\ _ GOLDEN ENCAMPMENT NO. 107 1.0.0.F¢. SOUTH PORCUPINE, â€" Meets every second and founth Wednesday in each month, in I.0.0.F. Hall. Visiting patriarchs welcome. D. Hughes, C.P. 44.5, J. R. Newman, R.S. Opp. Woolworth‘s, 12 Third Ave. Dr. H. JACKSON Gordon Building, â€" _ Timmins. Gordon H. Gauthier Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Mr. Gauthier will be Modern Hat Shop No. 11 Wilson Avenue Next Door to Mackie‘s Bake Shop. Ladies‘ and Children‘s Phone 77 41 Wilson Avenue Timmins. OFFICES REED BLOCK, TIMMINS sOUTH PORCUPINE. New and Secondâ€" Hand Store All Best Prices on all Goods Purchased. Lowest Prices on all Goods Sold. Satisfaction assured you here, whether you Buy or Sell. Give us a Trial. Goods Delivered Free. 36 Wilson Ave.,, cor. Preston St. Phone 610â€"J. Electrical Contractor Kinds of Furniture, Bought, Sold or Exchanged. N. GREENBERG PHONE 473â€"w. DENTIST Phone 201 . CLERMONT. Plate Work and Crown and Bridge W ork. Specialist in at Jas. Cowan, TIMMINS LODGE, 1.0.0.f. No. 438 Timmins Gold Nugget Rebekah Lodge, No 173 Meets every Tuesday evening in the Odafellows Hall, Third _ Avenue. Visiting brethren requested to attend. Meets every Thursday in the month in the Oddfellows‘ Hall, Third Ave. Visiting Brothers and Sisters always welcome. Rose Anderson Ruby McCarthy, GORDON BLOCK TIMMINS Reed Bldg. Timmins, Ont Phone 114 J. M. Belanger, Manager Singer Sewing Machines Pianos and Phonographs P.O. Box 75 William 0. Langdon Our Sewing Machine _ Repair Charges are Reasonable. Use Baby‘s Own Soap. It‘s "Best for Baby â€" Best for You". Laura Canodies These candies arrive every Thursday. Leave _ your order for the regular asâ€" sortment or make up any assortment you desire. List closes every Tuesday morning. Same prices as in Toronto and Montreal. 60c. A POUND LIMITED 5 Pine St. South Sold for Cash or on Terms by Ayanâ€"Murray Drug Go. Wholesale Steam and Anthracite Coal Leave Your Orders for 69 MAPLE ST. SOUTH, TIMMINS, ONT. Barrister, Solicitor, etc. ars Always in Transit W. G. Smith, Phone 254â€"W. Reed Block THE LATE JOHN DOODY WAS HIGHLY ESTEEMED. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO Schumacher, February 12th., 1925. The suddent death of John Doody at the home of his sonâ€"inâ€"law, W. E. Neary, on Friday evening, the 6th inst., came as a shock to his many friends here. The deceased, who was 70 years of age, had been in failing health for some time. Death was due to heart failure, following an attack of acute indigestion. Mr. Doody came here from Wine Harbor, N.S8., about eighteen months ago, and made his home with his daughter, Mrs. wW. 6. Neary. He was a most genial and kindly man, and very highly respectâ€" ed and many there be in the county to which he belonged, will regret to hear of his sudden passing away. His wife predeceased him a number of years ago, and he never seemed to fully recover from his great loss. Besides a host of friends, he leaves to mourn his loss: four sonsâ€" and three daughters. The sons are:â€"W. 1):, Belleville, Ont.; â€" Alfred, Ottawa; John, Cobalt; Frank, Kirkland Lake. The daughters are:â€"Mrs, W. E. Neary and Mrs. Dan Mischaud of this town; Mrs. Alfred Olson, Wine Harâ€" bor, Guysboro Co., N.S. Also two sisters:â€"Mrs. Thomas Leahy, Los Angelos, Cal., and Mrs. Ellen Kaiser, Cobalt, Ont. In religion, Mr. Doody was a Roman Catholic and the funâ€" eral service took place at the St. Anâ€" thony‘s Church, at Timmins on Tuesâ€" day morning, Rev, Father Forrest officiating.. . The pall bearers were old friends of the deceased belonging to his old home town in Nova Seotia, namely, Don Cooper, Charles Meâ€" Grath, A. W. Stewart, Maurice Kenâ€" nedy, Wilfred Milbury and Dan Isnor. The remains were placed in the Burial Vault at Timmins until Spring, then to be shipped to Nova Seotia for interment. DEATH CF THOS. MANGAN ON WEDNESDAY LAST WEEK. is with much regret that the death is announced of Thomas Mangan, a blaster at the Hollinger Gold Mines. The death took place on Wednesday last, Feb. 12th, 1925, at iSt. Marny‘s Hospita!l, death ‘being due to pmeuâ€" monia. To the sorrowing family and friâ€" ends the sincerest sympathy is exâ€" tended. The young man (was one of four brothers who volunteered and fought in the Great War. Two of them paid the price of fredom with their lives. Thomas Mangan himself, was shailâ€" shocked and gassed, which made him an easy pney to the dangerous disease from which he «died. The late Thomas ‘Mangan was ons of a family of ten,â€"eight sons and two daughters. Of this family only five now survive. _ There are two brothers in the Life ‘Guards, and this youngeist brother, John, is employed at the Gamble Robinson Co., in Timâ€" mins. The father of the late Thomas Mangan is an exâ€"member of that onceâ€" famous force, the Royal Irish Conâ€" tabulary, and is at present employed at the IIollnwer as gardenen and watchman. His father is the second son of the Jlate Patrick and Mary Mangan, Strandhill ‘County, Sligo. His mother, who is living at present with her two daughters at St. Colomb, Cornwall, is the only daughter of the late Patrick and Kate Murphy, of the Ward, County Dublin. *‘} Buyer: *‘ Why, this horse is so bAIN 1 can count its ribs!" Dealer: ‘‘Well, count ‘em. You‘ll find â€" none _ missing!‘‘â€"Vikinken, Christiania. Why, this horse is so thin It‘s cost us dear to make it « That England‘s credit‘s sou But anyhow, the dollar now *Can‘t look down on the pout ANNUAL A.5.0. GLUB DANGE DNE OF THE SEASON‘S Annual Sleigh Drive (This) Wedâ€" nesday Evening, To Include Theatre Party at Schuâ€" macher. The Fourth Annual Dance of the A.S.D, Club held last Friday evening in the Masonic Hall here. was very largely attended and was one of the most enjoyable dances this season. The Hall was decorated tastefully for the occasion, the dance being held on the closest Friday evening to St. Valentine‘s Day, hearts and cupids were much in evidenee in the decoraâ€" tions. â€" Music for the dancing was proyvided by the Club Orchestra, Mr. H. Rolston taking the piano for the fourth extra. Twentyâ€"two dances were on the programme, four specials being among this number. Of these the Confetti Dance and a Balloon Dance were perhaps the most enjoyâ€" able. _ Miss Rhoda Macleod had charge of the luncheon for this event, the Ladies‘ Auxiliary of St. Matâ€" thew‘s Anglican Church supplying the cakes. On Wednesday evening the usual weekly dance of the Club was held in the 1.O.0.F. Hall here, and though the attendance was very small an enâ€" joyable evening was spent by the few present. The meeting this evening will take the form of the Annual Sleigh Drive, Three sleighs will leave the Oddfelâ€" low‘s Hall at 8.30 p.m. and on the return trip will stop at Schumacher, where the Club will be the guests of Mr. Sol. Shankman to a theatre party at his new theatre, the Maple Leaf. On the return to Timmins a hot dog feed will be held in the Club rooms. Mr. A. W. Pickering is taking orders for the Club sweaters. These sweaters are in the Club colours of red and black, and are of very good material, the cost being very reasonâ€" able.. Over thirty orders had been received by Mr. Pickering up until Saturday evening, and it is desired that as many who wish to have one of these sweaters place their orders at once so that all may have one for the annual snowshoe and ski party of the Club to be held next week, TWO SMALL FIRES ON THURSDAY OF LAST WEEK. Last Thursday afternoon the Fire Brigade had a couple of calls neither one of them pnoving serious, though it would have been easy enough for the first one to have developed into a dangerous fire. This ifirst call was at 2.10 and was to Phil. Antoine‘s opposite the fire haill, Fourth Ave. The fire was on the second flat of the building, over the Antoine stone, and. apparently had started from some papers on the floor not far from one of the stoves. The ‘blaze got into the partitions, and as the building of light constmuction, it was a good thing that the fire was discovered beâ€" fore it had a real start. The firemen made short work of the threatened fine, ~slapping on three chemical tanks, when the fire died of a broken heart and back. About $50.00 damage was done. There is no inâ€" surance. | f The other fire was at 67 Em street, the alanm being given about 4 o‘clock in the afternoon. The firemen made good run to the scene of the blaze only to find, however, that it was but a chimney blaze sulted. Some of the busiest people are only picking up the beans that they have spilled themselves. 114 No damage ohn Bull ho : C c e â€"â€" Ne N e MB We 5 NP c NE c NB c NB c n 25 t mt C Heating, Plumb No. 10 CED P.O. Box Ex Williams‘ / Day Phone 105 “ “ “ “’“ “ ’ 00 “‘“ “ her ugh for into wWAas ~; *a,*, * 44 @ “.“. + *# * *+ +. < ae‘s \ve. the and Om *4 *# 4# 44 + # # e4e+ * % *4 * < 44 @ % "% #4 *# 4 Oone .00 *# “.“ * * 0.“. into o 19 _':()UH 0’0 a* #4 *4 *4 #* *4 * # *4 *# # #4 # # #4 # L #4 # Ld *4 Cad * w #4 ®, # #4 w C oy #° °® *# *4 * * "% *4 # # *4 *4 *# #© #4 * # #4 *4 ®# L #4 *, # *4 *# # ** *# # ¢4 #@ * *4 # + *4 *# *# #4 *# *# #4 * 4 *4 # 4+ *4 * # *4 + *# *# @ # %*4 ®. 4 #4 # # *4 # # #4 * # #4 #@ *# #4 *# L Â¥* * * °® #. * ...Q.“ etest: #4 * *4 *# @ *4 1ssn 0“0“0“0 * “. * *4 # 4# *4 L *4 * © %#4 #@ *# *4 @ 4+ *# #..%,,.*, #..%, .*%, * *.42%, #, * on30300?03030‘0%30303?03 4 44 /A As/\ #4 *# A #* * ) _ #4 *.2%, * #4 .“.“.“. *n “.“0“.“.“. “. 4. 4 _ .* @ “. s a*nea*ss*. “.“.“‘“.“. s 2*, “.“.“.“. # “.“ 4. . %, * .N.“.“‘“. # #4 #@ bu ut . 2® .@. * .“ .“.“ .00 .0 *# ’“ .“ .“ o * 44 #% # Te rnatnatnataataat, * .“ .“ ’“ .“.“ .“.“.“ .“ o %, * “’“.0 t o 1 s is i w i o ie ie e e e n in 28e n snn Pn n n e t n e nn es es eadres en 40 460 64. 6.0.0000000000000000009.0030.0,.0?00003000000000030000000‘0300000000000000000000003000?00000000000000003000000%0000000000090000000‘0000000000000003.00%. 7A "®~ .0 F4 #+* *# a #4 # . #4 @4 * 4 #4 *n a*, 4 * 4 *4 *# @ #4 04 %#40, 4 * ;t +t +. :+ :%t #4 .“ .“.“ .00 .“.“.“ + 4 *2.*, 4. * “.“.“.“ *# .0 0.“ .“‘“ ‘“.“.“.“. 4 * .t t ;t ;t ;t t t * .“ .00 .“ * # #* * #% #4 * ha *# # # *# # # #* *# * .“.00 # *,. #4 .* e**a**s #4 * 4 #4 * .“‘“.“. * * aa*, * s ons 2s 282282282282 n n t * natnatas*ne*, ..00.“.“.“‘“.“.“‘“.“.“.“.“‘“‘00.4 "% 4# .‘ ® “’ *# ) @4 #4 * *# 00. *.,*, **,8* / * :t ;%° %. : % “.“.“.“ 000 *# .00 .“ + #. * #. * ## .“.“.“.“.“.“ + 4 #,. * * +t _¢ :% * >4 .“ .“.“ .†.“ ‘00 .“ *. . it .“.“ .0 + *s ## wA y .“0'0 * #%, “.“.“ # 82 a* .4* eeles"64"% *# .6 “’ *# ° ## * «e #4 *# «+ #4 *# #© #4 # + “‘ $# * .C *. * .00 #4 + * WXWWWWYXWM; 4 #4 fmxsxmmxsxmv;ï¬xxs;x%ssxxxxxsxxmsxsxxsssm ** # Opposite Goldfields Hotel PHONE 112 TIMMINS Residence PHONE 135 #* # # #* # ¢ #* # # *# 0000000000000000... 0...00.00'000000.....00.0.. m;.;o.“.oo.“.“.«.“.n.“.oo.“.“.ï¬.fl.fl.fl.fl.«:n.“‘“.n.n.“.n.“.“.00.00.00.“.“.oo.oo.oo.n,n.“.oo.“.».“.n‘oo.noo . *,.* King‘s Dry Cléaning Dyeing Service A.BRAZEAU S5ON sE #. % 6. 18. 284 28228228242 000‘000000000000000000000003000000.303000“000 P 00.000.0000 # * #. * us 28e 0000. 000’0 0’00'.0:0’00'.0.00. Williams‘ Oilâ€"oâ€"matic Burners Day Phone 105 Night Phone 567â€"J. BIRRELL â€" BBELL Arthur E. Moysey Co. FOUNDED 1904 LIMITED TIMMINS PHONES 100 101 _ ONTARIO V JPPV use ce aue h0# aue m e uen a* BRONCHITIS + LA GRIPPEâ€" PNEUMONIA Heating, Plumbing and Sheet Metal Work No. 10 CEDAR STREET, SOUTH. P.O. Box 1540, Timmins, Ont. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY DELIVERED St. Onge Bldg. SIMMS, HOOKER DREW LATE OF SYDNEY CONSERVATORIUM OF MUSIC, AUSTRALIA INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES (Agents for Confederation Life Association). We are preparing a special eight page circular on the above Comâ€" pany which will be ready for distribution in a few days. BE SURE TO GET A COPY. Houses and Lots for Sale on Terms, THE ONLY GENUINE IS PERRY DAVIS PAINKILLER DOMINION BANK BUILDING 4 #4 *4 4* d #4 44 %#4 < t #4 + w 44 ¢ 4 *4 # + #4 @ < #4 @ 6 #* *# 4 #4 4# + #* * Â¥ .00 4 ANDO THUS PREVENTS WE CLEAN EVERYTHING. Exclusive Agents for #. .9, .0. .%, .%, .¢, .0. .0. 0. #,. .. .*@ %on..w # \000)0000.030303‘03030’???0‘?’% o 009“0%000. and| Teacher Mcintyre Recreation Hall SCHUMACHER Satisfactory Work v00000-000000000 vt.......t. 000“0000 0’00000’00..0 P.O. Box 1630 *4 #.% #4 4.# #* 4.# * ¢#4