Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 21 Nov 1923, 1, p. 8

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~es 3 :?%% uczfié’. ies Loz esd . xc 4466 Todd‘s Drug Stores Ltd. Schumacher Phone 94a LET US HELP YOU TO SCATTER SUNSHINE WITH New Empire Theatre = Breeting Cards = Matinee Daily Our Christmas Greeting Cards are now on display and we invite you to look them over The Prices Range from 5c. to 60c. each Every Card is new Stock in the Latest and Best Designs The story of Napaleon Bonaparte told in the greatest picâ€" ture of all time Friday and Saturday, November 23 and 24 a Royal Divorce Friday and Saturday Nov. 30 and Dec. RICHARD the LION HEARTED GET YOURS EARLY Friday and Saturday, December 7th and 8th WALLACE ~BERRY Friday Saturday, December 14th and 15th FRILâ€"SAT., DEC: 21â€"22 IF you prefer Private Greeting Cards we have a large number of samâ€" ples to choose from. â€" Look them over * T he Dependable Drug Stores " South Porcupine Mrs. Wallace Reid‘s new picture U U zS COMING Phone 68 FRiI.â€"â€"SAT., DEC. 285 â€"29 # onA cUE Timmins Phone 95 THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE Timmins and District Notes LC UE CA day C Camp wWibs spent C Miss 0. Copps rot.urn(‘.d last weel f‘m‘)m a visit to her home in Hamilton Ont. \; Seas, Large mMmMIns The next regular meetin Toawn Council is scheduled day afternsor, Nov. 26th, . ng at 4 p.m. The Haileyiturian last week says:â€"â€" ‘*Mrs, L. Church bas returned to her home in South Poreupine after visitâ€" iog friends in Haileyhbury and Cobalt for a couple of weeks." Four eases of a mild type of diphâ€" theria were reported at Sudbury last month, ‘The quarantine has been taken off all the cases under abservaâ€" tion, and no new ones developed. )\ Lhast Saturday evening the Arlie Marks (Co. completed a week‘s run at the New Empire Theatre, They hbad bumper houses at all performâ€" ances during the week. \ letice Club are givir Masonice Hall on * Nov. 29th. Wolno furnish the music, evening for all atte Chrnmnistmas Overseas. ‘See ceérts in Sunday. oronto lUIxDI1ces _0 4444 %4%%4% 00000 000090900 009 000000 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 9 00 0 0 0 00 0 00 % 6000 % 0 nstrivmental Christmas Greetingz ( Jeweler and Optician GORDON BLOCK â€" TELEPHONE 1141 â€" 67 PINE STREET Anot ces of the Ladic Inion Church, S iven this (Wedr o Melntyvre Reer ng prepare Hotâ€" L. Halperinâ€"Jeweler Optician â€" TIMMINS GIFT SHOP â€" ind M \lbert Demore _few days 1: Display €) 1| Timmins Busine Or a woollen mill? likely that it will t or a : mine. ‘Fhat‘s what the Nighthawk l oronto Telegn I‘a colhimn to .: lady in the eits of having fish f Â¥s that girls all Phe the PC Our Christmas stocks are well in. The store is open for inspection. Compare prices and be convinced that we sell 10% lower than any other city. We also handle the Latest Diamond Setting Works. Reserve your gift early. A FULL SELECTION OF CROWN DERBY LIMOGES AND ENGLISH CHINA. n( moo din 1ing@ for an Ari new mill bei hthawk Penin Martin fish these day zirls think the i1 Cat‘s Whiske Business College Atl giving a Dancee in th on Thursday evenins olno‘s Orchestra wi i¢, â€" and ittending â€" NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST â€" Heffernan tordon â€" Bloecl (l t) ports, the hunt ttvx good luck w Dinner uw dies‘ Aux in ad« iY in l1 iume north N u Why notâ€" J11 enInstiat meéeeting Of tfi luled for Mon ‘6th, commenâ€"e s‘ Auxiliary humacher. i: ho2 Heffernan Gordonâ€" Blo airds for Ovet * Â¥v. Urant the crowds of ned ir trains Mill {Â¥t IsKers tra will pleasant issured. k, Timâ€" 46â€"48â€" put ntrea in th relatir nstalle 1() M YÂ¥( W 6 W OA O )A Nn( ;i)l(] nad for n hn 01 9y s VCI ‘ books 1 do no K |er. Q 4 | pericet * | imipot d i pl@pw mnorning 1 and Barric Ensign HMerbert Lifeâ€"Savings Neou pected to pay a \Mr. A. G. Luxton, an oldâ€"time res: dent of Timmins, now Exipress C Agent at Iroquois Falls, renewed a« quaintances in town this week. / land Concert in the New Empire Theatre Sunday evening after the church _ â€" attractiave programme â€" including selections by the Biaund, voeal and instrumental solos and duets, readings, ete. ‘M»oâ€" tion picture films shown Miss Leonora Salkeld, for the past two years a memiber of the staff coft Simms, Hooker Drow, and one of the most lnqmlar members of the younzer set in town, lett on Monday for New York, where she has acceptâ€" ed a position. The best wishes ot her numerous friends in town, go with Miss Salkeld, and all wish her success in her new situation. \ ‘_The Northland Post, of Cochrans, had the following in its last issue:â€"â€"â€" Ernest King, Postmaster at Timmins, accompanied by chis wife and little daughter, came up to spend the weekâ€"end with his parents, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. King,, at the Recetory. Rev. Mr. King conducted a Baptismâ€" al Service on Armistice Day, his litâ€" tle granddaughter, Kathleen Patmicia, being one of the participants."‘ A { A number of the memibers of the Oddfellowsâ€" and _ Rebekah â€" Lodges here visited South Poreupine on Monâ€" day evening, the oceasion being the anniversary of the South Poreupine 1.0.0.F. Lodge. "The visitors report an unusually interesting and enjoyâ€" abjle evening, the pleasant hospitality of the South Poreupine people as usual making the evening one to be er." Mr. Uttley perience in this important posit elsewhere, | take an all enco branch. he to develop They will‘] rir rink th eames on U vecountant ystems, prep M ranl ted to pay. a y vation Army on .‘ The H 0th. 19 s on Cobalt or Ne verything possible ance should be s ‘{ouragements ~toâ€" _the> juvenll The stars of the future at ind should have every «ghane elop theirâ€" natural : ‘abrlit; villlikeliyv have to use an opet . UTticy, > uleyburian last niry will not O.H.X. this ye active interest Halperin r.a A\ WL 11HLC »sitions in the 1 1 nNInltn W C M M in this". isste,. Mr . of Schumacher, ha ess as an auditor an ready. "to _ inst3 e statements or keej hants or others wh i fullâ€"time bookâ€"keep has had a long ex line of work. holdin C an last Weéeéekâ€"saysiâ€"â€" l not be represented this year, but should nterest in and offer it toâ€" the juvenile Porter, Lert Organizer, visit to the s, â€" on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Donaldâ€" Harold > vening in the M bv ist wee Hall sIt to returne Iurscdav 11 on â€" Tuesday in the wa arrangemen itter> and t] njovable on the husing OThK inp ant @nance ability. in openâ€" all thei card llii local Ltead UObV who THE CALEDONIAN SOCIETY OF TIMMINS cen t Sceotswomen Membership fee, $2.00 per year for ordinary members and 50¢., per year for associate members. Meetings the second and fc Fridays of the month, in the I1.0 Hall, Timmins, starting at 8 sharp. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR IN THE OLD COUNTRY Phone Gordon Building, Gordon H. Gauthier â€" Frank J. Kebhoe Open . to nativeâ€"born Barristers, â€" Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. D. MACKIE, A. J. DOWNTE, Complete modern equipment cluding motor hearse. Corner Third Ave. and Maple St TIMMINS. ONT. uarmmaitnbaoy qtodssr j ‘ssutprey ‘sapey 4o W. G. BOWLES, B.A. South Porcupine â€" Ont. LAW OFFICE |"IN ThE Pu Buczvq Co UNDERTAKING PARLOURS Night and Day Phone 428 T ownship Building 17 ce Ԥ] iden t ind those of Phone 201 unship Reserva lroquois Falls Sceots â€" and Sceottish deâ€" and fourth iA} Secretary. Box 1338 »p y “«)X

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