Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 15 Oct 1924, 1, p. 1

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of dozen cases before the police court here this week for breach of the game laws. Among thse cases will be one | | agains: a resident for having firearms while heing an alien. Others are: chargeé® with illegally having partâ€" ridge out of season, and still others| #Â¥ith hunting on Sunday. ‘When one! man, who~ had been arrested for| r breach of the game laws, was searched ’ at the police station here he was | found to be in possession of a quanâ€" | tity of gold ore for which he eould | not satisfactorily explain. Mr. Luxton points out that the part® ridge selhson this yvear has been conâ€" siderably â€" shortened. The Govern.| had considered the doing away altoâ€" gether with the open season for partâ€" ridge this year, bu: eventually it has been decided‘to have the open season | for partridge only from Oet. 15th to‘ Oet. days. Partridce| j mmen mm mm «ssm uns ues tm Government Decndes to Have Open Season From Oct _X C AIkK i My. M. C. O‘Neill returned home last week from Edmonton, Alta. He was much impressed with the West, especially the climate. Some of the oldâ€"timers of Timmins visited M. C. while he was in the Wesi. Mr. Arthiur Perrault was one who wished to be remembered to his many old friends ‘here. Only Eleven Days This Year _ for the Partridge Season local representative of the Moderaâ€" tion League, had 937 names added to the list. Mr. E. L. Longmore certiâ€" hed to a number of other names to be added to the lists on behalf of the Untario â€" Plebiscite Committee, the Prohibition organization in the camâ€" paign. In all about 1,000 names were added to the Timmins list. The list used as a basis was the 1923 Municipal Voters‘ Liists. Those not on this list had to apply to the Reâ€" vising Officer to be put on. In most cases the application was made through the representative of either one side or the other on the question,l though there were a number of perâ€" sonal applications also before the: Judge. As noted above about 1,000 names were added to the list here. As Jwige Caron pointed out at the sitting this list applies only to the Provincial Plebiscite Vote, and has no conncetion whatever with Muniâ€" eipal voting. Those who wish to have a Municipal vote must follow the usual course in seeing that their' names dre on the Timmins M’univipall Voters‘| List. I At the sittings here on Saturday of His Honor Judge Caron as Reâ€" vising Officer for the Voters‘ Lists Yor the vote on October 23rd on the Plebiscite, Mr. Cieo, A. D. Murray, JC UUCLHMIUCS 10 Ifave Upeén season From Oct. 15th to Oct. 25th Only. Birds Scarce This Year, According to Reports. Other Close Seasons. 1000 MAMES ADOED HEAE ’ FDR PLEBISCITE VOTE tarro Cup game for Qaturdav next, Oct. 18th; ground, Ossington Ave., Toronto; kickoff at 3 p.m. Mimico Secretary, A. Goldie, 20 Portland Rt Mimico. : A. Field, Timmins Football Club, Timmins, Ont. Mimico was declared district final ists in Toronto yesterday. Conse quently you must arrange your On At long last the date for the Timâ€" minsâ€"Toronto match in the Ontario Cup series bas been announced. The tollowing â€" telegram â€" received here Monday from the Secretary of the Ontario Football Association gives the details :â€" The Timmins team will oâ€"morrow â€" (Thursday)y 1 All the Team in Good Condition. Expect to Make a Good Showing. Team Leaves Here Toâ€"morrow. â€" If Timmins Wins Saturday Oshawa Will Play Here in Semiâ€"Finals. . Timmins Plays at"Toronto in Ontario Cup Series Saturday Yol. IX. : No. 428 Geo. A. D. Murray, Agent for'Plani Had Bs Moderationists, Puts on 937 THamaen dA Names at Timmins Toronto, Ont., Oct. 12, 1924 the doing away alto. |9te open season ftor partâ€" Jlst but eventually it has () have the open season and Game Warden, Cochâ€" {Signed) ay) â€" morning Muir. leave here Camp oupnle apen seasons The open : i.\'ear in _terr pRaver and C©. ber 30th, both inclu licerse hbas been \ine The moose license to The open season otlfer is from Decembe IIst, both days incin person. The open season and earibou north of P.K. is from October ber 30th, both inct at this year have been reported as usually searce and the shortenin the season is to protec; the birc this off season: Mr. Jack Miller left this week For the South for the winter, after a brief visit to friends in Timmins and district. i J ~ALLLLEL AKL 130ATC Fibre Co. at Frederickhouse occurred on Wednesday afternoon. ‘The fire staried from some unknown cause in a pile of edgings on the river bank some five hundred feet away from the mill. At one o‘clock, about twenty minutes after the fire was noticed at the river ‘bank, the mill was on fire and was completely destroyed within an hour. A large pile of pulpwood nearby was saved through the good work of some Forestry Branch men who arrived on the seene and preventâ€" ed the spread of the fire. ‘The C.N. R. tank car also assisted materially in the fireâ€"fighting, the camp huldings also heing saved from the fire stariled Trom som a pile of edgings some five hundred mill:= AXt one n‘ new muill at Timmins. Other arrangeâ€" ments will now have to be made. The plant lrad not been deliveéered under thc agreement, so fortunately _ the Double â€"Diamond Company will not be losers, except to the extent that Yhey had made a mighty good buy in the purchase of the Beaver Board plant and so will need to replace the plant that was arranged for at so Favourable a figure. According to word from Cochrane the hre‘whuh destroyed the rossing and planing mill of the Beaver Board Fibre Co. at Frederickhouse occurred on Wednesday afternoon. The fire The plant had be Double Diamond was the intention new mill at Timm: ments will now hs pen season notr If the Timmins team wins there will be a game here probably on Saturday of next week and then the finals in Toronto for the Ontarilo Football Cup. All the boys are in good condition, despite the long wait they have had. There was a practice match last weekâ€"end and the boys all showed up well. Hetherington‘s knee stood up well and it looks as if the injury‘s effects had all passed from this valuâ€" able player. pIayers :â€"â€" Alex Cadman, Haley, Hetherington, Geo. Cooper, W. F. B. Cadman, Street, Sistern, Anderson, Peterson, Berg, Sathrang, Dunn, Dunbar and J. Liddle. Secretary W. A. Field. J. Liddle. Secretary W. will go down with the team. 10 a.m W Here‘s hoping hard ‘1} following fi@ad tGSen Piurchased by D Diamord Co., but Delivery Not Made. until October n season for partridge this erritory north of Mattawa CP.R. is from the 15th of ntil October 25th, and onlv mia y 14 LOP _ Pgue@ry OÂ¥ The team to play Mimico selected from the following JOG P 1lDrE Inelusive son for deer, moose h of Mattawa and C D t .N~oveniâ€" isive. The deer reased to #4.00, *®6 . (M). Adams, (+, H. is team wins there fBacon,: J H.. here probably onl( raigie, D. E. _ week and then the A. G; o for the Ontarito (()upm' ;. hard! [Drew,.>G.°S., . ;l'lmmg\'. Vss . Fogg, J. \\'. n mopp M'll es oc gg!uf f(:ll\\('[l ' yrr ‘H:H . ;. 0VE 0y ... n Huc '\'.l'lmm'. H [Hogarth, W,. | ‘urchased by Double ‘ Kirkup, Dr.. , but Delivery ?me e, 4. .\'.. is Made. : ake, Geo...;. | Moore, . i origin ~last week | Maguire, W. S 1t and mill ‘of the | MeCov, S. R... e Company, located. O Sullivan, D. e near Cochrane.| Pirie, C, (L.. . n purchased by thv*i’ re, Lucien Lumber Co. and 4; Porter, Dr. .. to instal it in the Itobbins, R. W ns. Other arrangeâ€" Rinn,. > ve to be made. The Ividdel]. AX. E.. en delivéred under \“,[1 M. B.. o tortunately _ the \hp\\d“ Jas. Company will not l Sulivan, J. ... tor hbeaver and ‘r 15th to March smm irchased by Double M iT 111 the birds in bha nJp to nch to iny one marien of the of the by the and 1 in th« Unâ€" of TIMMINS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER information to the public, it must have been a good however reported that chev pleted the road into the were installing machinery : sleighing permitted. prospectors who hold ground township, regarding their lat covery which has been repc be of exeeptional }no'h-frrane ever Mr. Jowsey must have an ed this as ‘he was vervy ever \Mr,. Jowsey must have anticipatâ€" ed this as he was very much on his guard and would not confirm or deny the reports which have been in the press dately. Whazsever reason Mypr Jowsey may have had for withâ€"holdino south Poreupine, Oct. 14th.â€" ial to The Advance., Duringz the course of last Mr. Jowsey of the Jowseyâ€"Seas group of claims in MeNeil Towr paid a brief visit to the Camp. Jowsey was quizzed by num. prospectors who hold ground in township, regarding their latest ROAD COMPLETED TO CLAIMS IN McNEIL TP third cplace with a 345. ‘The good wishes of the members of the Timâ€" mins (Golf Club are extended Mr. Wylie in his win of the Geo, Lake Shield and with it the championship of the ‘Pimmins Clubl. Mr. J, H. Bacon, as runnerâ€"up will ‘be presentâ€" ed a cup by the Golf Club. The winners of the different troâ€" phies this season in the Gtolf Club are, (Greo.‘Lake Shield, emblematic of championship of the Club, Mr. W. H. Wylie; Golf Club Trophy, emblemaâ€" tic of the championship on match play, Dr. H. H. Moore; Ladies Troâ€" ply, ringer seore, Mrs. A. S. Porter. With the conclusion of the matches for the possession of the Lake Shield the golf season in Timmins comes to an end for this year. On Monday a siart was made in covering the greens to protect them from the heavy frosts betore the snow comes._ On Snnday,l the splendid golfing weather drew crowds ito the course, and the closest| to a congestion on the links since early summer was experienced _ by those who closed their golfing season on Sundav. | Wookey. S. ... ~87 + 94 ~sg Wray,.J. .L.... : 96 98 Walliams, C. (¢.; 91 Sss 83 Wylie, W H... 78 _03 935 As will be seen from the a runnerâ€"up, Mr..â€"J. H. ‘Baco close second to Mr. W vlie, gross 343, Mr. J.. _ W. Fog third place with a 345. T s ceven,. Todd? 3: ninn, VWV . . Riddell, A. .\'m:t‘t, M. 1 Shewan, J Suwllivan, J Sutherland All up for eurling Heyp HF11r the 72 holes. The following is a list, in alphaâ€" betical order, of those entering the (ieo. Lake Shield contest, the seore by rounds and the net score of each. Amer, C. M. ... 87 105 97 04â€"383 Adams; G,. H. F. 01 S3 01 s8â€"353 Bacon,; J 85. 80 " 01 ~ Golf Club, Mr. W. H.\Wylie won out in the 72â€"hole medal play tournament which decided the championship of the local golf club for the season 1924â€"1925. Forty members entered the tournament, â€" seventeen finishing the 72 holes. With but three strokes between the winner and the runnerâ€"up in the matches played for the possession of the Geo. Lake Shield emblematic of the championship of the Timmins Forty Members Entered the Contest Dr. H. H. Moore Winner of Golf Club Trophy. Mrs. A. S. Porter, Lady Championâ€" ship. MB. W. H. WVLIE WINNER OF GEO. LAKE COLF TROPRY rs of the different troâ€" ason in the Golf Club ce Shield, emblematice of H ourse he Jowsey in MeNeil t to the { their latest disâ€" been renorted to 1046 104 100 107 102 101 10 90 99 98 97 98 â€" 96 10O2â€"3903 99 108 106 100â€"414 14 110 96 100â€"420 ST â€" 94 88 ~8S8Sâ€"357 96 98 91 SS s3 90â€"352 16 _93 85 84â€"340 from the above, the H. Bacon was a 10 100 104 08 107 9() 100 L. ~Daconâ€" was a r. Wylie, with a W. Fogg taking a 345. The good bers of the Timâ€" ire extended_â€" Mr. otf last week, seyâ€"Segsworth Veil Township, e Camp. Mr. by _ numerous round in that 101 10 94 101 96 101 86 104 reason Myp: withâ€"holding , we beliete )4 one. He SU 03 O() $# one,. â€" e had 4011 â€" pertvx and U8 9( 10(G O( 86 102 {)() w f . 84 94 W( 97 81 91 0J H 102â€"393 100â€"414 100â€"420 88â€"357 ped According to the Matheson corresâ€" pondent of The Northern News, Mr. T. (4. MeDonald was the first motorist to drive from Matheson to Timmins and return. â€" It may be noted also that Mr. T. F. King some days ago motored from Timmins to Matheson and return. An extra special feature of the meeting, which it is hoped to have as a regular this this season, was the playing of the pipes, Pipers Bennett and Small marching round the hall with the pipe music giving a real Sceottish opening to the evening. Cective rendition of pleasing selections brought unstinted applause. A brief address by Mr. M. B. Seott was one of the features of the evening, his witty retort to one eareless interrupâ€" tion seoring a bullseye. Music for the evening was wellâ€"supplied by Mr. Hale at the piano and Mr. J. T. Bridges on the violin. Mrs. Mitcheil also effectively assisted as one of the accompanists for the evening. 14 . Macdonald s _ effective rendition of the reading, ‘‘A ‘Wee Seotch Nicht,‘‘ made a decided hit, all being enthusiastic over this selection in Braid Seots. Songs by Mr. Hale and Mr. J. Iaddle were much appreciated. Mr. Hale‘s generous services at the piano were also specially valued. Mr. Liddle‘s attractive voice and efâ€". _ After the business of the meeting, a very pleasant social time was enjoyâ€" ed. There were over 150 present and all had a very happy evening. Reâ€" freshments, in charge of the ever ready and efficient A. Roberts, were up to the usual high standard. Old Favourite dances were enjoyed, with some popular modern ones. Mr. F. Roberts delighted all with his fine voice and effective rendition of pleasâ€" ing songs. Mr. Thos. Huntly tickled everybody with his expressive ren~/ dering of humorous songs. Mr. D. K. effective rendition of the reading, ‘‘A ‘(Wee Seotch Nicht,‘‘ made a decided hit, all being enthusiastic over ‘ this in event rvenue, at 3 p.m this week, â€"Oct. Commictee is ter of Hallowe‘en will â€"be _ made late Cowan, Mrs.â€" Ritel Watt. The Ladies add any others desin ind will act through Sseveral important +x Gomm o add to its numbe 'U”(»\\'SIâ€"‘--.\II'S. Rol CLIV wUS is tion of the officers Mr. D. Mackie, w and popular presic and under w hose has shown‘ such n was reâ€"elected Pre crowds Do e hi wob yYetb at any annual meeting. The Society enters its ‘fifth. year under the best of ausâ€" pices. Friday evening there were no less than nineteen applications for membership ~accepted. The memberâ€" ship this year promises to be uffusualâ€" Iv‘slatge tha _ mattan" a2" _ The annual meeting of the Caledonâ€" ian Society of Timmins was held on Friday evening in the 1.0.0.F. Hail with the largest attendance yet at any annual meeting. The Ssociety enters its ifth.year undar tha hoast ‘AC" Nineteen New Members Accepted Friday Evening. Officers Blecâ€" ted. Mr. D. Mackie Again President. € 11 uing term Mr, Wâ€" GALEDDNIAN SUCIETY oTARTS NEW YFAR WEL 1¢@â€" lâ€"Stand The O[f M 1 ex e( W. D.: Watt was resident by acclama +480 M / Thomsor 1@armier rs dGesired to q throughout the Woatt w Roberts, Mrs. She Ritchie, Mi > CGomy who was the efficient sident for 1923â€"1924 guidance the Society noteworthy growth resident for the en ind announcement in regard to thh ST C 1€ These Society. w rhewan, imation. elected W elected Treas 15TH, 1924. Johnson an« with powe cOonven{ named T‘€ number 1LSOG1l elected V ere W hall the on NEA SE M :A k k4 SÂ¥ L ALAQGEOLO . ilton, Guelph, Galt, Barrie and other southern points are expected here to visit the local Kiwanis. They will arrive here on the six o%clock train Friday evening, there being three special Pullman cars on that train for their accommodation. Great preparations have been made for the entertainment of the visitors who will be chiefly prominent basiness and professional men of Toronto and district. They will be the guests of the Timmins Kiwanis while here. Imâ€" mediately on arrival they will be takâ€" en to the Masonic Hall where there will be a Banquet in their honour on FKriday evening. There was no reenâ€" Un Friday evening of this we hundred Kiwanis from Toronto ilton, Guelph, Galt, Barrie ans southern points are expected | One Hundred Kiwanis From Toronto District Kiwanis To Visit Timmins This Week Mr. R. Buchanan of the Imperial Bank, Cochrane, and formerly on the staff of the Imperial Bank here, was a weekâ€"end visitor to Timmins. _ nmgAt and arrangements further adâ€" vanceed for the big cannual Show in January next. Announcement.. was made that the Pouliry Review had kindly donated a Bronze Medal for the Show to be added to the growing list of medals, trophies and prizes. There was a big turnout last night and much interest is being maintained in the coming Poultry and Pet Stock show, the event promising to eclipse anything in its line yet ‘held in this North Land. The next meeting of the Association is called for Wednesday evening, Oct. 29th, at the Town Hall. There was a meetin pine Poultry and Petâ€" night and arrangeme vanced for the ho a SPECIAL BRONZE MEDAL FOR POULTRY SHOW HERE I done Councullor Charlebois brought up the question of the extra charge by the Town for the installing of sewer Coll¢ée, Comimittee â€" confter with the ‘Board of Trade and draft a byâ€"law that will be fair to all. ‘‘The busiâ€" ness people are the ones chiefly conâ€" cerned »in~ this,"‘ said the Acting â€"cranted tain the box wh ful one to have "The matter of on the main s Eventually it w ie fiundred Riwanis From Toronto ard Other Places Expected Here Friday Evening. Big Preparations Made for Their Entertainment. Banquet and Dance. Etc., to be Provided. people were und sion that if their the recent sitting they would be on The Acting Ma to the facet that t procedure for the cipal voters‘ list Acting Mayor E. L. Longmore preâ€" sided at the regular meeting of the Town Council on Monday afternoon, and Councillors J. H. Bacon, Geo. 8. Drew, H. Charlebois, J. Morrison and F. M. Wallingford were present. The representative of a fire extingâ€" uisher for use in homes, offices, etce., explained the merits of his apparaâ€" tus. It was felt to be a question for the individual householder to consider the Town providing general fire proâ€" tection facilities. The representative however, was told he could take the matier upâ€"further with the Fire Light Committee if he wished. d VOI Police Committee to Take Up Question With Board of Trade. Councillor Drew Advocates Instalment Payâ€" ment for Taxes. Other Town Council Business at Regular Meeting on Monday. Adequate But Equitable Parking Byâ€"law Being Sought ag Mayor cal that there ws their name was ittings for the I be on the list for This was not at there was the regular ‘the revision of the muniâ€" list for the year. Some under the misapprehenâ€" the parking of autos reets was discussed. s decided to have the e confer with the on . th his yvear i fire alarm hbox t â€"Avenue and P °n tor ‘~thi«. + MeNamai 111 WV arre called attention municlp o1 the 1+ Lâ€"VEerVy S}ln\\' th(t‘ and Hrad| rlled at 1N 6 Gorcu d( 1N being two o feature, 11} 11} for the visit the Timmins Kiwanis are offered a prize of $25.00 for the best decorated store front or building in town. The judges have been selecâ€" ted from outside the Kiwanis, Reyv. Fr. Theriaut and Mr. J. F.o Tiernev Jar Aiwanis luncheon yesterday, the Banquet Friday evening to take its place. The visitors will be shown the Mines and the Towns. Saturday evening there will be a Dance in their honour in King‘s Hall. A theatre party is also understood to be planâ€" ned. The visitors will leave again on Sunday, at 10 a.m., to return to the South. T lar Kiwanis lu: Mr. L. C. Gurrent, formerly of the Imperial Bank staff here, and now of Kirkland Lake was a weekâ€"end visitor to Timmins. on October 23rd Mr. R. C. Woods, of Toronto will address a meeting in the basement of the New Empire Theatre this (Wedâ€" nesday) evening at 8 o‘clock, under the auspices of the Moderation League. Mr. Woods, who is a gifted speaker, will deal with the 0. T. A. and the general issues in connection with the Plebiscite Vote uation. Acting __Mayor â€" Longmore was not sure is would work that way, and he pointed out that collecting by instalments meant that the cost of collection would be doubled. The question was Jleft over for further consideration. To encourage special decorations MODERATION . LEAGUE oPEAXER HERE TOâ€"NIGHT ments.: ‘WWith taxes proved ; ness. Not or their own taxe were poor fo had the full t. ments ‘he thow tration.â€" Actin town. <« I‘fhie maltter was the Fire Light Committee. Councillor Drew â€" also urs consideration of the plan of town taxes payable in two ments.> With the one collect t _ Out the ne ler atso agreed to use his influen have the l'ema.ining strip include the same time so that the whole tion may be taken in. Mr. Gauthier asked Council t supplying Melnivre Councillor iereemenit Mr. G. H. Gauthier asked Council to â€"~pass the necessary resolution favouring the annexation of the strip oft land near the High School. This was done and the required petition in the matter will be cireulated by the l'esi(h'nts‘uf the section. Mr. Gauthâ€" ier also agreed to use his influence to and water service in wet ground. The Engineer explained that if the ground was found to be dry a refund was made. Connections were made with day Jabout M r. (+4. to . _ R. C. Woods, of Toronto to Give Address on the O.T.A., in the Theatre Basement. T6 PRICE FIVE CENTS taxes to pay, | > for them be ll t ixes to mee thought would ctinge â€" .Mavor the three jadges in| Wiallin should y ~ 111 one colle heav‘y burde 7 ~hacd Che C611 water to Schum e and. the. Platt llineford â€"though [Ttees met not Dt IT‘¢ 116 \W WO the AtT â€" the rurried 1e1‘s he

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