Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 7 Nov 1923, 1, p. 4

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The Goldfield Drug Co. Ltd. Opposite New Empire Theatre WEDNESDAY, NOV. 7TH, 1923 MCKENZIEâ€"PORCUPINE AND GOLDACRE LOOKING WELL Surface work on Poreupine Mines pro macher has given \ sults during the past develo»ment work w sults during the past t development work will throughout the winter. ment may sink a shaft On the property of INTERESTING PROGRAMME FOR BAND CONCERT SUNDAY A specially pleasing programme is being prepared for the regular semiâ€" monthly Band Concert in the New Empire Theatre after the church serâ€" vices on Sunday evening, Nov. l1th. In addition to selections by the Timâ€" mins Citizens‘ Band there will be vocal and instrumental solos, duets, ete., by outstanding local talent. The last Band Concert was particularly well received, the programme makâ€" ing a decided hit with the audience. The event Sunday evening promises to be even more appreciated. Mov.â€" ing picture films of appropriate tyne will be shown as usual during the evening. A Euchre and Five Hundred Party will be given by the ladies of the R. C. Church, Schumacher, on Monday evening, Nov. 19th, at 8 p.m., in the MelIntyre â€" Recreation _ Hall, Schuâ€" mucher. â€" Refreshments will be served and there will be a good orchestra to provide musie for the oceasion. 4909800800008 009 099099000 00004 0080086000004 04 C004 000 s Canada ~ United States Published every Wednesday by Geo. Lake Owner and Publisher. Subscription Rate On the Spot Arthur E. Moysey Co. FOUNDED 1904 TIMMINS PHONES 100 400 ONTARIO Telephones ‘Mwo â€" drills â€" are at foldaecre with very in ts. The work on the the MceKenzie is atâ€" ‘avouraible attention to C ompany bal‘t, at i field of : for the benef account with foallo w times tained by us s ket guidance. We pride ow and we ask yo Furthermore, TN AISMUCH onnected{ N } 1y evening appreciated. â€" Mov. of appropriate tyne is usual Gduring the tems arder oronto erty neat <NnO ‘y pleasin ew month Residence 112 NCH as the offices of Ar vy at Poreupine, at Kirk] Sudbury and North Bay : actual, mining operations, dayâ€"toâ€"day mine develoy > ourselves upon this unexceelled Service, k you to put it to the test. ore, each of our eleven offices are directly by one of the most extensive private wire n the world, assuming prompt execution of , as well as upâ€"toâ€"theâ€"second quotations in to antl New York markets. Every facility enefit of the tradep or investor, Open an miation ONTARIO | \ Me@Kenzi 00 year 00 vear =() n is of inke lely for our Us HONCUR ROLL OF MONETA TIMMINS PUBLCG SCHOOL PUBLIG SCHOOL, CCTOBER _ HORMOUR ROLL, CCTOSER Standing of Pupils in Various Classes Report for the Month of the Stand at Moneta for Month Just ing of Pupils at the Several Closed. Public Schools in Town. co‘tt ville OVER $750 IN FINES AT POLICE COURT THURSDAY There were three convicted . of simple drunkenness at police eourt here last week, Magistrate Atkinson imposing the usual penalty of tenm and costs. One man charged with this offence was discharged, the case beâ€" ing dismissed. J. Davidson for hayâ€" ing liquor in a public place was assessed $200.00 _ and costs,. A. Krubhley, on the charge of illegally purehasing liquor from other than a licensed vendor, was charged $50,00 i OnIn, Joan W town 1P( 1 T imend luet agains nanded for ‘hance to answer to the eh nand to this week was also 1a n o POCInl renott{! in triDuteée ilev hie Dé of Arthwm UTV] AlrKiand Bay are situate i0ns, it nec velopments are hn al lient Marguerite Valentino, Richard Powler, Hilda preferre« the second assâ€"Bruno Galbryelogzk, Mel Hirshfeld, Vallery _ Murley e Acton, Walter Fitzgerald.â€" is, Teacher. Mavnard 11( illiam treasury Of mCt ‘Aanel I11.â€" arah Timmins erâ€"â€"LACY _/E Jean Alton Ivn Sherloc 1\ M\ value, and ob benefit for mar 1ses _ al mwn byv <eepinge £5300,.00 tem|i 1Il $PTUnNO Kei Ant H M Ra verot‘t was Ccnharg°od puV,UU Salvadore, on a ag liquor for sale, 00 and costs to the ‘This charge _ was one â€" of two other Delvi ny S ta M Moyse LIMITED of ie charge. â€" as also made in a in@ from alleged * € thickoni rnard, d in TA sarily 56 ainst the ac ‘ce heing with disorderly con to rregor was re 14 rnard, Maisi¢ Geno DRUC SPEOCIALS â€" THIS WEEK ONLY Ina l rCaln k Z K 1( iI1CCG M ar Mi ol him BDurâ€" filda ulevy, torie hof‘t 76, D Richa l\'()l Int Rooum Hill. â€"M thoom 3. )[nl'l‘isnll.â€" tanen 94, | D. Cooke 7 rison 77. [ n 01 E. Marshall Pherson 73, IT‘vnjala Wraigh Hnatech C. Classâ€"â€"‘W. Kaliska 74. RHoom 12., Kindergarten, Prinaryâ€" Mis Iu(,hmdmn and \I]s\ Lee.â€"Sen 1MImMmnln Brown 79. W..â€"Ofrr.â€"70. B. Classâ€"L. Hill §0, C. [. Paice 75, H. Hanwood 70 Vimy School Rooim 1., II..Sr. and Jr.â€"â€" Donald.â€"Seniorsâ€"‘M. Hog Te Ro i1 OO ordé Stevens Room 6. tosh.â€"A o Smith Smith L 4” R. \'U']D;l Robertson 13 1 Orr 73, E. (+. Fairbrother Kennedy S4 ekvardsen 8 Om M 1>0.,â€"Grade 111. â€"A, Boister 91 Kokkonen 86, T Rhude 7 erson 70 4. E. Ha: sOn Hyrtyvk 4. 50) L. MATI Garvitch 81, N. Kozlo TS 8, J. Shul T8, M. V arady 14 i. \'zll';ld‘\' 01 Onotzkev 90, s > T6, M. , M. Stewart bertson 70. . Mitche Kinnon 70. 70. ] 0) M albhie Sehools f. Central School _ PV SOMn «* Shamkiman Manhire dA SS5â€"â€"+4 11 Grade _ T Dol vnehuk (8, H. Greef H. Martin â€"J . W 8“1 .\I. TW OO Ha TPIMmrary ‘rimary lassâ€"S HLWCKONVE muthie: 1S â€"â€"â€" T. Goodman \\n]lnm 8] H int1 01. THTF PORCUPINE ADVANCE “l'i: K ol Lind K CT t10 93, A. * Borâ€" 1, G. Cooke 90, lemmeth 86, S. 85. P. Murdock t udn Sr.â€"Miss Richardson irnan 77, V. . H. Qstrosâ€" 0, h. Camp Sacharox TJ 0n SO001) ‘.â€"â€"Miss M 8, H. ktin Horwitz 81 78. M. Mor I~ a t Kinn Sslate ®} Miss M x CV @tC Katz M H4ll ovitch | INTERESTING MEETING 88. } AT CALEDONIANS FRIDAY l‘ 1 1ch S4, 11 Miss | M M €) xX 1( 0 represented at the British Empire Exhibition to open at Wembley Park, London, â€" England, next ,\}ml. Alâ€" ready the North is reeciving | valuable publicity from its exipected exhibhits for the event. Old Country nawspapers to hand this week conâ€" tain extended references to the proâ€" posed exhibits from Northern Onâ€" | tario and also much space is given to dltl(l(’\ dealing with this country, its and its possibilities. ‘ Northerm Ontario is to be well | i 81. (G Urt ): *( ) The attende sideraibly but many pupils c help of the 1 quested, in a children to h« TO BE WELL REPRESENTED AT EMPIRE EXHIBITION O0th wil} ((A2NCINE, Tealres social enjoyment einning a thei rited. paper Pemnm yt id , is the ledonian riday Elhie meeting r and pleasin = ‘Kinene (0d. Mattagami pIcasing one. A S of the evening will b r. A. J. Downie on **"C In addition there will instrumental music, 6 efreshments, â€" and â€" ot ).â€" Wallin Dradvy 70. coming a little late. The parents is earnestly reâ€" assisting too teach the regular meetin Society. The in the 1.0.0.F. 0 @C1L0CK, iends are nc | there * | ) punettUa PV School will mproy x still \| )l‘(li n meptéln 111CC1 Hall il]} â€" C Sheriffs| FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT M U mep other itila| GIRL _ WANTEDâ€"I ; l\-'_ Housework. . Apply 2 ®))€ too The i] | SPAN OF YOUNG HKEAVY DRAFT â€" FOR â€" SALEâ€"Weight i Read These Columns Every Week. It Will Pay You. $ 4 00000 00 400000 0 00000 0 00 00 0000 0 0 0 00 0 0 a *~ FPURNISHED ROOM TO RENT., YOUNG GIRL WANTED to assis: GIRL WANTBEDâ€"EFor y Tz MIDDLEâ€"A(GED LADY WANTS POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER Rest references. Appnplvy to Mrs appreciation to the man acquaintances for their kindness during the illn of Mrs. Downey,. day aftet the south WO \ 1t \| tio0n. depth 11 in ship to M YHAT YOU â€" WANT wble, _ and _ willing _ References or interview, write Box ance Ofhiee, Timmins. @sLOT ncle hes. ) â€" Hiall, Go )e in by D¢ M. ~Nicolso U @Oonven <th Axer M\ FOR SALEâ€"In Width, â€" 3â€"4ft. CARD OF THRANKS and Davidson l)nh‘ifi(m ePrnools seVv e WHEN YOU WANT IT. ‘enCt \J in be seen at Golden City iN Quek oreâ€" ital under econtrol of s<t be steadvy and reâ€" reartifelt thanks the many friend r their svmnath S â€"t. inches 1t ov C house OT it the imily wish thanks :; it \M ex@nange ood eondiâ€" » â€" inches; eigcht 3â€"ft. 4~â€"fft O1 4 on roliday i {eeper, ywWer w 08e orecup} s«\ .3 59 ) . II end inAd 3C hou y B top 11 1nd ath ith nC to Special Saturday for the kiddies as well as grown ups. 7 chocolate bars 250. WANTBEDâ€"Firstâ€"class POR SALEâ€"Barred Roclk QUALIFIED ACCOUNTANT DEâ€" SIRES MERCHANT‘S BOOKS TO KEBP. Spare time. ‘Terms FPURNITURE FPOR SALEâ€"Qua Modern cof No: 9 ‘Thir fields Drug AM1LOGern conve ply to 11 Bir T?OooOom A\| better tont from Old Apply 32 I and New Furs made. Mrs. | byre, 14 Cedar street, upstairs housewonk ing. â€" Apply nue QUNG MAN WANTS POSITION : ~ White Bros. S -GARAGE- Apply to Shop and Timmins. Wish to announce that they have enlarged their garage and can give special warm storage for cars which owners are desirous of runâ€" ning this winter. Cars taken to and from owners residence if deâ€" sired. We have also cold storage space for cars which will not be used. Batteries and cars repaired or rebuilt. Agents for Nash cars and Willard Batteries. Certifiâ€" cated experts for all makes of cars. reasonable Moneta, of firstâ€"elass ho Nor sale, all in be highest grade ; Elmm â€"street. COl el€6., miso repairin worth, 3530 Balsam in ofhe 2t( H/a meparate °S Timmins P. Lindsay years Motffat and EF7 Expert in Oil Norwegian, 4 full technical ience. Best q ith ttes, i Phir V a n( nueC nte South Cormer of Spruce and Main onl ._â€" best relerences. N H., Advance Office se B ifth Caps pen of Golae prize hirds exiperience so repairing. (Mrs. Wadsâ€" 350 Balsam St., corner 4th immins. â€"15â€"48p.â€" 1n tpply A venue South Counti Borden uTe vVenliences 1 (C€ ownsitt 149. _ InAQd hats, muff dA ( pital «y Jare Reply to 1001 art FPRANK LITTLE, Avenue, ove 1J househol B Ineimerator tree P( @1 1] iss Mach Ontario Ma: 18 s oods hin â€"Near the new n the new West e. Apply io S. mnIn arehous Apply t rner of Borden ndition, Apply 11 d brc VeaI and net cond \ q of Barred A440p JQOxX Nn iurnittnh Appl v ion, Ont reg W vat llJjeyv en t A ve ete w it yb + * N€ an 4 d 2s et. 1C€ toâ€" i]

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