Try The Porcupine Advance ‘ Want Ads for Sure Results ' B. C. FIR .White Pine Double Diamond Lumber Co., Limited MATTAGAMI HEIGHTS Bringing Up Father E Square Timbers .. FIR m V.-Joint. Mould; Bevel Siding 6 Plne 2x6, 2x8, 2x10 dressed. SPRUCE AND JACK PINE. Rough and Dragged Lumber of all Kinds. b, IOCmum .Prr 406 I><m 40 OO ,0 9+ OOZZ >2. 4.1m 8 ONE: p.550. \Ill I NEVER SAW URKE. TIMMINS. Drecois also South Porcupine by B. L. Pilo- and good druggias everywhere. Moulding. fl 2:000- .3 4 40 3va ,2. >2 . convention. ' ’ In repiy to this (if the 0213 be assured that he will not fee oh, so dry. It will be dry for «a the country goes wet again. t m ( add As an in’terestiiig' sideiig‘h? G10â€: 0 one (lav last \\ eek omm } 1‘Xt 'leas t one ai'rimi on came prepared to shake hands is Professor ‘\ i(’t()1' ( utman, an Demutment of Pin sic '21] L-hemi military unifm'm ho ware knee rolled down over the taps. f'l“ savk. from his ‘helt dangled a 1 _ .. ____:.-__ ---..._._...... IL\JJLQL\AC1(['U1U U'IJIJUï¬lllUll. and ridicule. “The London Times (the famous “il‘liiln(le1't11"’) was for years an activeommnent of the Assoeiation and showered ridioule upon its plans and purposes. "l‘he Association, however, triumphed over all opposition and (‘r'rtiois'nu and is recognized tmlay'as one of the .moat pmverlful and useful or- ganizatitms. lts meimlmrship has included the names of practivally all-ï¬lm great men of science in the British Empire during the past eighty 0r ninety' years. "l‘lle Association meets once a year at. some selevted eity in the l‘hn- pi're. This year at Toronto the Association has broken all previous records for attendance. l'l‘he total attendance this year is announced as 2,435,, of which number there are 573 delegates; from overseas. As an interesting sidelighi', the following paragraphs from The Toronto Glolhe one day .last week may he noted :â€"â€"- The b’ritlsh Association for} the advancement of .S-vi-enee ï¬rst Olganized in 1831, mainly‘thrm‘lgh the exertions of Sir Dav Its object is to assist the. progresset’ discovery and to dissemixfa results of scientiï¬c research, by ln'inging together men eminei several departments of science. The society is divided into see after the President’s address, meet separately for the reading o. for conference. These sessions have been in progress in "J‘oronu days past. This week-end a party from the (u‘reologieal Section sociation will visit. 'l‘innnins on a tour of the mining ï¬elds o Land. excitement. 'Sir George had simply gone on to 'l‘oronto with a friend and was staying at Hart House, unaware of the anxiety he was causing the dailies. He. thought/his friend had mentioned the change in plans to those in charge of the ,party and hist‘riend no doubt thought thatSir Getirge had done this himself. All the newspapers theories were astray and no doubt the incident oaused the distinguished visitor here what may he termed “un- A pleasant amusement.’ ’ - ' ['n rhe British Association Mr Hm n(]'\'nnnn.nxnn+ .42 04A“ .___a -_-w.-----\,- u; LLLL- LII l|lall [INDUUIUF‘ tion today. He is 77 years of age. Last .week the daily newspapers raised a rat-her unnecessary excitement about Sir George Green Hill. ‘ They suggested that the scientist had “dis- armieared.“ 'l‘he alisent-«mindedncss of learned men was stressed, and all sorts of guesses made as to what had occurred to the missing man. He was on the special train to take the British scientists from Quebec on Saturday morning. He was seen when the party stopped to examine the Qulevbec bridge. \Vhen the train arrived at Montreal he had “disappeared," said the daily journals. "l‘he facts developed after the newspapers had had their BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE MET IN CANADA IN 1884. IN TER-ESTING REFERENCE TO THAT VISIT. OTHER ITEMS REGARDING ASSOCIATION. SOME OF WHOSE MEMBERS WILL VISIT TIMMIN S THIS WEEK. When the British Scientists Visited Canada 40 Years Ago tl‘ Mon to 112' “On heir THE EQRCUPINE ADVANQE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO In its early 'IH( 1H .11 “It’s Different in Timmins ll \ thick he had h an v v s ()n the questioned ndon Times (the famous “Thu: 1' the Assoeiation and showered esociation, however, triusnhphm song-nixed tudzlyas one of the .m 83‘s z'lr U h 111 the Assoriation metpwith (consider I! mainly through the exertions of Sir J.)a.\‘id Brewster. e progresset’ discovery and to disseminï¬té the latest eai'eh, by ln'inging together men eminent in all the science. The society is divided into seetions,hÂ¥hieh, dress, meet separately for the r Zldillfl; of papers and iessions have been in progress in ‘Tl‘omnto 't'm' seve-‘a'l 1 J'O'V I] SE‘VC n {IW 1‘0 f the British Association special last evening with “(Bur LadV of the Snoiws. †His name |,th011(_z'h a humanian in birth, he 18 from the 111 in Unix e1‘si1y L0Hege.Londi1n. Omer his he mrreotly reported). the cold in this countr; while. even after Octobc ere will be convenient (‘OIIH DEf 111-!) 1’1 )n nigh a Romanian by birth, he i: n University College. London. shoepacks, with thick woollen l'iS shoulder "was slung a bulg bottle, on the other side hung ; neck reasonably warm, but, a his hat, for it was nowhere vi fr-ied a smart military czme. ofman stated that he Was nl L mmmr .5230 p 110W OI 11 int pr m the h the ©1924 av Inn's Fume aims of members of the , the accompanying pic- tish Association for the as .1884â€"â€"â€".t'orty years.. ssooiatinn for the AtL h 19 was tour. 1 '21- 1'le opposflion‘ and ) was for years an upon its plans and all op'fmsition and n'lful and useful ur- practieall) all the st eiwlltx 0r ninetyl ed (*it} in the Em- mf. (“of The air i 2'3rd. x" .l V .1 p n of the AS,â€â€" Uf the North planning tQ ullowim: the visible is a society 8 so dry- 'ID the I] ml 'Iar WHY . Inc. [ References in district newspapers to samples of strawberries brought in from the farm of Mr. Thus. Stil'l- well, near Brewer, wouid suggest that the small fruits can be successfully grown in this district. Iu‘ appear- ance and flavour the samples are said TIMMINS BRANCH, . SOUTH PORCUPINE BRANCH, JOHN L. HUNT, Opportunity TIMMINS Cement, 'Brick, Chimney We are manufactqrers of Sash, Doors, Trim, Mouldings, Stairs, Counters, Window Screens See the name Brantfordonâ€"every square for the genuine. HELLGLARKIRANGIS LTD. Whatever your banking needs may be, this Bank can satisfactorily ï¬ll them. Every customer of this Bank, whether their accounts be large or small, receives the same courteous and adequate service. Mattagami Heights, You may pay rent if you want to. But if you are Building your own Home, we will supply the Lumber. This being a Free Country The wall board that will hot shrink. ECratï¬Brimn nghu renewed, 8‘ I3 IHHIHUHHHI Your Banking Needs Double Diamond Lumber Co. Ltd Prices the lowest considering quality BRANTFORD ROOFING S OME day will come the opportunity of your life-time. You may need money to take full advantage of it. Start now to save a regular portion of your earnings. The Dominion Bank protects its depositors by faithful practice of prudent management. 20 :, Chimney Flue Lining, Natco {ollow Building Tile. ' TIMMINS BRANCH, “GYPROC†Head Office 1~ NEW LISKEARD OF CANADA: BY Gee). McManus Etc, Etc. You get bigger dividénd‘s from thinking safetv even dav than from a__nv other imestment in the world. to' be beyond criticism. They were grown from plants imported from Aï¬v'hignn three years ago. D. SUTHERLAND, HHHHHHHHN Timmins, Ont. 2 or burn. Acting Manager. M anagcr. Manager.