801’: Drink, Tobacco. Cigars, Cig- 39 FOURTH AVENUE ICE CREAM break your Electric Light ’.‘ Antoine flute you an get the BEST R’BI'TOR AND ACCOUNTANT Systems installed Statements prepared Books kept for merchants not re- quiring full time book-keeper. Frank Y. Uttley “(Hm GORDON HM )( ' K ("anadian kitchen will doubtless 211»- pear to the uverdrawn. But the two convenienées are deï¬nitely cunneoted in their origin. The elevtriv stove is a product of ('anadu as the ehwtric oAn.’ alleged oonne-etiun between the pioneer eleetric railway and the dainty electric. stove of the modern 2L pruduc railway i: There are many achievements attributaible to men who lived in (‘anada and were in the true sense Canadians. In addition to other great discoveries and accomplishments recently recorded in the press, the following originated in ('anadaz-sâ€" THE FIRST ATLANTIC ST EA‘M‘BOAT (.‘A'IJPIIVM CARBIDE TH E SI'MI'AJRLN It} CABLE C(DDMI‘J'R‘CIA’L HELIUM THE TELEPHONE ST A ND A-RJD TIME .' 1"I'I'I1‘. l‘YIJI‘JL‘lIlRtIC RAIDWAY M A-RQ UIS W‘H-EA’I‘ TILE thX‘liRlIC .SI'I'OVE THE SLEEPING (‘AR Many of the readers-of The Advance do not. know Canada's part in these achievements. Those who have some knowledge of them will appreciate this interesting series of articles, refreshing memory and adding to a just pride in this country and its potential: wealth of brains, ahilitty and determination. TH E ’1‘. [‘1 E TH E .T'l [E TILE who gave to the world its ï¬rst ideas of electric heating and cooking. fortune. he turned to telegraphy as a means of livelihood aifter graduating from Ottawa University. He did not sit long before the key. however, for in 1880 he. was given the management of the first telephone com'pmiy that was formed in Ottawa. Two years later, in 1882. he formed a partnership with W. Y. Super. as eleetrical engin- eers and eontravtors. t'l‘he tirni lmilt the long- distani-e telephone lines from Pembroke to Quebec. and wired the é)"lill'itilll€ Provinees for the long (listmn'e land lines ot.‘ the Atlantii- vaihles. "l‘hey next eonn'ei-ted itInli't'ax and Van- .gouver with teleg'raiph lines, and fol- lowed that work "by the construction and operation of some 0'1" the first hy- draulic, electriv generating stations on this continent. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO His Great Secret I'With this marvelous result for a few years' work behind him, it is lit- tle wonder that Thomas Ahearn .touk the presidency of the Ottawa l‘llee- trio {ailway (‘ompany when it was formed in 145791. He‘ was warned from all sides that the venture would be a fa'gure owing to the initmssiibility of he ting the ears and operating them in the winter. But the secret of elec’tri'e. heating was known only to himself. He had learned that it was possible to draw certain metals into wires which would offer a high resist- ance to the passage of the electric current, and turn much of that which did pass. into heat. No. 5â€"THE ELECTRIC STOVE wmflws time in the history of the world that elevtric cooking had been demonstra- ted. "l‘he oven used resem‘hled a ‘bak- e1 4. oven, and had theen prox idedu ith heating grids that could be re2ulatetl tmm the outside. ‘The meal was voted 3 complete success and from that beginning has grown the. numer- ous conveniences that make life easier wherever a eleetric lighting circuit is provided. GOLF IS TRULY THE ANCIENT AND HONOURABLE GAME Gul'l' is retl’erred to oftentimes as the Royal Game, and the Ancient and I*I()ii()111':1~l)le Game. That it is entitled to such designations is proven by the following clipping once published in The Toronto Glo‘h-e, and passed on ‘hy a. reader last week to The Advance. This reference to Golf says:â€" It is uncertain at what date gnif' was introduced into Scotland. but in 1-157 its popularity had i‘become so great as to interfere with the more imlwrtant .pursuit of archery. ‘The enmpetition became so serious that in March of that year the Scot- tish Parliament “decreed and 01'- dained that wapinshawingis he halden be. the lordis and haronis spirituale and temporale, four times in the zier; and that the ‘futeral-l and golf be ut- terly eryit (loun, and nocht usit and that the ilmwemel‘kis he made at ilk paroche kirk a pair of buttis and sehuutin he. usit ilk lSun‘day." ( Copyrighted British Press, Limited.) lTlhis act was evidently insufï¬cient to 10m") t’he doughty game, as 1â€"} years afterward~ it wa s judged necessarv to pass another against “impinshawin- gis,†and 111 1491 a ï¬nal and ex ideritlv angrv fulmination was issued on the gene 1] subject with pains and pen- alties annexed. This was the edict of James IV, and it is not a lit‘tle curious to ï¬nd the monarch himself setting an ill ex- ample to his 0011111111115 bx praetiee of this “unproï¬talhill’ sinâ€"111.115 i1 slumn by entries in aecmmts of the Lord High Treasurer of Scotland (1503-1506). Awarding to information given to The Haileyburian last week by a man or men on the inside of things poli- tical, the inte on the Ontario Temper- ance Act will be taken early in Sep- temher ’I'here will be a number 01' questions on the Referendum ballot, and from the expression of the opin- ion of the voters Will be framed the future policy of the Government in regard to the liquor question. Next Articleâ€"~Calcium Carbide Colonial wwmmwomwuomoooww â€Wâ€WMM“WOMâ€OOWWV FINE FOR GROWING «/ U mending Klim Whole Milk (in the brown and yellow tin) as an ideal diet for growing children because the absolute purity of Klim is constant and unvarying. Klim isjust pure full cream milk with the water removed and its use quickly promotes regularity in sleeping and waking which follows per- fect digestion. Ask your doctor about Klim Brand Powdered Whole Milk. BABY s cialists are recom- mon 8nd (I‘m ‘\'hn‘n \il'lr CANADIAN MILK PRODUCTS LIMITED MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG CONNAUGHTâ€"M. O’Connor SGHUMACHERâ€"Mclntyre Mercantile Co. Limited SOUTH PORCUPINEâ€"Dome Mines Co. Limited, Reamsbottom Edwards, United Provisions Company, TIMMINSâ€"Hollinger Stores Limited Frank Feldman Shankman Bros. Frank Byck (Late Military School of Music. London. England) Has opened a Music Studio, for Violin, Mandolin, Cornet, Trombone and all \Vind Instuments and Traps. Special Course for beginners 36 Third Avenue Co . mfort m AnyWeather Safety for Emerge \ O UCICS OLID COMFORT is the inevitable result of McLaughlin-Buick mech- anical perfectionâ€"the comfort of a car properly balanced â€" the comfort of deep upholsteringâ€"genuine leather, of course. Protection against wind, rain and cold provided by the snug-ï¬tting side curtains made with overlapping flaps to keep out the strongest breeze, giving closed car comfort in a touring model. Complete protection against the unforeseen emergencyâ€"the rotec- tion of McLaughlin-Buick teste Four- Wheel Brakes, which reduce the stop- ping distance by half and eliminate skidding. Such is the protection afford- ed by this new Master Six Touring. J. DGLTON. Dealer 'rmmms J. T. BRIDGES for particulars call at (Above Todd’s Drug Store) Apply Evenings 5 till 8. T26