Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 20 Aug 1924, 1, p. 10

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§ I Spring Fever Bluebeard’s 8th Wife “The Movie “Fancy Hats Off” “The 3-. put 0 3 2° W N (V at n 5" E H U) B9 3 Q. N O (5 w (9 Pi nt, quart, and half gallon fruit jars, preserving kettles, aluminum and enamel Perfection Oil Stoves, with. and without cabinets Store closes Wednesday afternoon during months of May. June. July and August. 9 THE NEW HBRDWHRE STORE . Minthorn Block, MHIN STREET, One block west of Eplett’s Ice Cream Factory Our Motto: Here to Satisfy ’ Coming Monsieur Beaucaire The Ten Commandments BEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBE§BEBE EEBEBEBEEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBE 01d ., Empire Theatre Friday Saturday, August 22nd August 23rd COLLEEN MOORE Huntress” Western “Steel Trails” Ho. 14 Friday and Saturday, August 29th 8c August 30th Girl That Came Bock" Coming Soon Married Love $EHE‘BE‘BE‘iâ€"EBEBEBEL i Q) 1 1-1- I I F'T1 b â€"-1 m l'T'I on Theatre Friday Saturday, August 22nd August 23rd SPECIAL “Painted People” News-Review Her Reputation c .J'll â€"â€" ._~___.__.___.._..._ -T_.__.â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"».â€"‘â€"â€"- BEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEE Attention ! Householders ' Re Garbage ped in paper and plat-ed in a covered g'at‘iliagre ean. (iarhag‘e does not in- elude ashes and ehips and these must not. ‘he put in with garbage. I l .\ll table garhage should he wrap- See that all lids are ke1 1t on your vans and that all doors 111 your toilets ate kept elosed. Householders must supply their own gatthage eans whit-h should he kept elean and disint'eett-d with ehlor- ide of lime. (‘l1loride ot' lime is supplied tree 1 1 and 111111 he had hy applyin; .1'. Hall. 'l‘in (vans and other dry :‘1lt‘it:tt.'e 11;:1'. ehare'e the t‘ity he 11111 in eoyered hartels «r i11\'11s 11! hugs. sittitllti ‘l‘-1‘ llfll‘l ii ’.‘iUi‘lll. .Speeial attention :tl'd. K111“ and .. , :1.:1.,. ..1“ . .l\11.1 .‘H‘l\l1\"‘i..ll 111s1';1s1' your y i t ,|.1l'111 t'<:\\'l11\', :11._'1'1l >71. sitilttg‘ 11:1 the 111:\'.1. sea 11‘1. S1111l11'11s'1'1 s lw- 111 l - ~ 1 . ' . .31~. ' l 1 \1'111'l1l 111 «it"t‘“ 't ‘1'1~'s-"lt"'t'?‘ ll':|ll1. 4 ’ .- 1 1_'1- .\.-1, I. llltt lllfil t‘llitttt lll l.l1 1- 1 111-1 - 1- - , . 111111111. ,. . 11,. 111.. 1 .1 1., , 1 1 t 1 ..1 By order 01' the 1J6“ 11111.41 1- 11111.1 <11: 11\11'.l1111ot1 at \\ 1111111 1). . 1. ow 1\ .\.1s tit 11 .1 BO XPD 0F IIEAI w .1111 1his 1-11411111 made its hrs: :1ppe:11‘:111'-e. t x. .1... ..1TH .111 l‘ U E BEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEB: ('111111:111§.:'h‘1. .\11}_:'. llltl1~~Hpeeial i t‘tIl'l'i‘Sllllll‘lt‘llt‘t‘ l” ’l‘ilo Miss Maude X'ttill \\eel{ .\l111onte has then spending: her film was aeeotnpanied hy her sister wh‘o weeks. .\d\':111ee. returned this 1'1'11111 where she yaeation. will remain t'or several Mr. l". t'letnens and Miss .loan, let't Monday t'or New liislteard where l ._.___.-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"___....â€"â€"â€"___ l1‘.'eel\'~et1<l. . l BE ltit' 1:111111‘1111's 1 _ -. .. . lose two slltlts to tlll the 1111 runs the expenses rather (1 adjust this. he l ,' . 1111 5.1111111 -_.__.___........V-.. 4... ___.,. tlttts‘alr- 111311‘Es s111111i1l l111 ii\‘~‘1t' "'1 ‘ ‘ I . and saontd l1: 1il:i'1111~1.11l 11111.1 .1111 ‘l‘IMMINS BAND MAY GO TO COCHRANE NEXT . ' C L O T H I N G l ._..._ l .1'11113'ti1e :1'â€" i 1 1 M ERCHANTS Bright Budget of News Items from t'enada. :.t toel11 11111 11:1.\‘t l'1'1dt1y. Brew Town of Connaught l1:‘1\e heett i11 1'1111111111111eat11111 \'~.‘ Th ....._ l'.'.11111111s ti '.ens' lland with :1 view AND SALESMEN o seeurinj. the set'ytees ol' the lland that the _._.__.. , have to Hit il1 I 1.1111 l'aet‘ will The 'l land 111415121111. Hi. [lie the Jlln l1i1.:li hut Are you a hustler and out to make more than a bare l living, here is your oppor- _...- 111-hrat1e l‘o111111ittee. may 11.1 ahie to o ‘Vo that hand «11111111. evenin'." lland was :1 Friday ”ll“ Sllg'2'11sti1111 made lit! at t.‘oel11'ane t i111-o11ve11ie111 :1 hand train the reeeipts l'rotn this l111i111.1' likely to - _ . .o .1 , , , _~ '1 .1 ,7 1 _ 1 1' 7 .. H“? “'1” “Mt 11.1.1.t1\1.s. _ :lsslst 111ater1ally 111 helptnf." detray t'llllt) t0 plOCCU e 8' \alu All-‘15 Margaret” l‘iil-S'l‘m illl‘l M‘Hll'l' exhenses. 'l‘he lland is ready to hr." l able Men’s ClOthing .l::1<l: l'laston. ot' 'l‘itnntins. were the. 1.1.1.. ,1 progrannne 1'1”. 5“(.11 ,, (111111-1111: . "llt‘fi'lh Hi, lil‘ll illllli. \[l.S. SXVii‘V'l'lt“, \Vllillllll any ilti(illlllllill (.hurg-U [u ”up. 'Agency, ' a ‘l‘/yell I<n0\\n we1'tl ‘ . -- 1 .- 1 . ‘ . '..1t11_ . tor se\e':t 1l daxs this x. . (111111.111: pmplt. .\t onetnnt to hne that you can $611 at; 3. Miss Olive l)i.\'on was a \istt'or to rane had a good hand ot Its own, hut . . 'l‘innnins Monday. the hand there e\entuall\ wa‘s disâ€" popular prlce and make a - ,. .. . 1 . '.. handed. llte adyantage ot ha 1111.1 a . . . . . My, .l1111 lxtttgston ot 1111111101..» l- ,1 . l t1l 1 1‘ l- good IJI‘Ofit, “71.th 1Y1 fiI‘St 1 .. . . . . . . » . . 'h 1.1111 111 a town is in: 1(at1( 1\ .111 1 Ins l'alls was :1 \1s1tot hete met. t. e . .. . . ‘ . . 1‘:111e s present posttttin. .\11t «any 11“ Instance t0â€" . . . . [1‘1 seeltt'e “ A party 111111111111 :1 ('lvllgilthll.,ex_ outside. hut in this easy the railway 111111-511”: 1” Squaw island, ”St bun- t'are alone will amount to around JoNo WATSON ”h" :1 ternoon. sweatyâ€"live dollars. l11 addition the , , . , All-“3" “Mm-151 ”l New LN“) 1rd is travelling means :111 extra loss ol' ti..1.~1 LISter Building, Hamflton, Ont. Efiivisitinzr her aunt. Mrs. .lloy Aitthe- 11,1. 111,.i1,,11111.,m.,1. '1‘111. (.mm 13111.1‘ Bat-WWI _ at whieh the \'i(-<.1~1'e_1.1':1l party will .__ CUâ€" lr. and Mrs. Wilson Raynor, Mrs. I11...»...1, ('.1-.1hrane i..- “.11 1111....” 1,111 l :'â€". t'1”1it<311i -'l"l All“ Bieelow ”l. will likely he around three 1111111'1. 1:11" 1'11s111tl l’o11- 111i11e new the ”nests of .‘1.1.'=~1<L::s.11.-. the 'l‘intrnins ll:.111d leay- ..Wg H. SEVERTI Elfin] .1l1'. and 111's. l)o1111'.\\:1rre11. >1111~‘111.§1111. s..'..1..1111;111111.11.1111111 :N BE<<11.1'-11<711<' 1 1' 111111 11» 1<1»1' 11111 Buammo CGN'E'RACTOR % .‘. 111-1st.s‘.te1esstltl l111 (ream Soâ€" 1,; f; ., ”..1: 3,11 1111'. 1111.1111.111_â€"1.11 . Eighth: l‘ wael held last. 'l‘l1111's1laiv evlening- 11.1.1. :11 1.1131131, 111.1‘1114111... 111 1-111 Lét us repzm and waterproof that. Elli. 1l11‘1‘ l..{1.'11s‘..111l .111 l 1411'!” 11.1:111'1‘; .11;1\-1 1st: .1<;’1:'..t‘1e 1111:1111: s 111x l leaky rOOf before the rainy 803.8011 LE11t HHWL... 1.11 t1e].11111..}11111‘ 1.1.1“ owed [T11 11.1,- 1.1.111. 11,11.1(;1 :1 11) as d Parabestos Roofing Paint and filial: served .111111 .stna 1.111s .1tt1.1'111\1 1111'1 . _ 11111 .1111 I11“ 11111121111. 111‘ Kantleek Roofing Cement For Sale l" :11"t:111f.'1tt (111 the spiteltms‘ \et 1:111- 111:1) .111 that the e\‘111111s11 .'1.'<1l.'11l1\l:l ______-____ __fl____ ..-.-...._..-.._ 1'l'1l1.lhe<.1'.11e~tts had tl1e.'pleasute of make the visit l111‘111'::1'1i':1l. t 111l11';111 {â€" l“1istenin<.: inH on some e.\'1ellentlis planning to 1.1'ive :1 rousing; tetep- Corner KirbyAve and Mountjoy St trad lio <ot11111'ts. llltl'lllLl' the eveningltion to the Governor-t211':l11ez1 on his PO BOX 974 ' TIMMIN510NT- IMrs llay. aeeotnpanied' hy Messrs. Visit. there. '( emens and Reid, rendered several musieal seleetions. A gratifying sum was the result:- ot' the ladies’ ‘ et'torts. Miss Allie 'l‘aplin and Miss Jessie '.l‘aplin returned last week iron: :1 very pleasant holiday spent with re- latives in llraeeln'idge and vicinity. Mr. llellaven Brown returned to .lohnsonhnrg, Pa., after a visit here of several days. Mrs. llay was the hostess at :1 delightful tea. on Friday afternoon in honor of Miss Yuill. who is visit- in<.r her sister here. At the tea hour a dainty luneh was served, the hos- tess being assisted hy Miss Maude Xuill. ”â€"1 PART or FREIGHT TRAIN l FALLS FROM HIGH BRIDGE EBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEB B afternoon last twelve tell '.l‘ri d 111' 1'111l1i111111d and sulphite l1l\'(“'11ll the whole (in til. t he t'ill'S lulu Hi. lilt' ll 'l'. c\’ NJ). 11:11'1 l\r11gers1l111t ij.1'l1e:'.t railway. ot a heavv lhe (1111i11e 'l11'id}.1'es on the dozen til (:11 rats train and “\i‘l' .w1'11e Iron: l1<1<11111is'l":1lls. eats Massed . ...__. ._... _.._.-..-â€"â€"_. _â€"â€"â€"»_i<_â€" tltitt_\‘-<111esateiy the l11'31l11-,l1111 the next te111:'11s went The railed. 31111 w<1e de~ lllt lli'. 'lll held the t11lio'w'i1;j..r tour 1111 ears remained the Mint 1' to lespateshe ’ Itllh rails. .\1-1-o1'di111.1' t'1111111 ,\'1rth lla‘v tarly e.\:1111i11:1tion .~.'l1owed smneiltl.’ 11: had heen ti.- 1: lite.r Ior a‘mut ten 1:11'-l<n1.'tl1‘< hetote the train 11:11 i1- 117 111 1s1~lxt 1.\ \ ‘I 1:: 1.. 11, 11'11 w“-.- .-. o ed the in'itlre and it is helieud the 1.1111}. was d 11 to a broken 111111;. ‘H‘ ii’f‘l‘l'li will lhronu'h all the salvaged. nor: l1 ilH‘ he i'e\ ed ‘iil '(‘iX ..- ... â€".. *w W...” a... irmn the '1'1':1s11.l:l1\‘11i few .l1o.'11s hy art-211.1 1.1!} {21‘ l ;.1 “ml. ‘.1~ .‘.’1_. l;. The 1:"'1':1 11 .»':~ .<-~~ '12-..1: .04 a -.4 BEBEBEBE‘EBEBEBEBEBEEBE‘EBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBE .~..M. .4 ‘1 ‘ b . . '/ u t a - -.â€"¢ > I ‘. I ..- v .4 ‘.1...” us through the postal service. If you wish to open a Savings or Chequ- ing Account, if you are in quest of information, or if you desire advice on some banking problem, you have merely towrite our nearest Branch. Timmins Branch: J. W. WALLACE, Manager. BANK OF MONTREAL Established over 100 years

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