Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 13 Aug 1924, 1, p. 6

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Iiii Pllfifilll’lfll MWMBE Canada â€" United States W8. - Binphasis has often been given to the fact that “Roads,” and “Schools” constitute two of the pressing problems of the North Land. It is apparent that the Government is enivleavouring to deal.as best it may with the problem of “Roads.” Much is being done. Perhaps all pos- sible or practical is being attempted. In any event the outlook is now inm-h more hopeful than it has ever been before in the matter of road- ways. The question of educational facili- ties. perhaps, is, even more vital to the welrt’are of the North Land. Un- less educational facilities are provid- ed for the children of the North? 'Land, all other progress and develop- ment will ‘be vain and valueless event- ually. In the centres of population the people themselves have responded nolbly to the demands in this direc- tion. In the past ten years, for ex- ample, the Town of Tilmvmins has ex~ pended well over half a million dol. lars for educational facilities. But in the sparsely-settled areas of this big No1th the situation is serious. The families of hundreds of settlers are growing up without education, or with such curtailed education, se- cured at such sacrifice. as to place the children under life-long handi- 'a.p. "l‘he distances between the homes of settlers, and the lack of roads, make the establishment. and 111ainten-‘ ance of schools, burdens altogether hopeless in their impossilbility. The Correspondence Course plan in successful operation in British Colum- hia seems to offer a method to give valuable assistance in the problem of educational facilities for the North. British (“oluimlhia has found this plan “a hlessing' to the children situated far from schools.” After due i11- ‘vestig'ation Alberta had adopted a similar pllan. Elsewhere in this issue more extended reference is made to this educational facility. On behalf of the settlers of the North Land, The Advance would urge it upon the most careful attention and consider- ation of Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, Premier of Ontario. and Minister of Education for the Province. He has shown 'his intelligent sympathy with edu'ation in general and with the true progress and development of this North ”Land. 0m (r( THIS PLAN MIGHT BE OF VALUE TO THE NORTH LAND with t‘ Much is sflble or In any mnvh m 1W ILD STRAWBERRIE-S HERE REACH SIZE OF TAMI: ONES WEDNESDAY, AUG. 13TH, 1924. A DOZBN DRUNKS AND A FEW OTHER CASES THIS WEEK char}: kn i ft? IDODS blade Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Telephones: (‘0 “1'; “'lil HH'Hlllt‘ lll‘ again! C. Warne. last week. A150 (“1181 mess and fighting ag seskn and Harry 51ch Martin took triar.< in charge S They were spattered head to heels, literal} Lawn :nroh‘n‘ nnm- :R have 119:1! (’0 ll Published every Wednesday by III 911 )I’0( 'il 1' s assuredly the Land of Growth: Owner and Publisher. z :lllll Harry Niekford. Conlr Martin took these two Ans« < in charge Sunday evening. were sputtered with blood from to heels, literally. Both had to surgical care. Bill had one hand y ‘eut through on the palm ap- it.v by an axe. Harry had 9. ie of fingers badlv bitten as well , nash eat on his head. The are said to lune been battling Subscription Rates: E1 329$ w :1 ,V 1'6 W GRIN)” 11‘ '1‘ l“ ”‘91” dt‘ man was carrymg was a dangerous )ll' re Residence 70. E11115 $2.00 year $3.00 year 19 before the assault charge emand'ed from as of drunken- ONTARIO ll I rm THIEVIS BREAK ll"! IHE EflNIMlEHT llflllfl SHIRE Small Quantity of Goods Boys’ Camp at Night Taken. Hawk Lake. Other Interesting Connaught Items. The 'Ladies’ Aic Church are holding social on Thursday the home of Mrs. musical programme ed. On Thursday evening last F. M. Burke’s Drug Store was broken into and a small quantity of good taken. The entrance was made from a side window which had :been probected with heavy iron bars. One of the bars had been removed and it was evident that a person of small frame had made the entrance. Miss Olga Helin returned Monday to New York after a pleasant holiday ()lf several weeks with her parents. Coxmaught, Aug. 12.â€"»‘Special cor- respondenoe of The Advance. Mr. She] ldon and Mr. W. H. Shel- don, Jr., of New York were visitors here during the week. Mrs. F. W. D. Wilkins and daught- ers. Nancy and' Betsy, accompanied by the former’s mother, Mrs. Babe, arrived on Friday from Toronto and have taken up residence at the Pen- insular Mine. Mr. John Ca'llinan and son, John. left last Sunday for Toronto the; former to attend the Directors’ Meet? ing of the Peninsular Mine. ’Mrs. Muteh, mother of D. A. Muteh, arrived Sunday and will re- main with her son for a month. Mr. E. Audette has heen here this week relieving station Agent. “.Mr. Pete Maloney left last week for The Pas, Manitoba. ’Mr. Hancock, o‘t’ (.‘oe‘hrane, was. a business visitor here during the week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Kant entertained last Thursday evening to a delightful dance. During the evening Mr. Jim Reid delighted those present with nmnerous musical selections. Dane- ing Was enjoyed until about. twelve and then a very dainty lunch vak served. Among: those present were: Mr. and MN. \Varren: Mr. and Ma‘s. Knox; Mrs. Kant; Mrs. Corbett of Ottawa; ‘Miss Helin; Miss Barker; Miss I. ‘Taplin; Miss Kant; .Miss For- .syth-e; Miss Mellonald: Messrs. Bert tConnelly; Briden; J. Reid; Percy Mr. )InNaV), who has some very promising looking claims in the Night Hawk Lake sevtion. has been in town this week for several days. Mr. and Mrs. \V. E. who have ‘been camping Hawk Lake for the past left, Sunday for their born to. ' Unde1 the auspices of the Kiwanis (‘luh ot' Timuuins, a boy’s camp is being: opened at Connaught Park, \ight Hank Lake, for boys from 1?: to sixteen 1eais of age. The camp is to be opened for the last three 11eeks in \ugust. Mr. Dan O’Connor has kindly donated bhe use of the park which is one of the finest loca- tions on \ight H1111]: Lake, for the boys ’ use during the holidays. One splendid feature of the localitV is a ‘sand beach a quarter of a mile in length, and a baseball ground is be- 'i11§_1' completed. \Vith the invigorat- in}: air and “holesome surroundings the 111115 11ill be much benefitted by smh 1111 initiug. 011'. (“1111s. Auer and «Mr. Dan ()‘Sullivan are eaunping on Night Hawk Lake. ‘ Miss 0. Dorian. of the Dome Mines, was the guest of Miss Myrrl Barker was. the guest 0t over the week-en ’Mr. Dey, Bc Haileybury, was TIMMINS TO-DAY AT DOME IN FOSTER CUP SERIES arker. {‘Rev. G. McVitty. of South P pine, was the winner of the priz nated by Mr. Geo. \V. Lee, Chai of the T. Ni). Railway (‘mnmh for the biggest fish caught at Union Summer School Camp at attract s. thusiasts bl: '1‘} s afternoon at the Dome d5 'l‘immins Football Club plays st the Dome in the Foster Cup . This should 'be one of the tunes of the season and should :t a big crowd of football en- I1 .V een camping at Nighfl for the past two weeks, for their home in Toron- Aid of the end. Boiler an ice cream evening next at Wan. Farmer. A has been arrang- Inspector, of sitor in towr Segsworbh ,. a m 1) this Ilmls‘s‘ 3117.9 ( 181F111 nion yea )D an H851 TRIP llN flllflfl 5mm lflflflllfllfi fflllS BY MflIflfl TIE Iroquois Falls Editor Points Ont That Honour Goes to Mr. P._ H. Anson, Jr. Dear Sirzâ€"I notice. in a despatch from ’l‘immins in the Toronto Star that cars from. Timmins and South Porcupine were heralded as having made. the [nip from Timmins to Iro- quois Falls and return over the new. road. While admiring the enterprise of these gentlemen and their good sports- manship, still facts are facts. They made the trip from T‘imunins to Iro- quois Falls but not on the road. A (‘Olllple of oars ran some three or four miles on the milrnad track to “escape the mad. Another car was hauled through the hush by a farmer’s team again to escape the road. The first car to make the trip by the road was owned and driven by F. II.1\115‘()11,1'II‘., of Iroquois Falls. "“he party took with them in the 031 Mr. Alex Me'IntVne, Supervisor of roads for Northem Ontario, and “mm D. Dufi’ District Engineer with headquarters at (ochrane. On the V111V theV pi(ked up Alex Stiiling in change of the wovk on these ioads. These gentlemen can much for two things. First: that the cars from Timmins and South Porcupine did not make the trip thy road, and second, that Mr. Anson did. The road was in terrible shape and necessitated a, great deal of axe and shovel work in order to get through at. all. The trip proved one thing, that the road wl1en~e0mpleted will be a good read and a credit to the North ('ountry. To the Editor of the Porcupine Ad’- MEN CHARGED WITH ASSAULT PAY FINES AND DAMAGES At police court. last 'l‘hursd'ay Mag:- ist'ate Atkinson charged four un- adulterated drunks $10 and costs cm'h. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO The assault charge laid thy Donet Cote against F. MciHugh was dis- missed. The evidence of several Wit- messes went to prove that the accused had not; used undue force in putting the oompiainant otf the premises, and on the contrary had previously used the young! fellow with kindness and ;;.’,'(?n€.l'()Sit:V that he felt- had be posed upon. 'vâ€"‘l‘vâ€" S. Lash, for selling without a muni- cipal license “as fined %0.00 and costs. “Three shipments of liquor address- ml :‘to three local drug stores were vonsfiseated. the druggists in each case explaining that the shipments had not been ordered by them and they knew nothing of them. Appar- en'tl-y, the names of local drug stores had been used' in an ’effort to import liquor into town by persons unknown. Settlement was made in the matter of some wage cases. The assaillt change against C. VV arne, prefe1red by G. Hendry, of the Dome, was 1emanded to this week. Charges of assault against A. Sweiger, C. Jessom and J. McDonald, resulted in heavy fines and damage (barges for each of the three men. Jessom and 'V'IcDonald each paid a fine of $50. 00, damages of $20. 00. to- gether with costs. ‘Sweisrer, “ho had spent a week in iai1,rhad the same damages, but a fine of $25. 00 to meet. BAND CONCERT THURSDAY AT ATHLETIC GROUNDS Dr DOE OWNER OF BEES (to em by the last hive, old man, Iroquois Falls. Ont., August 11th, 1924. Yours truly, Alec. Dewar. H5" .. I Ben 12m- visitor WWMwmommo WAITRESS WANTED WAN TEDâ€"’1‘ WU WAN TEDâ€"4A L0 CAL REPRE- SENTATIVE for 'l'immins and His- trict to 50H for the “Old 'lieliablo For) thin N urseriesa. ’ ' l‘lxr] usiwe territory, pernumcnt mnployment, liberal towns. )I’rovious exporiom-e not neoessary. Write Stone 0". “'elling'ton, Toronto. 113%.»). HOUSBKEEPER WANTED for WANTEDâ€"Pupils fur the (‘roldwin School of Beauty (.‘ulture. Posi- tions at attractive pay guaranteed as soon as student completes the course. This is a pleasant profes- sion with excellent prospects. For particulars apply to the Groldwin School of Beauty Culture, 13 Pine street, (over Ostrosser’s Store). "l‘immins. 22p.â€"t.f. FOR SALEâ€"New six~roomed house; hardwood floors throughout; spring water. Owner leaving town. Ap- 1in 67 Sixth Ave. 32.33;). H 0U SB P O R SALEâ€"'1lardmmd HOUSE AND TWO LOTS for sale; corner of Elm and Fourth Avenue; good location. A'lso Hens for Sale. Apply 18 Elm North. FOR SALEâ€"ASiX-I‘? FOR SALEâ€"House and two lots, one 21 vmrnor lot. (“Jose to business secâ€" tion. Bargain for quick sale. Call at 18 Elm north. 33p. FOR SALEâ€"4Larg'o. 4-1‘0011‘1 shack; furnished, if necessary; with well wa~ ter in house. Price $600.00 A'p- ply H. E Dixon. back of Railway Station House in Schmuacher. appointed acting United Farmers (-eedinar ('olin H. voting his time to pool organization class I Advami blemen m pe street ower with family. Apply to l-Bergeron, 59 Bannerman Avenue. 331). Apmly to J. P). Birch street, north floors; spring: water, with pump in house; electric light; seven rooms. SALEâ€"ASIX-r‘nmnm With all conveniences" dential part of WW1. \ppr 8.8., Advance Office: ’limmins. 33p1/3. of! I'SOD Kelwond HOUSES FOR SALE hotel HELP WAN TED t1 W8 V W Office to A. J. M . POOLE Apply to Manitoba. has been president of the of Manitoba, suc- I’hu'pell, who is deâ€" ; the Manitoba wheat 'N 311 516A rt h ur., 108; .varm after him) :1!) (1 two ( House; n 9:00 \‘Qsi- For first- 50x TIL, 02 Show 33-35 . em 12’ )p wid- zen- FOR SHEâ€"Property and seven- roomed house with bathroom, 'base- ment, pantry, hardwoodfioors and HOUSE TO RENTâ€"‘2 bedrooms, liv- ing room, dining room and extra big kitchen. Water and toilet in the. house. Rent $36.00 per month. Apply at 162 Pine street}, Moneta. ONE ROOM TO RENT in private imme. Hut and mid water: bath. Apply 38 'l'amumvk St. til-331;. TO RENTâ€"Furnished Rooms, for light. housekeeping. Apply at, (mee. 57 Elm street Suuth. 30. TO RENTâ€"FurniSth Rooms, bathroom. Board, if desired ply at once. 57 Elm street, ROOM TO RENT; furnished; lovality; central. Apply Birch street. FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT. T0 RENTâ€"S-roormed flat. Apply Britannia Ice Cream Parlor, 6 Wil- son Ave. 331). TO RENTâ€"«Comfortable room, (son- veniently located. Two ladies or husband and Wife. Telephone 279.] 33p1/f3. WANTED TO BUYâ€". WANTED TO RENT BXPE RIIIN‘CBD STEAM'FITTER DESIREIS PERMAN'EN CY. 3 PROPITABL'E BUSINESS OPPOR- TUNITY, requiring small amount of cash. Good profits. No opposiâ€" tion. Inquire PO. Box 1352, Tim- mins, Ont. 32-331). SNIMMIT SINAWIK is still un- known. (‘apture him at Kiwanis Field Day un August 20th and bring him before the judges and cash reward will be paid. all modern conlveniences‘. VVi‘ll be sold at reasonable figure for cash, or cash payment and terms. A1). ply PO. Box 756, or Lot. 76, Tama- rack street North. 33-351). Impro rivh 2m in while home you would aeugnu w pride in. It is kept classy w and front fence of cement. a: work for entrance way, cost eral hundred; dollars. The heavily manured and fenced. the Apply to 85 Elm street- south. 33-3-11). only one l’eterlnn ('anne. Apply to \V 131 Wilson Avenue, 'l Phonogra‘ph; Victor preferrd Must 'be in first-class shape. Wi] pay spot cash. Apply to Box EM Advance Office, Ti'mmins. '33p. 'oom \V years foreman Toronto. Vacuum, high and lo’w pressure steam, gravity and blower ventilating systems. Best of references. A'p- 1)ly Box 14‘.EJI.)., Advance (Mice, Tiunmins. 33-3 . ADAME CLAIR, Famous Seotch Palmist and Pyschologist, will be here for a couple of days at the Prince of “Tales Hotel, Room 10. Hours 12 noon to 10 p.111. Read- ings $1.00 ' 'ith W )wmite xrvha en 111 l of water goes with each lot. rvhased this fall at $300.00 per lot, y terms. Situated on Mountjoy 1d north of Sixth Avenue, north of mal Park Boulevard. Come along h $6M).00, will build house. This msite is named Lincoln Park as n hv Slgn on prop Waite on premises POSITIONS WANTED ARTICLES WANTED MISCELLANEOUS LOTS FOR SALE PALMISTRY “'01“ ROOMS )n prone )ll 30.00 del 'T for short time 1'!)01‘(.mg11 Cedar » \V. LP. il-3aac’ke, by 140 ft Buy now lassy with trees ment and stone ay, costing sex 'l‘immins an 11% 1d flov V011 portable preferred. OW€ )W Appl 33p. 1‘. Buy mut all : also, good 108 with A p- )uth. Will (PI‘V and lot. t0 POR SALEâ€"Edison Amberola uphone and Cabinet. Apply 0. Box 245. Schuumchei‘: 32- FOR SALE ron SALEâ€"PHONOGRAPH, Gala Medal, complete with 49 new re- cords. Apply 107 Cedar street South, near Eplett’s Ice Cream Factory. 321). FOR SALEâ€"Privately Furnit tumâ€"~31 M ‘Im-v 's TYPE-WRITER FOR SALEâ€"Latest ELECTRIC STOVE FOR SALE. 4 Mated Pens and Trim of Bred-to- Lay Barred Rocks from Pedigreed and Trapnested Stock. Also, Exhibit-ion Barred Rocks, Dark and Light )Imings. Importer and Breeder of Barred Rocks only. DR-BSSMAKIN‘G. BITS. Gwmqibell, 5U (“mnlfln’ai Avenue, llolzllinge To wn s i t e . 33-3411. DR ESSM A KINGâ€"JR e pa i 1‘ W0 rig-â€" ("leaning and Pressing. Moving on Munday, Aug). 4th, to N0. 9 Mid- dleton Avenue. Mrs. W. Lefelbvre. ~31-34p. PLAIN SEWING DONE. Spevial'ty. Hutel' and Cafe linens and also re- coveving comforters. 'Blan‘kkts, eta, repaired. \Vil‘] 0:111 for and deliver work. Apply to 'I’.(). Box 515. 'l‘imumins, ()r 1‘65 Spruce St. S 011th. 353.35 p. 1 REWARDâ€"For the apprehension of the mysterious Mr. Sinawik, a well-- known character in this district. He will attend the Kiwanis Field Day Where he Will be captured by anyone who may identify, and turned over to the Kiwanis authori- ties. LOSTâ€"«Brown Sent-ch Collie, answers to the name of “Laddie.” Finder please communioate with PO. Box 14.2, Svhu'nmcher, Ont. ‘l'fieward. 32-34. LOSTâ€"(‘ollie Pup. solid sable in colour, white breast. Finder please return at once to J. N. Levine, \Vil- son Avenue, 'I‘inml-ins. Reward. POUNDâ€"Pair of? Eye Glasses on ’Bartleman Townshil‘). Owner may have same by paying for this advt. Alpfply D. Carling, PK). Box 1099, 'J‘i‘mmins. Ont. 33p. DR SALEâ€"Three: Sleigh Dogs and a number of Stag Hound Puppies. ”Puppies, $.00 eacth. Apply to Mrs. W. Martin, Porcupine Crown Mine. 32-349. KEY fl“‘()3UI\mâ€"4}’ost office, car or door key No. (32656 Office Specialty .iCo.â€"-Owner may have same by paying for this advt. Apply at Advance Office. KIRKLAND LAKE DEFEATS TIMIMINS FOR GOODYEAR CUP (m series. 'J‘rmmms was mm a strcmj: team but failed Laike down, though it w match to watvh and both up a good game. '1‘ ’he luv was with Kirlgand Lake. got their first counter 31 comibinaticm thirty minute start. and netted another model Oliver. Perfect condition. }00d as new. Bargain for cash. Apply to Box M.C., Advance omce; Timmins. 3233p. At Kirkland Lake on Saturday last the Kirkland 'Lake eleven def'e’hted the 'l'immins team with a 3 to 0 score in the Goodyear (711p series and earn- ed the right to play further in this plate. with Seguin, 69 Phone 254 \V barks; I'Iaumilt K Jtes ta m l] ARTICLES FOR SALE kl Aiken 9. Di: mmple Phone and netted another in : The third 2‘08] was an and in the semnd half k'Iand Lake-«4}. (.‘adma av and MacDonald. hm. mins team with a. 3 'rood'year Cup series right to play fart}: Tivmmins was repn 3 team but failed t own, though it w: o watfih and both 1 A I") , 1 ‘I DRE SSMAKING H All. FOR SALE Connaught Station, Ont. P RAN K LITTLE, 11 (wen. Apply to Maple street S< FOUND LOST on mun tcr after Room m' 465. l)! Undiel .p swim and earn- ay further in this as remesented by failed to hold the h it WIH a good Id both teams put The lurk, however, 1 Lake. Kirkland l “)3 C zoal f0 rwa rds sex": Imper, d. bank's; Mo- Mr'I’hail. half- l'lflllfik {rid/{118.11, armns, ks: Dunbar and Adam~ onlm Haley and SPOTE Gram- ? to P. ll r a nine from the Snuth (D (i and g“ 7) V

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