Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 20 Aug 1924, 1, p. 1

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play at bibition hibits i1 It is claimed that pravtically every thing made in Canada from a foun- tain pen tn a locomotive is on 'dis- “if M. B. Scott 'zmd Bacon, 101-22 79, Mr. u “'1 Robbins, 127-41 86. Mrs. U. L. Acton and Lowe, 104.28 7(3: Mrs. A and Mr. G. H. F. Adams. Mrs. J. Tudd and Dr. H. H. Moore, 110-31 79; Mrs. H. H. Moore and Mrs. \V. H. Wylie, 104-231 83. Miss Alice Ryan and Mr._C. G. Pirie, 142-41 101; Mrs. H. Webb and Mr. Jas. Hepplestun. 129-41 88. Mrs. Jas. Heppleston and Mr. A. E. Riddell. 111-34 83; Miss: Lillian McCarthy and Mr. E. A. O’Cullag- hau, 128-30 98. Purcbgs, 107-128 79; i ter am} Mr. .I. W. F. Emery and 2" 85. Mrs. H. Darling and Mr. Skavlem, 148-41 107: Mrs. Skavlem and Mr. C. M. Amer Imery, 100-2 The finest. 0f golfing weather fa- voured local dewtoes of the game on Saturday, for the Mixed Twn-lmll Foursomes, held at. the 'l‘immins links, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Buwory came in first. with a net 72 for the eighteen lmles. Mrs. H. C. Skavlem and Mr. C. M. Amer, came in semml with a net 75. The following are the players in the match on Satur- day, the gross score, handicap midi nets score of each :â€" Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Garner, 1'18- 39 79; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bmvery, MR. AND MRS. BOWERY WIN MIXED TWO-BALL FOURSOMES U \Vork is nm‘ in progress on the new mill site for the Double [)ianmnil Lumber Company Limited. This, tract of land, which has an area of 4-1 acres, thus allowing ample space and t‘reedum from the tire menace, is sit- uated immediately above the pumping station on the Matta'gami. ' The. Double Diamond 'Lllll'l‘lk‘r (”‘n. has *bought out the big manufacturing plant pf the beaverboard' firm at Freclerjekhmme. This equipment has a eapaéity of 50,000 feet per day and inelud‘es a (TUUlllG-(‘llltlng‘ hand saw which will speed up output- and en- able the company to keep albreast of :1 m1 lured Th is limi Beaver Board Co.’ 3 Fine Plant {Q ‘Frederickhouse Purchased .Has Capacity of 50 000 Feet per Day. ‘~ \Vork new mill Lumber tract of Mrs. J. A. Huuso and Mr wunmrflnuntss IN NEW , 01mm mmnnn mu $00111th 1133 done a very useful work and Tmexpectc a}; outline llber haul Eiéction of Officers and Other Im- portant Business to be Before Meeting. Hf hf I] MUM MEEIING PflUlIflV ASSUCIMIHN [IN EMMY Vol. IX. N0. h I] 'U The ann he Poult coming season the m rmz-e( eamr II") )1 )0111 II m] (*0 nr all for their 1n White pine bv the Dam vict 3 W ere 81‘? 0V9! I! 1nd \Iy- N lit )0 mac last winter 3 one of the 1 still 'bettel for the futu ‘17)eratiun. Scott find Mr. . 79, Mr. and Mr .741 86. 'l( meeting of t} and {Pet 'Stuck held in the I": )l Ul OI )C 11‘! M rs HG” DI the :very 1‘ )etter thing future with a great Stock poul try m the Avenue, '1‘ )f’ this wee per IN ati( II ,H 117-41 '1) id mond ) the Gm Il 99-18 81 of the lrly 11] 111d 1112 this it mu] Stm If“ 10 W arson com 1n )CS 1111111?! 580013- ’or- H )E 1t ’OI'Cll- ”121 V IHV [M There will be two floral parades at the Canadian National Exhibition on Flower Day, Saturday, August 30th. ever seemed to have an off-night, though the match had much of in- terest. The full line-up for Tim- mins was as follows :-â€"â€"Street, goal; Haley and Hetherington, backs;- Cuoper, F. Cudman, C. Warne. half- nussmg some good chances at seer- ing. Dunn played his first Cup tie match and proved a very expert player, using both head and feet in clever way and playing the ball very effectively. The Timmins team, how- ever seemed to have an off-night, 0n \Vednesduy afternoon last, the Dmne put :1 crimp in Timmins chances for the Foster Cup by de- feating the town team on the Dome Ground‘s. the score being 3 to 0. Tinimins had several. new players on the line-up, at least they were new for (“up nmtches. Driver and A Ro- herts. .lr.. were introduced into the (will) nmteh. A. (‘zuhn‘n was at the eentre pivot and is ‘(I'GdltEd with missing some good chances at sour- ing. Dunn played his first Cup tie DOME DEFEATS TIMMINS IN POSTER CUP MATCH. NH have their circus or lack something of life. The‘ “Tild t“Test Show after the main Show was nothing particular to write home. about, though showing some skilled horsemanship and lasso work. The lmx‘ing bout at this addi- tional event was also ilielow par, and the “ehzimpioil for ‘Tl‘immins" (who is thonghtto have come and gone with the Circus) did‘ not put up as good a battle as many a well -known Tinunins boxer “ould do. Spark sun measure for anoney they youngsters 51H acks: Dunbar, A. Roberts, Jr.. A admin), Dunn and Driver. tbrwards and mg modern flames Unfougllt special applause. 'l'he lmrsemanship shown was especially Worthy of mate, one lady lbeing particularly outstanding. The usual trapeze work, and other athletic stunts, Were done with more than usual ‘s-kil'lL The lady who danced on the tight 'Wire made an es- W011] te‘n-tion. I- tereé't was 1101-3295, im of the ‘ he training. 0 number en umusm trained ele ment or fuss and credibly short time The big parade made a favoul'ablc the afternuun fully More on M W tummen Show is )C nte to youu .V E ‘The old saying, “As good as a cir- cus,” will have a new and special significanoe to the thousands who saw the Sparks'( - ‘irrus hexe on Mon- Three Hundred and Fifty Hegd of Horses in Show. A Good, Clean Circus. EGVPHAN WMSV BIG HATUHE Bf SPARKS SliflW l1 ’GPIQS :ll obj e t1 'eru II Ill 1 ti 11 {Lu )V ll SQI‘\'( as, inchfiling the ponies. 'tSmne he - horSes showed wonderful ing. (One handsmne animal danc- mudern dzmres 3}.)1‘ouarhti srwoinl .l( 12122 "1111181( ; as well a: s and a good \vord for this rea- The ordei'liness and fairness of ; (irons will oompensate in a re for the iarue amount of they took in here, as the stars (young and old) must :heir circus or lack something I” m; stunts introduo (1 birds, many of them 5 ifmm distant landsj ular notice. Anuth-er u mrus, many 01 them unusual s 'l’mui distant lands, roused ulur notice. Another [popular 21' was the ipt.)1°f01'111i11g; l’nlzu‘ while the trained lions, tigers, et(r., mule in for interested at- n. P'mbahly the greatest. in- was roused by the trained wear Sp mm the 1e wee 111 xg the under 111d on 1‘ hit. .II'I'let 1nd 450 111 we collcc 1‘ h e H 16 [0 W11 to a. S( and .etficilenc .d left the 1‘1 m nu. H 11f \V llllf work of packing-up Nay and the whole w out without noise, exc 3 and all done in an H how 110 W 19 Ft y afternoon last, the orim‘p in Tinnnins Foster Cup by de- \V ( free from pm Mic-:1 l l V features. It deserves 0d word for .this rea- )irds \V E ll III 2.1 h‘ (le Show ,1] Flu ()Y'GQS 3 W11 there 11 11'( am tlle l] on the 1i 1mm the arr; t'ain Sunday 11 mulled out oors uf "Tl lrcus here alimeared tamer title 01' horse Monday morning. some (“It introdum I'E selencc ha unpresswn 3 Dams: se 1m mlliom I] evenmg s promise of mtmual in t( Instruct ofi'erin :1 1‘] 1110 lot tc ll ()(Zl the Dome 3 to 0. )lavers on N11 nt Mondzw l1 unusuaiL s, traine ie {an 93 of HMS! Ill V81 )9. "I‘ll trikin trained . w ‘ home to wel WE tr TIMMINS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20TH, 1924 :1 11! Show: men- 9 and mnoh 1 HT) \\' E €11 1\'( ol [‘11 L. UH Yen ul‘k lté the 1E 1‘ he 1n- Last Saturdafs market bmug the produce they took to the BIarke ing prevented many farmers and there was a good turnout of buyer good quality, found ready sale. number of. vendors in evidence, wit with the-public again buying pram U f Market 1t 'l‘inrmins Rink. The last year senio l-lullinger'gave the Rink without char; When 'the first 'Mar'ket was opene given for wet days, the regular mark Rink. This year the Rka itself is b pmvmg very )I Town and those Chorus, for Receptions, Bazaars, Children ’s D puSER. At present it has a seating capacity c ting in seats on the deck could be given an inc many as 1800 penple have been inside for 501114 it is said. Winter 5095 a fine sheet of ire. gm Winter. 011 many m-vasions its large ca] other than skating; hnvkey and winter 6 fur the holding of the i('hautauqlms here tests MARKET BEING HELD’TWI'CE A HAS SEEN SO MANY NOBLE The Big Rink Proves Useful In Summer As We" As Winter Md Marl At an early hour Tuesday morn- ing‘v the main body of the British Association for the Advancement of Science reached Timmins by special train on their way to the \Vest. Tuesday morning the Hollinger and McIntyre Mills and surface were Mr. A. G. Burrows, Provincial Geo- logist, arri‘ved with the party of geologists at Teniagan‘ii on Friday. 'They worked their-vay up to Co- balt. and Kirkland Lake studying rocks and formations on the way On Sunday evening the party ar- rived in Timmins at 8.25 p.111. Monday morning Prof. Burrows, took the party through the North Dome, Dome and neighboring properties to make a study of the lava flows in that area. They were the guests of the Dome for lunch, continuing their study of the. country in the after- noon and working west. At 5 p.111: they were picked up by cars at the Paymaster and returned to town. Tuesday morning was given to viewâ€" ing the geology of the Hollingerâ€" McIntyre section. from 0v Genlugical reef Science PARTY OF THIRTY OF THE GEOLOGICAL SECTION REACH HERE SUNDAY EVENING. REST OF PARTY OF 450 SPEND U 1H9} Noted British Scientists Visit Porcupine Camp '91“?! SSUf Inber of 1( tihfi'l' BEING HELD’TWICE A WEEK IN BIG BUILDING THAT HAS SEEN SO MANY NOBLE HOCKEY BATTLE-S, AS WELL AS SOME NOT SO LIVELY. Timmins w The in the are m‘nmdatlm A FEW HOURS HERE ON TUESDAY. VISIT EXPECTED TO HAVE HELPFUL EFFECT. \V {l ti 11mins was honored this week visit from thirty members of the )1. iation for'the Advam re and also by a b. over three Hundred H body \V ay 1’ V .Isef'ulne visitors runnin Section of the Associati‘ to tour the W'est “'01? 'oqums ll’tel‘ 1 ( 1\'( the Rin itself is I) able and acceptable. .xking produce to the The general rmvbl l( their wives, the total of thé th 111 Hundred of I" oerned 0i he Rink, however, has by no means ’heen confine ions its large capacity has. been generously giver my and winter carnival purposes. It has been a seating capacity of 1500 as a Rinl ould be given an increase of +3.1)aeity been inside for some of the thrilling fine sheet of ice, from] skating and 9 year senior hockey was plaved in ssociation on nmmme gear senwr nucxey was played :hout (*harge to the Hockey Hub was opened in Timmins- the use the British and market gardeners from atten buyers and the stuff offered for sale ale. Yesterdav’: Market found an c, with a good showing of produee f0 practicallv everythmg 1n sight. T’h )enefit tn settlers and market gardpn 1nd S‘nu ll ncement of brief visit and market 'll‘C‘OI KE ose to 11.51 ll It on The ed in Timmins the use of the Rink W {et being: held on the lot adjoining t )9ng used for Market purposeshnd Stalls havel’been ereeted inside by t e 'l‘immins Rink will find the very be lie also receive the benefit at special , of [the Rink. the Undoubtéd! V 1n 1111’] A list of some of the prominent members of the British Association for the Advancement of Science visiting here will be found on an- other page. While most of the distinguished visitors showed the usual scientist’s reluctance to giving an off hand opinion of the country at so short avquaintanco, the visitors were very evident l» impressed most favourably. The visit will no doubt he of great 111119 in sprzeiding the truth about this land. ‘ )Hl [E country,” was nf more than Croa, Ministe‘ h bury return trip mmis for toured. Several of the visiting Scientists were guests of the Ki- Thex‘ I‘EPt for concerts Ills '11 mm conversation with the distin 41)} Sports, and other good pm‘ 111 Del m nd then< H .11 I] 'xarket gardem at 1V 11 to 101an an merea produee for sale. 4 luncheon ll vendors: who ll 1 generously given for £5. It has been used In the Timmins DIaIe a Rink, and by put- eheon on Tuesday. 30 noon for Iroquois 3 for the \Vest, the be by way of Sud- mild 1m 1( lbsid m attendant hockey games 'ood hockey at I Timmins the .II'E The [O 1.1' V h bei n Timmins 5 0'0 l'l‘ IV 11 [\Im an 111V he If mt 11 l\ emmgh. It» delighted well as youngsters, an regret would be that bunoh of money «mt The Show however nmrning and tomorr pear before B‘Iagistrz answer to a charge Apart frnm this the a spotless record. N plaint of Short 4'h:u objectionable practic: Ecsted against Hm 01' any of its was certainly en..mp;h. It. 1 Spark’s Circus made what might be considered a record. in its visit here this week. Despite the fact that there were close to 500 people travelling with the Circus and many :of those following similar concerns are not always of the most orderly type, only one single solitary arrest was necessary in connection with the visit of the Circushere. This was a coloured gentleman employed as a. labourer in the show. He was un- able to handle Porcupine booze, the stuff going to his head or to his shins. He became noisy and disor-i derly and attracting the attention of Constables Martin and Donnelly was placed under arrest. The Cir- cus left town without him yesterday morning and tomorrow he will ap- pear before Magistrate Atkinson to answer to a charge of being drunk. Apart from this the Circus left with a spotless remrd. Not a single com- plaint ot' short-changing or other! ONLY ONE POLICE COURT PROM MONDAY’S CIRCUS charge oi.’ the C2111]]),.Wlll(‘.ll is assur- unee that the boys will have :1 jolly gnml time and howoll looked after. The ramp is ideally loonted, in a sheltered spot, about. :1 mile and 21 hall“ from (‘onnaug'ht There is fine bathing, boating and other facilities. The lads are. being housed in four tents and will have a. great time without doubt. Mr. D. O’Connor has given the Kiwanis very generous assistance in many ways in the ar- rangements for the camp. The. lads are. tents and wil without doubt has given the The Porcupine Boy’s Camp, under the auspices of the Timmins Kiwanis Club, opened at Night Hawk Lake «m Tl‘nosday of this week. About 15 nr 16 boys went, down on '_l‘uesday, and more are expected to joinihis WOUk. Mr. Geo. A. D. Murrav is in BOYS’ CAMP OPENED THIS WEEK AT NIGHT HAWK LAKE This week work is in steady pro- gress on the construction of a. ce- ntent wall on Pine Street and Sixth Avenue along the low sides of the RC. Church property, behind the Church and Separate School" The hitention is to fill in the. back of the lot, the cement \'all being put in as a retaining Hill. The filling in will be made with the ore solutions from the Hollinger, similar to the met- hods successfully used in filling in‘ the Public School and Hospital Grounds. The Town has also built a retaining wall at the foot of Fourth Avenue, alongside the railway sub- way bridge. The property on Spruce street alongside ot' the T. N. 0. will be filled in with the “slimes” also, in preparation for the proposed little park to be put in for the Town. GROUNDS AT REAR 0F CHURCH AND SCHOOL TO BE FILLED. t 11119 to-da _\‘ 1'9VEI'S(‘( fied m1 111 w i k s; )l em letics and with good 101 [0-day 1:: th: Day under the wanis ’(‘hub of ' fit of the .5me Falls and Timmins Battling Again in N .O~B.A. ,\Serj,es. Big JPro~ gramme of Sports. L451 SBHEflUlf BAll M Hill] DAV Tfl-IMV 31' rsasenuu um o’velties. eta. ill‘E te (7) 'll [K ll Ill ramst '11 ”II n Ire WIH m tch betw mmm )I'n cmplnyues, clean and pnzes ex_pected to joinihis o. A. D. Murray is in Ca1np,.which is assur- lmys will have :1 jolly howoll looked after. {med grownulm as s, and the only fair that it took a nice out of the tuwn. aver left a neat. close to 500 people 'he Circus and many 111g similar concerns of the most orderly It Ulllllf Ill day of the auspices n immins fm 111E unment i 5. Junior merchant ayim: the. Spark 1m Hu lmmms ix’lwams' 'ruwd and :1 grow] at the Field Day )UTN "uotball, luded. z‘ ' N.UJB.A Iroquois it on the W Snimmit Sina. 1'19, for whna mrd 0f $10.00 '5 concern The Show Wholesome ll' ll )1'11111 men :lVln th W21 S b ,1 m1 )1‘0 \' 1111} neat SI] tie lC m U! SD90 .1 (‘t 'l.‘ I 16 K h tuwn spent. in The Ontario Eduvutitmal Associa4 tinn tnur at" the North Land starts this week-end, the special train leav- jng Turonto at. 9.30 p..m. on Sunday. The visiting teachers will mach Tim- wins at 5.05 am. on Thursday and will leave here at 1. 15 13.11). on the h ONTARIO TEACHERS TO BE HERE ON THURSDAY NEXT; Awarding t0 :1 despatvh in» route this weekthe Melutvre cupine direotnrs have autllurizc sinking of a new central slmf the purchase and installation q machinery necessary to equip it. new shaft will be located up mately 2,500 feet east of the1 shaft aml it is planned ln begin immediately. Its (-mss seetiun will be the equivalent of six mm menta, and the immediate obj! is a «lepth of j‘uur thousand feet NEW SHAFT AUTHORIZED BY MCINTYRB DIRECTORS baron byng ol: \“nuy, Um'ernorâ€" General of Canada. and party will visit 'l'inimiiis on Thursday nextâ€"â€" the same day as the visit of the Ont- ario lildivational Association party. It is likely, however that the teachers will be gone before the ar- rival of the Governor-General. The latter is expected here by special train at 2 p.111. The Timmins Citi- zens’ Band will be in attendance at the station. The Governor-General has expressed the desire to meet as many as possible of the citizens, es- pecially the returned men. HIN- GOVERNORâ€"GENERAL’S VISIT TO TIMMINS NEXT WEEK exp \Vihile the Levelling of the Hi: School grounds “as in plooress fi' teen sticks of dynamite 11 ere liloug-l ed up 011 Monday. Six cups and fus (were also found nearby. The poli1 were notified and effort is {being 1111111 to find the pelson or persons Unil t\ 1’ leaking the exploshe “hole i1 inm ved such 11 large 1111111511111 111' dang-1* It is thong-"ht that the most proba‘b] solution of the matter is that 111 dynamite, aims and fuse “ere ~tnle and hidden 1)) the thief or thiexes 1 [)loswe h'idin Thought to be Stolen Explosive Hid- den There. Was Exposed When Grounds Being Levelled. fiVNflMHfiE UNEIIVERE IN HIGH SBHUBE. GBUUNHS )( () t h a W (‘XDE d 0 m Good Results from Sampling on O’Brien Properfies. Claims Own- ed by Local Mon Show Up Well. well undo! PflflMffilNG INHIEMIBNS IN BAfllllMI WWNSHIF Barnn Bx'nsr ll I't ’1 rk U I‘li that l( ()1 If 911 I] 11) to thc r thieves ‘elther place or found it so undes'i‘rwble tn )Ot‘ll 8891112 if PRICE FIVE CENTS the the (1 strk pm ll en mem bf no t th T} h Ill 1.. 10 p.111. on ‘he morning will 2: the mines and (-t. In past years Ontario teachers 1 the truth about 1 no doubt this; ye similar efiect. “VIII NH?” “m: h W 1nd ‘very fortunate resence of the N 1101‘ ()1 1'1 lllt red approx:- of the main L] {1 VC '1) h u fl 1'( hV OI 50.1'1 I) d1 mm} m rt- objective from [1H “'(‘t announced holding up ll H‘ m 21 1'93 11 WE )(‘t 1 the .xgh 1y chool \V h be the the did the. the :1an tlw The tlu fit ll .l V Ill H“ 'h ll )I

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