. 9 ** ~ Sh Creamileffin! / P A K ’ eep a sup )1 in your pagt)lfy Enroll now or prepare for antry in Fall Term, Sept. 2nd. Full inforâ€" mation re courses, subjects taught and tuirtion will be gladly given at College Office. Call, ‘phone or write. Timmins Business College Over Economy Grocery 58 3rd Ave. Phone 3501 â€" Write Box 288 E. M. TERRY, Supervising .Principal. In the past year the Business Colâ€" lege has had many graduates all of whom are occupying good positions toâ€"dayâ€"seeing is believingâ€"the same can be done for you if you make this *‘A Business College Year.‘"‘ Meetings discontinued during sumâ€" mer months. Next meeting the last Friday in September. Membership fee, $2.00 per year for ordinary members and 50¢. per year for associate members. D. MACKIE, â€" A. J. DOWNTE, WEDNES DA Y Bulletin Open to nativeâ€"born Seots and Scotgswomen and those of Scottish d4eâ€" cent. THE CALEDONIAN SOCIETY OF Tizmins Gold Nugget Rebekaii Lodge, No 173 Meets every Thussday in the month in the Oddfellows‘ Hall, Third Ave. Visiting Brothers and Sisters always welcome. Marie Carlyle, Ruby McCarthy, (G, Ree. See. a Room 6, Marshallâ€"Ecclestone Block TIMMINS ONT. Electrical _ Treatments, â€" General Drugless and nonâ€"Surgical Practiee With the €Cream lefft in! Free Recipe Bookâ€" Write the Borden Co. Limited, Montreal. President. 33 A6p. Secretary. Boz 1338 The opening of the duck season was evidently not forgotten by the ardent devotees of the sport. Parâ€" ties from Timmins, Cochrane, Iroâ€" quois Falls, Haileybury and Cobalt, arrived Sunday and proceeded to their respective hunting grounds on the Frederickhouse Lake. _ A very good shoot has been reported* and Mrs. Frank MceJanet entertained on Thursday afternoon to tea. ‘The Ladies of the Union Church were those honored. Miss Woods, who has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs, Roy Aitcheâ€" son, for the past few weeks, reâ€" turned to her home in New Liskeard. Mr. P. V. Thornley, who has beon spending the summer at Port Perry arrived Monday evening and has reâ€" sumed duties as Principal Public School. Mr. Bert Connelly was a in Timmins over the weekâ€"end Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Farmer left on Tuesday last for Toronto and other points in the East. _ Mrs. Farmer will remain with relatives for a short visit. Dr. and Mrs. Day left the early part of the week for Toronto and from there they will motor to difâ€" ferent points in the Eastern proâ€" vinces. Mr. and Mrs. John Callinan and family who have spent the summer at their camp at Night Hawk Lake returned on Saturday to their home in Toronto. Interesting Budget of News from Connaught and District of Past Week‘s Happenings. Miss Jean Huneault returned on Thursday last from a very pleasant visit of several days with friends in Timmins. Connaught Station, Sept. 2nd From the Special Correspondent. BUGK HUNTERS HAVE GOOD TIME AT THE NIGHT HAWK (Our photographs show a destroyer and They are entagled in seaâ€"weed and covered sALVING THE SUNKEN GI visitor Give â€" yol Favorite are the fine qua present crop You can also get Greengage Plums, h kind mo preserving. If you want a table Plum," ask for yel} Bradshaws. s y$ The first of the Yellow Flesh Freestone Peachess * Thes ready. These are the St. John and Rochester varietiesâ€"delicious on t > and goodâ€" for preserving too. You can also get (nceng age Plum t‘he kind moa @le prefer for se e in EiL T se s sus se an W C K YÂ¥ 1. Mr. G. W. Duke, of Laileyâ€"Trimble * \Iaster Clothes Builders,""‘ Toâ€" ronto, will be at Mr. W. Dalzell‘s Timmins store on Monday next, Sept. 8th, and at his South Poreupine store on Saturday of this week, Sept. 6th, demonstrating new ecloths and new models for men. DISPLAY OF NEW FALL AND WINTER MEN‘S WEAR HERE. Mr. Dan Q‘Connor has been a busiâ€" ness visitor to Temagami for the past week, § Mrs. Roy Aitcheson was the hosâ€" tess to a most delightful social evenâ€" ing last Monday evening when she entertained a number of the young people. The evening was made pleaâ€" sant by music and singing and at twelve the hostess served a dainty lunch. Miss Maltais, of Timmins, has acâ€" cepted the position of teacher in the separate school here. Miss Olive Wheeler, who has been the guest of her brother at the Night Hawk â€" Peninsular Mine, left last week for her home in the East. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Racicot, enjoyed a pleasant visit from the former‘s sister who has been visiting relaâ€" tives in the North for the past few weeks. She left for her home in Detroit. Mrs. Lou Cousineau, of North Bay was a visitor in ‘town for several days last week. Dr. A. D. Roberts, of London, has assumed Dr. Day‘s practice while he is awavy on holidavs. Miss J. M. Macdonald and Miss Margaret Kant attended the dance given by the school trustees in the new school house in South Poreupine last week. Mr. W. Segsworth, was a business visitor in Toronto last week. Mr. D. A. Mutch returned Monda from Toronto. the local hunters have been fortunate in securing some fine specimens. If your grocer cannot supply you, telephone our local representative. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS;ONTARIO Every basket of NP.G. fruit carries a label that tells you the quality of the fruit you are buying. You are certain that you will get just what you ask for, Niagara Peninsula Growers â€"<Ltd., are able to guarantse the quality of all fruit bearing their label because it is carefully graded and packed and then inspected before shipping. The NP.G. Purple Label denotes fruit of the highest and most select quality. The Red Label stands for a fine grade of fruit excellent for both tabl> amd preserving. Blue Label fruit is a family grade good for all purposes. your family a treat with early pears. Bartlett‘s and Clapp‘s are available, both large and of fine appearance. Don‘t forget quality of this year‘s tornatoes. You should preserve some of the Niagara Peninsula Growers, Ltd. Look for This Label It Tells You the Quality of the Fruit You Buy GERMAN FLEET AT SCAPA FLOW. a battleship just as they made their appearance above water. with rust. Note the diver about to descend. Grimsby Ontario Even turn. The police court this week promises to be light. There is one remand from last Thursday, five drunks, and a theft charge. That‘s all to date. The theft charge arises from an exâ€" press wagon missing some time from W. Ellies‘ premises and recently disâ€" covered in the possession of a man living in the Mattagami section. New Luiskeard Fair has a remakable showing of special prizes this year, including a very beautiful banner given by an Ottawa firm to the Banâ€" ner Township of Temiskaming, that is, the township whose residents win the greatest numiber of points for live stock. ~Another special is the giving by a Toronto firm of nine pair of overalls for the winners of the tugâ€" ofâ€"war. . For the boys tugâ€"ofâ€"war, anâ€" other firm gives nine valua‘ble shirts as the prizes. The prize lists for this year‘s fall fair at New Liskeard are being disâ€" tributed and suggest that the event is even going to outdo all previeus successes. There is a generous list of prizes in all departments and the special attractions for the event are all of particular interest. The New Iiskeard Fair will be held this year on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sept. l11th, 12th and 13th. LISEKEARD FAIR THIS YEAR BIGGEST AND BEST YET MINE SHUT DOWN FOR 69 . HOURS THROUGH ACCIDENT «e prefer for ishingtons or Hlapâ€"jack has to. await its * #4 # #4 *# #4 # # *4 # # *4 *# # #* * + *# # ® *4 # 4 ##4 # 4 #4* * + festectss *4 + La #+ # 4 *#* *# # *#* *.,.* * "% ##* # #% *#* + # ## * *# #* # w 44 ¢. *# #* * L *4 * 4# t+. *# *# *4 *# #% #0 ® # #4 *# # *4 *# * *4 * #% *#+ *# * #4 # # #4 # # #4 #. 0. .0 * 4 ## t + #4 * © #* # < *#* * * #+* + # #4 * La #4 4 * #4 4 *# #4 # #% *4 *4 4 44 * #% #4# 4 4 #4 # )#.% ht .“ .“.“ .“.“ * # w .0 *4 VC 4 #* ) ® a* * *4 e ‘“.“ h a * ® ** * # *4 ® 4 #* * # *+* * * *#+* * 4 #4 * #© *4 *# h *4 * 4# #4 *# *# #4 # *# #4 *# Ld t# *#. * ...0 #* *# .0 *. _% *% *4 # *# #4 o * .% .+ *4 e * *s *#+* * + ## # # #4 a*aa*asa* ‘00.““ * °% # *#4 # *4 *# # #* # # *4 *# # ## * # *4 #@ # * # 4 *4 # t watn ** *# #4 *a,® e# ## + #4 * L ## # *# ## *..* .00.0 # .0 #4 #. * O..O + L #4 # *# ## *%, _®. * .“.00. #* # 4+ #* *+ #4 *# # #4* *#* *# # *#+* # t #4 #. 3 #4@ *4 + t # ## #@ *4 # # m ‘vea*be*. # *"o | #4 # # «o *4 *4 * # *4 * #* # ¢ #* *.,* “.“. * 4 Ont. * 4 *.,* .“.“ 44 # % *22*, “.“. *# #% *4 * # *4 # 4 Â¥#4, 04 +. # Studioâ€"167 Maple St., South # #* t # # *4 + * #4 +. _. #* 44 444 + w # 4# # 4 #"m ® 4# # # #4 + 4 ## * # L .“ e * 4 ## * 4# ## *4 *4 # # ## * 4# .*, e *4 # *4 w + * 4# *4 # La #+ + # *#A $ + #4 ## # 44 # #® #4 + ** # *4 *# 4 *4 #, 4# ## #®. * t# ®, # +4 ®, 4 *#* *# 4# *4 4 Cnd w 4 *# ® # PIONEER BETTERâ€"CLOTHINC #4 *4 # *# # *4 + # *++, * # #4 + 4+ # # *4 o 18 2. 242 2 * 2 28 2* s 2 #*‘% y h0 ae ue e8 # or Sure Results T‘ry Our Want Ad Column The cold weather is not far of! What could be more comâ€" fortable than a cozy furnished home on a cold winter‘s evening.f Why not let us buy some of your old furniture which is beginning: to look shabby.â€"We buy anything in the line of furniture, and will allow you liberal credit on the purchase of new goods...Our line of furniture and household furnishings is very complete.â€"You are welcome to call and examine our assortment of livingâ€"reom, diningâ€" room, bedroom and kitchen furniture at any time, without obligaâ€" tion to buy. We‘have some very special bargains in bedsteads, springs and mattresses in all sizes; as well as in floor coverings,â€" carpets, linoleums and Congoleum squares. Call at our Storeâ€"17 Pine Street (The only Furniture Store in the, P. M. Bardesoni Block), and compare prices. If You Buyâ€"We Sell If You Sellâ€"We Buy Resident Agent for Timmins for Pioneer Better Clothing 19 Cambridge St. Timmins $25.00 SUITSâ€"2 pair of pants with every suit Guaranteed fit, workmanship and quality. If inâ€" terested drop me a card Northern Furniture Exchange M. J. Brovender, Proprietor DAVID L. HENRY Factory, Montreal uth Studioâ€"167 Maple St., South o8 2042042482 28. 1*, .# .“.“.“.“.“'“.“.“‘“.“.“.“"!00.“.“ Timmins, Ont. . se 2282 282 2822 .“.“.“.“.“.“.“‘*.. Professeur de Piano du Conservatoire National de Montreal Solfege Theprie Complete HARMONIE / PIANO Satisfaction â€" Guarantie Mile. R. Perreault elt 4. i# 4 $ it k. Ak. k i. Te Te ie I6 Th Te Te Ie: Te o‘.o‘a‘o.’.obo‘o:ovoo e * s 4 4d 8 *4 43 4 o 4X 3 s s s s * *4 *«**s* * #*e o“o op #4 *4 * ® 3 *# 6 + # .# If inâ€" # #4 #+ #+ *4 # .# Timmins #4 *#. ®° °% #4 # 4 i _every suit ility. ter Clothing # # ho o0 ) t + e 5 e + Ne : EME N e National itreal ge omplete PIANO Guarantie rreault le St., South Ont. e CE *Â¥,. .% e . n k ho e e K e en n o.n.n!vv,n.n‘n.n.n‘oï¬.n.n.oo.n.n.n.n.o ‘ . @. @. #. . # . ® # . t , .@ o.n'n’n.n.n'n.ofln.fl‘n.o