Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 14 Feb 1923, 1, p. 4

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mins is surely eonclusive proof of the justice and fairness of this contention. Following direct orders from Toronto a number of these men were dischargâ€" ed from work, but at the same time they had about six weeks‘ pay due them. ‘They were discharged, ‘but there was no way for them to get what was coming to them until Toronto red tape run its due course. It wasn‘t a case of ‘‘call at the office and get your pay."‘ It was a case of ‘‘ You‘re fired, but Heaven alone and Mr. Drury know when you will get your back pay." Private firms and corporations are reâ€" quired to pay at least onee every two weeks. When a man is dissharged, he receives any ipay matter of ecour: Government sh« than required of a matter of fact set a good exan Perhaps, if the would be requir On several recent oceasions The Adâ€" vance has emphasized the fact that the Government departments in work in this North Land should delegate the authority to ‘‘hire, fire and pay‘‘ men to those in charge here. The recent case of the men employed clearing a #reâ€"zguard around the town of ‘Timâ€" A number of the young men of Conâ€" naught have organized a Minstrel Company and have prepared a very attractive show to be given in the sechool house on Friday of this week, Feb. 16th. others wl handicap ary ones, for <the authorityv ‘‘to hire, fi: quired. All and red taps out ui fairly two to six w 060066006 Office 26 M Os in charge have done their ‘best to make matters as easy as possible, but there has been unnecessary hardship on account of the unbusinesslike atâ€" titude of the Government in the matâ€" ter. A private concern would not tolâ€" erate, nor be permitted to allow such conditions to continue. The Governâ€" ment should inaugurate proper busiâ€" ness methods in regard to the emâ€" ployment of men in this North Land. sHOULD HAVE AUTHORITY ‘*TO HIRE, FIRE AND PAY‘‘ MEN Lanada ~ United States WEDNESDAY, FEB. 14th., 1923. n Published every Wednesday by Geo, Lake Owner and Publisher. Subscription Rates: ithout Telephones the local men in charge > and pay‘‘ the men reâ€" he necessary checking up could then aene withâ€" defrauding workmen for eks. The local authorities sho w did iPrse. _ Ltâ€" wasn_ t a office and get your of * You‘re fired, d ‘Mr. Drury know n connection wi Residence 112 $2,00 year $3.00 year uUn SPECIAL SPRING DISPLAY AT HOLLINGER STORES Misses‘ Coats and Suits for Spring is announced to be held at the Hollinger Stores on Friday and Saturday of this week, Feb. 16th and 17th. Cordial inâ€" vitation is extended to the ladies of the town and district to attend this display on the dates named, and the event will no doubt create much interâ€" est and attention. TORONTO SLOWNESS THE CAUSE OF DELAY IN ADVANCE to Toronto Tor«< accident would The part was men concerned im Lloronto, however, did not do anything about the part unâ€" til stirred up by fiery wires this week, and as a result orders ‘had to ‘be given for the return of the old part p. d. g. so that the paper could be issued. The Farmer‘s Government seems to have put Hogtown completely on the hog for lbusiness or service. GOVERNMENT SENT PAY CHEQUES HERE LAST WEEK sons in this incident. First, ad\ ing pays; and secondathe Govern is mighty slow in paying. â€" May! next Government will be ‘better mote it be! ing six weeks for their pay, were still anxious to get their money. On Thursâ€" day morning there was a lineâ€"up at both the front and ‘back doors of the residence of Mr. Fred Hamilton who has charge of the bushâ€"clearing work in this district. Unfortunately the cheques had not reached here on Thurs day, so that everything was eventually straightened out. There are two lesâ€" sons in this incident. First, advertisâ€" ing pays; and secondathe Government, is mighty slow in paying. Maybe the next Government will be better.. So In the vote in the House of Comâ€" mons on the Speech from the Throne amendments, the Progressives split, some of them voting with and some against the Government. Mr. Angus MeDonald, MP. for Temiskaming, voted with the Government in this mattetr rew ‘nour veek, the de ittempt to The announcem Advance that the )TE lous to get their mone y morning there was h the front and ‘back idence of Mr. Fred E sDecla N ] H11T A dvanee wuen tac warded. as shipped on ‘lLhursday ict instructions to return in Saturday. ‘The gentleâ€" ied in Toronto, however, ce has to admit to bein late in publishing thi y being due to an hone: uard against delay. . Y )la v upii( not {inmne to ‘he men onditi IT‘¢ NWY omen rovernment rom around newspaper n was sent {1er said the; ifter wait ) tlhat any in delay. )22 ues h 16 OL na 1 J,. A. HOWSE WHOLESALE READY FOR EXPANSION Business and life are like bank acâ€" countsâ€"yonâ€"can‘t take out more than you put in. w t e o oi l o n is a S 1 wholesaie c0ol business in has steadily the Camp, an been plannin of the busine coming development limmins and district. To this end the business has been incorporated as the J. A. Howse Company, Limited, with a eapital of $100,000.00 in 10,000 shares of $10.00 each. Mr. Howse will retain the manâ€" agement and direction of the business and several members of the staff have Howse SCOTTISH LIFPE 100 YEARS AGO CLEARLY PORTRAYED SIIPV £oOr dances‘" whicii "Inciauded â€"c.!C Grand Old Duke of York ard a fjuaâ€" drille. A duet by Mr. and Mrs, Suaeâ€" wan, ‘‘My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose," was another special feature of the programme that was much appreâ€" ciated. Mr. J. K. Moore made a deâ€" cided hit with his wellâ€"rendered solo, and Mr. Jas. Cowan‘s fine rendition of a voecal selection svas equally pleasing to the audience. A. Macdonald was app arrangements, prepare etce., for the next meet be ‘‘‘Ladies‘ Night,‘‘ F TWO LOCAL YOUTHS PLAN BOLD ROBEERY WITH GUKX last the 1 welceomin paper Dy i Conditions By a very ating use the autobi A committee including Mrs. Robert: Mrs. ‘Mackie, ‘Mrs, M. B. Sceott, ‘Mrs Patrick, Mrs. J. K. Moore and Mrs. G How M jeen t Â¥1 NOU tu so, 1. H.. Logan, J; . T e Walker and Alex. Adam stock of the company 1 at present and the intent: nd the business and estal ided wholesale business t abreast of the progress ment of the North Land. i featurt lby Mr. M @On I 1n , prepare a programime, next meeting, which will Night,‘‘ Feb. 23rd. nmmiln ar the time VCA with the Moore and Mrs. G. appointed to make ee] Â¥y Mr. Howse has irther expansion ep pare with the of Timmins and THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE o1 ind discrimin 1 portions of econdue and to 1( n 1 V rled rowth wWas veniny ed the I‘rc nexsx 2111 M UD L ROCCO ROTONDC‘S MOOSE GET MUCH PUBLICITY the Star an extra sOm 6 WANTEDâ€"A competent teacher to instruct young boy in primary grade work, lessons to ‘be about two hours daily, and to ibe given either at the address below or at the home of the teacher. Apply at onee, to R. W. Robhins, 15 Hemlock street. â€"7 HOUSE for SALTE in GOLDEN CITY Very rich soil for gardens; fenced. House has best of water, everâ€"fAowing, in cellar; cement floor; furnace; elecâ€" tric â€"wired; cement walk past house. $3500.00 in Spring, with verandah and painted ; some less now owing to wantâ€" ing to make a change in business. Furâ€" nished, good ‘best quarterâ€"cut oak. New car, if so desired. Terms arrangâ€" ed. Adjoining ‘Hollinger new townâ€" site on the North. This is appropriateâ€" ly namedâ€" Floral Park Boulevard, owing to lots of trees, lawns, ete. Beautiful painted sign and elecâ€". trie lamp over entranceâ€"way, zbot'uf ends of entrance, with large cement‘ posts. Apply to R. Waite. 7â€"9 ment floor, Lots, 45 x 133, $275.0( i and the Rotondo King Pharoah or (Tutankhamen) one of the most powerful kings of anâ€" cient Egypt was buried in ** the Valley of Kings‘‘ in Egypt. Itis only a few days since the tomb of this high moâ€" narch ‘has been brought to the light of day, after 3000 years of darkness. In this tomb were found many valuable discoveries, very valuable to the huâ€" man race. You can also make a vaâ€" luable discovery by visiting the store of J. E. Garrett, (Mquare Deal Jewelâ€" er) and getting his prices on your next gift. It will pay you. HMis store is opposite the Post Office and he is the Official Watch Inspector for the T. N. O. Railway. Depar animal Mummified Remains of Great King of Ancient Egypt Supposed to be Intact ROQ Two storeys; 6 rooms and bath; stairway to attic, with windows; fine finish, Georgia Pine, oiled and varnishâ€" ed; two round posts colonades; large double windows; two leaded stained glass. Very fine Garage; painted ; ceâ€" ment floor,. Lots, 45 x 133, $275.00; *YO UV uUn n COCKROACHES, Bugs and all other kinds of vermin. Contracts taken for this, and satisfaction guaranteed. _ Hundreds of people have been delighted with my serâ€" vice. â€" Referencees. Apply to A. Coter, 49 Hollinger Lane, Mattagaâ€" mi, or send posteard to Box 465, Timmins, Ont. 45â€"49p. aqgacros price plne, } T ood roon 1 IY HOUSE AND FIVE LOTS FOR SALE nialn w ire I1 Apply to (Golden C Ni head T he PC W Th ould easily be moved to South End; eight and shed.. Reasonable ) sCHesS Advan Mine iv e R. Dipaolo ity), Ont: re ne want to g iree tails \| eV wC 1€ t arC vVear w e oIf Poreupi 1e moose were v fearing that the the nC M 1t m ton d Avenus iT W I Of OTCH T} LK C € iT 1€ WV 1 YOUNG LADY with three years‘ ofâ€" fee experience would like clerical position. Apply to Box N. Y., Adâ€" rance Office, Timmins. In the matter of the Estate of Joseph Donat Rene, late of the Township of Hoyle, in the District of Cochrane, Watchman, Deceased. POULTERY FPOR SALE.â€" and 17 Wuite W vandot 11 not have ‘been receilved ‘by him at t time of such distribution. Dated the 30th. day of January 192 Pastor; Morley R. Hall. Phone 353 Cedar S8t. 7 â€" Timmins, Solicitor for the said Administrator RIGHT on the job! And working, too, while we‘re on it. ‘When you bave to dig into your jeans to pay for needed plumbing work, you naâ€" turally want full value for every dollar you spend. MHere‘s our seâ€" cret: â€" We‘ve learned how to make our work a pleasure so we always go to it gladly. Make a note of our phone number, (1 TIM] 1( will Corner 2nd. Avs. and Birch n 36 1C€ Chapter d GORDON H. GAUTHIER, iny ‘DPDart 1 maid )11 i d vard VÂ¥ eIT W c At N1 ‘reby given the Trustec ate o Rene, 1n 10) irch 1923, to send k deliver, to The Reve rene Theriault, of tl is in the said Distric e person applying f« nistration of the E. 1t M (\ lImMs OTr 9 i twoâ€"year andotte pullets; iorn pullets and 74 Eim St. _ â€"7 who it or deman« rbhove name« M cAt irsutant to To iL : VYÂ¥ ore the send by 01 is rd v iv e TOTsS inds the the ROCK COCKERELS for SALBE, bredâ€" TO RENTâ€"Shack at end of S Spruce Street, Moneta: Apply on premises. GET YOUR FURNITURE REPAIRâ€" AGENTS WANTED to sell Household TWO ROOMS TO RENT in private Minnie Shephard, Sara Thomas, Meets every second and fourth Thursâ€" day in the month in the Hall, Third Avenue. Visiting Brothers and Sisters always welcome. Boiling will render all water safe for drinking purposes. Safety First cases of diphtheria, scarlet fever, etec., one is endadoermg the lives of other people, Report every suspected case of comâ€" municable disease to the Medical Ofâ€" ficer of Health. By trying to conceal {iimmins Gold Nugget Rebekalh Lodge, No 173 iC in 6 Tickets for a Dollar. 12 Pints for a Dollar. Clean Stables, Clean Cows, Clear Handling, Clean Milk. WATCH FOR THE BLACK HORSE AND THE RED RIG. Mattagami Gordon Building, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Etc. Mr. Gauthier will be at Timmins daily. cachn toâ€"lay strain; 6 1bs min bed ED and Reâ€"upholstered at the NCc thern Upholstering Company, T Spruce street. Box 872, Timmi ncoot house msied trance keepin voung A NT EB Dâ€"iIiacensed Druggist and also Drug Clerk wanted. Apply in tirst instance, stating salary expectâ€" ed, experience, and other details, to Box M.D.G. Advance office, Timâ€" mins. All enquiries treated in strict confidence. â€"â€"C just w OFFICES REED BLOCK, TIMMINS and SOUTH PORCUPINE. ortlh Boil the Water se;; partly furnished or unfurâ€" ied as desired; separate enâ€" ce; suitable, for light houseâ€" »ng; married couple two ng ladies will find these rooms _what they desire. Apply to 51 ar street. +. "Ofy BOARD OF HEALTH GOLUMN ians, Ancona Islands RHeds D« ihi gmned) PRANK LITTLE, es good commission and rders. â€" Write at once to Sales Ageney, Box 1287, avy, Ont. 5-:10 Hens and settin wing hbreeds, hb H. H. MOORE, M.D., M.0.H. \ hogany Red Tiusâ€" ed Russian Orloffs, hite Emden Geese, moth Pekin Ducks. \I \\ V ‘Guan Rock vandot ne oT bred to lay, inte nteed nure Ontario Timmins. sâ€"TOr Timmins Ree. See. i6 M mte s, Blk. ‘ombed rhorns,. W $4,00 Timâ€" Ont

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