Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 17 Oct 1923, 1, p. 2

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0008800000800 0000000080606 60469 ) ;. WMO #0%090090 0090469040448 44 0090086408 440@ 6 Permanent Office * + Moore Block, opposite Goldfields Hotel, TELEPHONE NO. 70B. Timmins, Ont. Homer L. Gibson Co. REAL SERVICE IN THE MINING MARKET BANK OF MONTREAL Will prepare plans and specifications for all types of buildings, including residences, bungalows, etc. FIREPROOF OR NONâ€"FIREPROOF CONSTRUCTION IF YOUR NAME IS NOT NOW ON OUR MAILING LIST, WRITE FOR GIBSON‘S FORTNIGHTLY MINâ€" ING REVIEW AND CUR FREE MAPS OF PORCUâ€" PINE AND KIRKLAND LAKE. with Northern Ontario‘s mines imcedes When your interest coupons become due, or when you receive cheques for interest on registered bonds, deposit them in a Savâ€" ings Account in the Bank of Montreal. The money you receive on your investment in bonds will then earn interest for you. ~91F535 Z3 ® Victory Bond Interest ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEER M.N.S.A.P.E. Ory in C 703â€"4â€"5 Bank of Hamilton Building Established over 100 years Timmins Branch W. C. Mitchell, Manager TORONTO, ONT. s wid £30 se ‘l \.-â€"- ir +« s 5 w0 idullitint.. 006 04 h. uie ols . uie s ut [ av e dire q and found xXperi¢ l%jl F3 Theg â€" Timminsâ€"Porquis â€" roadway will be the best type of earth road. There is no corduroy used in its eonâ€" struction and in strips of old road where corduroy was used it was torn out. The several places where the ground was of quieckâ€"sand formation the roadiway has ‘been filled in with sand and gravel. In some places this was a difficult job but it was done conscientiously and thoroughly. The general resulit of the work done is that the whole road from Porquis is a good one. While it is at present only an earth road, it is so constructâ€" ed as to make a firstâ€"class bottom for a more permanent type of road. Inâ€" deed, it is understood that the intenâ€" tion is to make the whole roadway a Macadam road eventually. ‘This will not be done perhaps for a year or two but as the usefulness of the high‘way will be apparent as soon as it is openâ€" ed for traffic it is not unreasonable to expect thatâ€"in. a short timethe auâ€" thorities will see the advantace of L446 9 9000048 44400906 066460046600 G604 046 ¢% 644 PART OF PORQUIS ROAO COMPLETED ThiS VEAR All the Road to be Ready for Traffic Some Time Next Year. His many now that â€" Singer Sewing Machines + ~and Willis Piano Agent 9 Maple St, P?.O. Box 75 I am selling also the Chickering and Nabe Pianos, best in pianos in the world. 0. SEGUIN roVvVIince present of the s ed this t] lust whe n‘ WA V 16 CXxI to he he rates gent district rathe cover work t enerallyv. nds will regret able W. Parcher _typhoid fever. s Tor a yeéar or iess of the high‘way s soon as it is openâ€" not unreasonable to short time the auâ€" the advantage of road into a Macaâ€" rkin M l immins Phone 211. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE n the t ] 2 Lor pay rally prs r than 0o iroughnout an eariy rlth and eré OTE th 1t The )11 HAILEYEURY PETITIONS POR R.C. HEADQUARTERS Attention has been cealled more than once to the matter of the R:C. headâ€" quarters and shospitah formerly at Haileybury. Other towns might have assisted in this matter by ,urging upon the church authorities to reâ€" build at Haileybury. At the present time two petitions are in cireulation in Haileylnury with this end in view. It appears toâ€" The Advance that similar petitions might be cireulated in other towns and eentres of the North asking that the headquarters for the diocese hbe continued at Hailevbury if at all possitble. be given ev lishing the of / the No: whatever influence may be possible to secure the reâ€"establishing of the various _ industries and _ institutions that were formerly in Haleybury. No town of the North should take adâ€" vantage of the disaster to Haileybhury to attempt to secure any institution or industry that had previously been centred in Haileybury will need all that it had before the fire to reâ€"establish itself as a town. ‘‘With the object of using sible influence to induee the Catholie church to again the headquarters of the di Haileybury, two petitions a cireulated this week, one, a to His Lordship, Bishop Rhea LIGHT DOCKET AT POLICE COURT LAST THURSDAY similar petitions might be cireulated in other towns and centres of the North asking that the headquarters for the diocese be continued at Haileybury if at all posstble. Such action on the part of the North Land towns would show the true spirit of the North Land. "The> following "is from the last issue of ‘The Hailayâ€" TRUE MODESTY IS A VIRTULE THAT FPLOURISHES HERLE )uUurian »er 18t inite n the neT orth ) llls IJ‘. ie other frous"A1 tâ€"the . C J)peal nent 11 r1ent wee} vel 11 nsecration t h The p« Ifere ste e 'l‘h(‘ Ady ret that H esente 1tl i1 0C( N1 t V )wn. and h pl 11 1( ffecet that Rev, Mothe: the pI T C p6 Di created e 1N m OMR n1 V at th T hu1 A | ince in reâ€"estan that other town assist by usin tinent LV he 1)1 INn CC h1 ury shou uth the A that mply nent pointe | posâ€" oman thlish glass full: size. Two. ‘round pos colonnades. â€" Hardwood floors. WPhre bedrooms and bath. Three closets Stairway to attic and floored over with two windows. All Georgia pin trim, oiled and varnished throughout Cement cellar, cement floor, with coa and â€" woodâ€" Fineâ€" ‘garage V ery Dest water and._everâ€" flowing off in drain. No typhoid here. So good one likes to drink the water whether thirsty or not. Pumped to attiec. ~Hot and ceold water in bathâ€" room; also at sink in ‘Kitehen. â€"A complete home septic tank for sewerâ€" age. ‘Best quarterâ€"cut oak furniture and fine brass ‘beds,. All this for §4300, $1500 cash. Situated 10 Floral Park Boulevard, only a feow minutes‘ walk to Post Offfce. Apply by letter to â€"~â€"{1â€"451nâ€"â€" _R. Waite, Timmins, Ont. vestment WIT B pnt:ltn(*s ixtures. P nlll)l( All Diseases Successfully Treated by This Method Marshallâ€"Ecclestone Bldg., Timmins »ment $ ) 411C urniturk Caloric Pipeless furnace is our leader. We have a car load in stock of different sizes. Also have the jewel wood burnâ€" ing Furnace, Pips and Pipeless, takes oâ€"ft. stick, delivered Bm s ts s i o y s o e 4 o4 4/ $140 ON A. Brazeau 4 Cedar St. «* Tim floo Dr. C. E. Hawley Chiropractic Specialist ent $125 en Hundre ent autiful dimnina WwIDGuWVS 0 the Super Heater t floor which Work led stain ed to heat Installed for uarters for 4xtfures ~and Very best w in drain. No Y I rters for all } Plumbing and Hardwood d ‘bath. 111 OM 6 TOOHl aI lot,; . 45 â€"D»> rew this year $60 of best eleetrie lohbt mum on investmeni ir â€"$60.00 _ monthla l will buy, balance 1300 fine classy hous erandah, hall, livine 11 ront hk ind wIrIng â€" COs ater and evet typhoid here light. window Timmins ront of furnace <() 6 room $100.00 C O3 | visiting t M. Moore TIMMINS L0DGE, 1.0.0.F. No. 458 Timmins Gold Nugget Rebekah Lodge, No 173 Meets eve Oddfellows 39 FOURTH AVENUE CcPPOSITE FIRE HALL For the best in Fruits, Confectionery, etc., and for Ice Cream, come here. In Toys, Fancy Goods, Jeweliry, etc., as we are going out of these lines. Pleasure Ice Cream Parlour Fire Wood in any i:engtns to suit, from 14 inches to wood in log. ‘Dry and green Jackpine. Prices very reaâ€" song@ble. Order your wood now beâ€" fore the rush. § H. CHARLEEREOTS Phone Boilin Report every municable dise fHeer of Health peopie. Ethel Keene Pays highest prices for secondâ€"hand furniture. Sells new and secondâ€"hand Furniture at cheap prices. irink:in 11 Let us repair and waterproof that leaky roof before the rainy season. Parabestos Roofing Paint, and Kantleek Roofing Cement For Sale W. H. SEVERT BUILRING CONTRACTOR Corner Kirby Ave and Mountjoy St P.0. BOX 974. â€" TIMMINS, ONT. ig Bargains These Days at P. Antoine‘s Now open for business. Firstâ€"class rooms, and steam heated All upâ€"toâ€"date conveniences. Reading and Sitting Rooms. Sample Room for Travellers. Best dining room in town. Meals at all hours. Wholesale Fruits, Vegetablbes, New tI Safety First Boil the Water Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Confectionery, Tobaccos BOARD OF HEALTH GOLUMN Spruce St Health. f diphther endangeri P.O. Box 3, Timmins. bre will render all water sa IROQUOIS FALLS. PARIS HOTEL purposes Empire Theatre Block PV Phone 154 H. CHARLEBOIS, H. H. MOORE M.D., M.O . H. H Te regqtie sday evening ed a €. € ind »<t Lod ‘stei! To‘al{tend J. R. Newma: St., Timmins Timmins Anderson Ni ; in the Averue. rd o} 1e I 1 OF

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