gg.~)§‘ v. ("1. ‘- n ~‘ :11121 IIltll-IlslllllllllllIIIIIXIIIJxx. i%% .W’ ANDREW WILSQN, .459» m“ a MUST Wflflflfflflll QUARTZ Bfllfl MINE II THE Wflflll! “It is no exaggeration to say that the Hollinger is the ‘most wonderful quartz gold mine ever developed. As yet, from the point of view of pro- duction, it does not rank ï¬rst, lbut‘ there is every likelihood that it will do so in the course of the next. year or so. Judged thy area, the 'mine is not to be compared with. the giants of the \Vitwatersrand, for the proli- erty altogether covers only 600 acres, and so far the gold produced and in developed ore reserves has theen found in little more than 100 acres. The concentration of gold is extraordin- ary. To date the output has reached £14,000,000, the ore reserves contain an equal quantity of :the metal in three score veins. and there appears: to be no evidence yet of diminution of value or persistency in depth. “1311‘. A. F. Brigham, the general managerâ€"formerly associated with the management. of De Beers Diamond Mine haslihrought the organizations to a pitch of efï¬ciency comparable to that of any great industrial enter- prise and the market price of the company ’s shares, affording a yield at present dividends of only auhout 5% per cent., denotes the appreciation of shareholders. lLast year shortage of hydro electric power (the com- pany's present consumption of which is about 12,000 h.p.) was responsible for the reduced production, and this, comlbined with the effect of lower grade ore and increased costs caused the working proï¬t to decline by near- 1y $2,000,000. Nevertheless, the to- tal proï¬t of $4,374,485 was consider- albly more than the sum of $3,198,000 required to maintain the dividend at the rate 9f 13 per cent. recorded for the previous two years. “"lllle decline in the gold yield per ton for the third consecutive year does not imply reduction in the aver- age value of the ore opened up in the period, ‘but rather reflects the i'nanagement’s policy (frankly admitâ€" ted) ot' securing proï¬ts from the high premium on gold which existed in 1020-1031 hv milling some of the richâ€" THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO Many references have recently been made to an article in The Sta- tist. a leading ï¬nancial journal in :‘Lon,don England. in regard to the methods used in ï¬nancing mining properties in Ontario. Not as much publicity has- been given articles by The Statist on leading mines of Can- ad‘a. In a recent issue 'The Statist had an interesting and informative article on the Hollinger Mine. The Statist said :â€" “It is no exaggeration to say that eapaeity to 8,000 tons per day, whit-h is the immediate aim, is we†advanced so far as the main items of the ad- ditional equipment are concerned. Even if the average made of are treated is reduced to $7, the output of gold will he the largest of any mine iu the world. (‘Os'ts should be reduced to $4â€"indeed quite con- ceivably lessâ€"in which case the pro- est are in the mim holdvrs have “been mme 1n the world. l‘os'ts should he reduced to $4â€"indeed quite. mu- oeivahly lessâ€"in which case the pro- ï¬ts will" rise to $7,000,000. This would cover an increase in the an- nual dividend of 15 per cent. per annmn with a. margin of over $2.- 000,‘000. Possibly the dividend rate may Ibe raised my 17 per (cent. per annum but it is as well to remember that the policy is to justify the shareâ€" holders’ regard for the shares as an investiment with the speculative ele- ment reduced 'to a minimum.†ter in Lcndon “Statist†So Reâ€" fers to the Hollinger Gold Mine at Timmins. )‘I‘ ore per ‘t«. for the rea \'( 11 H d, the duuhling' 0F the mill ) 8,000 tons per day, whirh p. L’ 4 an )1 some at Similar ,1 rned m )8] ha nes of (fan- 1‘119 St'atist informative Mine. The llarly share I not to re we expecta for the {'11 lI'Sll BOOTLBG WHISKEY CAUSED DEATH OF TBM XGAMI GUIDE 9H a debauch on bootleg Whiskey pro- cured it is séid, in North [Bay during the week. Coroner Dr. McMurchy, of North Bay, held an inquest at Te- maga'mi 0n Mond'oy and a verdict of' death from alcoholic poisoning was the result. .szallee had spent part of the week in North Bay, where he was hired on Friday by \Vm. C. Awfer. of South Porcmiinc, to go on Mrs. "T. Condie has been appoint as matron of the new OAS. Shelt at ‘Haileybury. a prospecting trip. While in camp on Saturday evening he ‘eomplained of being sick and gradually grew worse until he (lied alliout live o'vlm-k. The body was interred at Teumgmni and the pro'vineiul police are en- deavouring to aseertain the names of the parties “ho sold the! liquor.†By Virtue of a \Varrant under the hand of the Reeve ot' the Corporation of the Tow the District of Cochrane dated the 11th (lay of August, Al). 1924; commanding me to le hereinafter described for arrears of taxes respectively (lue thereon. together with cost, notice unless such taxes and cost are paid, 1 shall in compliance with the Assessment Act. (‘hap to sell, by auction the lands or so much thereof as many alre neéessary to discharge the sun Hall, in the lSettzle'nlent of Ansonville in the. Township of (‘alvert District of '(“ochrane, on Novemu},)er, ALI). 192-} at. the hour of ten o’clock in the t'orenoon. ’l‘reasurer’s =Ollice P1 Ansonville. Ont... August 11th. 1924. 3117 3117 3117 3117 3117 3117 3117 3117 3117 .311“ 3117 3117 3117 3117 3117 3117 3117 3117 3117 3117 3117 3117 3117 31117 3117 3117 3117 3117 3117 3117 3117 \117 3117 31 7 311 '31 .‘ Plan 'l‘( ) ,w [’l‘ 'l‘()\\'.\".'\“l-l_ll’ ()14‘ M (FAR-'1‘ FAR M PROPER/1‘ Y Plan No Treasurer’s Sale of Land in Arrears for Taxes TOWNSHIP OF CALVERT 'l‘():\\7N:S'IlIJ'P 04F ("AiLVE'Rfl‘ SE'I‘T’LI'D/[ENVY ()b‘ AXISON VI'LLE 0 ’_» 7 Con 6 Freasurer’s Ofï¬ce, Ansonville, Ontario. Avugust 11th, 1924. '1‘ (MVNISIHIIP OF Pt 14 1‘0“" NSH IéP 01F I‘P!‘ Jot 18 19 :20 2.1 ‘23 ‘24 Lot 46 2'6 10 11 m; 8498 188, 77 ’5 )4) U Ofliï¬e (J 'on 011 0n OD O 11 OI] on OD 011 A1150 1924. CE EO’ZZ'IZ- (1' I 33 7-7 I(~(1I IZ‘ZO'IZ'UZGI " EZ'F-Z'IFJSI 871756" I? 6 I E7'Zï¬r I81 )Z‘U‘IUI EJZ'ZZ'I7-6I 2,7588“ I86 I 8877,“ IZ6I V (1111 V 0511 V ()9I V (1111:. V 091 V (191 V (191 V 09I V (1111 A L’H G] '(I( )h‘ld IUH‘VvI LUHI'IA "IND 8'5 ZF'IF-‘O'EGI E71" 7-8 I( (1'I ‘ "Z 3Z- I(-(1I E8 323 IEGI SZ'ZZ'IUiI 88‘78 I(6I E8 8("I66I 8'6 58 I(~6I EZ‘ZE'IZGI . ISE'ZZ'IEUI 158718186 I Rafl'Iï¬ï¬I- E7 871 I76I {a ZZ'I‘Z6I 83717, I861; 87, ‘87» I861 to 7-8 IZGI 87'277-"IZGI 8’8 EZ'IZESI E37177 IZGI EZ'ZZ‘I‘EGI ‘06 gl‘I‘I (NP - U.’ 00‘ 3111' 1111' $111" W1 (H 1 (H1 9(1' 96 ' 96 ' 96 ° 96 ' 66 ' 96 ' 96 96 ' 96 ' 9‘6' 96 ' 96 ' 9(1‘ ' '(f‘! 'N‘ (H5 (H1 (H5 ' 0(1 {‘(1 “(1 (N5 00 0(5 06 06 06 (Hi 06 '06 06 06 06 06 06 ()6 9606 96 '06 96°06 x1221 X X X 981‘x X X 7! MMHKKM‘AMV‘HKZKZVIV, M‘AMKM ‘09 188 cf?- '19 .0; 'C‘" .-< 97 ".7 E7- ’I‘O\\7N}S}IBP IOF CL] 220’ 1921â€"22-: 17-3 ’ 1921-224 (.‘ihERGUE FARM PROPER-TY Frontage ‘06 .-’H 00 (5" -â€" U_ ' ' 1‘; 00 98‘ W). (H) Uh 06 915.06 06.06 (H 1 N5 ()6 (H3 9606 96.06 9606 96.06 9606 96.06 6mm 9606 96.06 96.06 96.06 96°06 9606 96.06 96.06 96.06 96.06 96.06 916.06 96°06 96°06 96‘ ° 0 6 0606 96.06 my. Vii/1V3 max t ‘ | ‘ 7.71% 1! ,0n .01] OD on From 1:49 V\ VI VI V| V‘ V! V! V\ VI 0 O Q I I . I O O X wmzz may. M 90 9() 90.90 90. 9-0 90.96 90.96 90.96 90.96 90.96 90.96 '011 OI] >011 'on on on 0n 011 'on on or on 01' on I) II 9, Ontario. (i respec Years in Arro 192-1 ‘3‘.) 13:: 1‘)‘21 #2233 1921 2" 3;: 1921-22-23 1921-22-23 1921-22-23 1921-22-23 1921 ‘22-‘23 1921-22-2) ‘ Years in Arrears 1.920-21-22-23 1920-" 22-23 192021-223} 1920â€"121422-23 1919-21 L21 4132-32». 1921-22-23 1 9‘21 3222-23 - 1920-21-‘7‘2-23 (,ZZ'IF‘OZI 8? 337101 83 ZF?IFJ IE 88 I({ "-m 8c, < 0 IE: -gzraz 181 88 ZZ’IEI (I: 1C: [-(‘e' 88 EB 18 8E 88 [8 88 ES {8' 88 88 I( 88 ZZ'IE L‘7-77-T. 192 22-2- 22-2; 2223 15 CLERGU l4} 11 1' 1‘2 12 12 1‘2 170.23 135.45 241 . 60 59 .97 145 . 80 155 .42 1‘2 142 95 +9 .75 82L41 57.09 97 18.18 29 .98 :th. 3.36 3326' 95 . 44 226' 213g ‘38 26v 236' 2m 2(1- ‘26! 26o 26’ ’( 1| ‘2“ 26; “26'. 26‘ ‘26- ‘26.- 26; 26- ‘26 ‘26? 26. 0‘“ 2‘6 P D 00 03 ’1 uâ€"f. 8'3 “Treasurer Township of Calvert ‘OVVU DISTRICT OF COCHRANB 2.56 ‘3 .50 2.56 9 51) 5.06 ".56 Amount (34 . 22 (3-1. 22 79 .59 59 . 83 1H 4 , ' p )1, (i 39 .9 81 (S4 08 50 ()4 ‘39 )U 00 1.) 63 v- â€3‘6 ‘70 ()0 (H 87 18 M» U7 76 95 (18 14 ) of 30 PAI'L MIT‘B‘I’C TN alvert 'l‘ot 1â€"18 100 101 141 . (H) ‘24!) . 8!) (53 . 72 151 . 70 161.55 100 . 07 14 8;] 14.812 14 8‘. ’ 1+. 82 14 .82 14.82 1.4.82 14.82 14.82 14 .82 14.82- 14.82 1.71. 82 14.92 14 .82 14.82 1.41.82 1-1. 14 14 14 1-} 14 1 ~1- 14 H H H 14- .14 1-2 2(5 ‘20 . 88 32 . 98 U 81’298 'Freasurer 06 ( H3 6 l 80 0.3 ()4 99 87 94 90 85 H!) '9 Pat. or U 111). Pat {Pat Pat Pat 68.07 68.07 lmp. 'I’np. 'I'np. 7Cnp 1 n1). Pat. (i 4S ()() 65 L‘np Unp. ’Put. (i3 OI l 3.)) Total [7 up P a t Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. l’at Pat Pat Pat I’at Pat P '1 t Pd t (if; l’at. l’at. H’at I’M Pat ’at "at at 'at â€at at at 'at 431 91 80 86 ' t of) ‘, )1 11 ()7 06 30