff â€" Just Swallow a RAZâ€"MAH Capsule Restores normal breathing. Quickly stops all choking, gasping and mucus gatherings in bronchial tubes. Gives long nights of restful sleep. Contains no injurious or habitâ€"forming drugs. $1.00 per box at drug stores. Send 5¢. for generous trial. Templetons, Toronto. “W“WWW MMQWWMWO“OMM TIMMINS BRANCH, = sSOUTH PORCUPINE BRANCH, "4 P\ 4 xssssxsssxsssmsssxxmsssxsxxmxwxmmm Check over your Fire Insurance Policies and see that you are fully protected. Reductions in rate may now be had in many cases. Come in and talk it over. Sale Notes SULLIVAN and NEWTON C e T INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Marshallâ€"Ecclestone Block (Upstairs) PHONE 104 P.O. DRAWER "E‘" GUARANTEED RELIEF |\ 3 4084 V CcApPSUI FTor Sale by E. J. Meyers and Ryanâ€"Murray Drug Co. This being a Free Country You may pay rent if you want to. But if you are B own Home, we will supply the Lumber. Double Diamond Lumber Co., Ltd. Mattagami Heights, J. A. MACDONALD FUNERAL DIRECTOR 783 THIRD AVENUE Telephones 608â€"J and 608â€"W. Farmers should realize the desirability of depositing their Sale Notes with a bank for safe keeping as well as for collection when due. We invite farmers to utilize this Bank‘s services. Freedom from, Pain SIZE Lumbago SIZE Pains TEMPLETON‘S RHEUMATIC % p > cApSULES 31 cumaftig $i7 Nouwuvritis D. SUTHERLAND, Manager. F. R. WAY, Manager.

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