Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 17 Oct 1923, 1, p. 4

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THE GOLDFIELD DRUG CO. Ltd Opp THE ~PORCUPINE AOVANGE The boy mentioneid by {(he LC | weekly, instead of being four yeats | old, is seven years old. Instead ui" innocently coming along and picking up an apple and eating it, this lad was one of six boys rounded up by the police for what appeared to be the deliberately planned robbery of a. freight car. Instead of the apples being in their way, the fruut was in a sealed car down the track where the boys had no right to be. The seal on the car was broken, the ear en‘tered and the fruit stolen. The police were ealled in on the case and rounded up the eulprits. The boys were placed on parole by the Maigistrate, and it was hoped by the authorities that the parents of the youngsters would take the incident as a lesson to warn them to look after their children in future. As for people here "‘laughing their heads off"" over the matter such a statement is a slanderous insult to the «dJecency and intelligence of the peoâ€" ple of Timmins. To fTovers of childâ€" 4_anh d a United e@earâ€"0}0 nd eat reée â€" nol ver the m to M“QWMMO“OMWMOQ”QQ’O000000MO: Published every Wednesday by Geo. Lake Owner and Publisher. HNM }1D ho § Ryanâ€"Murray Drug Co., Ltd. ................... 8A fTanflinasc in T imâ€" FOURâ€"YEARâ€"OLD BOY EVER "ARRESTED‘‘ IN TIMMIN 2¢, Â¥vour live Every boy and girl has a chance to to New York free of expense by mnmn«r Just ten years ago the first day there are many shops in a this tenth anniversary of their girls to study the great ev ents Shops offer fifteen prizes in go for the best‘essay written by : the province of OUntario. This is a chanae for some Wouldn‘t you America‘s greatest SoTe agents for Laura Secord Candies in Ti mins and District. . New Empire Theatre â€" Timmins prize tor a 53â€"55 Pine St. _ Reed Block _ Timmins W Wouldn e trip o s of Ame Secure v LAURA SECORD HISTORICAL ESSAY CONTEST Trip to New York for Mother apen to everyone ntere it mur bos YOU wWill mean iv on the 1 matter such a uis insult to the ce of the peoâ€" lovers of child ify L] ke to 00 vear < € 11 nCce Full information at 11 e Mother O ly be . At the en there is n the faet t busine In writing in thms way, lhe Auâ€" vance is not centering on the six boys in the case referred to by the Toâ€" ronto magazine. The reference 18 rather to a growing class of wouldâ€"he "tough guys‘‘ of tender age. They drift from mischief into crime, mdl from being a nuisance to becoming general curse. In the interests of the boys themselves, they need a serâ€" checkingâ€"up. â€"It is not sympathy they need, but rather a strap or a shingle well applied to the piace where it will do them the most good. [f any fault may be found with the authorities it.is that the police and the magistrate have been too easy on the boys inclined to be wayw ard and worse. The leniency will not have the right effect unless parents and others do their part and give the authorities the fullest support and coâ€"operation. ‘Parents should teach their vounesters to "*play the game‘‘ ould iura Secord Shop was opene arts of Canada. To comm N 16 eA Tt 1t in d erlI the fir O 1 Mothet 1( Rvayr en coura riZze inâ€" tory, dren on 1bLl Veal M wav, The Ad y need not sympathy a strap or a to the piace wWrOn xh For Coughs and Colds, Headaches, Backache, Stomachache, Toothâ€" ache, any old kind of an ache or pain, we have the remedy. t oame. ‘From, then â€"unulil tC J111.1 4 the Miners went to the field with this run holding their seore above the zero, while the Independents had ten runners circle the plate, and in the fifth eight. With the seore standing knocking out homers, (Giffin a threeâ€" § 18â€"0 the Miners staged a comeback in the fifth, Carmichael and MeDonough fane. umm n en m bagger and Kendall a double, Wyhe and Ross singles, McGuire and George Kendall walking, and seven runners frin-lin}: the diamond before the side iwas refired. This was the last inâ€" INDEPENDENTS WIX CAME . BV BIC SCORE MOKOAY 10Ust nore ery ide In the regular,. scheduled double header in the Soft Ball League staged at the Timmins Rink on Monday evening, the Argonauts won by deâ€" fault from the Knighits of Columbus, n 1YP‘ the â€"Ix. ~of ~G. feam. Gordon Miners against Carlin‘s Inde ing a home run in Abbie Kendall drove : top of the rink where them LWO 1¢t OW arely, to respect | respect others. â€" N hbut the kindliest soungsters.: »The « have the greatest indness is not ro Independents, s In the first w ve the ball into rere it remained ndeed THE PORCUPINE ADVANCRE nâ€"untal â€"tfhe e field with th above tl naware, @rocket § nOob I the pa dents had ten e, and in the score S[illl(lil]_‘l > :â€"Hollin Kendall, ¢ Limited, having reous offer fotr : store building old the building of vacating the st. â€" Accordingly ck of hardware. U sSses ha\ or the teams Kendall, h, â€" MeGuire, Independents . Seully, Mceâ€" Independent o wion thre €xal i1 I 1 V an ( then 11 One sn le held @1 ted vVÂ¥eqaI J22e11 iteh at 1 fhft n on n COrâ€"‘| hen | LOSTâ€"Mesh Bagâ€"Around N the| pire Theatre on Saturday. for| please return to Box M. â€" sor| Timmins Business College readâ€" Ansara Building, Timmins, Ont. town | Phone. 414 â€" Write Box 223 E. M. TERRY, Supervising Principal. M.P.P. HAS NOT HEARD FROM THE BEAVERS YET THIS YEAR 111 riding, was During his : busy shakin and new an ne | WANTEDâ€"( LLOnn . D? ho wil WANTEDâ€"HOUSE FPOR RENTâ€" W hat FOK.â€" SALBE M ; FOUNTAIN PEN LOSTâ€"(Géold band Lost between Reed block and thi Hill. Finder please _ returny t« Lorothy Dodge, 24 Tamarack St. Pm e T tm wEDNESDAY i Bulletin YOUNG LADYâ€"With ! D or 06 regoms, w town. . A‘pply vancee (Offhee, <stTeno maste: s]l(,)l‘t Cash or term‘s. Very Apply to 55 Cedar‘street passing tneir [EeSt . Intermediate Class graphic Dept. 1 School.*"‘ Among the late the different Dept Business College a Miss Segal Josep i JOT Mr.; A. F. Ont. ‘Nig to, Timmi For the The: Misses. E. Garvey, 5. tn Alien, I. Hakkala and. Mr. ruerre were last week succes massing their test from Junior [ntermedifate Classes <‘of the 1aArage tudent Plaver tion d cashiet Mr. Gerald Bannin ident from the ‘I llegt has accepte nographer in the n‘tormation mnmins i ounce th nee olhce WId wWas 111 Phird Ave Second Aven n W lesires position r. References. Advance Office, DX W¢ sOllege arei~l/Jay Ul al Joseph, Timmin Devine, South P« ht Classes:â€"Mr. N ns. Ont. _ benefit ind distric 1a n o ook 4 D n ind 1giit more with convenience now To: 1 t 11 1¢ 1t erVIsOo T BW IY conten MP.P., for th 1¢€ feneral ghove othce L1 V Sceale â€" William e $050.00 new 1I0mIns $300,00 the ht iT C 1I0nInNn 1t it at n# or warlil Dav rood nrolIment udents in was Kenp e WIs q the »(1 nouse. reasonable s 42â€"43p Apply immin Â¥ € ~â€"42â€"44p w € position it resent Grant, clerk the orcupine A\ppl w iimâ€" Finde: e(]ll( opik 11 nea V € n O xX iz SALE 11â€" ;| Mine share lc @DCO it to | WILL TAKE TWO OR THREE I ~BOARDERSâ€"In private | family. eÂ¥ C C C y P P o . e e ie s OV s WHAT YOU WANT b#4%% 4 ' It Will Pay You. + 4 $ Read These Columns Every Week. A d HEATER FOR SALEâ€"Larse size:|FURNISHED SHACK TO RENTâ€" DRESSMAKINGâ€"I makine. Mss F. TWO WELLâ€"FURNISHED ROOMi TO RENTâ€"$20 jer month. WaANTED FOR â€" SALEâ€"150,000 _ Backin Brick, $16.00 per M. f.0.b. Mi son. Apply ‘The Matheson and Tile Co., Matheson, Ont. LOSTâ€"Light B FOR SALEâ€"Over Langshans, White year‘s pullets; vearâ€"old hens. 1 H OLLINGER CONSOLIDATED GOLD MINES, LIMITED (No Personal Liability) bed TEMISKAMING AND NORTHERN ONTARIO RAILWAY COMMISSION 10 the unde: )TA noon 1923 fire white, white Marked with Finder please white, white forenead Marked with a ‘*‘D"‘ o Finder please return to Cedar street, Moneta. ward. T OT need the room. . }\\V. the Incinerator, Moneta The Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway Commuission. with beneh ;\ ” ill fil'.\' $250,.00 for ply to Hollin Lane. Oor> tCross l1Gs he office of t A dividend of 1% on the outstand c ocapital stook of the Company ha n declared payable on the 5th da; November 1923, on which dat eques will be mailed to sharehold s .of record at the close of busines the 18th day of October 1425. DATED the llth day of October TENDERS FOR CROSS TIBS rnished Tor this purpose. DA‘TED AT NORCH BAY, th 8@R | 6 the of items 19 D. A. DUNLAP, Treasurer pl' iDp the liffordâ€" La _ ‘Fownsite next Phiuw OctobDer ned will A V id ivy Ho ation Up ‘ 100 birds, Black e Leghorns, all this and Barred Rock Must be sold as 1 100000 S. B. Clement, Chief Engineer W. H. Maund, Secretary â€"Treasurer * £ to 19 AT C itfit, completé NAtIOn , â€" hind fee L â€"and face on shoulder o P. Lukon Der prin on the V TV I1 rilev 42â€"44p 5.00 m bet 41â€"420 )11 i1 opel ncal t\ POR SALE FOR â€" SALEâ€"FPOUR â€" HORSESâ€" FOR SALE AT WHITE BROS.‘ GARAGE, OPP. UNION COAL CGO 1 oneâ€"ton Truck dition. oA e t NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP ;\I'[" nosite 11 to NADA HOTEL, SCHUMACH vyear i sil(l(“(â€" Dipao to: "t!1 whom septe Z. D‘ARTAGNON, T..PAPPONE,. Witness: Lillian Wadsworth 41â€"42p. TREASURER‘S SALE OF LANDS IN ARREARS FOR TAXES DISTRICT OF COCHRANE TOWNSHIP OF CALVERT Wt hand Ime to Distri xsenger, irtnershin yY O1f hran mut the ouring hevrole ondition. iv White t udebaket id irtnet 141 iA ®%uUJ ‘ is hereby given that : the hip heretofore subsisting beâ€" ipito D‘Artagnon and T. Papâ€" Champion Shoe Store, im the Timmins, in the District of e, has this day been dissoived tal consent. All debts owing id partnership are to be paid to D‘Artagnon at Timmins ‘ownship of of Cochrane, fuly, A;:D. 19 vy upon the I South the« ood for h Connaug l1very > trUCkK FRANK LITTLE, h}‘ 0+ LE 2# 76 1})}1 x<cylinder Overlan: ompletely overhaul 3â€"passenger the 1} m a sprain of t light delivery of 1 cheap. Ralpb orcupine, Box 3585 50 records, in first> irkC th the Assessn .8.0. to the sale ds or so much th ressary to disch; ‘clice Station, in Warrant under Tt cA CAn D€ ndersizne it Station, Ont. 1 ATrrealt ims against TV to be presented D "Artagnon by e settled. this 28th day of TJM land the hour 0o llie in the 1 sSOTmnv sOof Ont ‘ing Car, 0 lmost . new, Garage; Opâ€" _ ~gral. , together wit by proceedit ilver Corporat d the 25 ommandir AITl NO w which Treasurer th OX rth TsE bu 1 0) vlin @OI OO wW T zet w4 TV

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