Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 13 Jun 1923, 1, p. 7

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I.0.D.E. TO ENTERTAIN ALL ‘*PRINCE O‘PATTERS‘*‘ to the fact that all taking part in the choruses are particularly invited. Full lists of all in the choruses are not available now, and so personal invitaâ€" tions can not be made to all. Howâ€" ever, the Daughters of the Empire, are sincerely anxious that none should be missed and so they have asked The On Monday evening, June 18th, the Daughters of the Empire intend to enâ€" tertain all those taking part in the ‘*Prince O‘ Patters,""‘ the musical comedy so successfully presented here some weeks ago. All who took part in the entertainment will be the guests of the 1.0.D.E. Manday evenâ€" ing at 9.15 in the 1.0.D.E. Hall. The Daughters of the Empire are extendâ€" ing a very cordial invitation to all taking part on the programme to atâ€" tend this informal evening in their honour. Special attention is directed MB Advance to exté tion to ALL tak success to be the 4. If you were part in the ‘‘Pr means yvou part your special invitatior utd 3 oz. Olive Butter .. 6 oz. Olive Butter ... Seniors Meat Poste . Shippanis Meat Poste Ue2) UeztJ Uz eS JOHN VANILR the guests ere one of Prince O‘ articularly EFLECTORS OF COCH RANL part To the Electors of Cochrane Constituency Ladies and Gentlemen:â€" As our present and future are essentially bound up in the great Northland of this Province, the first concern of our Northern Ontario repreâ€" sentatives, must ‘be to energetically support all legislative measures which will serve to promote its development. We have in the North the world‘s principal nickel supply; the world‘s greatest gold supply; one of the world‘s principal silver camps; great timber wealth; large agricultural areas; almost limitless water power. And the Constituency of Cochrane contains a very important share of these resources. As to my position politically. In these days of rapid change of thought and of social and political upheaval, partyism in politics has flargely disappeared. People are no longer satisfied to vote a certain party ticket, without a serutiny of the issues involved as strict partyism serves to tie the hands of the elected representatives, who are expected to obey the party whip, the electors are compelled to take a more independent attiâ€" tude, as the needs of the North, the development of the North, are of far greater importance than strict partyism. Therefore I will support any Government should they accept my policy which in short is ‘*‘Give to the North what belongs to the North to policy wh help make In the agricultural industry, the first requirement is the building of good roads to enable the farmers to market their products. Farming is a basic and permanent industry. Such matters as makâ€" ing easier the terms or conditions in purchasing modern farm machinery and in the marketing of farm produce, are among the matters which I consider require attention. promote It is most regrettable that so much electric power available the mining industry has been so hampered through shortage of power, resulting in hundreds of men being laid off in the winter season. With sufficient power not only would the present producing mines work to greater capacity but properties now idle would develop into producers. Our forests should be conserved and restored, so that succeeding generations may not suffer. Prevention of forest fires and reforestation would receive my attention. Patters‘‘ this e it 13 (Â¥] 121 ral invitaâ€" the recent the 1.0.D. »se taking If elected, I consider my first duty will be to do all in my power to the development of these resources. | beger Ontario ) be TIMMINS FPOOTBALL CLUB AT KIRKLAND SATURDAY Timmins plays at Kirkland Lake on Saturday of this week in the King Cup series. This is the first game away for Timmins, and the boys naâ€" turally feel they have to make this a win. Both Kuirkland and Timmins have already lost a game each to the Dome, and so each feels that no more games can be lost. Accordingly, Satâ€" urday‘s match will likely be a specialâ€" ly keen contest, which means it will be a match that will appeal to all Friday evening of this week, June 15th, there will be ‘*‘An Ice Cream Dance‘‘ at the Hollinger Recreation Halll, Hollinger Townsite. Dancing at 9 o‘clock. Best of music. A good time for all attending. Th danee last week at the Hollinge Recreation Hall was so much enjoyed that there has been a popular demand for event Friday evening wer to the request for ‘"ICE CREAM DANCE‘‘ FRIDAY AT THE HOLLINGER HALL hat there has been a very persistent 1opular demand for more, and the vent Friday evening is in part ansâ€" ver to the request for more and more of these enjoyable events. â€" Hollinger and Mcintyre Coupons Accepted as Cash at this Sale J Uc2) Uc2) UX Ur2 Heing. Med. .... Heinz Small .. Heinz Kidney .. Van Camp Small Yours humbly Best of music. A all attending. The at the Hollinger football enthbus=ss=s. On Thurhday of next week, June 21st, Timmins will play the Doime at the Dome. On Saturday, June 20th, the Dome is scheduled to play at Kirkland Lake, and on July 7th the scheduled match is Timmins vs. Kirkland Lake at Timâ€" mins. The Euchre and Dance held last Friday evening at the Hollinger Reeâ€" reation Hall proved most enjoyable and successful. There was a big crowd present and alll report a very pleasant evening. The refreshments served came in for special commendaâ€" tion, there not only being lots in quantity, but also plenty in quality. The musiece was another special feaâ€" ture, Sceotty Wilson and ‘his orcehestra, providing lively and attractive music for the occeasion. The event was unâ€" der the auspices of the Hollinger Comâ€" munity Club and that organization is now being generally requested to give more similar events. In answer to ‘this popuwlar demand, a special dance is announced for Friday evenâ€" ing this week in the Hollinger Recereâ€" ation Hall under the auspices of the Hollinger Community Club. PLEASING EUCHRE AND DANCE AT HOLLINGER HALL Mr. John Brydge, of Haileybury, one of the oldâ€"time pioneer prospecâ€" tors and mining men of the North Land was in the Camp last week in conection with some of his properties in this area. ‘While in this part of the North, Mr. Brydge also ‘paid a visit ‘to ~his son, Bill,‘‘ the well: knowu hockey and baseball player at Iroquois Falls. JV V 20c 15¢ 28¢ 20¢ % lb. Deviled or Pott.ed Meats /as Clark‘s ‘‘â€" Orf ’gs Clark‘s * Or *A id /as Clark‘s Veal Loaf ...... ; i An Informal Dance At King‘s Rall on Tuesday, June 26th at 9 p.m under the auspices of Timmings Business College Athletic Club It is requested that all receiving Invitations kindly attend the Dance as it is the desire of the Club to have their Monthly Dance well patronized. This gives you a golden opportunity to show your interest in the young people of your town. 10c 15¢ 15¢ 25¢ Grape Nuts ...:...:..... Fine Cut COat Meal pkg Shredded Wheat ..... Wheat granals ....... A GO@LAL AAUVUIILLAALY {JFE 108C 20c 18¢ 40c #40466%46 t | b, Tins Bik. Currant ... ib. Tins Raspberry .... oz. Jars Strawberry ... 16 oz. Jars Raspberry ... 16 oz. Jars Red Currant . 16 oz. Jars Pincapple ... 16 oz. Jars Tuco Pincapple 16 oz. Jars Cherry ....... ith, 1923 il reduced price on the oup No. 10 quickly. All the goods i moneyâ€"saving. Read m (2‘s), 1 can Tomatoes Legrade Sardines, 1 can mon (4‘s), 1 Clarks Catâ€" yens Peas, 1â€"20 oz. Leas icots Libbys (l‘s), 1 can wries (2‘s), 1 can Dishco (2‘s), 1 Quaker R. Oats, 3 ha Soap, 2 Campbells Soup oup No. 11 oup No. 12 tks, 2 Sniders Tom Soup, 1 (%‘s), 2 Cornâ€" mundry Soap, 1 Green Gage , 1 Waddells O‘Mar. 16 oz. MARMALADES lb. Jars Smiths Pineapple ... . lb. Jars Smiths Grapefruit .. 1b. Tins Smiths Grapefruit .. 1b. Tins Smiths Pineapple ... . lb. tins Farnivals Pineapple .. lb. tins Uptons Orange Mar. .. lb. tins Wagstafis Orange Mar. lb. tins Farnivals C.A. Jelly ) oz. Jars Uptons O. Mar. ... ) oz. Jars Uptons Pineapple .. ) oz. jars Wags. O. Mar. ...... ) oz. jars Wags. Pineapple . SMITH‘S JAMS 1b, Jars Gooseberry ........ $1.15 1b. Jars Green Gage ........ $1.00 1b. Jars $1.00 (b: Jars Cherty $1.25 Peach $1.10 Jars Pear $1.00 Tins Pear ; _ 90c fib.«~Tins Peach ....;..... . :. 008 Ib. Tins Green Gage .......... 90c Ib. ‘Tins Plum };...;;...;.,>; :: 80c Ib. Tins Gooseberry ........ $1.00 1b. Tins Chery ...:;:...... $1.10 Ib. tins Farinvals C.A. Jelly $1.00 tins Farnivals C.A. Jelly... 90c UPTONS JAMS Ib. Glass Red Currant ...... lb. Glass Black Curant .. ... ib. Glass Tuco Pineapple ... [b. Tings Red Currant ....... b. Tins Tuco Pineapple .. ... ib. Tinsg Apricot 4: (b. Ting Strawberry .... ... below regular prices. wart to buy. SPECIAL ON JAMS Harvest and Glassco o. oz. Pineappleâ€" .. ; ... oz. Bik. Currant..,;;.., :. ‘os. Cherty...%....2.2.22. oz. Red Currant .;..;: y eX n oz. Blk. Currant and Rasp. oz. Waddels O. Mar. .;... qqqqqqqqqqq $1.25 $1.00 $1.00 . 90c $1.00 $1.15 $1.15 $1.15 .. dd¢ . ob 343C 30c 3he 25¢ 25¢ 25¢ 25¢ 25¢ 20¢

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