Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 18 Mar 1925, 1, p. 8

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YOUR % Daily application of a tooth brush and a tooth cleaner gives you teeth like pearls % i‘ and a mouth of health. It pays to pay a little attention to your teeth. 22 Mrs. A. Brazeau some days ago underwent a successful openation at Ottawa for gall stones. _ Her innuâ€" merable friends in town and district will be pleased to learn that Mrs. Brazeau is making very satlsfactorv progress to complete recovery. Many friends in the town and disâ€" tmiect will regret to learn that Mr. P. W. Taylor is in the hogspital from the eifects of an acecident through which he his knee rather badly while using an axe. All will wish him an early and complete recovery, _ Mr. Taylor will be specially missed at this time in the Male Chorus circles, alâ€" ways having taken an active and helpâ€" ful part in the Timmins Male Chorus. Mr. Jas. D. Dobson, of Walkerville, Ont., representing the Studebaker Corporation of Canada, Limited, was a visitor to Timmins last week on business. Mrs. G. Dalgarno, and llittle daughâ€" ter, Margery, returned home to Torâ€" onto on \I(m.da} after visiting friends in the Camp. \ __Mr. and Mrg. E. H. Hill left this morning for a visit to Montreal and other points east. ; The next regular meeting of the Town Counci!l is scheduled fon Monâ€" day afternoon next, March 23rd, commencing at 4 p. m. The annual meéeting of the Timmins Citizens‘ Band will be held on Monâ€" day tvening, April 6th, in the Band Rooms. \ Mrs. Bell, of Elorz%, Ont., is a guest at the home of Mr. "and Mrs. John Gurnell, \ _Mr. and Mrs, S. L. Durand, of Montreal, visited here last week. Timmins and District Notes (Innumerable friends are pleased to know that Mr. W. M. Whyte conâ€" tinues to improve in health, and all are waiting .to greet him again when he is able again to be out and around as Clay pipes adorned with green ribâ€" bons were much in evidence yesterâ€" day, the 17th, these pipes being handâ€" ed out as favours at the Kiwanis luncheon. ; It is understood that there is probability that the Columbian Playâ€" ers may present the comedy, ‘‘*Nothâ€" ing But the Truth,‘‘ at North Bay in the near future. ;This is a very attracâ€" tive comedy and the Columibian Playâ€" ers present it with unusual cleverness and sucecess, and North Bay can hbe assured of a very delightful evenâ€" entertainment, The weather this week seemed to suggest that Spring was not to come this year, but that the season had been skipped and Summer itself was here, will regret to learn that Mrs. E. L. Longmore is ill with the prevalâ€" ent grippe and there will be general wishes for her speedy and compiete recovery.) The next Band Concert is scheduled forâ€" Sunday evening, March 29th, aften the church services. _Bill says that some are Seotch by birth, some by adoption, and some are Scotch by absorption, The Seventeenth of Oireland event at the Ramblers‘ club last night was a very pleasant success. The Lancashire club held a very successful Masquerade Dande _ on Saturday evening last, in the Hollinâ€" ger Hall, when fully one hundred and fifty people had a most enjoyable time. With few exceptions all wore fancy costumes, which were> very varied, Mr. Unsworth, winning the first prize as ‘‘Black and White,"‘ Mr. Joe Ormston running him very close as ‘‘Old King Cole.‘‘ Mrs, Richards as ‘‘Harlequin‘‘ carried off the ladies‘ prize, the judges having a very difficult task in coming to a deâ€" cision, as there were so many beautiâ€" ful costumes worn by the ladies. The next meeting of ‘‘The Most Popular Club‘‘ in Timmins will be the first Saturday in April when all Lanceaâ€" shire people will be welcome, and may bring friends by invitation. Invitaâ€" tion cards may be had from members of the committee or from Mr. Uttley, the President. ‘‘ Faust ‘‘; selection, *‘ Mikado."‘ The rendition of "Faust‘‘ came in for special commendation. vocal solos by Mrs. Barrett deâ€" lighted the large gathering, Mrs. Barrett‘s voice and gifted rendition of pleasing numbers rousing the most insistent encores. _ Miss Larcher‘s pianoforte solos were equally well reâ€" ceived, this talented young artist deâ€" lighting all with her clever work at the piano. 3 The next Band Concert is scheduled for Sunday evening, March 29th, in the Goldfields Theatre, after the church sfrvices. sSUCCESSFUL MASQUERADE DANCE AT LANCASHIRE CLUB * The Goldfields Theatre was filled to capacity for the Band Concert Sunday evening, after the church services. On the suggestion tHat the early ‘opening of the theatre interfered with the church attendance, it was deâ€" cided to carry out the idea put forâ€" word by one of the members of the Ministerial Association, and not open until well after eight o‘clock. _ The plan did not prove fortunate. Shortly after eight there was a large crowd in front of the theatre, the road being partly blocked at considerâ€" able jamming resulting. When the doors were opened it was impossible to let the crowd in fast enough to prevent crowding. The crowd jamâ€" med in the hallways and doorways, all evidently being so anxious to get inâ€" side. _ The former plan of opening doors at eight, so that no crowd gathers seems to be the only method to handle the crowds that appear determined to get in to the Band Concerts. Ne Sunday evening, Councillor F. M. Wallingford, President of the Board of Trade, occupied the chair in capâ€" able way. In a few brief opening words he spoke of the value of music to a community. He thanked the big gathering for its support of the Timâ€" mins Band. The programme for the evening was much appreciated by all lovers® of music present. _ The Band selections were well given and met with hearty approval. The Band, under the leadâ€" ership of Bandmaster Wolno, was out in good foree and played well. Among the band selections given were :â€" March, ‘‘Left, Right‘‘; selection, ‘‘Bandsman‘s Delight‘‘; selection, GOLDFIELDS THEATRE FILLED FOR BAND CONCERT. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO Wednesday evening last the annual meeting of the Porenpine Football League was held in the Town Hall, Timmins, Football matters were disâ€" cussed at length, and plans copsiderâ€" ed for a big season in 1925. Another meeting will be held at an early date, and football for the district may be expected to ‘bhe under way, in full force in the very near future. **Mother, is it true that an apple keeps the doctor away?" ‘*Yes, Jimmie. Why? ‘*‘Cause if it is, I kept about ten doctors away this morningâ€"but I‘m afraid one‘ll have to come soon, â€"Bolton Eveninge News. ANNUAL MEETING PORCUPINE FOOTBALL LEAGUE HERE. Unden the Master Servant Act a couple of wage cases were disposed of by Magistrate Atkinson. down by naising the fifty iand costs. For illegal purchase, W. Young was taxed $50.00 and costs. Angelo Stocco, on the charge of iMlegally having liquor in a public place, paid $200.00 and costs. He made the mistake of having homeâ€" made wine in a boarding house conâ€" ducted under his ownership. They had no visible means iof support and apparently did not want to work. On charges of vagrancy and trespass they were fined $10.00 and costs or two months in jail each, and not hayâ€" ing the necessary to pay the ifines and they ‘were taken to North Bay last week. It is the intention of the police to clean up the ide, drifter class that appears to have gathered here, and several who imagine~that the Town of Timmins is ‘Seasy‘‘ will likely get a surprise in this regand. There are too many around who do not want to work, but are icontent to live on eharltv These idle, worthless fellows hang around the station, coaches, etc., and at other places i: town at nights, and there is reagson for suspecting some of them in reâ€" gard to recent bunmlarles and attempâ€" ted burg:amies ‘ in t'he district â€" and relative to other petty and attemipts at crimes. There were four regulation, normail} ordinary eveymyday kind of drunks fined the usual $10.00 and costs. Another drunk who had put up some special tifiecs on his spiflication, and who also had appeared in court two ior three weeks ago on a similar charge, was assessed $50.90 and costs. The fine was up, but the drunk managed to keep from going down by maising the fifty iand costs. Were Sleeping in Coaches on T. N. 0. Tracks. Town to Clean up on the Drifters. FOUR YOUNG FELLOWS TD JAlL LAST WEEK A§ VAGS The many who have drifted in to Timimins without ior money, or prospects of either, and who are just hanging around expecting to live some way, and preferrably without working, should make a note of what happened last week at the police court to _ four young fellows who may be classed in this drifter class. These fouy young felows were found sleepâ€" ing in the T. N.0. coaches one night. ‘‘drinking in a public place,‘"‘ and two of ‘‘having liquor in a public place,‘‘â€"all contrary to the O.T.A. A man who just arrived in town last night from Buckingham, Que., has much misfortune indeed. When he landed off the train he felt in poor shape indeed. He could searcely see it is said, the suggestion being made, indeed, that he walked slam bang into the side of the station. _ Constable Parcher noticed this headâ€"on collision and took the man in charge. Unforâ€" tunately for him, the visitor had a flask of good liquor on his person. He had not even had the pleasure of opening the flask. The seals were inâ€" tact, and the Buckingham man will not only have to face a charge of illeâ€" gally having liquor in a public place, but he will also lose a flask of what appears to be perfectly good liquor. It is a hard worldâ€"this Narth Land. This week‘s police court will cerâ€" tainly have a wide variety of cases and charges,. There are three simâ€" ple drunks to come before Magisâ€" state Atkinson toâ€"morrow. A charge under the Master and Servants‘ Act will be heard. There is one ordinary assault case, and two cases where wives eharge husbands with assault. A taxi driver will be asked to answer to the court of illegally parking near Meyers‘ corner. A man, who is said to have secured board from a local hotel, will be asked to answer to the charge of obtaining credit with intent to defraud. In connection with some disorder this week at the Goldale disorder this week at the (Goldale Cafe, two young men face charges of wilful destruction of property. There are three cases under the head of BIG VARIETY OF CHARGES FPOR THIS WEEK‘S COURT. Cheen up whenâ€"down in the mouth think of Jonah he came out all right Exchange The Educational Committee in charge of the matter has been forâ€" tunate enough to secure the Hon. and Rev. Canon Cody, M.A., D.D., LL.D., as Chairman of their Committee. Other recent essayâ€"writing compeâ€" titions have shown notewdrthy talent in this line in Timmins, Schumacher and South Poreupine, and no doubt there will be some competitors writing from the Timmins and South Poreuâ€" pine High Schools. Book Reviewâ€"‘"The GHorious Shanâ€" non‘s Old Blue Duster, and Other Flags of Fadeless Fame,"‘ by C. H. J. Snider, Toronto. Prize, $25.00â€" donor, The Hon. Mr. Justice W. N. Ferguson, Toronto. o Book Reviewâ€"‘‘Flag and Fleet,"" by Lieut.â€"Col. Wm. Wood, Quebee. Prize $25.00,â€"donor, Mrs. A. E. Goodâ€" erham, 8.8.D., Toronto. In the above essays and book reâ€" views the compositions must be at least 500 words and not more than 3,000 words in length. Returnsâ€"On or about Zeebrugge Day, April 23rd, 1925. Returns close May Ist. Cheques to be presented on Jutland Day, June Ist, 1925, by Mr. Sam Harris, $.S8.D., President of the Navy League of Canada, or his representative. For Collegiate Institutes, High, Norâ€" mal and Continuation Schools there are two prizes of $25.00 each for esâ€" says and two of $25.00 each for book reviews. The subjects for the Essays are as follows :â€" Essayâ€"‘‘Why Support the Navy League of Canada,"‘ Prize $25.00 â€"(lonor Col. LeGrand Reed, Townto Mercantile Marine that saved "the world from destruction during the Great War. To bring before the students of this Province a study of Naval gad Mercantile affairs and to arouse and foster in these great questions, the 1925 Essay and Book Review Competition is being conducted by the Ontario Division of the Navy League. For students in the Universities of Ontario, an essay on ‘‘The Relationâ€" ship of the British Navy to the Seaâ€" borne Commerce within the Empire." The prize is $50.00 donated by Mr. Sam Harris, 8.8.D., President of the Navy League of Canada Essayâ€"‘‘The British Navy‘s Conâ€" tribution to the Winning of the Great War.‘‘ Prize $25.00,â€"donor, Mrs. T. H. Smallman, London. The book reviews, prizes, ete., are as follows :â€" TO EXGOURAGE INTEREST IN THE STUOY OF SEA POWER The following are the subjects for the essays and book revieavs, together with the prizes offered and the names of the gonors of the various awards to be made :â€" The Navy League of Canada beâ€" lieves that every boy or girl should be required to study the value of Sea‘ Power to a nation, and that it should be impressed upon the conâ€" seciousness of the rising generation that it was the British Navy and the 1925 Essay and Book Review Com petitions of the Navy League. Mr. and Mrs. Cogser left last week for a pleasure trip to Florida and other points of interest in the Southâ€" ern States. _ Mr. Cosser, who has been in poor health for some time, hopes to recuperate during his sojourn in the Land of Sunshine. Several of our young people had a very pleasant time at the Skating w * and Racing Carnival in Timmins on Monday evening, Mr. Charles McLean has gone to the Sanitorium at Gravenhurst. Mr. McLean is one of our well known citizens, and we are sorry to report that his illness necessitated his reâ€" moval to that institution. His comâ€" plete restoration to health at an early date will be good news to his friends. Misses Margaret and May Byrnes returned on Thursday from North Rev, W. Biesanthal, Lutheran Minister of Krugersdorf, was in town on Sunday, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. Jucksceh. h Mrs. 0. Williams, who has been visiting ‘her husband in the Toronto Hospital, returned on Friday and reâ€" ports that Mr. Williams is not makâ€" ing very satisfactory progress toâ€" wards recovery. Mr. Ledgewood, 0{ Elk Lake, was in town on Friday, the guest of his niece, Mrs. Allan Costain. Mrs J. McPherson of Gold Cenâ€" tre entertain a party of friends at her home on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. McPherson left on Tuesday to join her husband in Toronto. Mrs, J. R. Todd left on Sunday for a tour of Eastern Ontario and New York State. It is ‘her to visit friends, and points of interest in Montreal, I\ew York and return by way of «Toronto, There are three good rules to‘ stick to: I will gladly listen to advice, but I wil} dearn fto think" far my. but I will ilearn to think for myâ€" self, choose for myself, and act for myself. Afternoon teas under the auspices of the Ladies‘ Auxiliary of the Union Church, will be held every Wednesâ€" day from three o‘clock to fourâ€"thirty, for a few weeks at the home of Mrs. Giffen, We regret to report that Mrs. M. MceCleary was taken to Lady Minto Hospital, at New Liskeard on Wedâ€" nesddt. sevenal local mem‘bers â€"of the La cashire Club attended the Masqu rade dance in Timmins on Saturd: night. Mr. 0. Robinson received a mesâ€" sage last week that his only brother had died very suddenly in Toronto. He immediately left for the south to attend the funeral. Miss‘ Elsie Corrigan, a recent graâ€" duate of the Timmins Business Colâ€" lege, is employed as Bookkeeper«eand stenographer at Feldman Bros., geneâ€" ral merchants Rev. C. Armstrong Sales attended 4 meeting of the Presbytery of Teâ€" miskaming at Haileybury last week. Mrs, Hickey and family are visiting friends in New Liskeard. 1,200,000 STICKS OF WRIGLEY‘S GUM SOLD DAILY Personal and Other Notes From Ccoâ€"â€" respondent at Schumacher. Mrs. 8. Tennyson has gone for an extended visit to Toronto, and other points in Southern Ontario. Miss Ainor Wilson, is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. F. Y, Uttley made a business trip to Kirkland Lake last Thursday. Mr.. J. Bonnell has returned from Toronto after visiting his wife who has heen ill for several week in the (General Hospital. A few friends spent a very enjoyâ€" able evening on Thursday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Muskett, Second Avenue way of «Toronto, Mr. F.â€"Y. Uttley, spent Tuesday in Iroquois Falls, iTEMG OF INTEREST FROM TOWN ODF SCRUMACHER Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Sullivan left on Sunday for the Queeni City. Schumacher, Ont., March 17th, ‘25, Special to The Advance. The Broke Hustler. the Lanâ€" Masqueâ€"

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