Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 6 Aug 1924, 1, p. 7

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-------- ' y 1‘ . fl ; ; , . ‘11 _ , ;, 11:” v~>1> ;'1".'.1‘11‘ p11:-11‘:1:.11.-; the might, 1 a 1 1 1 111‘ 1 s ’1 “ ‘ 1111;1‘.l.1. 11.1111 :1, (11111.111 i.t_\ ”11 , , ,..-, , ~111‘ ' 1'11} 1 _ 7111111111 (Ii. 11‘.1 lii'lllh'll l'iillllll‘c 1... 1 1. 1 .' >11 1 ' Sunday. 1 .ert- wa<:Liixu‘:111111111auee :/ ‘ f H... 1 11,1 11. 1'11” 1 . \‘ .1 ,. ', ..‘ " ' , I .‘1‘11 1.' k1szn" .11. 1 :11‘1 1 1 l 1 :s-1 ‘ lid " - .. .11111 :111 11.111 :1 .1 113111.111 .t.: 13 111-11 H.-. _ w .._.-.---,-..--.--... .. kmn‘p,‘ ,,_ 1111- 1:1..1 113111 111 111.111. 1 1- - . 1. ' 1 l “l- ‘ . . . 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H" "i A” i ‘ H | 1111‘ '11111 1-1'1~1'1 1,-111\ ,;V 1., f , , . ., ‘1 1,. , ‘.‘ ‘ "" _1111.1.- ‘ " ‘ ' 1-- 1' 1’ 1 snnp.) .111111111111-11 111 1.111- 11.1l1 1.1etea ' l " t ‘1 l 1‘ i , y ‘ , 1, ‘ 1. .1 l . u 11 1 '1' 1 411 1 l\.'1-11:~.-1‘s .111 1111' 1' I I -t‘ -‘ 1"’ '1 l1 " ' t 111 1.1»31“ 11. ..11 1112- 11111-‘11‘1'y pleasant 1111111 \1 :ls' 1'll.1".\'t‘1l 11.1 ' 12- ,1 1 1 , ,. 111.7' 111.11 1’11 11 l 1 1 1 1 1'1 1 19.111 ~ ‘ .111, .111 :1tt1~1111111--' were il"'l't.‘1'tl that. . :1$388KS8§SSS$SSSSSS§\.\\\Y\\§S%\8§\SS\\\\\.\\\\\\\\.\\\\‘3 1 ~ 1. ‘1111 ‘ 1 _‘ 1 ‘ 1‘ g . - r- .' “Mammal-Um.- gra: cw 'vrm'f‘ 31".”“""*’""'“""'""“‘""‘"“"""""v”"""'.‘mwm'w 11 \Vil ‘ it {T111111 <111't't“" illlil VL l.\' 11h.'il$"1 5 ‘ Mumlw‘lwu . . > r .. . TIMMINS TO PLAY DOME NEXT TWO lVIEN SENT DOWN LAST IXIRKLJAND LAKE \VON IN ~ 11111- f; - ‘ FOR FOSTER CUP WEEK FOR SHORT TERMS GOODYEAR CUP SEMI-FINALS "..__-_-__.____ 5 m , "EDNBSDAY .,.__ v MANY ASSAULT CHARGES , a...“ ('11111'1 311.11“ luct W111i resulted in 1111* 111111111 11H! 1111 51111111111 :11 FOR TOMORROW’S COURT {t "1‘1112111i11s plays the Dome it the 1w, “11.11 111.1111;- 111111'11 1111' short terms, 1\1r111;11111 Lake 111 1.111 (1111111year 1'11111â€" --~ 5 11111“.- 11t1xt \Vedllt‘sllikV, Alli-,5- 131111 111 .1. Melly-my, .111 the eharge 111:1111tainâ€"l‘1at Cup seniiâ€"tinals. 11111 were 11111111.r 111111111'1'11w t’l'hursday) lr‘ 111 be ; 111;" 1111;11'11 1111111'1111t’l'l)', WilS 2195055011 would not 1111501 r111: l"1‘1~“11‘:1' Cup series. ~w«-â€"-â€"â€"~- 153111111 1111.1 W1 111. 21111111113111 Householders ! . , . , 111111111111 thirty days. .1. given a llll'eesltlttlllllfi term by Magis- trate Atkinson. Sharp was the man found guilty 111' stealing a. suit. of â€"- 1-111111es‘ :11111 11111111}: the apparel by the lake slnire at South End. The ex- pla1n‘1ti11n 111' the protoedure is said 111 All lill‘l“ 3311'1’1'3“ 1‘11””1‘1 1’“ wrap- be given by the aeeused 11.11111}: the. ped in paper and plaeed in a 1111\‘111'11'11 line that' 11,. expected to tind a nice; 1“” ”1‘ runnd stun 11l' money in the clothes“ when he took them. Seven drunks, admitted the corn and paid $10.00. and costs. Constable Bennett had a ease where the fellow said he wasn’t guilty and 11111111111142 had to prove the ease. They proved it. all right, and | Magistrate Atkinson said, “£25.00 and costs.” A tine 111’ $35.00 and eOsts was 1111p1‘1sed 1111 J. Valier 0n the charge (11' lightinr.r on the street. A ' ‘11 - ' .111 is sit 11111111 tree (11' , _, _ ’ , . ( 11.111111‘111 1‘11 ‘1 ll ._ _ 1111111111 111 the ti'alhe by-law resulted 1‘11:H':1' and 1'1111911e 111111 by 11.11111}lllj_f 111,, Re Garbage “.uâ€"Iâ€" :‘aitbaa‘e can. (iarbaa'e dues elude ashes and 1-11ips and these must 11111 111- 1,1111, in with garbage. See that all lids are 111-pt 1111 your 1.';111<:11111 that all 1.111111% 111' your toilets .‘Il‘t' 10.1111 elnsetl. ; 1111:1se1111l1‘lers must supply their 111.111 garbage cans whi1-11 should be kept 1-11-an and 1lisint'e1-te1'1 with ehlor- 11111 1111111111. 1111‘ 11111111‘y' \11 had 111 lillil.‘ 1111} 1111131“'Satttiwltty Sharp was year ('up. THE PQRCUPIE‘ 1‘2. ADYAP'CEa.T_U-‘1MIN_31 QNTARIO 1.31111. 11111111111‘ sues 111 Kirkland lathe 1111 Here‘s hoping". . f. Tonsils respond lilrewmagic to the healing properties of DR. THUNA'S TONalL AND ADENOlD PILLS If your child's tonsils are red, swollen, or diseased, try this wonderful remedy and note how quickly the trouble disappiaars. These tablets are purely vegetable and can be given 1 . 11'.11:11211T1 .-1 in 1111- iinals fur the ~11111111. â€" Mayeau. l". to the youngest'child Ask your druggist for tree I 1 -, ~ ' . 1‘ 1 .. 111 21 11110111 $1.00 and costs. 1 the t 11y 11:111. 1 Th: ransand11111111‘111'yganbau‘e may in 1'111'111‘1-11 barrels er 11.;.\'e,< 111‘ The charges of assault. against A. lSweig'er. 1'. Jessmn and J. McDonald th‘l't‘. remanded 111 this week. 1 :11- 1,1137, 11:12,". . 1 . - ' ' r‘. “ S. «1:11 ”1111:1'11111 s;=111111t 1111 1111.11 111, 1'11111‘ yard, Keep ‘11 1511111. £11111 5" -. . . y i i" .\11 :11'111'11- 11111 11111111' day said that 31211311 s.1-l<11ess and disease. | ,,-,,,,1‘ 111111 .11-111'11111‘ is 111111'1- aw'atie ‘. I tl‘li~i1le 1111111’1s‘ 411111111 111- llyâ€"1 . , o ,, l > ' ‘ , ' 3.1114111 be lll>1lli1"t'11‘|l 11111111 11111111.11-,\e< ate 1-111s1-... By Order of the BOARD OF HEALTH v- : ltyan Murry 1211‘. l.'\'e Mitfll 111:11 experiment tried in 111.. 11111111111»: \\. ' ,. ‘ . ‘ ’1 ' , ‘1-11111'1-11. 5111», 5.111111 11111.1}11111. 1 $111 as as 15% as as as as gig as as $1 as iii 63.”. E151 : as ? as g as a Eh [LE ES as % as as .15 E5 11 EB [5.111 [as its EiEEEEEfiEEEfiEEEEEEEEEEfiE‘iEfiEEfiEnEEaMhEsh‘EEaEEEEEfififigflfi The price will not be any more, and it often will be something less, than charged by outside firms for a less convenient service. BE] A full line of samples may be seen at The Advance Office. Just call up Phone 26 and have these facts proved to your en= tire satisfaction. as 1 antafigfiti‘i .3- .. mag; â€"t:=-t1â€".-,.,,.-:_-..;1:â€"'., -asasasasasasasasas.asasasas aaasaasasasasas -asasasasa ll. ,i’1‘;11‘e1_? WEEKLY BAND CONCERTS 1 BY TIMMINS czmzmts' BAND‘ lite weekly band eon-cert by Tim-1 iand at the athletic. -_‘;'11111‘111~' last 'l'aursday attrz‘teted :1 4111111 11ruw11. and the music was much ninyed. 1111- 71111111 rendered a. 1111111-! ,. 1111115 1’itizm1a° 1‘ 11:. pleasing seltntinns. must 11f: 111-111 711-111; 111-\\ 1111:1151111‘. and all Weill t l 1:11-311111'1‘11w) '.\'1-?1. '1‘11‘11‘seiay' 1 l ‘1111'1‘1' 11111 111' another 111' these '.11-1-.~.;i\ 11.11-11 :1.1‘ '1911111 1'11111-111'1s. LANCASHIRB CLUB MEMBERS HAVE ENJOYABLE PICNIC '1‘ 111‘ 1111' 1.;lllt'tlxlll‘il't‘ 1 1111-11: 1111's 11-11' {1'11'11114 tr‘llvlt'hti‘tl il ‘10!in “Assault 1‘1111111- 1‘11111'1. Day” at the '1‘11111111113 111 addition 111 the as- sault remanded 1'1'11111 last week, in which three men are accused I ' 1117 assaulting 1111111 in Moneta, Sam Regain is charged with assaulting A. .\lellu}_-"l1 is accused 111' assault by 111111111 t'ule. final-tender llendry 111' the 111111111 team has laid a elltll'u't‘ against 1’. \Varne for assault, the charge arising 1'1‘11111 the unpleas- antness that developed 'l‘uesday even- ing this week in the game between the 111111111 11111111; and Whites and the Lancashires. In addition to the. several assault 1-l1arges there are some 111-111a; cases and charges of breach Of the high- way and, {rallie acts. 1 l'clill'L‘Qt‘S W 5S§\X\$S\‘SX\\$SSSXSfiXX‘SSSSS$888ka\\\\\\\\\\\S 5 Mr. ll. 1‘. Garner returned last week from a. vacation in the South. Mr. 1“. l)e.~s,ja.rdi11s who conducted the 1 Government. Employment. Bureau dnr‘ | 1 L ":3 ports and imports. The actual value H31“ all freights was $40,693,024. 1% LIEâ€"11: Among the passengers sailing for % England onssthe Canadian Pacific .1 ,steamship “Marloch” Jul? LEE; Montreal was a large party of (EEA teachers, who will join the tour of the Overseas Educ'tional League, 35d from 5% which this year is covering Great. [:5 Britain, France and Belgium. I ’9 I ’ g i i 5 ’ if 1; . a E A set of 12 beautiful colored pic- w), E torial'menu cards illustrative of the I '11 history and romance of Canada has 3 gm? just been placed in service by the y [13% Canadian Pacific Railway on its ft 5%,! crack transcontinental expresses, ’ 3611 the Trans-Canada Limited and the ’ 331 Mountaineer. Especiaily interest- it ,3“ ing are four reproducingdauthentic ’ [in-“fit photographs of prairie Indians, ac- ’ Lil companied by descriptive text. g ‘ I i 1:. f. 1‘ 11.7.3 . . . 3,331 The newsprint production in May 11:: this year both for Canadian and {(5% United States mills was greater 1 .J Cana- Egigtthan the previous months. . :5; 1 dian mills made a new high record, 1 the total for the month being 117,- 1 833 tons, compared with a previous I high figure of 115,572 tons and 5 their production for the first five ‘ months of the year exceeded that; j of 1923 by 515,087 tons or approa- ly 11 per cent. pa. :3 .J m 8 assasasasasas Bars 1 l 1 1% 119351 7U? 1111â€"3111 11.? “‘1 râ€"I Ii? _ _ g ‘ . -fl ,__, (“.1 Jr- 1ch ssaaaa CHAS. A. MATTHEWS, .111. 1 Former Deputy Treasurer of Ontario, lwho is now held by the Immigration [1 1Anthorities in San Francisco, and Eli-7 lwauted in connection with the l’mnd Scandal in Ontario. /.,' I II '/ ,1 .7, ' l ’l - ’11 l,- .‘A ,‘x -.‘mOAM‘4 .‘AAW-“HM‘~“W“-M-A A-.-‘ o - - a-‘-~.“.AM~.4_A- Canadian National Exhibition .\l'(;. 23 TOYOfltO ‘ SEPT. 6 . .‘dure return:'11~11s1‘.1-; more ambitious than “‘1; g 1.11'111‘ ~ (111; 11‘1'.:1.; 1111- picturesque, the artistic ’ i ': 111111 {.‘1'1111‘3‘11 .l‘t" 11f t‘anada and other 1:111115. 77 a, ; “ arching 0n The sort you are entitled to plus Quality Groceries and low prices Call 226 for trial order Personal Service Personal Attention sing Mr. Garner's absence, left on 31-32 I s\\$.\ޤ$$$$Â¥$\\\\‘S‘V‘SSSSX§\‘§‘K‘\$\\V\Ԥ\\\‘V‘S‘V 1' WUCSVSSSSSSS%§V\B\\\\Y‘C‘S‘VYVSSXXSSM SYVXWWW‘: 3 .5 Up to the end of May, 1024, over ,7 f; 770,000,00 fry of different kinds 4” ‘ :l "'1 1.3301'e dist ibuted th?oughout) Can- % 5 1ada from the fish hatcheries oper- a0 ’ lated by the Department of Marine 1; . j/ iand Fisheries, a recent despat'ch J. .5 1from Ottawa declares. ' a; y ., . v E . . . i . E; A sur 1 f $363 011 is shown in 1 .’ ,n p us 0 , . [LIE-1’ the annual report of the Vancouver 3:; It 15 Easy to do SO When you get them 5 3%. Board of Harbor Commissioners 5 1 a V lift] for the year 1923. Receipts totalled 3 fresh from KenogamISSI Lake, 5 ME% $725,880. There was an increase of <8 1 1:1,..‘$4,813,797 in the value of all ex- 1”» g ' i 2’ 1; Some of the leading grocers are now handling them. All can do so if they will drOp me a card stating their re- quirements LEAVING SANDY FALLS 11:30 am. 1:30 pm 2:30 pm. 3:30 pm 4:30 pm. 5:33 pm 6:30 p.m. won 1176} JOHN POWER TIMMINS, ONT. Arrangements can be made for Special Parties, Trips, Etc.

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