Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 9 Jan 1924, 1, p. 4

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Rather than incur the risk of more gerious consequences to the town and people, the authorities are going to make rigorous prosecution of those disregarding the rules and regulations in regard to contagious diseases. Reâ€" cently there have been a large unmber of eases of measles in town and it is believed that the disregard the law and in many cases the disregard of common sense and proper regard for others have the chet factors in eausing the undue spread of the disease. _ There have been cases of «hildren suffering from} measles but no doctor being called in attendance, the cases were not reported and there was no quarantine. The infected ehil dren as a confsequence were not only endangzered themselves, but they were also instrumental in spreading the diâ€" sease. Further, it is understood that in some cases where quarantine was made the regulations have not been properly observed. In some ('flbEb, 1t is said, children were. moved â€" from quarantined places and so continued at school, thus enlarging the danger of the spread of the disease. MEASLES SPREAD THROUGH DISREGARD OF THE LAW. TIMMIN S, Office 26. McINTYRE WINS FROM DOME AT SOUTH PORCUPINE RINK Luck was not with the Dome team for its first game in the Mines Leaâ€" gue series last Saturday, out they had their pluek all right and pluck is RBetter than luck. It was a bitter cold might. and the match being scheduled for the open rink at South Poreupine the erowd was naturally small. Howâ€" ever, the Dome supporters were there with bells on and cheered their team mlong. _ The Dome ‘boys have been somewhat handicapped in the matter of practice as they have not a comâ€" plete team available. on the ground for regular practice, some of the playâ€" ers living at this end of the Camp and so all not being able to get out togethâ€" The next big event will be the Pareupine Poultry and Pet Stock Rhow at Timmins in the New Empire Basement on Wednesday and WThursday, January 16th and 1l7th. | AnGd â€"AbL â€" {NHC OCHU _ ULâ€" ult second, 32. The lineâ€"up was as follows :â€" | Domeâ€"Allan Pearce, goal; Belleâ€" view and Bowles, defence; Graham, Fell and (MeCormick, forwards; Hasâ€" kie and Mason, spares. Melntvreâ€"W. Mclntyre, goal; D. Briden, W. Briden, defence; Duval, Kelly and Parker, forwards; Jones and Snider, spares. â€" Refereeâ€"F. Patterson. it is a fast aggregation. evening ‘Mclintyre won from with a final seore of 7 to score at the end of the fi was I1â€"1. and at the en Canada â€" United States WEDNESDAY, JAN. 9th., 1924. Published every Wednesday by Owner and Publisher. Subscription Rates: Telephones : Residence 112. $2.00 year $3.00 yvear But ‘‘A Dome, a McIntyre or a Hollâ€" inger May be the Rewards to the Prospecting St. George,‘‘ says Mr. A. F. Brigham. EARNEST WORK NEEDED fOR DEVFLOPING NORTH In the Annual Finaneial Survey of The ‘Toronto GGlobe on Wednesday last week there was an article of much interest from the pen of Mr. A. F. Brigham, General (Manager of the Hollinger Consolidated Gold Mines, Limited. Mr. (Brigham‘s article is as follows :â€" A prominent western mining man recently stated that what Canada needed was mines. â€" This remark is equally true of Ontario and â€" was caustically contrasted with the freâ€" quent and reckless reference to our ‘‘inexhaustible mineral resources."! The record of the nickel, silver, and zold camps should inspire a healthy confidence, but optimism in the cities will never find mines in the bush. . ‘*Ontario has not had the constant trickle of dust and nuggets that have so effectively kept the imagination of fortuneâ€"seekers vitalized in most of the other gold fields of the world; and it must be realized that only by work and work of the most strenâ€" u0ous kind undertaken hy men â€" who are physically able and of such dogged and determined habit of mind that they only recognize obâ€" stacles and perils when they have been overcome. â€" [Moss and muskeg, flies and mosquitoes, winter and great distances from eivilization are the dragons that guard New Onâ€" tario‘s treasure stores, but a Dome, a Mcintyre or Hollinger are (the reâ€" wards to the prospecting St. George. "‘From the Lake of the Woods to and into Quebece and from Kadson to the (Georgian Bays, there has been no considerable section of this area that at one time or another has not been discovered, a ledge with gold, copper or silver as an earnest of the fortune that awaits the diligent seekâ€" er. ‘"‘If we consider these hints togethâ€" er with facets of the established camps, the application of the matheâ€" matical â€" conceptions of â€" pro®bability leaves us with no other conclusions that there are many more mines, mines as creat and with production mines as great and with production possibilities equal to those developed. R ‘‘But they ecan only be found by looking for them, and when found further work must be done to prove worthiness for only then will eapital be confident enough to assume the risks. It is a fact that in Canada there are many â€" hardâ€"headed bustâ€" ness men who are ready to join in the adyenture when they can be shown a fighting chance of â€" profit. Outside capital is equally discerimâ€" inating and eager. Many press utâ€" terances during the year, as usual, consist of the presentation of vieariâ€" ously assembled misinformation emâ€" anating from ‘‘our local correspondâ€" ent,"‘ who apparently does not ackâ€" nowledge the, difference hetween exâ€" agcgrecation and optimism and conseâ€" quently there has been numerous reâ€" ports of great finds, and 1923 will soon ‘be history without the record of any definitely important discoveries but interest is growing and 1924 may turn the trick, quien sabe?" DEATH OF LITTLE GIRL AT THE DOME LAST WEEK. SCHUMACHER BOWLERS KESUMED SCHEDULE Very general and sincere sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Lahti, of Dome Mines, in the death of their little daughter on Friday of last week At the time of death the little girl was only ten yvears of age. _ Death was due to bronchial pneumonia. Schumacher bowlers have resumed their schedule for 1924 at the Meln tyre Recereation Hall. (On Monday of this week Solomon‘s team took tw»o cout of three ~from Arechambault‘s. According to announcements receiyâ€" ed over the radio on Saturday night, the temperature at Devonport, lowa, was twentyâ€"two below zero there, earâ€" ly Saturday morning. In Timmins the thermometer registered twentyâ€"five be low the same morning. Cushing had hbighâ€"single, Al97, a high total, 513, and Archambault : hbigh single, 191, and high total, 35 for his team. Dummy ......%.. 12% 125. 12% : Cnshing ...,..... 175. 497. 141. | Golds....:...?;, 178 158 130 .. P. Willhams Dr. Muterer Costain ... E. Williams Solomon Campbell Archambs 160 143 170 141 136 161 139 192 2309 300 46:) 424 and PRIZEG FOR BEST ON NORTHERN ONTARIG Ontario Mining Association Offers Two Prizes of $75.00 Each to H. S. Students, to Increase Inâ€" terest in This Land. The Ontario Mining Institute is offering two prizes of $75.00 each to pupils of the High Sehools and Conâ€" tinuation Classes for essays on Northâ€" ern Ontario. The purpose of the com petition is to spread a greater knowâ€" ledge of the North Land and its posâ€" sibilities. Further details of the com petition are given in the following letter sent out to High School Prineiâ€" pals by Mr: Balmer Neilly, secretary of the Ontario Mining Association :â€"â€" ‘‘Dear Sir:â€"To stimulate in the students of the High Schools and Colâ€" legiate Institutes of Ontario a desire for knowledge of Northern ‘‘Dear Sir:â€"To stimulate in the students of the High Schools and Colâ€" legiate Institutes of Ontario a desire for greater knowledge of, Northern Ontario and as an incentive to better expression, the Ont ’o Mining Assoâ€" ciation is offering tt"‘/prizes. ‘*One prize of seventyâ€"five dollars ($75.00) shall be awarded to the Midâ€" dle School student submitting the best essaf on the subje¢t of Northern Onâ€" 0P ‘loronto. Only such essays as are addressed to the writer at 302 Bay Street, onto, and in his hands prior to April *‘*A second prize for a like amount will be awarded to the Lower Sehool student submitting the best essay on the same subject. to act are as follows:â€"â€"UGO®F, Ad Fraser, Provincial Archivist; Prof. R. Mlcl\le, Mines Assessor for the } vince of Ontario ; Prof. H. E. T. Ha tain, Professor of Mining, Univers tario ter the competit Not more than competition shall any one High Sch stitute. The competition is open only to stnâ€" dents registered in the High Schools anrd Collegiate Institutes of Ontario and we ask that each essay submitted shall be accompanied by a certificate, from the Prineipal, to this effect. "*‘We are enclosing an address hy Dr. C. V. Corless, entitled *‘ The Minâ€" Dr. C. V. Corless, entitled *‘ The Minâ€" ing Industry‘‘ which may prove useâ€" ful. ‘The National Resources Intelliâ€" sence Service, Department of the Inâ€" terior, Ottawa, has just published a report â€"covering Canada‘s commerce and national resources, that may be had upon request and . without â€" cost. The Department of Lands.and Forests and the Department of (Mines at the Parliament Buildings, Toronto, have much useful data that may be obtain ed ‘in the same manmner. This office will be glad to answer inquiries. FORMER SOUTH PORCUPINE XYOCOUNG LADY WEDDED IN WEST ""If your many responsibilities will not permit of your personal coâ€"operaâ€" tion, we hope you will pass this comâ€" muni¢ation to the member of your staff who teaches English Composition Yourrs trulyv, The foHlowing clipping from The Saskatoon Daily Star of December 26th will be of interest to many friâ€" ends in this district. SNome years ago the bride‘s family were all resiâ€" dent in South Poreupine. The ‘bride was on the staff of Mr. E. G. Dick: son‘s office for some time and was particularly popular in this district. All} here who knew her will extend ‘‘We hope in this way to assist you in your work of developinrg the stuâ€" dent‘s knowledge, P\pecmllv concernâ€" ing matters pertaining to our own Pro vince. sincere good wishes. The Saskatoon Star says:â€"â€" A very pretty wedding took place at 612 iSpadina Crescent, Saskatoon on Christmas day when Mr. Arthuar Beaumont, second son of the late Mr. William Beaumont of Ballinrobe, County Mayo, Ireland, was united in marriage to Miss Ida Mae Devmp second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. b W. Devine of Saskatoon. â€" The cereâ€" mony was performed by Rev. J. A. Donne]l (formeriy of Haileybury) of Thomas‘ Churech. The bride was given in marmage by her brother, Mr. Ambrose Devine. The attendants were Miss Elizabeth Devine, sister of the bride and Mr. Stanley Turriff of Saskatoon. The ceremony took place in the drawing room which was prettily decorated ‘in Christmas evergreens. The bride wore a French gown of shell pink crepe embroidered with erystal beads and carried â€"a large bouquet of bride roses. _ Pink â€" and white earnations were strewn in her path by little Miss Evelyn, W inkes, who was dressed in white georgeite The bridesmaid was dressed in jade green erepe de Chine and carried a bouquet of pink and <white carnaâ€" tions. Mrs. J. A. Donnell played the wedding march. â€" After the ceremony the wedding this vear, shall hbe eligible to e e Sec‘v. Ont. Mining Association Examiners who have agree re as follows:â€"â€"Col. Aléx B. M. NEILLY, hool on. two essays in each be accepted from sol or Collegiate Inâ€" THE PORCUPRWE ADBDYVANCOE breakfast was served in the dining room. . The table was adorned with carnations and nareissi. \Mrs. Freeâ€" man Alexander and (Mrs. J. Cyre did the honors. The bride and bridegroom left at 6.10 for Calgary and western points where they will spend a short honeyâ€" moon before taking up residence at Ponoka, Alta. They will be at home Ponoka, Alta. T New Year‘s HOLLINGER DIVIDEND PAYABLE JANUARY 28th Hollinger Dividend No. 119 is anâ€" nounced at the rate of 1 per cent. on the outstanding eapital stock of the company, payable on January 28th, 1924. to shareholders of record Janâ€" company, 1924, to : uary 10th The first regular scheduled meeting of the 1924 Timmins Town Council will be held in the Council Chamber on Monday afterncon, January l4th at Dreco Speedily Corrects Digestive Troubles That Were Making Life Miserable for Mr. Mould. Dreco is being especially introduced in Timmins by F. M. Burke. It is also sold in South Porcupine by B. L. Pilsworth, and by a good druggist everywhere. Miss Ella Niemi of the Timmins Business (_.ollege has accepted a posiâ€" tion as Stenographer in the Office of Kehoe, Soliâ€" citors, Timmins, Ont. Miss Margaret Cole who has not as yet graduated from the Timmins Bus: ness College, has accepted a position in the Offices of the Hollinger Consolâ€" idated Gold Mines. Miss Cole will atâ€" tend Night Classes at the Business College until the completion «of her Course. Among the latest enrollments in the different departments of the Timâ€" mins College are:â€"Mis: Rhea Morel, Kapuskasing, Ont.; Miss Rose M. Devine, South Poreupine, Ont.; Miss Benlah Laporte, Timmins, Ont., Stenographic Dept., Miss T. Bedersky, Timmins, Ont.; (Mr. Saim Garvitch, Timmins, Ont. Commercia‘ Dept., Mr. Wilfred Lafreniere, Timâ€" mins, Ont.; Mr. 8. Mustapha, Timâ€" mins, Ont., Preparatory Dept. mins, ‘Ont., Preparatory Dept. Miss E. M. Terry, Supervising Prir cipal of the Timmins Business Collâ€" ege returned Sunday evening last from a two weeks‘ holiday spent at her home. There is at present room for nine more enrollments in the different de partments of the Timmins Business College. Students may enroll any time in either tite Day or Night Classâ€" es, but the Supervisor advises their enrolling immediately, that they may be with the New Term Classes. En roll in either Day or Night Ciasses. Phone, write or call to the College for full information. Timmins Business Colleg» Phone WEDNES O AY Bulletin WANTEDâ€"(Girl forâ€" general houseâ€" work. â€" Apply to Mrs.R. W. Robâ€" bins, 15 Hemlock st. â€"â€"2, A PRACTICAL NURSE OPEN FPOR ENGAGEMENT. Apply at 17 Coâ€" dar iSt., Timmins. 29. LOST, OR STOLEN: Sealed tenders will be regeived by the undersigned up to 12 o‘clock noon January 23rd, 1924, for the stock and fixtures of the estate of WARREN PINLAY LIMJTED, Authorized Asâ€" signors, at Timimins, Ontario, consistâ€" ing of : (a) Stock of Hardware, Tools, at. ... . P)Ot,. L0 Tenders will be received at a rate on the dollar for the above en bloc or separately subject to adjustment as to shorts and long only. â€" Tenderâ€" ers will apportion the amounts appliâ€" cable to each parcel. Tenders will be accompanied ‘by Marked cheque for 10 per cent, of the amount of tender which cheque will be returned if tendâ€" er is not accepted. _ The highest or any tender not necessarily aceepted. Termsâ€"10% ~ with tender, balance of 25% when tender is accepted and balance to be paid on taking possessâ€" ion, possession to be taken immediateâ€" ly after acceptance of tender, or in any case not later than January 31st, 1924. Stock and inventory may be seen on application to H. W. Warren, Bailiff, Timmins, Ontario. Inventory may be seen on application to the unâ€" :dersi"ned or J. A. Legris, Barrister, iHalle\bm\' The Trusts and Guaranue Company, ’ Limited. NAMES OMITTED FROM LIST OF EASTERN STAR OFFICERS as Worthy Patron was inadvertently omitted from the list. In the report in The Advance a couple of weeks ago of the installaâ€" tion of officers for â€"the Eastern Star Lod;:'e, the name of Bro. W. Johns MK. AND MRS. PERCY WHITE LOSE THEIR LIFTLE GIRL, The sad death took place on Wedâ€" nesday of last week of the little fiveâ€" vearâ€"old daughter of Mr. and (Mrs. Perey White. Death was due to bronchial pneumonia, following an atâ€" tack of measles. Very sincere symâ€" nathy will go out to Mr. and (Mys. White in the death of their little girl. gine, etc.© lerms to 57 Hollinger 1 Would simut bachelor Elm street. Boston Bull Terrier. Return to Geo, 8. Lowe, Tamarack St., Timâ€" mins. y Authorized Trustee, 302 Bay St., Toronto, Ont. Stock of Hardware, Tools, Cutlery, Dishes, Harness, Camp supplies, ‘Paint, Stoves, ete., inventoried at ...... $3825.39 Store Fixtures and equpment including Cash Register and Fixtures and equilpmen including Cash Register an Stand, (Oil ‘Tank, Pump, Ga Tank and Pump, Typewriter, Seales, Show Cases, Chevrolet delivery truck, etce., inventoried W ARNINGâ€" It has come to the notice of the Board of Healt‘h that there are some cases of children in town who havas been suffering from Measles, but, there being no doctor in attendancse, thc cases have not been reported. Also that childron from quarantined kouses have been alâ€" lowed to attend school in some cases, the youngsters being trans ferred to other homes to deceive the anthorities. .â€" This Lack of care, and the disregard for the law have been responsible for the spread of the disease in the town at present. In case of a child having measles, a doctor should be secured at once, in the interests alike of the child and of the general public. Lack of precaution means the spread of the diseass. The Healâ€" th laws require the services of a medical attendant and the reâ€" porting of all cases of measles, and notice is hereby given that all disregard of the regulations hereafter will be rigorously prosecuted. including saw, c._â€" Terms or c FOR SALE BY TENDER M. GREER, RE MEASLELES Chief of Police. sAne, cash 1InmIns bench, enâ€" i. _ Apply Apply 68 $2334.1T8 P FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT.â€" FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT FOUNDâ€"In Timmins, a Gold Watch Will be given up on proof of ownâ€" ership. Apply to J. C. Wimhurst, 66 Commercial Ave. LOSTâ€"Gold wrist watch, lost beâ€" tween schumacher and Timmins Rink. Finder please return to J. Monaghan, Schumacher. 2. four rooms. â€" Apply to Mrs byre, 14 Cedar street, upstairs TWO LET.â€"Two furnished rooms, in comfortable flat; all modern conâ€" veniences; gentlemen only. _ Apply 60 Balsam st., upstairs. 1â€"2p. FOR SALEâ€"Firstâ€"class Oliver Typeâ€" writer, and large Box Stove. Apâ€" FPOR SALEâ€"One TO SELL AT SACRIFICEâ€"Practicâ€" ally new Electrice Washing Machine, ‘*(Geyser‘‘ make, guaranteed to give satisfaction. Extra low price as owner is leaving town. _ Phone 31. 2n, The Annual Meeting of the Poreitâ€" pine Agricultural Society will be held in the FTownship Hall, Poreupine, (Golden ‘City), on Friday, January 18th, 1924, at 1 p.m. Business :â€"Election of :Officers. 2â€"3 J, W,. YOUNG, Secret®ry. Mated Pens and Trios of Bredâ€"toâ€" Lay Barred Rocks from Pedigreed and Trapnested Stock. Also, â€" Exhibition Barred Rocks, Dark and Light Matings» Importer and Breeder of Barred Rocks only. Furnished House, 24 storeys; well finished throughout with Georgia Pine trim, oiled and varnished; hardwood floors varnished; two round post colonnades; lots of Jight; large dowble windows; ‘two leaded sta‘n class; glass in door ‘full size, like large sun room for light; verandah: cellar, with cement floor; coal and wood furnace; beautiful electric light fixtures, with lamps; tbath; toilet : every convenience; (the very best flowing water; fine garage, with ceoâ€" ment floor. To rent at low price for winter months. ‘For sale at $3,500; very easy terms. Rituated in Flora Park Boulevard, north part of town ; only a few minutes‘ walk from P.0O. Apply to owner on place or write R. Waite, Timmins. 52â€"2 Apply 204 Maple street. D. H. H. MOORE, MD. Mcedical Health Officer chine, in firstâ€"class condition. {t)ne Victor Gramophone, with 45 reâ€" cords. â€" One Quebec Heater. Anply 80 Sixth Avenue, Timmins. 1â€"â€" ply to P.0. Box 193, Schumacher Ont. "x s 1p; Overcoat with gloves and searf on New Year‘s Eve from Theatre Base ment. Kindly return at once to J. Monaghan ,Schumacher, or_ to "the Manager of Theatre. Any person retaining the above articles after this notice will be prosecuted. 2 FRANK LITTLE, Connaught Station, Ont Singer Sewing Maâ€" be prosecuted 2â€"34p>

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