Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 13 Feb 1924, 1, p. 6

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Mated Pens and Trios of Bredâ€"toâ€" Lay Barred Rocks from Pedigreed and Trapnested Stock. Also, Exhibition Barred Rocks, Dark and Light Matings. _ Importer. and: Breeder of Barred Rocks only. ’ FRANK LITTLE, | â€" 28â€" Connaugbht Station, Ont after every meal Cleanses mouth and feeth and aids digestion. Relieves that overâ€" eaten feceling and acid mouth. Its lâ€"aâ€"sâ€"tâ€"1â€"nâ€"g Navor satisfies the craving jor sweets. s m enc se m se eC en in en en 120C mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm%%%%%%%%%%fi%%%%fi%%fi%fi%%mmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmm%mmmmmmmmmwmm%fimmmmmflmmmmmmmmmm%b fi%%%%%%%%%mmfi%%%%%fim Wrigley‘s is double value in the benefit and pleasure it provides. Sealed in its Puarity :7 Package. m SILVER CLAIMS MAY 6t PURCHASED BY GLFTON Last week Mr. Homer â€" L. Gibson, Viceâ€"Président of the Cliftonâ€"Poreuâ€" pine Mines, Limited, announced the details af a plan which it is hoped will solve the difficulties which have been encountered by that organizaâ€" tion in the Poreupine dfield. The shareholders will still retain their inâ€" terest in the gold mine, but they will be given an opportunity to particiâ€" Reâ€"Organization .of ton Plannsd. Promising â€"Propâ€" ON HIS FEET AGAIN AFTER THIRTYâ€"SEVEN YEARS‘ SUFFERINCG Dreco helps Mr. Farley‘s weakened systom despite his 59 years and the long standing nature of his troubles. Mr. (¢. Farley, of 428 Gunns Road, Toronto, had scearcely known a well day for thirtyiseven years, Today he is a different man, thanks to Dreco. ‘*For the past 37 years,"‘ says Mr. Farley, **I have suffered from the effects of pleurisy. This trouble has kept my system terribly run down. I tried many remedies right along, ut the best I ever received from them was temporary â€" benefit. I alâ€" ways felt weak and tired out and my rest at nicht never seemed to refresh Dreco is being specially introduced in Timmins by F. M. Burke. It is also sold in South Porcupine by B. L. Pilsworth, and by a good druggist everywhere. ‘"Dreco has benefitted me wonderâ€" fully. My system in general is much stronger. I sleep better and, feel greatly refreshed in the mornin;?s. I no longer have that tired out feeling and feel more energetic than for years. Dreco is the best general builder for the system I have ever heard of and I do not hesitate to reâ€" commend it."" Dreco regulates and restores the weakened organs so that they propâ€" erly digest the food, retaining aill the nourishing values to _ upâ€"build the body. Dreco also purifiese the blood, It contains no mereury, potash or habit forming drugs, â€" being ‘a thorâ€" ®@chly reliable remedy of purely vegetable content. erty Secured in Lorrain. The five claims have an area of apâ€" proximately 200 acres, Ipcated about 15 miles southeast of the Keeley, and are traversed for nearly threeâ€" quarters of a mile by the diabaseâ€" keewatin‘ contact, closely adjacent to which all the important silver disâ€" coveries in the South Lorraimn area have so far hbeen made. Several "Dbreaks‘‘ ‘~sfmilar to. those which pate in the development, of certain properties. in the South Lorrain feid â€"an area that has recently come into much prominenee. have proven to carry highâ€"grade ore in volume are known to exist in the group. To acquire these properties a reâ€" organization is necessary, and it is proposed to incorporate a new comâ€" pany under the name of CJlifton Conâ€" solidated Mines, Limited, with an auâ€" thorized eapital of $2,000,000 in $1 shares. Al the assets (of Clifton Poreupine Mines, Limited, are to be sold to the new company for 997,651 fullyâ€"paid shares, or on a basis of one new share for each two shares now outstanding. ‘The new company wil then be in a position to purchase the five claims for the sum of $205,000 by the issuinge of 200,000 fullyâ€"pai shares, and the payment of $5,000 in cash. There will be some 800,000 shares in the treasury to be disposed of as may be needed from time to time. STEAMSHIP LINES CANNOT REDUCE PASSENGER RATES Many suggestions have been mado during the past few months to the effect that *‘‘steamship rates will sureâ€" ty be reduced in the soring.‘" As mentioned previously in The Advance the steamship companies have mainâ€" tained that any such reduction is imâ€" possible. ‘Mr. F. J. MeClure, general passenger manager of the Robert Reâ€" ford Company last week made a pubâ€" lic statement reâ€"iterating the claim that there would be no reduction in rates for the British Empire Exhiâ€" bition which is the big tourist attracâ€" tion this coming season. He said :â€"â€" ‘‘Every liner, old or new, has not earned expenses since the war, and a reduction in the eastbound passenger rates will not even bear consideration on the part of the steamship companâ€" ies.‘‘ In addition it may be noted that practically all the cabin space in the rush months..has been booked or spoken for. at the current rates, and other passengers will probably have to eithker defer or advance their sailâ€" ing dates. The subject will be.â€"disceussed by the shareholders at the annual general meeting, to be held at the King Edâ€" ward Hotel, Toronto, Monday,. Fehbâ€" ruary 18, 1924, at 3 :30 p.m. THE PORCUPEINE~ WOMEN AND CHILDREN LIVE IN REVOLTING CONDITIONS Chicf Greer and his staff on Friday evening last raided a couple of houses in the Gauthier Townsite and as result a woman named \Ils Mas and m ;';W'ith' beâ€" ing f menters of a di o#derly house. Followin# a ‘statement" made‘"by Mrs. Mason, another . woinan named Fitzâ€" gerald was arrested this week and is also to face serious charges on Thursâ€" day of this week. The police found the Mason family living in revolting fashion, with gross immorality apâ€" parent, involving one girl 14 years old and another 16 years old. Small children in the house are said to have been permitted to see most, revolting immorality. Those concerned in the matter will come before Magistrate, Atkinson at police court toâ€"morrow (Thursday). It is anderstood that Mr. R. LeHeup, Children‘s Aid Inâ€" spector, will bhe here from Haileyâ€" in connection with the weases, and the Crown Attorney, Mr/ J. M. of Cocbhrane, may also be sresent here to conduct the cases against the adults concerned. _ _ Adeline Dupre will face a chargze of being disorderly in the Club Cafe rooms this week. When Officer Marâ€" tin visited the rooms in question this week he found two men in company with the woman, and one of these men, Paul LeéPache, he acceuses of inâ€" terfering in connection with the arâ€" rest of Adeline Dupre. _ Accordingly LaPache was also arrested on a â€"harze of disorderly conduct. Mrs. Rosa Cosorona will face a charge of selling at Thursâ€" day‘s court. The same sort of charge will be preferred against Mrs. George Maloea. 1. Sylvester will be faced with a charge of keeping liquor for sale. Three drunk charges were also included on the list yvesterday. Theodore Rose, alias Mayes, and believed to have other aliases. will Theodore Rose, alias Mayes, and believed to have other aliases. will face a charge of breach of the new regulations in regard to Standard Hotels man is aceused of wrongful registration at a local hotel. It is said that he registered under n assumed name and then secured food and lodging under questionable repreâ€" sentations. (Magistrate Atkinson will talk to him in the matter toâ€"morrow (Thursday.) The L.O.L. announce a Euchre and Dance to be held in the 1.0.0.F. Hall, Timmins,; on Friday evening of this week, Feb. 15th. Refreshments will be served and a pleasart evening is assured for all attendinge. At police eourt last Thursday Magâ€" istrate Atkinson imposed fines of $4.00 each upon nine different . eitiâ€" zens for obstructing the streets by piling wood on the sidewalks or otherâ€" wise interfering with the public walks and roadways. Two â€" drunks each paid $10.00 and costs for their saluâ€" brication. A male â€" vagrant paid $10.00 and costs for being thus, while a girl picked up as a vagrant was allowed to go on suspended sentence with the understanding that she mus: behave andâ€" keep â€" proper â€"company. The first time in the next two years that she is found again with immoral people or out at improper hours, senâ€" tence will be imposed upon her. For a breach of the traffie byâ€"law Wing Soon. paid a dollar and costs., A. Mattson, on the charge of keeping a gambling house, paid $50.00 _ and NINE FINED LAST WEEK POR OGBSTRUCTING STREETS ts, . while four men in the place when the police caught a game in proâ€" gress were taxed ten and eosts.. On each of three charges of selling liquor the Goldfield Drug Co. paid $300 and costsâ€"$900,.00 all told. For neglect to have a tail light on his motor, ane citizen was asked to contribute $2300 and costs. Remands were "madé in thevcase of an alien chargedi with illegally baving firearms, and it the case of @riother man accused e€ Jamt ing weapons without permit. fPliese latter cases will agaim be before the court tomorrow (Thursday). At St. Andrew‘s Young People‘s Society at New Liskeard thez@ was a debate recently on the quest10®> *‘ '\0- solved that a Radio is of ‘ greatst valae in a home than a Washims Maâ€" chine.‘‘ ‘The _ negative ¥®: Lt would naturally in New Liskear®y but there are some towns where@e it wouldn‘t.

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