.1 THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO TEA AND ICE CREAM SOCIAL AT SCHUMACHER, AUG. 13TH “ 1111 1111111111: 111111111111 11111 11111111111111 ""'" 111111111111111111 There will he :1 Tea and lee ('realn Geo. Lake Social held :11 the 11.1.2 ehureh, Schu- Owner and Publisher. - . . 111111'111'1'. 1111 33 1'111111511112'. Aug. 113111, ..- ‘â€"- â€â€1 (Continued from Pave 1) 1111' the 1-'.'111'1~h. S1'11'11n1n1'her 11:15 a SU'151fI'I1H10D liatej: {illi 11332111‘ “I the 5131115011 and 111111311 110‘1‘1'2'1‘11 l't‘i'llii iI'lll i'UI' SUCCCSSIUI Canada - - 3.111.12831‘ 1'11:1i.~e 1: extended to the 1220 hosts. (â€â€œ1 “11.1"1'1'11I’l" (“V-"‘1’ â€'. {hi-‘5 kind and 1.1113111} Si-fl'ieé - 1:13 1)“ 2981' l \l 1331’1211 (1 (hunt\ 11““ h W is ‘8131‘d illl.‘ (â€2'1‘11? 1111 331’11111‘411113'. .3115". Tiiill , 1. :'., 1 .i \ . ~ -1 . 1 . g “ ‘X'IMI‘vIINS, - - ONTARIO' 21111 1111111111r 111111111111'11 1111111 11113 22 ""1 "'51 "ll-1' 1"“I "1Ҡ"~- -_.--__.n__.-- -.._.. 11 1111111 I -_____-__- - ______’__H__ ______g_____ l‘denfoer of the Canadian Weekly 1 11:11: 11111‘11'1'1'. 2:1111 ll‘ls Men .111â€" :30“ gpapers Association 11111" " 1.1 ~ 111' 111'! '-' .11'1'11'15 1111'5121'1'111 W I 3 ï¬g f- 3 DA Y 1 , ; .. {to L1- lthtï¬i111U11'Lul 1"'1111 ‘1"1i‘1111111 1 1.71:1'1’111113 itrI -| 1 . _ fl 1‘1' _, “padpnce 101' ’.2'1-1_'.-1 13211 llzls 1'1'-1illl('-1 llu'l 111_1~11’21ll 1211 a u aiet| n , ,__. , ____._._....-_-- -.... ___.--_,______â€".._â€" ' .'1' 2’ - 1, '1, "1‘ ! WEDNESDAY. AUG. 6TH, 1921. 211.1: 22'. 11111.1: 1 112111111 . . , .; .1 - . . . ' . - , l1 .1- ~12 war the 1111121111222 111l- , 1‘1 1 “'.'.' '13.: H2 "' 111' \1‘1 \1111' ‘ , , - NM ‘ . , ;1- .1.'.~ 11.111 ;11:11:2‘ :‘1'11111::1t1-.~ :111 111 InF1n 1 SON OF MR AN‘D MRS. , .211- 1 1. 1. 111.111- 111111 ~11 1 W, ..11 111142111; ; iv, 11;, ;_,1‘ 111‘2“‘1,'l.'I_: 3'" ‘11. 15 111111.11». '.2111'1- 1 . Op. 111-»:111-21.~' , ~_ - . 1 1 T. DOUCET DIED MONDAY 1, 3,, . 11‘2'131'..'_'lllt‘ . . . ' 1 1 I"1:12 '~1'1'131‘_" '1‘ 111‘ _._..._ , '1. '1'; '1111.~ 21‘1'1'1‘ Z" "23'1‘tti'~‘:'121. ' ' -. " 'l' 1 " l in H ' 1 11.1 1:11:11- .111' 21111 11 21111 111:1111'tl1is .11" 22*: 1::1 '.'1-:"2'_r1"11,-1':11 :1111 .2' â€", 2 : - 11, -:. . . ' " .1; . ° .. ‘ l ; ‘ 11.; .V. ,‘ .‘i 1; v†\]r ‘ln‘l "_yl' . 1H.\.11. l\l._’11113, HI. \1l11},.1 .\ 33i1"I-'i‘1"" ‘ ‘,111_‘ \1'ill. "“3" ‘.' ~;""'“.‘ ‘-"‘ ". ""‘fl ' " ‘ 211:1111'. '12 21211111211: the .112111' 01 311’.1 1" ’ 11122 11‘ '1"1'1'11'1' 1,1. 11112 3112 1"1-'~ ll1r.;"-". '11: {111' tlt'itill “1' I \11. 13.. '- “,2, . l ‘I‘II" 1" I 1‘ 1‘ ' ‘ 1' . 1 . - 1 - 111:2 . 1'-. 1.11112 .-‘-11113. ' '1' , ' . -) 7' .‘. ' " . . ' .- . "" 191- ... 1 ~-1 1 '1 1:11. 11'1111. Sent. -1111. 11111 1111111- 2111'-" 11.4111. 21111. 1111' 11"1 22 ~ M1111 .,., .â€. 1" , 1 1 , " . 1'11: . 124's Mir-1.211111 1'11. 1'1111111151...1‘ ., .. --..- - 1‘..» 1. 1, 12 "13-1,.1‘,\ Ill 11‘11‘11g' ‘1}113 111 Pill I'HIIIV 1 1 .‘ - , I 1 .111111"ll II I""' I; I II I'I' I '5 .11111--ll[ 1 11111.2. 22111 i. 1' 1111'2‘12‘ «11 their 111‘11‘111‘1‘ ' 211.1 111.31...†W11} 11.1 11'1111]\' 11121-11 :11 I. 03 '1. ll lilllilt 1‘3‘3 '3" 3"“11‘ :9 \l '1' 1" }' 1 {H' L "' ' " ' ' . . '1'. 11'11 \111'1-2‘11111 111.2 221-111;. ' 1' . .. .1 '. ‘1 1111'12'1-2171'1'2111 111' 11.1:1'121'11 1111;111:22' 111111. I ‘ "1" "'1‘â€- I "1†1 “"11“ "1 “11 :11111 11211 11:1112'1111'1'2', Cohege 31d A172. Timmins Business '“'""““" "‘ Over Economy Grocery 58 I. J e:111 ‘. 1'lI'1' Si'l'l'IllS1I2' . . 312'. 111.1111: 111.111.1112- .211... .\2'1~t'~1. .1 I, w" . , . .11 I. 4 a ‘ 1 111-1.11.1 111111 11.1-11.1. 221'111 1.1.1; '111111:12 H1111 .. ill. 2“ 211.122 .11'11111'. 1\11 11111 1,1111'11'22 311'. .11111 .311'2 11101112121111 1x1.j-"1_11-e ,1 '1’11'22'1 3111 _; 33'1'iI1' 111171 .33 111 l’t't:112'1'.‘1‘}'. ; \ “I" “‘II'“"' I‘“ "â€"" '.E M TERRY, Supervising Principal. -~â€"- ; \11'. :11111 311'2'. 1111 1111111111 11 11"11111111 HANDSOME GARRETT SHIELD '1:1.~'t 221'11'1 tron: :1 11111.21 1-2'11'11512'1: holiâ€" " “ "M ""“"“““"" â€â€œ â€"_"‘ ON DISPLAY THIS WEEK 11.-12' spent in Detroit, 1111112211 and .3lontrenl. '1'111111111'1'1-‘11 Shield 11:12 111-1'11 111111154 311'. llerh. \\':11'1'1-n 12' 212111111: his :11:1': :111' some 11:12'2 11:121 :11111 11:15 :11- brother. 3I1'..1)<)112_:.33'111‘1‘811. ‘ “1,5,. .,,,.,.1v1.., .. _ 11':11"I1'11 111111-11 nth-11111111 :11111 1'11'2'11ur- 311'. 1‘111. 1>1""\\H'H‘ “'11" 1"“ .'-.1"'1’2â€""‘5‘ â€3' after eveiy meal ""11",; :1l1l1_; 1'111111111'111‘. This large, silver 1'1'ie111ls in \'11112' 1111121" We1111eg2'1fln2'. t; shield. 21:11:11112' 1111f;'1':12'1.'1.1, is 11101111:- 11:12â€1 week :1 11111.21 delightful dance Cleanses mouth and 111111 :1 111111211141 22111111 lnise 111111 21112122112 2-"12'1'11 :11 the home 111' 31'1'.l’ete teeth and aids digestion. "1} 1'11'111111111112 1134111 .2111'11111' .251121-1'1 511181115 1 12111', 1'I1'e11e1'it'l1111111.211 1112e\11out Relieves “18‘ 0V3!“ eaten healing and acid ., mouth. 51'? its l-a-s-t-i-n-g flavor satisï¬es the craving lor Ilillllt‘. 111' ill‘) 111 :'111 111111'1111 note .2. Field, 111 111,211 the 11::11112 1'111'11 year. 111 The -\1‘1'2':1n1,'e, 311'. \V. winningr t 1112 2111111.: people were 1111120111.! 11111"inj-' the owning 11:11'11-i11j-f 22:1.2' e11- l,i112'e11 111111 at twelve :1 111111112 111111'11 Seeret:1.'1'2'-'1Irensuren 01" the 1’1_11'e1.1.pit1e‘ 22:1.2' .21'1'2'1'11. The 511112215 enjo2'e11 sweets. Distriet'1’111'21111111 League. 911,251â€" lplensnnt 1:11:111-11 ride home. 1, Wrigley’s ls double “The J. 1".1.}:11'1'1'tt Shield has been '311'.2'. 11112.2- 111.2011 22:12 :1 21.21101' in value in the beneï¬t and '1‘,†ure>1nte11 to the 1’. 1). '1‘. 1.. on the (3011- 'l'innnins during: the 22 ee" pleasure it provides. 1litio11 that it he 1111121311 1111 on 1101111115 311'. 11111111 3111 e011 ret'eired word Sealed in its Purity 111111 221:11 .12 e111}_1',e the 101111 22111111119 31111111112 (11' the serious illness (11' his 21111-111 1 1e most. number of 2'ears 0111. 1110111111' \2'1111 1.2 .1'1;'.2"iding' in 1.1114111022'. sole t'or his home. 111' eight to 111111111111? owners of 111'11'1'1 31111111:12' ’ 2:111:11: llurinu' this period 111' S years," "1111- 111221 111:111-11 111" the 1 11'11111119'1111 311'. J. 1’.. 1'.}:11'1'ett- and 311'. 3V. A.i'l'1'1:ni.2' ("111111 Singles tournament, 22': 121 Field, will he the trustees of Shield, 111:12'011 het'ween 33'111. 1":11'111111' :'11111 J 3.1 111111 111 he the 1111111 court. of appeal in l". 1'11'1111'112, the 1'111'1111'1' winning: two 1'2'1'1'1t11t' :1n2' 1112111111" arising :13 '10 .2111»- 11111 111' three. the 21-01122 110111.: 15-21. the 111111121111111111 511111 51111111111 the 3-5. 13-1. 311'. ll. ' teither gentlenn 11 leaving this 21111111. 3111131 interest 1.2 with the 111:121'11 112' 11111 11111111111113 111111 keen 111111â€" llriu’en 1'el'er1'ed the (lis- A.â€" 1321111: 121111'1112' 11:11'1 111' the 1'11111111'2' 111' 311:111, 1'11‘12'11? :1!111:1}}1.11»\:11 111' 1111' 11'112‘1' 111311111111 â€"‘â€"_ -_~ '1‘ 1'.\'}11'1"l1.'11. 1'1 ‘111'1'1\‘\\1lz' :11 1‘{.,_11 llib 1 11:1 1' 1.'. " ' 2*:3‘12‘5“, \‘S‘o\%\$§N$S§$\\\\\\%%%%§ TIM: VIINS KIDS KID THE AUTHORITIES AT TORONTO 1 P10111311" 311111 E 11111111g '1'111'111111 111122'2g1:1p1‘-r2 111.21 22111-1: 1211'â€" 1 1 1'1111111111‘11' 21111'11'511i'122'11 '1'11111111115 Factory, Montreal 1:112 22111.1 had run :122':12' t'r1n11 their _ q ' n . . . 1.2.1-1111: 2...â€... 1...... 11...: 11.111 1111111 $23.00 SUITSâ€"2 pair of pants With every suit 111111115; 1111' hi '11 are“ i" 11111 ‘~1"1""“ Guaranteed ï¬t, workmanship and quality. If inter- 'l'.11' '1111'1111111 poliee apparent- l2' 22'e1'e anxious to ship them 11:11'11' :11'1'1' 111111 to this end 11.211121 1111' 1111111 1111- ('112'. ested drop me a card DAVID L. HENRY Resident Agent for Timmins tor Pineer Better Clothing 211111111 111 :11'1':111'-"1' the 111'1'1'.2.2':1r2' 1222222222222aanxaanxaaaaxany; aasaxmxssxssss. '. 'S\\\\\ ‘. ;11".1'1~.2 1111' this 1'111'111'12'12. 111.211.1311 the ’ .111'11i 1111111111'1111'5 2112'2'1'<t1_'11 111‘; I723“ 19 Carnbpidge St Timmlns 159 1:11 he returned to the 1111111.2'11'1:11 32 1'; . ., . -, . ,. . . . 1- ......... p -' “"“‘ “ “ “ “ 'I“"‘ “ “ ‘I ‘I 1‘1"†Rawiasxsxxx3111;112:211.axaxxanxaaaxxamaaaxx21312223111131.samvm' 112' 1-21':1pe11, their stories :11112111 runâ€"'1, W 11111;." l'ron: honie 1111111.: .21 111111112 . 1111211':111111j-". to put 11 111111112. 11:11'1112" 111111 these 1111212 heen 111'1111 with 111:1.11' '1I'11n1111n2' lads, | :1 22:12 22'111'11 1-111111' 111' 12211 other 1.2.2'1'npinf-r 1'1'11111 the 1111111s11‘inl S1'111101.; 'l'he 1:1111-r 12211 111111 111112' rem-110:1 '1‘1).l 1'1111111 :1 1122 11:12.2 p1'ie2iousl2 to 51111 terms 1111'1111'1111'iu'ihle 1101132111111. The 21211.2 111' the 1:111; 121112-111 tron: 1:2, . 11. They are 111122' :111 51111112 1111131; :11 the 1111iustrinl Sehool and it is 111‘ 111- 1111121111 111:11 1111'2' will now he well? that institution. '1111'11'1111I'111' 111 I. 1 BLAMES AUTOMOEILBS 1 FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS '1. 1 1‘11? . . 1 1 ' '1 '-'::l 1111' i111'1‘1':1<i1:'_: 111-11111111lg 1'1! '.'12211'11--' 1.2 11:11'1'12' 1'1'2311111211111' 1111" 1111 11'1'21'111 1111'11'1-22'21111 in 111121111122. 111-1' ‘1.'.' :11 1'.. Ln 11111111; S1'1'1'1't111'2‘1 1'.". 1.".Mil “1. ‘ .. 13";(14-1- 1)‘_\‘__~.,11H 1'1 1131 l\( 1111: " -"‘r VW'"'7'-"‘""N-W"."'.'1'- '.‘-'.‘.-‘_ ' ..""~'1 ,. . ' 311 1 . .‘.22111'inti1111 113' 1':111:111:1. 11' .‘1.1~ ‘1‘1"‘ 1 \ '11 1 '11'1‘\'. .111'131" ’.'.1‘. ,‘1'~ '1'. 11 11 '1111~ 11 .1 .1~- ' 1 <11ui; t g ‘ 1 1 1'. 111112 2 1.11 1111»:111. 221' ~1 '.2 12 2t 11.1 11..1int.:111111'.' 11111.": 1 ‘.11Y..._ '1 1'11 1.1l‘\.' 11113.1‘111 3l'1'. 1'11111'1t1'. ’ 311'1121'1'2 11" 11111' .12 2111.:1 1! 'hm 1 12 '111'12 11121' '01 1111: 1'11 1:12 1- 12 '1.11'h 12 112117; 11.1 . 1 '1 .111 - :11. '2, 5121111: '.'. :11. :111' 1:1.1':;'1-2. '11-7:311; .111 rave norm-2, t'1'\'t1':12'.'1â€"'r 1" '1' ..... ‘1 \12 Q ‘1'].3l‘ " :13 I. 131 ’ ("1 1ol1 31‘: FIK l'll"‘.l'.i‘1*' ‘I ’l 11" 111'†11191 ('1 " I‘ 1‘ \ ll. 13‘ (‘1111 111 .11 ; \ V 1111 ' 1 \ ‘ '331 I3;1"1' .e'u'rnwl 111:1. 1'\'.~1".11â€"' 1111' 2111: :1'1'1111311-1'11'111-2 :1'1111'11' :11111111111 :12; 221-1512 :11 11112 1‘1'112'1111'1'. 111111 111111 :'111'1111'1'12 :11111 111'..'1111'.~ :1 lll'.‘ ;‘ the 2:11:11. I Q. b:1".1<~ 51.2112 111111121? will ~11" eunâ€" : '.2' :t he 11111111111111: 1 . . . 1n "Iii 1 ' I) ‘ 111 Or": ‘1.., on ; Built of wood at the Angus Shops ,thia full Sized model of one of the latest 21911111111, 22;..11' 1 111111112 1. 1 , ; type locomotives was designed originally as a feature of the dinner Aug 15"- Ql‘ 6'09" W115 “01 31'“? “ '1‘ 1 l decorations at the Chateau Frontenac on the occasion of the Quebec con- ihe ganfoliug 1'1111blem.1m: 1'91'20112', larcnce of the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway ofï¬cers. Equipped with bell trom 2arious oiher parts 111 1 ‘11111111: 1,, whistle. and electric lights, not a bolt or bar is lacking to mar the illusion , , 1 1 ,1 '1. ed that' which is that. of a perfect on no coming through the wall against which TUNING 1‘31‘11" ‘ "1 ‘ i’ ‘ 1“ it is p.laced The headlight hol a portrait of E. W. Beatty, resident of the the gambling 111211121111111111112111111911 .1 At the Toronto Exhibition, August 23 to September 13111151111111 Paciï¬c. distinct mena: e to hugsines~. 3th. the model will be given a prominent position in the Company’ 3 exhibit. 11111111'2' “1‘1" 1" : . , . . 1111'21‘.11‘1111\ l Srnokeless Locomotive these aâ€"â€"-â€"â€". .‘illllL‘I I. ..I 1 1 l l .-m 1 l 1 L- 1 l l .__........_...._ â€"â€"....._. ..’.“ _ â€" ..VA ..._.._. .“- ..__. .1- .._....._I.__-qâ€"...._.â€".â€"_.4_ .-._.â€"...- LOTS FOR SALE v 7...... â€" .. - ..-_.<.â€"â€".-- 1.. . --..-. . . v 2 , .,. 11111111121211 .1,. . . '2 11111‘1‘. .2111, i1122'111i1' the :'1'11-1' £21112. WHAT YOU WAN WHEN YOU WANT IT. Read These Columns Every Week. 11 Will Pay You. :'11'11 J. :3. 1"I'F‘I “’III"' 1.11" ‘I. '1' ‘.' :-':2 2211:1'11 "1'142 21'-1 .1~1-1? .'1 \'1‘-:'1'l.'lii.1'2 21:71 OWM’OOG‘ OW.“ ~01 " I 3“ ', “t A _ 1 . - 1" ... ..‘. I. r a.“ - l / .3 -- H 1' I ..1 :â€" ; z 1‘.. -. - ~ 1 0- 3' ~ 9 ‘4 / 4 j " O . .â€" fl .4 I ~â€" I ' " I a 4 ’ ‘ / ‘ .1 room 1'121' MW 1111:1111 21111 2211 1'11 111') -11. ' 111' 1 I WISH TO BUY six or seren ARTICLES FOR SALE '11'11'11' in. l: 2 111m. 111222 26:11 """111(“1 11â€â€~"‘1 1’1'12‘1‘ 1110111123 $5000. and front 1'1'111-1' 111' 1'1‘21111'11'. :11111 2139' “111 p:12' $313111) cash, and balance FOR SALE-«11121111 .\:11I.11-1'12'1:1 Hr.1:11~ work for 1~11t1'.~11:1'1' \1‘1‘. :'1'~Ii"-:' ~32. 511111311111 1111111111. This 1101150 1111151. 11,1'11311. 11111 1:".11111' 321;?) in 1I.111';11 .'.'111111111 1111'1;1:'2', "1":113‘3 ‘..'..- h:12e water :11111 51322111211112, not. on H. 1111.2 $1.1. 21~11:1:1:';1-‘111-1'. .i‘_’ 'iiip. 1111122112111:111111'1'11 :11:1l :'1'111'1'11. .\ :1111' 1111' .211'1'1;t, 11111 in the house. II. A. ~ ~ W111, 11:‘ 11.111.11- 1_1-.,..-. 12. z 1.1 ‘11 ‘... , 1’1'-t111t'.111 11111111111111: 11:1111115111'3'. 32. FOR SALEwllme Sleigh 1111115 :111113 ;‘ 1 . l - 2 '1" 1 . " 'â€"*' .'t 1:21'1111'r 111' 3111" 1111111111 [)11131‘1L‘.I 1~ 1 2‘" ' ' ‘ 3' FOR RENTâ€"11111'1-"-111111111112:1111-11111u 1’11313111-2, 12.11111 131-}. \ppl2 1.11.," 1.. ».; , 2,1,1“, 2, ,2. 2 .‘ 1111111 31:11'11112 Store, 311111111 1:1. 1111- 31122. W, 31.11111 '1. 1""11111 1'11111' 1'1'1222'11 {21.1.1 1‘.â€".“. .'.11'1,'-..-1;'1l, 171-1... ,1‘, 11; 1111'1111111' 1111s~1'.2.211121, 1‘1'1111 $113,013. 311111 32-3122, .fA'w. -'.11.|.1111, .‘.‘}; 2;"11 ‘31..g.__ 'f'fl'. .‘2111132' 31:11'1111'2' 111'111'1'1'2‘ Store. or '1' ..=,1~.-j1,. {. 11,121.11 [jg-â€.11; 1‘11, ,. 11. .\. 1’1'111'1111'. .1111111111113111 11:11:11 FOR SALEâ€"PHONOGRAPH, 110111fl1111 11 2 ' .1 11111112. \1 ' 131111111111. 1"»). Medal, 1'11111111‘1'11' 221111 21-11 111‘22' 1‘0-111- \311'111' 11 .111 1 21~ 1" '†2"11'111. 13111112 1111- 1'e11:11 street); - - - '- ~ .-- ~~ ‘- TO RENTâ€"â€"t"111111'1~1't:111 1e] 1'111111111'11n~ 81121111. 111':11' l'Iplett's 11"1' ‘IH'MHlLC'IIS l'OR SALE-~111. 210,123,. I 2‘1'1'111'11112' 1111-1111'11. 12211 1:11111‘5 111" 1":11'1111’2‘, Ill-‘12, l --1 . 1 . - 1 ::1‘21' .11 121112 111111 11211.2 1121 11'1111‘. 1111111111111 :11111 2211'1'. 1e:ephone ~â€"--â€"â€"~â€"~â€"~â€"-â€"---â€"-â€"-â€"«â€"-â€"â€"â€"-1 2'1'1-1-* '111 ,1 1'1' -31. 111' ,1 51,-! ,1- -7:11 3:111. ,RICYCL'B' FOR SALE; 11...;111-- 11 11111-; “ . I. I. I . “‘ ,,i‘I.‘ , .\ 1.1'22 111111122112 22.11 111' 1'1111~tt.11'.e11 ""““’â€â€™â€œâ€œâ€œâ€œ"" Afl'ML‘ :"II‘I I'II' I'I‘OII' ‘\lI1II.\' ' 33 3" 111111\â€"; at 111111,; “1"""I"-" 11,1 1'1111;11' 5:1‘1211}. HEL P W.1‘51NTFL1D‘II‘II" I"" FFI'III'“ "I'm" III"""" 1 '1'111'21' 11112 are for .21111' 1'1'12111 $175 ~â€"â€"~'---â€"~â€"~--~--~"- --__-_--.____ 321" ;‘ 11,1 111 $371â€. 1'i:1.~2' t1'1'1112'. 11. A. VIANTED-4’l '1' 1"1'1‘ 111' 1111112213. 1’1'111-11'1'. [11111111111111 11:11111' 11111;". 51:3. FOR SALE I 5'1 111111 111 ’11' :11112‘ .:". 1'11~~';- } 1:11:12 :11. '1211.11ti21 1‘112' 211:11'111111'1'11 l ' {FOR SALE-~|111l<:1_"el.ot131'11111'111. o , ~,;1.1-} .- \"'1“ \ ..'}.v \ '1'“ ' 1 1 "l . h__ :12 .2111111 :12 .2111111-111 1-111111111'11-~ the .,. ' '†"" "' ' """" ‘I "‘I“"II I" 11'\1">. 221111 _'_':"1'."1' 2111 1min. 7511'â€. 1111-1223111 111'11‘31'2- 1’1'121.'t111'. 11011111111111 1":1nli 1'11111'21'. 111;.2' i2 :1 1‘1217'311‘4'. ll \ .._ .-_. _._._ --.___..-_._.___. --~.._.. _ __- .. -..- >-.. .E...__. 0 1111111“. I )1 ' ' ' 1 ‘ \‘l 1" "i"\ ' 'I‘ 1" ’\ ' ' I ‘" 211.111 22.1.1 1-2'1-11111-111 1112101112111; 1'11:- ""‘ I I II '.'“."3'" "' . " III II" 1 11111.“. 0'3 lttil‘111'11111t’2‘ :121}112' 111 '1111' (1 .11122111 "1""1‘31" "‘}"11II1‘I£"‘1‘" I'IH'I'I'L' ‘ 1 { ..-....__.._...-.- ._-__-_.-.- _,,-.-_.-.-_ 811111.11 111‘ 111-11 12,11,120. 1;, l’i.1 ars1a - cc estone. 1111111121. 111, . ‘ . ‘IH ROOMS .211'1'1'1. (112'121' 11.211'11551-1's 51111‘1'11' ' - - '1"1111|11“< )I‘i ~' I I" """~Fâ€"â€"- w â€" â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€".~â€"--» g...â€" “â€.‘ ' ' 1 1 , , _._l 1.1 , 1 1- .1. ._-_ FOR SJAI'JEâ€"“‘l)i 2' 1111-12 ~111 11121111 1' ONE ROOM TO RENT I" 1" "I“ .;.â€"â€"-â€".-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"_o ‘ _ 1‘ ‘ . l l '- 1 . “ ‘1. 1' 21111111111" \11-( 1:11' 2 2' 1511111111": ' "'I“ II " “I“ II"" \I‘I‘I" "‘I' POSITION WANTED . '. ' , . ' ' ~ ~. ' ' ' .. -. .t» '-41 "' S l l 111111115: 111111111 Suite. 11121.2. 131’1'») "" "'-1--‘"“-\ ' " " ' " l 1'11 1111111'11‘11‘. H1111 ("titll'x '1'111111‘. HF†SALES LADY II†:111 1.1- .1115. 111'. .111... 5'0 A 00MPBTENT RENTâ€"12.....- 111'.1111111' *ll'†l""â€lâ€â€œ 1“ 1'1111111115’-‘_ 31’1"." 1;. “1‘.. :m. 1'.-"111 111.111211111-1'111112. 3111112 .1' 1111-1 1111.2' 11.1.. .\112':1111'e 111111'1'. 111111111115. __-__---__-_-._ ____‘ 5'; 11:11,, .4111†23.1111], ;.11, ) ~1~1 l .i- â€" 1.111. -....__ .. --- .-... -._--.. _-. . .. -..-_ _ -... _..-. __ TYPEWRITER FOR SALEâ€"1.1110811 1, . - .. ‘ 111 1111 011211 Fate 1 0011111111 'TO RBI'Tâ€"F' ""' """ " """""' M'" o ' ':,e.. . 1n. . . . HOUSES FOR SALE , . . 11:11 111'1.111;.1'1H1ll'.¢1 11 1'.:‘\‘11‘1'1 .\;'- ‘ (1111111 :12 now. Bargmn for 03511. ,1 , \ ..____.__..____._. ____-_-_-___--_----- 13' :11 1111111. :31 '..21: .211"-1.. .11'1 '1 - Apply to Box 31.0, Advance Ollice, ‘ 3’ .. "' FOR SALEâ€"New six- roomed house; 1 - , .2 "" 111111111112 34-33 1 __-.___.'p 11:11'1122'111111 11011122 t'hioughout; spring: --, -_--_-___. _,___ _ _; water. ()wner 111121112 102211. \pâ€"' NOTICE . ,_ 1,. " 1 , , __ ' 1 1’I13' 1H SIXI'll .32'0. 1312-11331). FOR SALE 1110\101L1 (1030(1 313! ï¬._ -_____-._-_-__-_-_-__-..-_.._-.._-__-- ,__ 151331 1111111111. First-11111;» (01111111011. 1 2111'1 1' 1) 1111112211112101111111. l COWS Immunded FOR SALEâ€"51.22 roonied 1101mm, ' l .- »â€"-- .' . . '. ,.. ' .. .,.' ’ .1) . . 1 , - 1 221111.1111 (-1.11121'1111'111'15, 111 510011 1051-1 _.__.___--._~.-..-h--.___-.-_..-_- -*J~_~ 3:31“ 1 .\1)ttt-1- 12 111-1‘11112' 2-1'12'1'11 111:11 I220 11111111:11 11:11'1' 111. town. Apply Box: ‘1-1122'2' 111-1' now in the '1'3111111'1115 1’1'1111111. 5211., .\.112':1111'e (11111-0, '1'11111111112' lFOR’ SALE_ \“ "I“ ‘I' I ‘I '1 1'03"" "'1' 1115: l’ine street north. :122'1iti11':'1'1111111 r). . , 1 - .1 , 1, S _ . . 1121). i "‘1“ 1 “Ml†“â€33 111111;“ ‘ “ï¬lm 1112' the owners. 11111» 1'1122' 1.2 :1 22111111 ""'â€" ""'â€â€˜*' -._--._ l"l“"'1""- '\l‘1‘l.\' I- 1' ' Ami-'5' )111112 ’ 11111111111111 1.1122. with :1 low 11111111: 111: ‘.11‘1{s 1 . 1. ' ‘I . . FOR SfiLEvâ€"i 111111141111 1'11111 111111.21' 4111' â€LN“ ~3' 1111 111'111'12' g1 111111-k (-1122, 111 2211110 1111' 111211 11'111111. 1112211 ‘12’:ll1'1’ 1'2111- M"â€'"W'""'"""' " w" "0' '_ N j 11 , "1311 11211.111'111'11".2111-1'2'. :;1:1‘1 11:121‘ 1111-11011 (1111 now he made Side» ELECTRIC STOVE FOE". SALE. 1 .-~...1.1- ,11‘11'1131‘:111%.}11'1'1‘. 111111 11:12'111': 22" 1111'. $131NWH. 112111' ('1‘1811- Atll‘lyi 11111312211111 1'" " 121'} i." 1" ".:1.\'111111.21 1'1111'22 1'71111111,~'1 within 11. 3. 1’1'111'101', [)11111'11111111 Hank; Nylg'n'n. 1'15! .\l:=.p'11- 211111 111111.:111-1'111 11111 11:122. 1111' 1-1122'2' will he 50111 11111 11111112. 132. i 1 1111111 ‘.’31W 11 1,111 111-11212 1111- 1'11: 11'111 .2' :11111 1'1p111es. . Geo. Liporte, HOUSE AND TWO LOTS 1301' 351110;: FOR SALE ; Poundkeeper, 1111'1111'111 121111 and 1111111111 Avenue; ~â€"-- 163 Pine St. north j'111111 l1)1:1111111..\1.2'111 1.10115 101 Sale. 31'111'11 1’1'115 :1111‘1 '1'1'102' 111' Bred-1.1»; '1'1111111ins, (1111“,, ..\11'_". ,1; 1123'; \ppl2 18 1.1111 North. 1 :12' 11:11'1'1'11 11111'11'9 l'ron: 1’1311111'1'1'1'11:mdl ' ' ;'_2- .3312 11': 111111221011 $112111. F‘Q‘; SALEâ€"~S‘in 11111111 Also, 1..\'l1 ihition 11:11'1'011 1,1111:1‘1S,' TIMMINS PLAYING FALLS 1'1 :12’1'.;".1".'11"‘. 1111'111"! 111i, g'til‘tttl't“. I):11'1{.111d [11,9111 33111111118. AT TIMMINS GROUN'DS TO-DAY' 2'1'211'1"'1111~1'. ett'. 31.211, 1 '1'1'111'12’1‘1g1"[111111’11‘1-1'1‘ 111111 131'1101'101‘ 111' Barred lot -\ppl2' 111'1pe1'i11 1111111111}; 11111112 01112. 1,, ,1“. .\'.().1‘1..\. S“1;“, '1'111'11‘11in2 111111 .\2'e11111'. 311-3221, 33111'12’2‘ FOR SALEâ€"â€"1 11112 modern 5111- 1011111-. e11 111111.21- huilt 1:1:21 2',e:11'e.\'1ellentl 111111111111. 1.0-0131!“ 1011115. MIT .l. 1’1'111-11'11', “111111111011 1111111; Build- inu'. - 1'12. '1'-1 1’1 11'}: ('\\'1:1.1ne;~:- 11:11:11 in the 1".1ll.2' :11'1' 111:12'1112' this '1'11111111112 111122 :11 1 1 111111.21-2 :1111 I 1 1 1 -_-1)5__. («innaugl 1t. Station, 0111. 11:12) ::tte1:11111111'. '1'1 lend :11'11'1'11111111. 111111112 is 1.1.1-111 FRANK LITTLE, 2 11111 | l DRESSMAKING Wot-l: ~-' RESULTS OF LAST NIGHT’ S 31112111: 11111 FOOTBALL MATCHES HERE Mid- i -â€"'-â€"~ 1 1111 l'I-SSNA l\' l'.\'7( l-â€"â€"~‘l2‘ep:1 i 1' t ('11':1ni11j_1' :11111 1‘1'1'.2'.~'111j-". 31111111212, 3117-". 1111. 111 .\0. ‘1 11101011 .\2'e11111'. 131112. 33'. FIVE- ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE. 1 1.1'112112're.111 the 1’.1).l".l1. 111111.1-111'.2 here last 1".2'11'2 :11-':111111111od11tion.(1:11.1'1213. . . ' â€"11â€"~11}>. 111311.1111'11:1111':1.21111'1'.2' 1111111 1111: Home .\111.11e.2.2' J. (ioulet. 80 F 11's.. Avenue, . . ,, .. \. '..' o r 2 â€*1 - DitiESSMAKINGâ€"«llone 21L 111 1111111'1'15 111:1111: :1 11111111111" referee and " South 1'11111 street. 311's. .3. X11211- 11:11:111e11 :1 little 1112111111117 that. arose FOUND 111121112 l'innniiis, (1111. 3:11.3323'1. with 11111101111112 .'11111 1:11-1. __---. -__-._. -__-__-- â€'““""“"‘ â€" -“.... 1-...- The. 31'1'11112'1'1's 11111111 the 1.)1'11ue 1(1'. ‘1 HM .\'l) ---«l’11.2'1 11:111!’ 1-(1‘2' .\(1. ('11. '~~'(')22'Il.1.'1‘ 13'1111'11'. 111111 1311111111‘s 13 to l. .-._-....+_ ..._.__, -..fl_.._-..â€"- ANNUAL BAND REGATTA VERY SUCCESSFUL EVENT 11111112 «111 111 MISCELLANEOUS 13211013 Utlit'e Specialty -_-- __-___-. 111:12' 111-120 same 112' 1 TO PXCIIANUEâ€"lnmd 111111111:1:11111 itl . ., ,. WANTED 112121112 1111' this 211121. Apply :11 .. .. 11111111111"' Advance Othee. 1 1. 1- 1 11:11:112'111111'2' 1111' .111:1<1~ and lot or 111 111111 ,31111111 2111111 people ('111112'1'11 the '."111111 1'111111'111 1111 311 '1'11111111112. .\1'1- 1- 1 1 1 1 ' ~ 1 ' : ": "H": .: " '1 5â€" LOST 1112‘ 1111.2 11..\.. .‘111‘1'11111'1' ‘);;'T1':", 11111- ",I"' ' .1N1‘11112‘.11_1'111, 33"} " I," 1'1. ‘ 1111112. 25. 11.11'1-2 111 1111' 111111111112 ( 111/.1911»: Band, > :11 1111' 33211111151110 11’12‘1'1‘ 111.21 331-111102- REWARDâ€"l’or the apprehension of _ _...__..- .1. -"...- - ~d__ ..._ _._._ _._.__. ..‘. __. ..__.... -.' ._...__- the 111_2'.~'tt;'1'it.111.2' 311'. Sinawik, a. well- YOUNG LADY DESIRES TO MEET 1 ‘1“.‘3 3" H 51"â€35 ""“1†11'“ 31'1“: known 111:1:‘111-11'1' in this district. BIBLE STUDENTS residim" in‘ â€"â€â€œ “'1‘" " "1'7" ""“"""“-“' â€H â€1" ""0â€"; 111' will attend the Kiwanis Field '1'1111n1111.2'. Please write. B11111 35112111,! 1’11“1"‘-"11“‘-"« “â€â€˜Nl DOV-">7 “'01"? “:12 where he will be. “'aptured by 'S1'1111111111'11e1'. 1291,. ’}u'12'en t'or eneh 1‘2'1'111. 11111111122 to the anyone who 111:1,2' identify,- and -.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-«~ ' 1‘41 11111212112 01' 1111- 111151111522 1111111 111' the 1.111'111111112'1111' to the Kiwanis 11111hori- PROFITABLE BUSINESS OPPQR-i 1"“11 h 11" 11121101111111 11"†111‘ 1†111i“ [1"5- TUNITY, requiring: small 211111111111,‘I,I-' III 'IIII'IIâ€: III'I“ 'III'WII "I I‘III' ____._ . . 111' 141.211. (1111111 profits N11 11111'11'121-1I’IIIIII' ‘I'I’I' II‘I' ,I'IIIIII'I‘I ‘II‘II "II‘I'IIII‘ LOST““\'“1‘111 l"â€"“ 1"“ â€â€œ “1W" tion. 11111111111 1’1) 150x 11:33, '11111-1I'HII'I'II'I' I" ""3 ""3 " 'I'II'I'I'I'I ""'"k' 111::11 1:121 22'1'1'11'. ('11111111111'11 :1 .21111111 â€mâ€. 11111. 3:331). 1111'“ l““'l“‘â€1“'1'1."' ‘IW‘ 7†31">~"1'~"- '3- K' 2'11: 11 11' 1111111112. 1"1111‘11'1' 111121.21: re- ' -____-.__.-_-_. 1 â€WWW 'Iâ€"- I"""‘""“~ I-~ 31'1“" â€â€œâ€˜l â€0"- 1.1111 11,, .\112':1111'o 1212“,... 313,1. .1":1r.~'111'1 who 1::1'1'1' 2'1'1'2' helpt'nl 1172.21513- --- - -- -- - -..-._..-___..-__- ARTICLES WA-NTED ,1111e1'. ()t' 1'11111'21-. 311'. 311". l’rout, LOS'T_.} 1â€,â€, \1111111 1'.,111, ; “113111115.- ’““ ’ " ‘â€â€œ ‘ “" " â€"’"‘â€"‘ ' “' '"" ; 3'11'13-1’1'1'21111'111 113' 1111- 11211111, 112' in 111 1111 11111111- 111' “1.:1111111'. ' 1"1111101' WANTED TO RENT "’1 ""’H Iiâ€" 1pm.: 21-:11'2, 22:12 in1112pe112nhle 21nd 1111:1212 1'11111111111111'1111' 221111 1‘.“. 1311.2 'III\ "'I' "'I""""",""""" ""I""1 ‘12'1111 Ih" “‘"1'5‘1""’“" 1â€"’I"“‘l :1 “331 143. \11111111111111 (1111. Reward. I““‘“' '31'1’1." '1" 33' I" III“"'II’:11“11' 1“ 3“MUM“! thing-'2 1:11111'3. T110. 53-31.}. 131 ‘3 1““11 3'11“" '1'1†“"3“ 1;1-11:1.â€"'in}-râ€"1111:-11111'1; 11211111 22:12 11111151111112“ ,-_._.-.---.__._....-__._.,.-._ -.W. "1' 111111.1'1'111111111'1,t'111 «11111111114111: 51163013131 L05T_1 1,1,1, pup, 11,1111 snhle in Mitlesizned 1111' 11121 .2111'11 :1 sport. I- e 1.111111 2211111111'1111st. 1"11111e1' please NOTICE 15.111111: racer: were 112.211 worthy 01' Spec- 131111111 :11 111111 111.1. N. I.e2'111e, \\'il- 1""' mention .3 "'11 1 11% 111' prize win- s1111.\2'-.,1nn1~“111111111112. Reward. SPECIAL MEETING 1111.11'2'. with 1'1111191'111-11'111111' 1111 110015- 30, 111' 11111111111 11p 11111111111'1-2 11:11:11 1‘11r-t ion 22111 appear next 1211111". About. .‘111’11'1111111'nl 5111-1142 for 1111" _,.- the 01112' disappointing: feature «117 the 11:12'. apart from the weather being a on 1"1'1-1 151111 too 011111, 22:12 1.111 11111 that. a aimâ€, 11121111,, branded on from (1112', the 5111 11:12 111 \11;r1151,10'34,:11 great man2 e11jo2ed the 11:12 .2' Sports 5,12,,,,H1,1,: and on bark 2m, with 2 p.111. 11121111355: to detide it the' 11111 retn2'ed to 11112 1.32.2, 11111.2 Shoul- “K- \ 25,1112 8 years. Any infor- Fair will he moved 111 54011111 1’01'1'11- dating 05 their share in providing the 1-npine 21-mi- 1031. 1.03:; ' '6‘ 51'1111111 22111 111' 133.4371. 1’111'1'111111'11'. :11111' STRAYEDâ€"~1' run: the \e22'r112 311 111' Julv 12111, :1 1'111'1111' Home. 22111;th 3111111 1123111111 312.2111 this horse whieh will pine; it' not. to pun-11:1»: Fait'lnm'usintl. The music .211pplie1'1 by the lead to 11.2 1'e1r112'er2'v2111 be well 11121111111211: 1’11r1'11111‘14-. Band during the day drew many paid? Teleph1.1ne 532, 'I'innnins, Dated .11112' ‘.':Jth, 1134. 1":1211111'1111111 14111111111112 1411‘ l’andmriï¬ter \1'221'112 Mine {50-32 $11.71: J. W. Young, Sec’y.-Treas. [Wolno and his efï¬cient musicians. -".14:-.;¢.1~1.9;11'1‘..~'. 1 ,1-2, _ - I. ,-M’ ~‘